Since it never goes out of style, we’ve aggregate a account of deliciously candied babyish names we anticipate you’re activity to love. Best of them actually beggarly sweet, and others betoken it in a way that we anticipate you’ll acquisition irresistible.
If you are still attractive for added babyish names inspiration, be abiding to appointment our babyish names finder where you can browse names by theme, origin, and by letter of the alphabet.
Carmelo is a artlessly candied accustomed name with Latin roots. The adult anatomy of the name Carmel, this candied and aureate name agency “garden” in Hebrew. Our Lady of Carmel was addition name for the Virgin Mary. Carmelo Anthony is an NBA basketball player. Carmelo is a cool sweet, about buttery, adapted name.
Clark is a accepted English surname which has continued been repurposed as a accustomed name. Admitting the name agency “cleric” or “scribe,” it additionally has candied origins: In 1917, a candymaker alleged David Clark appear the Clark Bar, which is agnate to the Butterfinger. Actors Clark Gable and Clark Gregg, applesauce trumpeter Clark Terry, and banana book appearance Clark Kent (aka Superman) are the best notable bearers of this name.
Graham is a Scottish surname angry accustomed name. It comes from the surname Grantham, which translates to “from a alluvium homestead.” But who can advice but anticipate of the candied graham cracker, a key additive in s’mores and in crusts for cheesecakes. There is additionally a Scottish Clan Graham and a acclaimed English columnist alleged Graham Greene, as able-bodied as Graham Nash, sweet-voiced singer-songwriter from Crosby, Stills & Nash.
Heath is an English name, originally a surname, accustomed to addition who lived on or abreast a heath (open acreage covered in base grass, heather, and gorse). The best accepted amount with this name is the backward Australian amateur Heath Ledger, who starred in abounding films, including 10 Things I Hate About You and The Dark Night, for which he won a following Academy Award in 2009. On a sweeter note, Heath Bar Crunch, originally fabricated with Heath bonbon bars, is a admired acidity of abounding a Ben & Jerry’s ice chrism fan.
Jarah is a biblical name taken from the Old Testament — originally Jahoadah — which agency “honeycomb” or “honeysuckle” in Hebrew. Jarah was a brood of King Saul. This name is generally spelled with two r’s (Jarrah), a spelling aberration that’s added popular, conceivably because it bigger distinguishes the name from the feminine Sarah. No amount how it’s spelled, this name is a champ in our book.

Javor agency “maple tree” in Serbian, Croatian, and added Slavic languages. Originally a surname, it’s communicable on as a accustomed name. Once aloft a time, it was accustomed to a actuality who lived abreast a maple tree. Back maple copse are accepted for their artlessly candied sap that runs in spring, is calm by amoroso farmers, and above bottomward to accomplish a ambrosial accustomed sugar, this is one cool name for a candied babyish boy.
Necco is best frequently heard as a surname in Italy. Additionally spelled with one “n” — Neco, or with an “h,” Necho, — it is the name of two rulers of age-old Egypt: Necho I and Necho II. And if you haven’t fabricated the affiliation already, Necco is additionally bonbon aggregation founded in the backward 1800s that produced Neccos — the iconic, pastel-colored bonbon discs in flavors such as clove, chocolate, and licorice, which appear in a tube captivated in attenuate waxed paper.
Quannah (also spelled Quanah) was the name of the aftermost Comanche leader, Quanah Parker. Born in Oklahoma in the 19th century, he led the Kwahadi bandage of the Comanche Nation. His name, it’s said, agency “sweet smelling, or fragrant.” You won’t acquisition Quanah, arresting Kwan-ah, anywhere on the Social Security account of best accepted names, which makes this soothing, vowel-heavy name that abundant sweeter.
Rollo was a Viking who became the aboriginal adjudicator of Normandy in the aboriginal 900s. This name is a aberration of the French name Raoul, and additionally a diminutive of the Teutonic name Roland. Additionally, as anyone with a candied tooth may know, it’s the name of a classic, cone-shaped caramel-filled amber bonbon generally awash at cine theaters: Rolos! Spelled with one “l” or two, this ambrosial name ability be aloof appropriate for your little sweetie.
Ambrosia — abreast from actuality a aliment or alcohol aces of Greek gods — is additionally accepted as ambrosia of the gods, which is said to ensure aeon for, or at atomic cleanse, whoever ingests it. The name of a allegorical damsel who cared for Dionysus, Ambrosia comes from the Latin ambrosius, which agency “immortal,” and it’s about consistently depicted as article deliciously sweet. This is a candied name with blockage ability for a candied babyish girl.
Bonnie, while continued acclimated by the Scottish as a chat for “pretty” or “attractive,” comes from the French chat bon, which agency “good.” The French chat has aggregate to do with why some bonbon is referred to as bonbons, so in a deliciously aberrant way, the best name Bonnie is a super-sweet and added accepted babyish name. It’s additionally spelled Bonny.
Candy is a diminutive of the name Candace, which has its roots in the New Testament, area a woman alleged Kandake (the Greek spelling) was the Queen Mother of Ethiopia. A 1942 adventurous ball alleged Meet the Stewarts featured a capital appearance alleged Candace (Candy) Goodwin, who additional the acceptance of this name. Candace Parker, a brilliant basketball amateur in the WNBA and aboriginal woman to be put on the awning of the NBA-inspired video bold NBA 2K22, is arguably the best alarming Candace to date.
Deborah, additionally spelled Debra, comes from Devorah, a Hebrew name that agency “bee.” There aren’t abounding things sweeter than honey, and Deborah — a name that accomplished aiguille acceptance in the U.S. as a top-10 moniker in the 1950s — is continued abaft to accomplish a improvement as a sweet-as-honey babyish babe name. Deborah, a astrologer in the Book of Judges, and Debbie Harry of the bedrock bandage Blondie are two of the best acclaimed bearers of this name.
Dulcie is a name that stems from the Latin chat dulcis, acceptation sweet. This basis chat is abaft the French chat for sweet, douce, and the Italian chat for sweet, dolce. Added accepted in South Africa, Dulcie alone appears on the Social Security babyish name top 1,000 account in the aboriginal decade of 1900. Additionally spelled Dulce, and Dulcea, this candied name with adapted tones is accessible to be discovered.
Honey is one of the added accessible candied babyish names. From and Old-English chat hungig, via the German chat hungrig, “honey” is a appellation of endearment, a artlessly cool candied and adhesive aliment fabricated by bees, and a accustomed appellation for boys and girls. Miss Honey is the savior of Roald Dahl’s Matilda, and Erykah Badu, Moby, Kesha, and Kehlani all accept songs alleged “Honey.”
Lolly is a abbreviate anatomy of the chat lollipop aloof about everywhere bodies allege English added than in the U.S. Said to beggarly “laurel,” or “sweet bay tree,” this accessible appellation for Laura, Delores, Lillian, or alike Elizabeth is the name of a British pop accompanist in the 1970s and a accepted British actress/standup comedian. Lolly is a applicable name for your approaching sweetie.
Madeleine is a French aberration of Magdalene, as in Mary Magdalene, from the New Testament. Madeleines are delicious, shell-shaped mini blot cakes fabricated accepted in France that were eaten by King Louis XVI and his wife, Queen Marie Antoinette; accounting about by French biographer Marcel Proust, and enjoyed the apple over. Bonus: Madeleine Albright was the aboriginal woman to become the U.S. secretary of state.
Melina, like Melissa, stems from the Greek basis chat mel, which agency “honey.” The suffix, ina, is a accepted diminutive catastrophe — anticipate Christina and Angelina. Melina Matsoukas is a Grammy Award- and MTV Music Video Award-winning ambassador and administrator of the 2019 blur Queen & Slim, which landed her on the Ebony Magazine Ability 100 Account in 2020. Melina is a sweet, underused name for a babyish babe with big dreams.
Pamela is a bequest name from the 1950s that agency “all sweetness.” This underrated name is said to accept been invented by British artist Sir Phillip Sydney, who acclimated a appearance alleged Pamela in his writing. Some banana book admirers may be accustomed with one of Batman’s abiding enemies, supervillian Dr. Pamela Lillian Isley, a.k.a. Poison Ivy. Conceivably a sweeter agent of this name is Pamela, the brand of butterfly, and Pamela, a hit song by the bandage Toto.
Roanna agency “sweet as a rose.” A alone another to the uber contemporary Rowan, and Rosanna, this name has never accomplished the acceptance it deserves. Award-winning columnist Roanna Gonsalves, whose accumulating of abbreviate stories, A Permanent Resident, was appear in 2018, is a acclaimed agent of this name. This underused moniker is a absolute best for parents gluttonous a name catastrophe with an “a” that isn’t Sophia, Ava, or Emma.
Aero is Greek, and agency “of the sky.” This abbreviate name is best generally called by parents gluttonous an uncommon, unisex name with affluence of vowels as a bonus. The affiliation with the accepted amber bar fabricated by Nestle is adequately alien because the cake is alone begin in the U.K. Aero has been aggressive up the ranks of the BabyCenter babyish name account back 2007, and ailing at No. 3,317 in 2018.
Coco is a unisex name acquired from a aberration of the chat cocoa, the bean acclimated to accomplish chocolate. French appearance artist Coco Chanel; American tennis awareness Coco Gauff, and Jose Coco Navarro, an American able soccer amateur authenticate the ample spectrum of bodies with this moniker. Mama Coco is an basic appearance in the Pixar film, Coco. Coco is a modern, candied name with around-the-clock appeal.
Kaede — (pronounced Kah-eh-deh) — is a Japanese name acceptation “maple.” Sometimes advised unisex, this name is not actual accepted in Japan, admitting it appears as the name of fabulous characters in dozens of video amateur and Manga series. This beginning and candied name is an abrupt aberration on Caden, Jaden, Brayden, or Aidan.
Manju is said to be a Sanskrit chat acceptation “pleasant” and “sweet.” It’s additionally the name for a sweet, rice-based, ball-shaped, bean-paste-filled Japanese confection. Manju Kak is an art historian, professor, writer, and artist from India, and Manju is a acceptable name for your candied little bean.
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