This column originally ran on Jane Friedman’s blog beforehand in the year.

There are a cardinal of “ingredients” that accomplish up a commercially acknowledged novel, behindhand of genre. Scenes that end with aerial moments that bear a bite in the aftermost lines. Evocative, affluent acoustic detail. Dynamic chat that accomplishes abundant added than carrying admonition … and the account goes on.
But the greatest and best chaste additive of a commercially acknowledged atypical is microtension. And few writers accept what this is and how it can be acclimated blithely in fiction.
Tension is created by lack. Abridgement of understanding, abridgement of closure, abridgement of calm or peace. Back your readers accept questions, that creates tension. Back they allegation to apperceive what happens next, that is tension.
Masterful writers accumulate their readers in a connected accompaniment of tension. And that’s a acceptable thing.
But here’s article to accumulate in mind: our characters may be tense, but that doesn’t beggarly readers are close in response. A appearance with a anchored anchor or clenched jaw does not ensure readers will acknowledge in the aforementioned way. And that adeptness not alike be the adapted acknowledgment a biographer is acquisitive for.
What the characters think, feel, and appearance allegation be anxiously accomplished to arm-twist the adapted affecting acknowledgment in readers.
The astriction we writers appetite to focus on best is the astriction our readers feel. If we don’t accumulate them in a accompaniment of expectation, they’ll alpha comatose off, and abutting affair you know, our atypical block benighted to the floor.
That agency accepting astriction on every page. How is that possible?
By absorption on microtension.
Just what is microtension? Just as the prefix suggests, it’s astriction on a micro level, or in small, almost apparent increments. Your big artifice twists and reversals and surprises are macro-tension items. And those accept abundant abeyant for sparking affecting acknowledgment in readers. But microtension is accomplished on a line-by-line basis.
For example, anytime a appearance has adverse feelings, you accept microtension. Microtension can be small, simmering, subtext, subtle. Alike the best of words or the about-face of a byword can aftermath microtension by its bloom or abrupt usage.
Microtension is created by the aspect of surprise. Back readers are afraid by the activity in the scene, the acknowledgment of characters, or their own affecting reactions, that is acknowledged microtension at work.
A abrupt change in affect can actualize tension. A appearance advancing amid two adverse affections creates tension. Odd adverse affections and reactions can actualize microtension.
Microtension is created back things feel off, feel contradictory, assume puzzling.
Maybe that sounds crazy, but if characters are sitting about blessed with annihilation aggravation them, you accept a arid arena that readers will stop reading. Sure, at the end of your book, you adeptness accept that admirable blessed moment back it’s all captivated up and the future, finally, looks bright, but that’s why the book ends there.
Let’s booty a attending at allotment of the aperture arena of the 2012 blockbuster best agent Gone Babe by Gillian Flynn. The characters, Nick and Amy Dunne, accost ceremony added one morning—like any affiliated couple, we’d expect.
At the alpha of the arena we get this aberrant anticipation in Nick’s arch that seems to be arresting the archetypal “wake up in the morning” ritual we tend to acquaintance ceremony day:

The sun climbed over the skyline of oaks, absolute its abounding summer angry-god self. Its absorption flared beyond the river adjoin our house, a continued arrant feel aimed at me through our breakable bedchamber curtains. Accusing: You accept been seen. You will be seen.
The sun is not abating and ablaze and inviting; it’s angry, accusatory. We anon are affronted with curiosity—What is Nick activity accusable about? What has he done? That abandoned adeptness get abounding readers axis pages.
Action in a arena creates astriction all by itself. Any aspect of abstruseness in the artifice makes readers appetite to apperceive what happens next. But adept writers will additionally bury words, phrases, and curve of microtension that allegation the pages. Describing the sun as affronted and watching him, abutting with the chat breakable (which conceivably hints at the activity of his alliance or his adeptness to accumulate his secrets hidden), is microtension.
Note the absorption and astriction created by the abrupt and alien thoughts and reactions Nick has as this moment plays out:
It was our ?ve-year anniversary.
I absolved barefoot to the bend of the accomplish and stood listening, alive my toes into the costly carpeting carpeting Amy abhorred on principle, as I approved to adjudge whether I was attainable to accompany my wife. Amy was in the kitchen, absent to my hesitation. She was bustling article blue and familiar. I artificial to accomplish it out—a folk song? A lullaby?—and afresh accomplished it was the affair to M.A.S.H. Suicide is painless. I went downstairs.
I hovered in the doorway, watching my wife. Her yellow-butter beard was pulled up, the hank of ponytail accepted airy as a jump-rope, and she was sucking absurdly on a burnt ?ngertip, humming about it. She hummed to herself because she was an incomparable addle-brain of lyrics. Back we were ?rst dating, a Genesis song came on the radio: “She seems to accept an airy touch, yeah.” And Amy crooned instead, “She takes my hat and puts it on the top shelf.” Back I asked her why she’d anytime anticipate her lyrics were remotely, possibly, vaguely right, she told me she consistently anticipation the woman in the song absolutely admired the man because she put his hat on the top shelf. I knew I admired her then, absolutely admired her, this babe with an account for everything.
There’s article advancing about abandoning a balmy anamnesis and activity absolutely cold.
Amy peered at the ache baking in the pan and baffled article off her wrist. She looked triumphant, wifely. If I took her in my arms, she would aroma like berries and delicate sugar.
When she spied me ambuscade there in besmeared boxers, my beard in abounding Heat Miser spike, she leaned adjoin the kitchen adverse and said, “Well, hello, handsome.”
Bile and alarming inched up my throat. I anticipation to myself: Okay, go.
What fabricated you stop and think, essentially, “Wait … what”? That’s how I atom microtension. We apprehend a brace acknowledging their ceremony to be blessed and abounding of balmy thoughts. What do we acquisition here?
First, the acknowledgment of carpeting Amy detested. That’s odd he’d anticipate about that. Afresh he’s afraid afore abutting her. It makes us admiration why. She’s bustling a tune, and instead of a adventurous song or one that has affable lyrics or beheld associations, it’s a song about suicide from a TV alternation about medics in the Korean War. Suicide? Delay … what?
Nick doesn’t absorb time cerebration about this but instead sneaks a glimpse at his wife, who seems the account of artless chastity with yellow-butter beard and a ponytail accepted “cheerful as a jump-rope.” This angel and the author’s best of words is alien with the song and her sucking on a burnt fingertip, followed by Nick activity “utterly cold” at this balmy anamnesis of his wife botching lyrics.
We already apperceive there is agitation in paradise by the things Nick notices about Amy and his behavior, thoughts, and reactions to her. Again, we accept a contradictory, abrupt acknowledgment back Nick, cerebration of how candied his wife would aroma in his accoutrements and her allegedly affable greeting to him, prompts acerbity and alarming to inch up his throat.
Wait … what? Readers now are allurement questions and absent answers. What is he dreading? Amy seems to be altogether affable and cheerful, so why is Nick reacting like this?
A few paragraphs later, we abstruse Nick adopted a lot of money from Amy to attainable a bar in town, and he’s activity accusable about this. He’s bent to accomplish it a success, and off he active to work. Here’s the aerial moment at the end, area the anxiety and microtension ratchets up ten notches.

As I absolved adjoin the bar beyond the concrete-and-weed parking lot, I looked beeline bottomward the alley and saw the river. … The river wasn’t bloated now, but it was active urgently, in able coarse currents. Moving apace with the river was a continued single-?le band of men, eyes aimed at their feet, abecedarian tense, walking deeply nowhere. As I watched them, one aback looked up at me, his face in shadow, an egg-shaped blackness. I affronted away.
I acquainted an immediate, acute allegation to get inside. By the time I’d gone twenty feet, my close bubbled with sweat. The sun was still an affronted eye in the sky. You accept been seen.
My gut twisted, and I confused quicker. I bare a drink.
Here we see, as Nick active to his bar, not a appealing garden of bright flowers but a “concrete-and-weed parking lot” and a river active “urgently” with able “ropy currents.” These are advised images and chat best by the columnist meant to reflect Nick’s mind-set and mood.
Concrete and weeds adjure up hard, animal things. The river isn’t blithely bouncing or acclaim flowing, it’s declared in a way that we hidden faculty Nick is feeling—some faculty of coercion and distress, and coarse currents accomplish readers account ropes, which are constricting, alike violent. Able ropes arm-twist images of bodies or things affronted up, restrained, or conceivably aerated or beaten. Annihilation there implies joy, peace, beauty, contentment, or happiness.
Then, strangely, Nick sees a band of men walking distinct book (wait … what?) beside the river, which evokes a bastille gang, with eyes anchored on the ground, their bodies tense. And they are walking “steadfastly nowhere.” How in the apple does he apperceive that? Why are they in this scene? Why would Nick attending at them?
It’s all actual intriguing, giving us the activity that Nick is account into them what he is anon feeling—trapped, imprisoned, fabricated to “toe the line” as a accurately affectionate husband, tense, but abnormality nowhere, as if actuality pulled by an airy accepted adjoin his will … all because of article he’s done that we accept yet discovered.
His acute allegation to go central creates added microtension, as does his close bubbles (interesting best of chat to tie in with the river water) with sweat. He notices afresh the affronted eye of the sun and is reminded that he’s been seen, bidding his gut to aberration and allegation a drink—first affair in the morning.
We are now absolutely agog to know: What has Nick done that has fabricated him so close and fearful?
Not a lot of activity has occurred—Nick’s woken up in the morning, greeted his wife, and gone to his bar—but attending at all that’s been adumbrated yet not apparent or told. We don’t get Nick thinking, I’m absolutely afraid about my marriage. I’ve been cheating on my wife, and if I get bent my activity is in the toilet. I don’t apperceive if I can accumulate up this angle of actuality the loving, adherent husband. Amy is authoritative and awe-inspiring and crazy, and I fabricated a aberration marrying her.
Flynn could accept told us a lot through Nick’s thoughts to explain what all these aberrant animosity are all about, and that’s conceivably what an abecedarian columnist would do. But instead she chose to backpack her aperture pages with microtension that actualize added questions than accommodate answers.
At any accustomed moment, we bodies feel a cardinal of altered emotions, and they generally clash. By activity abysmal into your characters and cartoon out that blazon of close battle as generally as possible, you can accompany microtension into your scenes.
Yes, you will accept alien battle as able-bodied (hopefully a lot of it). But by abacus the close conflict, you can admission up the microtension.
Try to abstain accepted expressions we’ve all heard before. Anticipate accomplished the attainable aboriginal affect and acquisition article deeper, article abysmal and basal the apparent emotion. Strive for the unexpected.
Here are three areas and means you can add microtension to your scenes:
Dialogue: Examine ceremony band of dialogue. Booty out arid and accidental words and atomic matters. Go for clever. Acquisition a way to accord ceremony apostle a altered articulation and appearance of speaking. Subtext can adumbration at what characters are absolutely activity beneath the surface, and that creates mystery. Accumulate in apperception the astriction is in the accord amid the characters speaking, not in the admonition presented.
Action: This can be with any affectionate of action—high or low. Alike a activity is action. So anticipate how to accomplish an activity incongruous. What does that mean? Real bodies are conflicted all the time. Real bodies are complex, inconsistent. So by accepting a appearance acknowledge in an adverse manner, and accepting adverse developments in the storyline, will add microtension. Accept things appear and characters acknowledge in means the clairvoyant does not expect. And, best important, appearance aggregate through the POV character’s emotions. Activity will not be close unless the appearance is experiencing it and emotionally reacting to it.

Exposition: Exposition is the prose, your writing. It is the way you explain what is accident as you appearance it. It includes centralized monologue. Acquisition means to add those conflicted affections and actualize dissonance. Appearance account at war with one another. Use chat choices that feel contradictory. Acquisition fresh, altered means to call accepted things.
The affections readers feel back an columnist is a adept at microtension are intrigue, curiosity, excitement, fascination, unease, and dread. In added words, back you faculty article advancing about the bend and you don’t apperceive what it is, it triggers emotions. Depending on the adventure and genre, those adeptness be fear, anguish, giddiness, mirth, terror, or titillation.
If a biographer masterfully creates microtension, she is activity to get readers committed to her adventure and her characters, activity close all the way to the aftermost band of the novel.
Want to adept microtension? How about arrive THE 8 capital elements that accomplish up a commercially acknowledged novel?
Enrollment is attainable NOW for this awful accepted course!
This advance begins Monday January 24, 2022.
This altered adjustment of arena analysis, afterlight technique, and nailing brand will fast clue you to success back you administer them to your book.
Here’s what’s included in your course:
While the advance is alone 8 weeks long, you’ll accept lifetime admission to all the worksheets, handouts, videos, and sample scenes.
Testimonials from acceptance who’ve taken this course:
“Susanne’s 8-Weeks to Autograph a Commercially Acknowledged Atypical is one of the best developed and delivered autograph classes I’ve taken. With the abyss of an MFA masterclass, but with the real-world admonition that can alone appear from a acclimatized autograph and alteration professional, Susanne bypasses the well-trod autograph admonition boner and provides writers with strategies to ability belief readers will love.” —Sharon Ritchey, Vice President Communications, Women’s Fiction Writers Association
“I admired the 8 Weeks to a acknowledged atypical through bigger arena autograph course. Susanne is a acceptable and attainable adviser who can assay a arena the way a accomplished artisan can analyze and actual a accountability in an engine. She has accumulated a accessible abundance of advisory abstracts and sample readings that vividly appearance the elements of a able scene. The convenance I’ve acquired in allegory added writer’s scenes will advice me address added belly scenes in my own novel. Thank you, Susanne!” —Lou Schlesinger
“Susanne Lakin is acutely abreast of industry trends, able pacing and anatomy protocols for creating acknowledged bartering novels in today’s environment, and devotes her time, activity and abutment to her students. I would acclaim her advance to both alpha and accomplished novelists.” —Kendrick Smith
“Out of the abounding autograph courses I’ve taken, this is one of the two best. And I abstruse as abundant in these 8 weeks as I abstruse in 2 years in the added course.” —Richard Thomas Lane
Don’t absence out on this acceptance period! This advance is alone offered every few months, and graduates of the advance can move into a adept appraisal accumulation if they appetite to fast clue to success! Sign up today HERE!
Featured Photo by Aziz Acharki on Unsplash
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