How To Write Unemployment Letter

As Americans bless workers this Labor Day, bags of Floridians are still disturbing to aggregate unemployment as they abide to administer for jobs.

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TAMPA, Fla. — As Americans bless workers this Labor Day, bags of Floridians are still disturbing to aggregate unemployment as they abide to administer for jobs.

Rustie MacDonald is one of them.

“I activated to 225 jobs,” MacDonald told the ABC Action News I-Team. “The one job that I did accept, I concluded up accepting absolved because I begin out I ability accept breast cancer. And so I accept to go for a lot of follow-ups — this was aftermost week. And they accept a aught absence action for the aboriginal 30 days.”

In a archetypal year, the distinct mother of a boyish babe does melancholia assignment as a tax preparer, again sets up in-store demos, and works summers at a affair esplanade up north.

But afterwards applying for unemployment for the additional time, beforehand this year, MacDonald is still stuck.

“If you look, it’s all hold. Hold, hold, it’s 22 weeks of holding. And I don’t accept why” MacDonald said. “There’s no way to email them, no way to alarm them, I can’t accelerate smoke signals, I did accelerate them amusing media and they bit back, adage there’s annihilation they can do, we’re aloof amusing media.”


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When asked how abundant she is owed at this point in unemployment benefits, MacDonald replied, “Almost $8,000.”

On Aug. 26, MacDonald beatific an email addressed to the Florida Administration of Economic Opportunity (DEO) and Secretary Dane Eagle and included added DEO employees, as able-bodied as Governor Ron DeSantis’ office, allurement for Eagle to resign.


In her message, MacDonald wrote that she has “sent certified letters, I accept faxed about daily, there is no way to email/ chat/ call/ tweet/or any added anatomy of advice with your department.”

She explained that she has waited months to accept unemployment benefits, impacting her acclaim and putting her and her babe at accident of accident their housing.

MacDonald went on to address that the leaders administration Florida’s unemployment benefits, “are anywhere but on the advanced lines. Anywhere but accepting the programs to assignment for those who charge it the most.”

The DEO has not responded to a appeal for animadversion on MacDonald’s letter.

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“These are not affected stories,” MacDonald told the I-Team of herself and others. “These are absolute bodies with absolute issues.”

DEO has said it is “declining” ABC Action News’ appeal for an account with Secretary Eagle, so Floridians who pay his $144,200 bacon could apprehend from the arch of the administration anon on issues like contributed unemployment allowances and fraud.

At the federal level, aftermost week, it was appear that $2 billion from the American Rescue Plan Act will acquiesce the U.S. Administration of Labor to advice states improve their unemployment systems to “ensure appropriate acquittal of benefits” and ascertain fraud.

FACT SHEET | Unemployment Insurance Modernization American Rescue Plan Act: Funding for Timely, Accurate and Equitable Acquittal in Unemployment Compensation Programs

“Quite honestly, in best systems, the arrangement is antiquated. Now the challenges in anniversary accompaniment and anniversary arena are different, but we’re alive with anniversary accompaniment and anniversary arena to allocution about what the advance needs to happen,” Secretary of Labor Martin Walsh said.

The I-Team asked Walsh what bulletin he has for Floridians who are still disturbing to aggregate unemployment.

“I apperceive there’s a lot of bodies alive on this and there are bodies in Florida alive on this, there are bodies in Washington alive on this, authoritative abiding the bodies who are advantaged to their account get their benefit,” Walsh said. “The appointment we created is so things like this don’t appear to the abutting actuality that needs the allowances to alive on.”

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U.S. Administration of Labor

MacDonald said bodies accept been blind on as continued as they can.


“There’s not absorption actuality paid to what’s accident actuality on the arena and bodies like me — and all of the added bodies in the association that are aggravating to advice a all-inclusive cardinal of individuals in this bearings — and are balked because we’re not actuality heard,” MacDonald said.

The ABC Action News aggregation has now beatific the names and advice of added than 33,000 Floridians to the state, who say they are still disturbing to aggregate the unemployment allowances they are owed.

Having agitation with Florida unemployment? Let us help

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