When accomplishing analysis on Jasper Canton there are sources you can calculation on as actuality absolute and accurate. Joel Livingston’s “History of Jasper County” is one from the about-face of the aftermost century. Added recently, Carthage’s Marvin Van Gilder wrote on abundant canton capacity for the Carthage Press.
But amid Livingston and Van Gilder stood Ward Schrantz. During the aboriginal bisected of the 20th Century, he was accustomed as the bounded ascendancy on Jasper Canton history.
Schrantz was built-in in November 1890 in Ohio. His parents confused to Carthage aback Ward was a year old. He was one of six children. Two years later, his ancestor died. Despite the adamantine times, his mother kept the ancestors together.
As a boy, Ward listened to belief of Civil War and Spanish-American War veterans. It afflicted an absorption in history and the military. He recalled, “Veterans of the abundant Civil War were all about in my home boondocks at the time and abounding of them accommodating abundant to acquaint their adventures to an absorbed baby boy.” He remembered watching Aggregation A, 2nd Missouri Infantry, Carthage’s “Light Guard,” abrogation the alternation base for appointment in the Spanish-American War in 1898.
Ward took a job as a bi-weekly carrier for the Carthage Democrat. It wasn’t continued afore he confused over to the Carthage Evening Press as a carrier. He began alive his way up from carrier to printer’s devil to anchorman and eventually by 1912 to apportionment manager. He developed an eye for detail and a bright autograph style. He additionally had an adeptness to accept to his capacity and absorb their comments into quotes.
His affection for the aggressive led him to admit in Aggregation A, 2nd Missouri National Guard, in 1909. He apparent the aggregation was in the doldrums, drills were autonomous and ailing attended, there was no pay, substitutes appeared for ex-members aback federal inspections were held. All that did not avert him.

At his aboriginal training affected at Affected Clark in Nevada, his alacrity while on bouncer appointment about resulted in him bayoneting a disorderly who was aggravating to bastard aback into affected backward at night. He accomplished there was “no one in the army added alarming than a afraid recruit.”
He becoming the rank of anatomical in 1910, again baker in 1911, all the while alive for the Carthage Evening Press. He kept scrapbooks and memoirs of his time in the Bouncer and afterwards the Army. In 1911 he began interviewing “old soldiers” and researching Union and Confederate annal for a alternation of accessories on Civil War engagements and skirmishes in Jasper County. Those became the foundation for his book, “Jasper County, Missouri, in the Civil War,” appear in 1923.
By 1912, he absitively to accomplish the Army his career in achievement of seeing activity in the Philippines. He visited the Mexican bound while cat-and-mouse for his acquittal papers, which adumbrated his approaching assignment.
Upon application Schrantz was stationed at Fort Bliss in Texas. Schrantz was garrisoned in Galveston and Texas City for two years, boilerplate abutting to the border. It accepted black to the adolescent soldier. At the time, one could leave the account if he purchased his discharge. He did so in 1914, alternate to Carthage and the Evening Press, and reenlisted in the National Guard. Unrest on the Mexican bound due to revolutions and again raids by Pancho Villa led President Woodrow Wilson to accelerate troops to the bound in 1916. Missouri’s National Bouncer was federalized and Schrantz already added larboard for Texas for six months.
The acknowledgment of war on the Germany by Congress on April 6, 1917, led to the bouncer actuality federalized that month. Schrantz had been adopted captain a few months above-mentioned to this.
After training at Fort Doniphan in Oklahoma, Schrantz larboard with an beforehand affair to France in April 1918. His assemblage abutting him in May. They were beatific to the Vosges mountains in Alsace and saw activity in the Argonne Forest adversity several casualties and two deaths. He was alone cited for gallantry. The advanced was quiet in their area until the ceasefire was declared on Nov. 11, 1918. He was absolved in 1919.
He resumed his column at the Carthage Evening Press and in October 1919, he activated for and was accepted a position as aloft in the Assets Officer Corps. All through the 1920s and 1930s he kept up with training camps, took classes offered to assets admiral and rose to the rank of colonel. He was a common apostle at American Legion meetings, aerial academy ROTC contest and bounded clubs. He generally expounded on the abstraction of the “citizen soldier” to students. He was adopted to a appellation on the Carthage City Council.
When war was declared on Dec. 8, 1941, Schrantz’s admiration to resume account was balked by his age and assets regulations.
However, in August 1942 he was recalled to alive service, this time as a troopship administrator to baby-sit the troops in transit. He was in allegation of aggregate aboard the address added than absolute operation of the ship.
His aboriginal assignments were for ships activity to Cuba and Panama accustomed 2,777 passengers.
Then amid 1943 and 1945, he took the John Ericsson, with anchorage amplitude for 5,501 passengers, on 25 round-trip passages from New York to Oran, Casablanca, Cape Town, Glasgow, Liverpool, London, Naples, Cherbourg, Marseilles and more. His accuse included U.S., Australian, British and Puerto Rican troops, army nurses and Red Cross personnel, ambush survivors, and German and Italian prisoners-of-war.
In all, on his watch, accepting transported added than 135,000 passengers, aloof two deaths occurred and those due to shipboard accidents.
He retired at age 60 from alive account in 1950. Already added he alternate to the Press, this time as affection and beat writer.
He consistently wrote accessories on bounded history. He was a founding affiliate of the Jasper Canton Historical Society in 1949. He had been historian for the Edwin W. Wiggins column American Legion, served on the Carthage Memorial Hall lath and developed its war museum. He had kept abundant annal of his aggressive account admitting not with the anticipation of publication. He was a abundant approved afterwards apostle on bounded history.
Schrantz died aback while walking at the bend of Fourth and Lyon in Carthage on July 3, 1958. His activity of account exemplified his exhortations to ROTC acceptance on what it meant to be a aborigine soldier: “Cooperation, conduct and adherence are capital to progress; if you authority account aloft accumulation and country aloft cocky — again you may attending advanced clear-eyed and unafraid.”
How To Write Ward History – How To Write Ward History
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