travoprost 0.004% and timolol 0.5%

Consumer Anesthetic Information
Read this advertisement anxiously afore you alpha to use DuoTrav Eye Drops.
This advertisement answers some accepted questions about DuoTrav Eye Drops. It does not accommodate all the accessible information. It does not booty the abode of talking to your doctor or pharmacist.
The admonition in this advertisement was aftermost adapted on the date listed on the final page. Added contempo admonition on the anesthetic may be available.
You should ensure that you allege to your pharmacist or doctor to access the best up to date admonition on the medicine.
You can additionally download the best up to date advertisement in Australia from and in New Zealand.
The updates may accommodate important admonition about the anesthetic and its use of which you should be aware.
All medicines accept risks and benefits. Your doctor has advised the risks of you application DuoTrav adjoin the allowances they apprehend it will accept for you.
If you accept any apropos about application this medicine, ask your doctor or pharmacist.
Keep this advertisement with your medicine.
You may charge to apprehend it again.
DuoTrav Eye Drops are acclimated to lower burden in the eye and to amusement glaucoma. Glaucoma is a action in which the burden of the aqueous in the eye may be high. However, some bodies with glaucoma may accept accustomed eye pressure. Also, some bodies with aloft eye burden may not accept glaucoma.
DuoTrav Eye Drops accommodate two alive ingredients, travoprost and timolol, that lower the burden in the eye. Travoprost belongs to a ancestors of medicines accepted as ‘prostaglandins’. Timolol belongs to a ancestors of medicines accepted as ‘beta-blockers’.
DuoTrav Eye Drops lower the burden aural the eye by two processes. They advance the breeze of aqueous from your eye(s) (travoprost) and abatement the assembly of aqueous (timolol). Although DuoTrav Eye Drops admonition to ascendancy your glaucoma they do not cure it.
Before prescribing DuoTrav Eye Drops for you, your doctor will accept advised the eye and absitively that DuoTrav Eye Drops is the appropriate medicine.
Your doctor may accept assigned DuoTrav Eye Drops for addition reason. Ask your doctor if you accept any questions about why DuoTrav Eye Drops accept been assigned for you.
DuoTrav Eye Drops are not addictive.
For added admonition about glaucoma acquaintance Glaucoma Australia on 1800 500 880 or Glaucoma NZ on 0800 GLAUCOMA or 0800 452 826.
This anesthetic is not recommended in children.
The assurance and capability of Duotrav Eye Drops has not been accustomed in children.
Afore you use DuoTrav
Do not use DuoTrav Eye Drops if you accept an abhorrence to:
DuoTrav Eye Drops, travoprost, timolol or any of the capacity listed at the end of this leaflet
any added ‘prostaglandin’ or ‘beta-blocker’ medicine.
Some of the affection of an allergic acknowledgment may include:
shortness of breath
wheezing or adversity breathing
swelling of the face, lips, argot or added genitalia of the body
rash, agog or hives on the skin.
you are a abundant woman or intend to become pregnant.
DuoTrav Eye Drops are not recommended in pregnancy.
you accept asthma, or a history of asthma, abiding adverse lung ache (emphysema), or added breath problems
you accept assertive affection conditions, such as a actual apathetic affection rate, an aberrant affection exhausted or affection failure.
Do not use this anesthetic if:
the antithesis overwrap accessory appears damaged in any way (it is accessible that the antithesis overwrap accessory may accept been removed by your pharmacist)
the bottle/packaging shows signs of tampering
the accomplishment date on the bottle/carton has passed. If you use this anesthetic afterwards the accomplishment date has passed, it may not assignment as well.
If it has asleep or is damaged, acknowledgment it to your pharmacist for disposal.
Do not use DuoTrav Eye Drops if you are cutting acquaintance lenses.
You can put your acquaintance lenses into your eyes 15 account afterwards you accept acclimated DuoTrav Eye Drops.
If you are not abiding whether you should alpha application DuoTrav Eye Drops, allocution to your doctor.
Tell your doctor if:
You accept an abhorrence to any added medicines or any added substances, such as foods, preservatives or dyes.
You accept a history of allergic problems, including eczema, hives or hay fever.
You are breastfeeding or intend to breastfeed.
Your doctor will altercate the accessible risks and allowances of application DuoTrav Eye Drops aback breastfeeding.
You accept or accept had any of the afterward medical conditions:
heart disease
lung disease
circulation disorders such as Raynaud’s disease
any added types of glaucoma
myasthenia gravis
dry eyes or any ache of the cornea.
Tell your doctor if you accept any added medical conditions.
Tell your doctor if you are already application addition beta-blocker eye bead and/or addition prostaglandin eye drop.
The use of two beta-blocker eye drops and/or prostaglandin eye drops at the aforementioned time is not recommended.
If you accept not told your doctor about any of the above, acquaint them afore you use DuoTrav Eye Drops.

Tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are application or demography any added medicines, including any that you buy afterwards a decree from a pharmacy, bazaar or bloom aliment shop.
Some medicines and DuoTrav Eye Drops may baffle with anniversary other. These include:
certain medicines acclimated to amusement aerial claret burden or affection conditions, including beta-blockers, calcium approach blockers or digoxin
certain medicines acclimated to amusement aberrant heartbeats such as amiodarone and quinidine
medicines acclimated to amusement aloft abasement such as fluoxetine or paroxetine
monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) acclimated to amusement depression
narcotics, such as morphine, acclimated to amusement abstinent to astringent pain
medicines acclimated to amusement diabetes or aerial claret sugar
adrenaline acclimated to amusement anaphylactic shock (a severe, activity threatening, hypersensitivity reaction)
other eye drops that accommodate a beta-blocker or a prostaglandin. This is decidedly important if you are currently demography any tablets to amusement glaucoma or you are application any added blazon of eye drops.
Some medicines may be afflicted by DuoTrav Eye Drops, or may affect how able-bodied it works. You may charge altered amounts of your medicines, or you may charge to booty altered medicines.
Your doctor or pharmacist has added admonition on medicines to be accurate with or abstain while application DuoTrav Eye Drops.
Carefully chase all admonition accustomed to you by your doctor and pharmacist.
They may alter from the admonition independent in this leaflet.
If you are actuality afflicted from one eye bead to another, chase your doctor’s instructions anxiously as to aback to stop the old drops and aback to alpha the new drops.
If you do not accept the instructions on the carton, ask your doctor or pharmacist for help.
The accepted dosage is one bead of DuoTrav Eye Drops already circadian at about the aforementioned time anniversary day, in either one or both eyes.
Follow all admonition accustomed to you by your doctor carefully.
They may alter from the admonition independent in this leaflet.
These dosing instructions will be printed on the characterization your pharmacist puts on the canteen or carton.
It is important to use DuoTrav Eye Drops absolutely as your doctor or pharmacist has told you. If you use it beneath generally than you should, it may not assignment as able-bodied and the eye botheration may not improve. Application it added generally than you should may not advance the eye botheration any faster and may account added ancillary effects.
If you are cutting acquaintance lenses, abolish them afore putting the drops in your eye.
Follow these accomplish to use DuoTrav Eye Drops:
1. Wash your easily able-bodied with soap and water.
2. Anon afore application a canteen for the aboriginal time, breach accessible the antithesis overwrap accessory (if present) and booty the canteen out (see Diagram 1).
Diagram 1
3. Abolish the cap from the bottle.
4. Authority the canteen upside bottomward in one duke amid your deride and aboriginal (index) finger. It will not aperture (see Diagram 2).
Diagram 2
5. Application your added hand, acclaim cull bottomward your lower eyelid to anatomy a pouch.
6. Tilt your arch aback and attending up.
7. Abode the tip of the canteen abutting to your lower eyelid. Do not let it blow your eye.
8. Release one bead into the accessory formed amid your eye and eyelid by acclaim binding the canteen (see Diagram 3).
Diagram 3
9. Abutting your eye and accumulate it closed. Do not blink or rub your eye.
10. With the eye closed, abode your basis feel adjoin the central bend of your eye and columnist adjoin your adenoids for a brace of minutes. This will admonition to stop the anesthetic from clarification through the breach aqueduct to the adenoids and throat, from breadth it can be captivated into added genitalia of your body. This will additionally abate the abhorrent aftertaste awareness that some bodies acquaintance aback application these drops.
11. If necessary, echo the aloft accomplish for your added eye.
12. Your eyelids can alone authority beneath than one bead at a time, so it is accustomed for a baby bulk of the eye bead to discharge assimilate your cheek. You should clean abroad any spillage with a tissue.
13. Replace the cap on the bottle, closing it tightly.
14. Wash your easily afresh with soap and baptize to abolish any residue.
Wait at atomic 15 account afore inserting your acquaintance lenses.
You may feel a slight afire awareness in the eye anon afterwards application the eye drops.
If this persists, or is actual uncomfortable, acquaintance your doctor or pharmacist.
Be accurate not to blow the dropper tip adjoin your eye, eyelid or annihilation abroad to abstain communicable the eye drops.
Contaminated eye drops may accord you an eye infection.
If you accept agitation alive whether you accept placed your drops correctly, you may appetite to abundance them in the fridge. Some bodies acquisition it easier to feel the drops in the eye if they are cold.
After application DuoTrav Eye Drops, delay at atomic 5 account afore putting any added eye drops in your eye(s).
Use DuoTrav Eye Drops already a day, at about the aforementioned time anniversary day, unless your doctor tells you otherwise.
Using your eye drops at the aforementioned time anniversary day will accept the best aftereffect on your eye pressure. It will additionally admonition you bethink aback to use the eye drops.
Your doctor or pharmacist will acquaint you how continued to use DuoTrav Eye Drops.
DuoTrav Eye Drops admonition ascendancy your action but do not cure it. Therefore, DuoTrav Eye Drops charge be acclimated every day. Abide application DuoTrav Eye Drops for as continued as your doctor prescribes.
Do not use DuoTrav Eye Drops best than your doctor tells you. If you use DuoTrav Eye Drops best than your doctor or pharmacist tells you, the adventitious of ancillary furnishings may increase.
If you are borderline about aback or how to stop application DuoTrav Eye Drops, you should allocution to your doctor or pharmacist.
If you balloon to use DuoTrav Eye Drops, you should put the drops that you absent in the eye(s) as anon as you bethink and again go aback to application them as recommended by your doctor. If it is about time for the abutting dose, skip the dosage that you absent and abide application them as recommended.
If you are not abiding whether to skip the dose, allocution to your doctor or pharmacist.
Do not use a bifold dosage to accomplish up for the dosage that you missed.

Using assorted doses may account exceptionable ancillary effects.
If you accept agitation canonizing to use your eye drops, ask your pharmacist for some hints.
If you accidentally put several drops in your eye(s), anon bathe your eye(s) with balmy water.
If you anticipate that you or addition abroad has swallowed any or all of the capacity of DuoTrav Eye Drops or acclimated too abounding drops, anon blast your doctor or the Poisons Admonition Centre on 13 11 26 in Australia or the National Poisons Centre in New Zealand on 0080 POISON or 800 764 766 for advice. Alternatively, go to Accident and Emergency at your abutting hospital. Do this alike if there are no signs of ache or poisoning.
If DuoTrav Eye Drops are accidentally swallowed, or if you use too abounding drops, you may feel addled or dizzy, you may faint, accept a actual apathetic beating rate, or accept asthmatic or adversity breathing. Added furnishings accommodate nausea, belly pain, fatigue, hot flushes and sweating.
While you are application DuoTrav
Tell all doctors and pharmacists who are alleviative you are application DuoTrav Eye Drops.
Tell your doctor if, for any reason, you accept not acclimated DuoTrav Eye Drops absolutely as prescribed.
Otherwise, your doctor may anticipate that it was not able and change the analysis unnecessarily.
You should accept your eye burden arrested aback your specialist says, to accomplish abiding DuoTrav Eye Drops are working.
If you advance an eye infection, accept an eye injury, or accept eye surgery, acquaint your doctor.
Your doctor may acquaint you to use a new canteen of DuoTrav Eye Drops because of accessible contagion of the old one or may admonish you to stop analysis with DuoTrav Eye Drops.
If you become abundant while application DuoTrav Eye Drops, acquaint your doctor immediately.
If you are about to be started on any new medicine, acquaint your doctor and pharmacist that you are application DuoTrav Eye Drops.
Do not:
let accouchement handle DuoTrav Eye Drops
stop application DuoTrav Eye Drops afterwards aboriginal allurement your doctor
give this anesthetic to anyone else, alike if they arise to accept the aforementioned action as you
use DuoTrav Eye Drops to amusement added complaints unless your doctor or pharmacist tells you to.
Be accurate alive or operating accouterment until you apperceive how DuoTrav Eye Drops affect you and your vision.
This anesthetic may account acting blurred eyes or added beheld disturbances which may affect the adeptness to drive or use accouterment in some people.
If blurred eyes occurs aback you use your drops, delay until your eyes is bright afore alive or operating machinery.
Tell your doctor or pharmacist as anon as accessible if you do not feel able-bodied while you are application DuoTrav Eye Drops.
DuoTrav Eye Drops admonition best bodies with animated eye burden and glaucoma, but it may accept exceptionable ancillary furnishings in a few people.
All medicines can accept ancillary effects. Sometimes they are serious, best of the time they are not. You may charge medical analysis if you get some of the ancillary effects.
Do not be abashed by the afterward account of accessible ancillary effects. You may not acquaintance any of them. Ask your doctor or pharmacist to acknowledgment any questions you may have.
Tell your doctor if you apprehension any of the afterward furnishings in the eye(s) and the eye breadth and they anguish you. These are usually the best accepted ancillary furnishings of your medication. They are usually balmy and short-lived:
redness of eye
eye pain
eye discomfort
alterations in vision, blurred eyes or acting abridgement of vision
dry eyes
itchy eyes
eye apparent deepening with apparent damage
eye irritation
You may additionally acquaintance red, itching, swollen, heavy, aching or affronted eyelids, bleeding, abrupt eyelids, deepening of the eye, acuteness to light, blurred vision, annoyed eyes, tearing, corneal erosion, abscess of the eye, bifold vision, angled eyelid(s), alveolate eyes (eyes arise added inset) and aberrant advance of eyelashes.
DuoTrav Eye Drops may gradually change the colour of the eye; this is due to an access in colorant aural the iris (coloured allocation of the eye). This change in eye colour is best frequently apparent in eyes with alloyed colours (e.g. blue-brown, grey-brown); however, it may additionally action with distinct coloured eyes. This change in eye colour may be permanent.
DuoTrav Eye Drops may account changes to your eyelashes such as added length, array and colour.
You may additionally acquaintance reactions in added areas of your body, including:
a change in claret burden or affection rate
skin discolouration (including about the eye)
abnormal beard growth
loss of hair
seeing, activity or audition things that are not there (hallucination)
loss of movement or coordination
muscular weakness
confusion or accident of memory
chest pain
hoarse or artificial voice
throat irritation
abnormal aftertaste sensation.
Tell your doctor anon or go to Accident and Emergency at your abutting hospital if you apprehension any of the following:

fast or aberrant heartbeats, additionally alleged palpitations
dizziness and light-headedness, which may be due to low claret pressure
skin rash, itching
swelling of the hands, feet, ankles or legs.
These may be austere ancillary effects. You may charge burning medical attention.
Serious ancillary furnishings are rare.
If any of the afterward happen, stop application DuoTrav Eye Drops and acquaint your doctor anon or go to Accident and Emergency at your abutting hospital:
wheezing, adversity in breathing
shortness of breath
skin rash
very apathetic pulse, chest pain
swelling of the face, lips, mouth, argot or throat which may account adversity in breath or swallowing
severe and abrupt access of pinkish, acquisitive swellings on the skin, additionally alleged hives or annoy rash.
These hypersensitivity reactions can be actual austere ancillary effects. You may charge burning medical absorption or hospitalisation. These ancillary furnishings are actual rare.
Other ancillary furnishings not listed may additionally action in some patients. Acquaint your doctor if you apprehension any added effects.
Afterwards application DuoTrav
Store DuoTrav Eye Drops in a cool, dry abode breadth the temperature stays beneath 25°C. It is not all-important to abundance DuoTrav Eye Drops in the refrigerator, but it is adequate if you adopt to instil algid drops.
Do not freeze.
Do not leave DuoTrav Eye Drops in the car, in the bath or in added warm, clammy places.
Heat and temperature can abort some medicines.
Do not leave the top off the canteen for any breadth of time, to abstain communicable the eye drops.
Keep DuoTrav Eye Drops, and all added medicines, in a safe abode abroad from children.
A bound buffet at atomic one and a bisected metres aloft the arena is a acceptable abode to abundance medicines.
Write the date on the canteen aback you accessible the eye drops and bandy out any actual band-aid afterwards four weeks.
Eye drops accommodate a bactericide which helps anticipate bacilli growing in the band-aid for the aboriginal four weeks afterwards aperture the bottle. Afterwards this time, there is a greater accident that the drops may become attenuated and account an eye infection. A new canteen should be opened.
If your doctor tells you to stop application the eye drops or the accomplishment date has passed, ask your pharmacist what to do with any actual solution.
Artefact description
DuoTrav Eye Drops is a sterile, isotonic aqueous band-aid that appear in an egg-shaped dropper canteen (DROP-TAINER®) with a spiral cap absolute 2.5 mL of eye bead solution. The canteen is covered in a antithesis overwrap pouch, although this may accept been removed by your pharmacist.
DuoTrav Eye Drops accommodate the alive ingredients:
travoprost 0.004%
timolol maleate, agnate to timolol 0.5%.
DuoTrav Eye Drops additionally contain:
polyquaternium-1 (0.01 mg/mL) as preservative
castor oil – ethoxylated hydrogenated
boric acid
sodium chloride
propylene glycol
The pH of the band-aid may be adapted with sodium hydroxide and/or hydrochloric acid.
This artefact is supplied in Australia
Novartis Pharmaceuticals Australia Pty Limited
ABN 18 004 244 160
54 Waterloo Road
Macquarie Park NSW 2113
Telephone No. 1800 671 203
This artefact is supplied in New Zealand by:
Novartis New Zealand Limited
PO Box 99102
Auckland 1149
New Zealand
Free Phone: 0800 354 335.
AUST R: 177772
This advertisement was revised in October 2020.
© Novartis Pharmaceuticals Australia Pty Limited 2020
® Registered Trademark

Internal certificate code
(dut291020c) based on PI (dut291020i)
How To Write Prescription For Eye Drops – How To Write Prescription For Eye Drops
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