Born in New York City, Rosemary Wells alone art academy and its accent on Abstruse Expressionism to assignment in book architecture afore creating Voyage To The Bunny Planet. In accession to her astute and funny belief whose casting of characters consists absolutely of animals, she has accounting Red Moon at Sharpsburg (2007), a absolute atypical featuring a adolescent babe in the American Civil War.

ROSEMARY WELLS (RW): Forever is the answer. I was 2, 2½ aback I started to draw credible figures. This was afore I could allocution or alike abrasion accouterment properly. I bethink or anticipate I bethink that bodies would see what this 2-year-old was accomplishing with a pencil or a crayon, and they would say, “Woah!” I abstruse that I could do commodity that was abrupt and positive.
My ancestors was in the arts: father, playwright; mother, ballet dancer. They were both absolute acceptable at what they did, and they had a abundant abounding assembly and accompany who were in the arts—painters, musicians, conductors, and writers. So I grew up in a ancestors that was absolute acquainted of actuality an artisan as a way of life. Aback they saw I could draw, they said, “Well, that’s what she’s activity to be.” I consistently knew I would be an artist.
Where I ran into agitation was in art school, which accomplished abstruse art—something that I still accept no abstraction of. I abstruse that all my adeptness to draw abstracts for a anecdotal was a second-tier art form, not accomplished art. I and every added illustrator accept lived with this. If you ask Milton Glaser, or any of the abundant illustrators, analogy was advised second-tier and children’s art, alike third-tier.
RW: Aback I was 18 and went to art school, I abstruse that what I anticipation I could parlay into a career was not admired absolute highly, at atomic in a apple I could see, so I abdicate art academy and went appropriate into a publishing company, got a job and never looked back.
Working in publishing was a admirable thing. I began to accept how books were put together, the basics and bolts of book publishing and bookselling: I abstruse all of that over the aboriginal bristles years of my able life, because I formed on agents as a book designer, aboriginal in Boston for a arbiter aggregation and afresh in New York City for Macmillan and afresh I went out on my own. With Susan Jeffers, my acceptable friend, I had a architecture studio. So my addition to acceptable a able illustrator was a amount of steps.
RW: Not alone could I draw, but I bethink addition saying, aback I was in kindergarden: “She draws like an eighth-grader!”—and addition abroad saying, “Better, better.” I overheard this, and I thought, “This is wonderful!” I rode that pony all through aerial school.
In the arts, there are prodigies; aptitude shows early; the alone one that doesn’t appearance aboriginal is writing. You accept to be in your 20s in adjustment to apperceive abundant and accept apprehend abundant and accept accomplished abundant and accept a acceptable cant in adjustment to address commodity that added bodies appetite to read. This account is about the art part, but my career is all about the words. They are basic to the art and not abreast from it or accessory to it.
RW: We didn’t accept the chat “mentoring.” We didn’t anticipate that way. You accept to bethink I grew up in the ’40s and ’50s, and no one anticipation this way. Nobody able accouchement for what I would now alarm an afterlife. Words like “mentoring” or alike “parenting” didn’t exist.
I was advantageous to accept had parents who had lots of books and a abundant acquaintance not alone of the arts but of history. Instead of the huge cardinal of books accessible for our kids now, maybe 200 books a year were arise for children. In a acceptable library, you would acquisition maybe 50 account books that were worthwhile, and we would apprehend them afresh and again.
Robert Lawson, who was a amazing artisan and admirable writer, and Beatrix Potter were the two artists and writers—don’t underemphasize the writers—who afflicted me added than annihilation else.
I affected Robert Lawson’s drawings; I affected announcement art; I affected political cartoons; I affected annihilation that had activity to it and had a account in it.
I admired books. My grandmother had books by David Low, the British political cartoonist. Annihilation that had life, meaning, and narrative, I was absorbed in; I was beneath absorbed in painting, but I didn’t apperceive it. No one talked about these things; no one parsed this.

So I took aggregate that was in the appearance of a adolescent growing up in the ’40s and ’50s. I couldn’t delay for the Saturday Evening Post. All the artists, not aloof Norman Rockwell, created an absolute apple in one drawing. I would beam for hours—looking at how aggregate was fabricated in a drawing. Thus was created in me a austere anecdotal artist—but I didn’t apperceive it, and neither did anyone else, and no one talked about it.
RW: It’s a absolute difficult affair to describe; I’m a absolute actual person; if you allocution to me, I acknowledgment appropriate back! (Laughter.)
RW: That’s what comes out in my art. I don’t like to be bored. That’s why I was fatigued to anecdotal art in the aboriginal place, because about all anecdotal art has that affection of immediacy, of animation the eyewitness in, because what you’re adage is, “Here is a new world, this is a altered apple than you know. This is a apple I see.” And I don’t apperceive what I see until it goes bottomward on a allotment of paper.
RW: But it’s generally a accumulation of a lot of things. At home I accept a huge library of bartering art from the ’20s, ’30s, ‘40s—when artists were accomplished how to draw. I accord in a apple of absolute story(telling), and if you attending at the eyes of my creatures and their expressions—that’s what brings the clairvoyant in, and afresh I try to accomplish it beautiful.
One affair I abstruse as a adolescent goes aback to the Saturday Evening Post covers that were a transformational apprenticeship in themselves. And I bethink on Sundays we would get the New York Herald Tribune. It had blush comics that I apprehend completely. I stared at those little squares that created an absolute world, a amplitude (like alien space!) in one 5×5 space, and I would say afresh and afresh to myself, How did they do that?
I affected them endlessly with my simple pencil and accounting paper, which was all I had. I acclimated watercolors on accounting cardboard because I didn’t apperceive what animation cardboard was.
In a cartoon, a man on a arid island is adage something: You’ve got your reader. You abide the story; you authority the reader’s attention. Those Saturday Evening Post covers, political cartoons, banana strips—what they’re adage is: Here is the story.
RW: It’s all about what ancestor into my head, and it’s added axiomatic in belief than it is in art because a adventure will Boom! Download! accomplished like that, complete, into my head.
I analyze the actualization of account to airplanes landing. There are too abounding of them! I accept to put them in captivation patterns. I accept about six appropriate now circling, and it’s a lot of wonder, and area they arise from, no one knows. About any artisan will acquaint you this.
RW: That’s the one that goes to the arch of the line! I accept books are alive. Certainly, the works of abundant artists accept outlived the bitter charcoal of their creators. This is why I anticipate we are alone scribes. We are alone conduits. I am artlessly a vehicle; I am absolute advantageous to accept been chosen. I am a absorption point for these account that accept a activity of their own.
Voyage To The Bunny Planet existed continued afore I was born; it chose me, and afresh I knew how to do it. I accept a book (that I will write) that I feel is acutely important and timely. I don’t like to say “message,” but it has a purpose, so I’ll put that in the advanced of the line. There’s a bartering factor, as well; this is not commodity that’s absolutely airy/fairy. You accept to be a acceptable business person. I don’t affliction if you’re an artisan or a dry cleaner. It’s like active a restaurant: How do you apperceive how to accomplish a meal that is absolutely special, so bodies accumulate advancing back? You accept to know, and alive is a gift.
RW: My art may accept that quality, but my autograph is different. Some of it needs to be timely; it needs to be allotment of what accouchement apprehend in the apple about them and cannot understand—about fear, tolerance, kindness, bravery, forgiveness. From our own stories, we accept to learn, so we won’t accomplish that baleful aberration of repeating mistakes.

RW: I assignment to calibration best of the time. Sometimes I will do addition trick, which is to assignment baby because I feel adequate animation baby and basic small. Now that we accept amazing technology, I will browse the band drawing, afresh I book my aboriginal animation in absolute ablaze dejected on art paper—or I’ll book it in atramentous band on approved cardboard and enlarge it, and afresh put it on the ablaze table and trace it and absolute all the mistakes I made. Afresh I accept a ample animation of commodity that works small.
It’s a acceptable way of accomplishing it because you’re capturing the adjacency of the aboriginal drawing—you don’t lose that—but you’re bringing it up to scale.
RW: A huge one! I accept a big account lath in my studio: It’s about 10 anxiety continued and 4 anxiety high, and it’s all corkboard.
When I accept accomplished my story, the aboriginal affair I do is, if it’s activity to be a 24-page story, I will cut out absolute pages to the trim admeasurement and accomplish a dummy, but the copy is not a page-turning dummy, it’s an on-the-wall dummy, so I can see the accomplished book at once.
Then I booty the little cut-out words I’ve written, and I Scotch band them on the folio as the words will arise in the final book, so afresh I accept my adventure there. Afresh I alpha cerebration what would best allegorize it.
One of the accessories of analogy that I try never to abatement into is to answer the words. The word “echo” is anxiously called because the minute you answer the text, you lose your reader. He becomes bored; his eyes coat over. You accept to beforehand the text. You accept to aggrandize the text, and you accept to accomplish it added than the words say. You can’t aloof say, “Max dug a aperture in the garden,” and aloof appearance him digging a aperture in the garden: that analogy doesn’t beforehand the text.
With the cartoon huge on the wall, consistently the admeasurement of the book, I alpha animation a sketch, and afresh I Scotch band that up. Sometimes I skip around. Sometimes I assignment from the end forward. Already I’ve abounding aggregate in, I go to added accomplished sketches and accomplish what I would alarm a dummy. Afresh I booty it off the wall. I bend those pages, and I accept a absolute page-turning dummy, and at that point, I booty it in to my editor.
RW: It is, it is, and additionally with the art director. We allocution about the changes we’ll make, what works, the problems I haven’t apparent yet. I booty their suggestions.
RW: In a abundant abounding of my books (Max and Ruby, Sophie, Yoko), you’ll apprehension it’s four curve on a page, so I accept to address aggregate in those four lines—and I accept to let the account backpack what I don’t write. This is why I am absolute beholden to accept accounting the words and fatigued the argument because it’s so adamantine to accomplish the alliance of chat and account otherwise.
OK, I’ve got four lines, that’s all, so the account has got to appearance a lot—a lot of amusement and a lot of added things that the words don’t show, so aggregate will assignment together.
It’s important not to over-describe. Sometimes my editor will admonish me of this. And I accept to say to myself, “No, no, cut that; you don’t charge to say that; appearance that.” If I say it and I appearance it, it’s redundant, and I’ll lose my reader.
RW: My presentation to accouchement and agents on a video is all about action because bodies accept process; they can see it, it’s hands-on, and my account to children—to adolescent artists and adolescent writers—is “you can do it, too.” But what comes above the accomplishment of drawing, the accomplishment of writing, the accomplishment of arena the piano, is the art of accomplishing it.

When Voyage To The Bunny Planet was aboriginal published, I presented it privately, locally, at my daughter’s school, Sacred Heart in Greenwich, Conn. Our principal, Sister Joan Magnetti, looked at me and said, “You apperceive the account in this book, The Bunny Planet, is acutely profound.” And I said, “I apperceive that somehow it is.” And she said, “How did that arise about? Area did that arise from?”
And I said, “Joan, accursed if I know! It aloof came bottomward and fell on my desk—one, two, three balladry and the balladry were so simple and yet abstruse that I had to allegorize them and accomplish them beautiful.
“So I went over to England, and I studied, in my hands, the works of Beatrix Potter. I had the acceptable affluence to accommodated Anne Hobbes, who was the babysitter of the Potter accumulating at the Victoria & Albert Museum. We sat there for days, and she said, “Take as continued as you want.” I was belief the art, attractive at it beneath the light, aloof bubbler it in, aggravating to put it in my arch so it wouldn’t disappear. And afresh I began The Bunny Planet.”
And Sister Magnetti said to me, “Rosemary, no, that’s not how that happened. I can acquaint you how it happened. All that’s fine, but that’s aloof process. We advise process, because that’s the alone affair we can absolutely teach. We advise the accomplishment of autograph as best we can. What The Bunny Planet has is commodity different.
“What it is, Rosemary, is a allowance from God. God has accustomed you this gift, and you charge absorb your activity giving it back.” Every day I try to do that.
BEATRIX POTTER (1866–1943) acquired Peter Rabbit, Tom Kitten, et al., from celebratory her pets and the mural of the Lake District.
DAVID LOW (1891–1963) actual the acceleration of absolutism in the West as a political cartoonist.
ROBERT LAWSON (1892–1957) was the book of Ben and Me: An Astonishing Activity of Benjamin Franklin Told by His Acceptable Mouse Amos.
BILL MAUDLIN (1921–2003) was acclaimed for the characters Willie and Joe, Apple War II soldiers.
MILTON GLASER (1929– ) advised the iconic “I Heart New York” logo and the consciousness-expanding Bob Dylan poster.
WILL HILLENBRAND has illustrated added than 60 books. His newest is Me and Annie McPhee, arise by Philomel/Penguin Books. See what he’s up to—including amateur for kids—at
Visit Rosemary Wells’s website at

This commodity originally appeared in Artists Magazine. Subscribe today so you don’t absence any abundant agreeable like this!
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