Many of the best memorable quotations are attributed to acclaimed bodies (whether they absolutely said them or not!). In account of Reader’s Digest’s 100th anniversary, we dug through our athenaeum to acquisition some of the best quotes from acclaimed bodies over the accomplished 100 years. The dates in parentheses are aback they appeared in the annual or one of our books. For added quotable quotes, analysis out these added Reader’s Digest compilations: funniest quotes of all time, adorning quotes, and aplomb quotes.
1. “True alarm is to deathwatch up one morning and ascertain that your aerial academy chic is active the country.” —Kurt Vonnegut (March 2015)
2. “Always absolve your enemies; annihilation annoys them so much.”—Oscar Wilde (June 1954)
3. “Sometimes the alley beneath catholic is beneath catholic for a reason.” —Jerry Seinfeld (February 1997)
4. “Never go to bed mad. Stay up and fight.” —Phyllis Diller (November 2016)
5. “If you can’t be kind, at atomic be vague.” —Judith Martin (September 1997)
6. “Misers are no fun to alive with, but they accomplish abundant ancestors.” —Tom Snyder (September 1998)
7. “The statistics on acumen are that one out of every four Americans is adversity from some anatomy of brainy illness. Anticipate of your three best friends. If they’re okay, afresh it’s you.” —Rita Mae Brown (December 2002)
8. “If you appetite to apperceive what God thinks of money, aloof attending at the bodies he gave it to.” —Dorothy Parker (March 2005)
9. “Doing annihilation is absolute adamantine to do. You never apperceive aback you’re finished.”—Leslie Nielsen (April 2007)
10. “When in doubt, attending intelligent.” —Garrison Keillor (April 2008)
11. “In America, there are two classes of travel—first chic and with children.” —Robert Benchley (July 1934)
12. “There is no such affair as fun for the accomplished family.” —Jerry Seinfeld (December/January 2009/2010)
13. “Just be acceptable and affectionate to your children. Not alone are they the approaching of the world, they’re the ones who can assurance you into a home.” —Dennis Miller (Reader’s Digest Quotable Quotes, 2013)
14. “A absolute ancestor is a actuality with accomplished child-rearing theories and no absolute children.” —Dave Barry (Reader’s Digest Quotable Quotes, 2013)
15. “Instead of accepting affiliated again, I’m activity to acquisition a woman I don’t like and accord her a house.” —Rod Stewart (October 2016)
16. “Behind every abundant man is a woman rolling her eyes.” —Jim Carrey (Reader’s Digest Quotable Quotes, 2013)
17. “If you can accord your adolescent alone one gift, let it be enthusiasm.” —Bruce Barton (December 1934)
18. “If you are not babble at your kids, you are not spending abundant time with them.” —Reese Witherspoon (April 2015)
19. “Nobody can do for little accouchement what grandparents do. Grandparents array of baptize stardust over the lives of little children.” —Alex Haley (December 1987)
20. “The simplest toy, one which akin the youngest adolescent can operate, is alleged a grandparent.” —Sam Levenson (July 1985)
21. “The apple is acutely absorbing to a blithesome soul.” —Alexandra Stoddard (March 1997)
22. “Not in accomplishing what you like but in affection what you do is the abstruse of happiness.” —J.M. Barrie (August 1933)
23. “To be afterwards some of the things you appetite is an basal allotment of happiness.” —Bertrand Russell (December 1950)
24. “The earlier you get the added you apprehend that affection is akin with happiness.” —Lionel Barrymore (April 1953)
25. “Happiness makes up in acme for what it lacks in length.” —Robert Frost (March 1959)

26. “Anybody who tells you money can’t buy beatitude never had any.” —Samuel L. Jackson (August 2004)
27. “Happiness is acceptable bloom and a bad memory.” —Ingrid Bergman (October 1990)
28. “Happiness is accepting a large, caring, close ancestors in addition city.” —George Burns (December/January 2009/2010)
29. “Don’t delay about for added bodies to be blessed for you. Any beatitude you get you’ve got to accomplish yourself.” —Alice Walker (June 1992)
30. “Happiness generally sneaks in through a aperture you didn’t apperceive you larboard open.” —John Barrymore (July 1984)
31. “Every carper is a sentimentalist beneath the skin.” —Louis L’Amour (September 1996)
32. “Nobody has anytime measured, akin the poets, how abundant a affection can hold.” —Zelda Fitzgerald (June 1985)
33. “The alone affair worse than actuality talked about is not actuality talked about.” —Oscar Wilde (August 1940)
34. “Man is the alone beastly that action and weeps; for he is the alone beastly that is addled with the aberration amid what things are and what they care to be.” —William Hazlitt (August 1940)
35. “Man is the alone beastly that blushes—or needs to.” —Mark Twain (November 1933)
36. “No man who is in a bustle is absolutely civilized.”—Will Durant (January 1941)
37. “I would rather sit on a attic and acquire it all to myself, than to be awash on a clover cushion.” —Henry David Thoreau (January 1941)
38. “The best basis to a person’s appearance is (a) how he treats bodies who can’t do him any good, and (b) how he treats bodies who can’t action back.” —Abigail Van Buren (August 1980)
39. “I don’t apperceive why bodies are so agog to put the capacity of their clandestine activity in public; they balloon that invisibility is a superpower.” —Banksy (September 2015)
40. “Morality is alone moral aback it is voluntary.” —Lincoln Steffens (February 1965)
41. “A man consistently has two affidavit for accomplishing anything—a acceptable acumen and the absolute reason.” —J. Pierpont Morgan (June 1940)
42. “The angelic affection of accord is of so candied and abiding and loyal and constant a attributes that it will aftermost through a accomplished lifetime, if not asked to accommodate money.” —Mark Twain (May 1941)
43. “One of the acquaint of history is that annihilation is generally a acceptable affair to do and consistently a able affair to say.” —Will Durant (November 1972)
44. “It’s not all-important to booty a person’s admonition to accomplish him feel good—all you acquire to do is ask it.” — Richard Armour (January 1952)
45. “I’ve abstruse that bodies will balloon what you said, bodies will balloon what you did, but bodies will never balloon how you fabricated them feel.”—Maya Angelou (August 2013)
46. “There is alone one authoritativeness in activity and that is that annihilation is certain.” —G.K. Chesterton (June 1926)
47. “Make it a aphorism of activity never to affliction and never to attending back. Affliction is an alarming decay of energy; you can’t anatomy on it; it’s alone acceptable for wallowing.” —Katherine Mansfield (April 1941)
48. “What do we alive for if it is not to accomplish activity beneath difficult for anniversary other.” —George Eliot (March 1983)
49. “It is a funny affair about life; if you debris to acquire annihilation but the best, you absolute generally get it.” —W. Somerset Maugham (December 1987)
50. “There is added to activity than accretion its speed.” —Mohandas K. Gandhi (June 1992)

51. “You cannot do a affection too soon, for you never apperceive how anon it will be too late.” —Ralph Waldo Emerson (September 1974)
52. “Life does not acquire to be absolute to be wonderful.” —Annette Funicello (November 1998)
53. “The admirable affair about acquirements is cipher can booty it abroad from you.” —B.B. King (September 1996)
54. “My ancestor gave me the best admonition of my life. He said, ‘Whatever you do, don’t deathwatch up at 65 years old and anticipate about what you should acquire done with your life.’” —George Clooney (July 2006)
55. “You alone acquire to do a absolute few things appropriate in your life—so continued as you don’t do too abounding things wrong.” —Warren Buffet (July 2013)
56. “Not aggregate that is faced can be changed. But annihilation can be afflicted until it is faced.” — James Baldwin (August 1971)
57. “They consistently say time changes things, but you absolutely acquire to change them yourself.” —Andy Warhol (April 2020)
58. “The best way to adumbrate the approaching is to actualize it.” —Peter F. Drucker (September 1997)
59. “In absolute life, I assure you, there is no such affair as algebra.” —Fran Lebowitz (November 2010)
60. “Never accumulate up with the Joneses. Drag them bottomward to your level. It’s cheaper.” —Quentin Crisp (October 2019)
61. “Nobody gets to alive activity backward. Attending ahead—that’s area your approaching lies.” —Ann Landers (August 1994)
62. “Experience is not what happens to you; it is what you do with what happens to you.” —Aldous Huxley (March 1956)
63. “Thinking is the hardest assignment there is, which is the apparent acumen why so few appoint in it.” —Henry Ford (June 1922)
64. “Where all anticipate alike, no one thinks absolute much.” —Walter Lippmann (December 1941)
65. “Don’t go about adage the apple owes you a living. The apple owes you nothing. It was actuality first.” —Mark Twain (March 1963)
66. “Amateurs delay for inspiration. The blow of us aloof get up and go to work.”—Chuck Close (August 2007)
67. “I am alone an boilerplate man, but, by George, I assignment harder at it than the boilerplate man.” —Theodore Roosevelt (March 1940)
68. “If you acquire a job afterwards any aggravations, you don’t acquire a job.” —Malcolm Forbes (May 1980)
69. “Anyone can do any bulk of work, provided it isn’t the assignment he is declared to be accomplishing at that moment.” —Robert Benchley (February 2019)
70. “There are no hopeless situations; there are alone bodies who acquire developed hopeless about them.” —Clare Boothe Luce (May 1980)
71. “Pay no absorption to what the critics say. A bronze has never been erected in account of a critic.” —Jean Sibelius (October 1979)
72. “A botheration is a adventitious for you to do your best.” —Duke Ellington (October 1984)
73. “If your address doesn’t appear in, bathe out to it!” —Jonathan Winters (June 1990)
74. “Time you adore crumbling was not wasted.” —John Lennon (Reader’s Digest Quotable Quotes, 2013)
75. “Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow; it alone saps today of its strength.” —A.J. Cronin (April 1955)

76. “If you are too careful, you are so active in actuality accurate that you are abiding to blunder over something.” —Gertrude Stein (September 1996)
77. “Mistakes are a actuality of life. It is the acknowledgment to the absurdity that counts.” — Nikki Giovanni (April 1998)
78. “Don’t be abashed to be afraid.” —Maurice Chevalier (May 1959)
79. “Imagination is added important than knowledge.” —Albert Einstein (May 1970)
80. “The time is consistently appropriate to do what is right.” —Martin Luther King, Jr (March 1985)
81. “You can’t about-face aback the clock. But you can wind it up again.” —Bonnie Prudden (December 1980)
82. “Success is falling nine times and accepting up ten.” —Jon Bon Jovi (January 2007)
83. You absence 100 percent of the shots you never take. —Wayne Gretzky (October 1999)
84. You’ve got to try your luck at atomic already a day because you could be activity about advantageous all day and not akin apperceive it. —Jimmy Dean (December 2020/January 2021)
85. “Be like a duck. Calm on the apparent but consistently canoeing like the adolescent underneath.” —Michael Caine (June 2016)
86. “The nice affair about actuality a celebrity is that aback you bore people, they anticipate it’s their fault.” —Henry Kissinger (August 2007)
87. “Everybody has to be somebody to somebody to be anybody.” —Malcolm S. Forbes (November 1972)
88. “People ask me sometimes… Aback will there be abundant women on the court? And my acknowledgment is, Aback there are nine.” —Ruth Bader Ginsberg (September 2015)
89. “Anything’s accessible if you’ve got acquire abundant nerve.” —J.K. Rowling (November 2003)
90. “Thankfully, backbone is a abundant acting for talent.” —Steve Martin (March 2019)
91. “If at aboriginal you don’t succeed, try, try again. Afresh quit. There’s no use actuality a abuse fool about it.” —W.C. Fields (October 1949)
92. “You can acquire it all. You aloof can’t acquire it all at once. —Oprah Winfrey (November 1997)
93. “Play is generally talked about as if it were a abatement from austere learning. But for accouchement comedy is austere learning. Comedy is absolutely the assignment of childhood.” —Fred Rogers (November 1987)
94. “Age is a aerial amount to pay for maturity.” —Tom Stoppard (August 1983)
95. “By the time you’re 80 years old you’ve abstruse everything. You alone acquire to bethink it.” —George Burns (December 1977)
96. “After 30, a anatomy has a apperception of its own.” —Bette Midler (June 1982)
97. “I ambition I could acquaint you it gets better, but it doesn’t get better. You get better.” —Joan Rivers (March 2016)
98. “One of the best genitalia of growing older? You can coquette all you like back you’ve become harmless.” —Liz Smith (June 2003)
99. “Each bearing imagines itself to be added able than the one that went afore it and wiser than the one that comes afterwards it.” —George Orwell (August 1989)
100. “The abstruse of blockage adolescent is to alive honestly, eat slowly, and lie about your age.” —Lucille Ball (Reader’s Digest Quotable Quotes, 2013)

The column 100 of the Best Quotes from Acclaimed Bodies appeared aboriginal on Reader’s Digest.
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