This Minecraft Live article awe-inspiring happened. I had a claimed activity of abundance area I looked at means I could add to Minecraft to accomplish the apple added immersive. Ahem… allegedly the Devs anticipation the same… So actuality I am, giving out my account for the swamp in particular.

Let me get my notes…
Mangroves, Mangal Biome and Cattails
The mangrove timberline is great, I’m actual annoyed of the administration they went with with both the roots and the bark, alike admitting their architecture wasn’t final. The planks, however, I acquainted were too agnate to already absolute copse types. Mangrove copse irl is of a actual saturated red in color, so accomplish it that!
Also, mangroves should alone arise in their appropriate biome, the “Mangal” biome, that would spawn abreast oceans, not accept abundant arena to airing around, and be abounding with cattails (see ↓) and afraid pads.
> Mangrove should be of a redder, added saturated type, appropriate them from the anemic red of Jungle and the saturated orange of Acacia.
Cattails are a charge in every swamp, and I don’t alike apperceive how we came so far afterwards accepting this bulb in Minecraft. They would arise in best swamp biomes both on acreage abreast the baptize and in water.
> It should be 2 blocks tall, with the lower allotment actuality able to be placed underwater. It would accept a archetypal X archetypal like best plants.
Peat and Sphagnum
In the trailer, we were presented with Mud, a abundant accession that I additionally capital to introduce. However, the way it was acclimated to accomplish up the majority of the area didn’t absolutely address to me. I anticipate that mud should accomplish up the majority of the river bed, and spawn in baby to ample blobs both on the apparent and in the actual underground of addled biomes. Then we should acknowledgment to grass for the surface? No! Let’s acquaint Peat. Peat would be a dark, brownish brave clay blazon block that can abound plants; it would ample a composter akin with a 50 or college %, can be crafted by application two basic or nautilus shells and 1 block of dirt, and would be able to catechumen to moss.
Irl, peat composes the majority of the area in addled areas. Since Minecraft consistently tries to advise us about our world, I anticipate that this would be a abundant addition. Also, it would be a abundant adorning block.

> Peat would be aphotic brownish with arresting layers and tufts of broiled grass or stones.
Additionally, the swamp apparent and baptize should be covered by new plant, the Sphagnum (moss)! This account were created afore we got both the Glow Lichen and the Moss block, but I capital to acquaint you about them. The Sphagnum would be a block abundant like the Glow Lichen, transparent, flat, can be placed on all block sides, but with a twist: it can be placed on baptize (only over it), and back placed on acreage it charge either be placed on a Peat block, a Wet clay block or a block with a baptize antecedent aural 1 block of it. This limitations are actuality because Sphagnum requires lots of baptize to grow, so it would alone stick to wet places.
> Sphagnum would accept a dark-bluish blooming cast on the abandon while actuality yellow-green or alike saturated adhesive on the top. Instead of actuality vile-like like the Glow Lichen, it would be absolutely bushy, maybe alike actuality 3 pixels alpine instead of 2.
These were the things that I reaaaally appetite in the swamps, now let’s get on with added abstruse things that I still anticipate should be in game, but would be harder to achieve.
Cypress Copse and the Swamp biome
The affair with swamps is: there are bags of biomes beneath that definition! In the aforementioned way we accept assorted backwoods biomes with altered trees, we should accept altered swamp biomes with altered trees. Of course, in my view, there would be no added Oak copse in the swamp, but what to alter them with? Cypress. Ample and alpine and cone shaped, these would be abundant additions to Minecraft and would accept nice colors and mechanics. The “Swamp” biome would abide the same, but now affection Cypress instead of Oak, accept beneath and added bank baptize and abundant frondescence (grass, flowers, cattails (see ↑), and compact mushrooms (see ↓)) and additionally present abounding Cypress logs on the ground, covered in Sphagnum.
> The Cypress copse would accept arresting nodes and tubular bark. It would be of a silver-green blush with added ashen blooming details.
> The Cypress planks would be of a actual ablaze green, afresh with a argent like capacity and greener aphotic spots.
Attached to the Cypress trees, both those on the arena and those continuing up, a fun little artisan would spawn: the Woodshroom. The Woodshroom is a augment that eats abroad at Cypress wood, but can be absorbed to any type. Alone back actuality absorbed to Cypress wood, though, the new artisan would appear! Afterwards about 2 in-game days, the would would accept afflicted in its “Pecky” variant!
> The Woodshroom can be placed on full-size blocks of all copse types, alone on its side. Back placed on logs or bark, it will chase the acclimatization of the bark.

> Pecky Cypress copse would accept aphotic spots all over the block. The log would accept them alike central the block (the top and basal textures).
> In crafting, Pecky copse can be crafted in pecky planks that can ability pecky variants of alone slabs and stairs (and sticks of course). Since the copse is too hollow, it wouldn’t be able to accomplish added aerial blocks such as signs, fences and buttons, or waterproof altar like boats.
To blanket up the Swamp biome, we accept the Compact Mushroom. This would be a beyond adaptation of accustomed mushrooms, and would be acclimated to ability added augment aggressive dishes. In crafting a brewed spider eye, you would alone charge this augment and a spider eye, as this augment is absolutely sweet. It is based on comestible mushrooms like the Boletus and Blusher.
> The Compact Augment would be abate than a abounding block and accept a appropriate model. It may alike accept addition or alike two abate mushrooms beneath the big one (mechanic like Pickles).
Willow Tree
The Willow timberline would be a tall, angle timberline that would spawn in all types of addled biomes except for the Mangal, in Plains and in River biomes. It would accept a few leaves blocks on the top of its angled trunk, from which vine-like leaves would bead down.
> The Willow copse would affection a aciculate edged, absurd case or a bare saturated color. It would additionally accept several little spots of moss on it (in the texture).
> Willow planks would be of a ablaze chestnut actuality agnate to Oak, but lighter, afterwards the bare cast of the Birch.
> Apart from the Willow Leaves block, you’d additionally accept the Weeping Willow Leaves, alive like Cave Vines or Weeping Vines but afterwards actuality able to ascend them. The Weeping Leaves would accept the aforementioned blush of accustomed leaves, that is desaturated blooming with ablaze stripes, as Willow copse accept the base of their leaves actual reflective.
The Freezing Muskeg & Backcountry Variant

When I said that “swamp” is as all-encompassing as “forest” I wasn’t joking. There are swamps alike in the colder regions of earth: they are alleged Muskeg, and are actual air-conditioned (pun intended). In game, they would arise as low, snow-covered plains, they would (of course) be a algid biome, but the area would be brindled with baptize sources, with Powder Snow brindled about as well, and Sphagnum would awning all the area the snow layers didn’t cover. Additionally, added types of wood, such as Spruce and Oak would arise on the arena or continuing about 2 to 3 blocks tall, afterwards any leaves. Originally I advised of abacus addition tree, the Poplar tree, that would alike be abate in size, but alike I wasn’t abiding about it, so I scrapped it.
In the Muskeg biome, you would acquisition actual little vegetation, except for the casual Creeping Willow. It would aloof be a little adorning plant. Nothing to see here…
> It would be a bush-like block, 3 to 4 pixel alpine but the amateur would bore in it by 1 pixel (like snow).
Ooor… it could accept a new backcountry alternative inside? The Snowbed Backcountry aloof articulate air-conditioned (yes again, pun intended) but I didn’t absolutely anticipate all that abundant about it. However, I apperceive that its access wouldn’t breach blocks. Instead, it could benumb the amateur as if they were central Powder Snow. Imagine actuality tailed by these things, while aggravating to contrivance the Powder Snow about them!
> The Snowbed Backcountry would accept the aforementioned anatomy arrangement of the Creeping Willow, accept its arch and legs covered in snow, and accept bristling eyebrows that covers its eyes and added bristling leaves advancing out of its legs. Beautiful and deadly, the Minecraft way~
The Murky Bog
The aftermost biome I appetite to allocution about is the Bog. Addition swamp variant, it would accept little to no vegetation, accept a abysmal fog consistently present (like in the Nether but blooming and maybe accumulated with a blocky clouds), a antecedent baptize block every 2 or 3 blocks, mud and peat everywhere and Sphagnum growing over the accomplished surface. In this biome, a aberrant mob spawns: the Wisp. They would be beautiful little cellophane aglow aerial aloof mobs. Back attacked, they would absolution a abiding aromatic of adulteration and would alarm added adverse mobs for help. Back Sphagnum moss is placed on Peat, or aural 1 block of it, afterwards about 2 to 3 in bold days, a Wisp would spawn. The abstraction for the Wisp is the aforementioned of the absolute activity abnormality of Will-o’-the-wisp: gases appear by the bog, abnormally that of moss, about ignites and gives off a dejected to blooming flame. Spooky~
> The Wisp would be agnate to its similarly-named mob in Minecraft Dungeons, but actuality white-green instead of ablaze blue.
Sorry for befitting you up this late, I apperceive these were abounding ideas. However, watching the Minecraft Live, I knew I had to do this and assuredly appearance anybody my account for the swamp. Thank you so abundant for accepting apprehend it all~ Acquaint me what you think!
How To Make A Sink In Minecraft – How To Make A Sink In Minecraft
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