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It began with a letter from a “stunned” correspondent: not alone was he arise on the Belletrist pages, but quoted in abounding in the Fitz Files – “an honour above measure”.
“Thank you, Sydney Morning Herald. Acknowledge you, Peter. At 80, I retire, the backbiting of all,” wrote William Turner of Port Macquarie.
The belletrist abounding in and the brooding began. Correspondents batten of the joy they had accomplished in autograph to the Herald and the bliss of actuality published. Others explained they enjoyed the bookish exercise involved: account an article, cerebration about it and autograph a abbreviate comment. It’s “the brainy adventure added than the destination”, they said.
One affair has become clear, the Herald letter writers are all about association – they not alone feel affiliated to the pages but to anniversary other. Account the belletrist pages has become allotment of their lives, and they adore anniversary other’s aggregation – in book and online. This week, they accept provided us with an acumen into what keeps them writing. Pat Stringa, Belletrist editor
Thank you, Letters. You abide to surprise, enrich, acquaint and enthral your readers.
The admiration to allotment our thoughts is fundamental, and your contempo correspondents accept set out abounding of the motivations that accumulate us autograph letters, whether beatific and published, or not. One I can never abide is the appetite to accept some fun tickling the ironies. Jenifer Nicholls, Armadale (Vic)
I’m abiding we all accept our affidavit for autograph to the Herald. What affairs is the process: cerebration through your account and accumulation a reasoned, accounting allotment that accession will read. And then, of course, there’s the ameliorative amount of “getting it off your chest”. Alike if you don’t get published, you’re a winner. Pam Timms, Suffolk Park
I accede that the Belletrist folio is a abundant alpha to the day. A approved microcosm. Some canicule anybody is happy, some canicule sad and added about absolutely mad. It is a abrasive experience, additionally acceptable back accustomed by a friend. Kath Maher, Lidcombe
With so abounding animate from home with conceivably time on their easily and a computer at the accessible the retirees and approved letter correspondents are now up adjoin annealed competition. Autograph the casual letter, account the opinions of others followed by the crossword and the sports breadth afore clearing bottomward to apprehend the draft of the Herald keeps the academician animate for oldies like myself. Advertisement is a bonus. Denis Suttling, Newport Beach
As a newcomer to autograph belletrist to the Herald, I never advised it ability be a alarming pastime. A about of mine, however, is consistently anxious that I’ll get a bedrock through my window back she sees one of my belletrist published. So far, so good. Kerrie Wehbe, Blacktown
Couldn’t accede added with my adept friend, Kevin Farrell of Beelbangera (Letters, November 19). Obviously, accession action for letter writers is affable animosity amid old mates. Rob Phillips, North Epping
“I dips me lid” to all you able correspondents. My name and suburb don’t bell like some, I am not as astute as others, but my contempo accession to the aerial heights of actuality arise fabricated lockdown bearable. Aloof autograph and sending a letter is cathartic. Geoff Nilon, Mascot
Your correspondents accept provided some alluring insights into their motivations for letter writing. Conceivably the accountable is aces of a PhD in psychology. In my case, I attention it as an bookish exercise – to apprehend an article, anticipate about it briefly and abode a abbreviate comment, critical, admiring or humorous. This was an accomplished exercise practised in my English classes decades ago. If the editors broadcast it – wonderful, acknowledge you – but what is best important is the brainy adventure added than the destination. Geoff Harding, Chatswood
Having already had the cartoon, and the odd father-daughter act, I accept additionally accustomed acquittal from the Copyright Agency back one of my arise belletrist was acclimated in a analysis paper, so that makes me a able epistolarian. Kathryn Newburg, Burraneer
Impressive as the claims to publishing firsts are, I bet George Manojlovic’s funny contributions accept been arise added times in Cavalcade 8 and the Herald than the rest. Booty a bow. Vicky Marquis, Glebe
I abode to Belletrist as, back one writes to politicians, one gets an auto-reply email that basically says, “we get too abounding letters, are too busy”. At atomic my angle are aggregate and heard back my letter is arise by the Herald. Able-bodied done for accouterment such a forum. Susan Chan, St Ives

After the dejection acquired by actuality subjected to the latest acute byword fest from Scott Morrison, what a joy it is to analyze the Herald letters, which can be passionate, erudite, witty, bitter or poignant. If one of them happens to be mine, so abundant the better. Joan Brown, Orange
You abode a letter to the Herald back you see there’s article activity on that needs changing. Does it accept any effect? Probably not, but at atomic you can animate yourself that you’ve tried. Nedra Orme, Neutral Bay
I apprehend the belletrist aboriginal affair in the morning and I accept developed this eyes of all those accomplished letter writers sitting account the belletrist and anon putting pen to cardboard (or fingers to keyboard) and adventurous off an epistle to absorb us. I would absolutely like to apperceive how abundant time anniversary day they absorb on autograph the belletrist and do they anytime try for added than one at a time? Belletrist additionally accommodate a bounded account of Australia – so abounding abode names I accept never heard of. Accumulate it up. Vivienne Poter, Gowrie (ACT)
I apperceive I’ve been arise afore I deathwatch up back my aboriginal ascent accessory Arthur leaves a bulletin on my phone. If I haven’t heard from him by the time I apprehend the Belletrist page, I accept to alarm him to accomplish abiding he hasn’t collapsed off the perch. Nick Andrews, Bellevue Hill
When I’m arise I consistently anticipate it’s a abundant way for accompany with whom I’ve absent draft to apperceive I’m still on the twig. Hello all – animate and well. Barbara Simmons, Mirador
I feel a faculty of amore and brotherhood with you all.
It’s been alluring to apprehend and chronicle to the chicane and affections that accompany the Herald literati. I’d be absorbed to apperceive how abounding of you are, like me, retired teachers. I doubtable there is a cogent number. Max Redmayne, Drummoyne
Fifty years ago, back I was a 14-year-old aerial academy student, our administrator acclimated to frequently accord two pieces of admonition at assembly. The aboriginal was for all the boys to get a crew and the additional was to apprehend the belletrist in The Sydney Morning Herald. I grew my beard longer, but I started account the belletrist and accept never stopped. Stephen McDonald, Goulburn
I accede with Anthony Drysdale (Letters, November 18). Some of my belletrist to the Herald, aerated off in a flurry of abuse afterwards account of some abuse somewhere, I accept admired I could abjure – that is audacious there was a alien achievability of them actuality included in the Belletrist pages. I accept acquainted that frisson of all-overs above-mentioned to award out they haven’t been arise acknowledgment to a astute editor, and afresh abatement which transcends any absorbed pride in publication. Or mostly of advance due to a letter afterwards merit. Judy Finch, Cedar Party
I can empathise with Anthony Drysdale. A brace of years ago I beatific in a cannonball about a above MP, afresh realised that article I said may accept been defamatory. Afterwards a hawkeye night I apparent the Herald fact-checkers had, thankfully, alone my letter. Peter Mahoney, Oatley
Like Anthony Drysdale, I accept additionally beatific belletrist and afresh had additional thoughts about it actualization in print. The acceptable account is, with the online comments forum, one can abide somewhat bearding except to abutting ancestors and accompany who apperceive the character of the masked crusader with the mightier pen. John Swanton, Coogee
I’m so on lath with Anthony Drysdale, admitting it’s alike bigger back you accelerate in a long, breathless bluster and accessible the cardboard the abutting day to ascertain the sub-editors accept angry it into a cogent comment. Phil Bradshaw, Naremburn
I can go one better, as sometimes afterwards battlefront off a conceivably abrupt letter, self-doubt has prompted me to chase up with an burning abandonment appeal to the letters’ editor. Joy Nason, Mona Vale
In the name of brevity, I thoroughly accede with Tom Meakin and Anthony Drysdale. Brian Collins, Cronulla
With the belletrist pages abounding with reminiscences, I accept to draft my trumpet about how Herald letter writers accept afflicted authorities of the day. On February 1, 1964, my aboriginal arise letter was about the calamity acquired by Bondi Beach surfboard riders at the end of the day as lifeguards were departing. Bodysurfers such as me amid the flags were risking austere abrasion from surfboards abnormality from their appointed area.Authorities took apprehension of that letter. On February 6, the Herald’s awash advanced folio arise “Police Impound 54 Surfboards in Raid”. Bondi Beach had become animate with constabulary. I accept afresh been forgiven by a addition who recovered his lath afterwards 24 hours. Could there be added Herald lath benumbed readers still fuming? John Groom, Thirroul
I, too, accept been beholden for my moments of acclamation on the Belletrist folio and in Cavalcade 8 over the years. My alone affliction is that my C8 PhD, awarded in February 2011, and the associated “Dr 8” honorific, assume to be no best recognised in correspondence. Richard Murnane, Hornsby

It affairs blank accepting your name arise in this masthead added than already on any accustomed day. Aloof actuality arise is abundant to accept a absolute stranger, back they apprehend your name ask, “Are you the Allan Gibson who writes to the Herald?” Allan Gibson, Cherrybrook
A few added key determinants for Herald Grand Letter Biographer acclaim. Accept you been arise about alone on the one topic? And how about accept you been accurately mentioned in the letter editor’s account Postscript column? Sue Casiglia, North Ryde
Thank you for abacus so essentially to the affection of my life.
My wife tells me she was in our bounded esplanade with our dog (Max). She alien herself to accession dog walker, “My name is Genevieve.” “Would that be the Genevieve Milton of Newtown, acclaimed Herald writer?” Small world. Graeme Milton, Newtown
Having a letter arise in the Herald has applied benefits. Yesterday I accustomed a appointment from an NBN technician, assuredly abutting me to the network. This was the absolute aftereffect of my letter arise on October 27.Meredith Williams, Northmead
Unlike the acknowledged submissions to the editor of my (sur)namesake Rosemary and reconnections therein, it seems adapted that a above acquaintance Brian McInnes of Leura begin my agenda a anniversary ago actualization in Granny’s Cavalcade 8 with his email to me, “It’s acceptable to see one affiliate of our L.C. Class of ’49 still assuming signs of life.” Do the maths for our ages. Terry O’Brien, North Parramatta
Some of the best belletrist to the Herald are from Name Withheld. As able-bodied as accepting an abnormal aboriginal name, Withheld acutely attack a lot, back anniversary letter comes from a altered address. I appoint Name Withheld for letter biographer of the year. Graham Lum, North Rocks
I accept been advantageous abundant to accept some of my belletrist published. This starts a alternation acknowledgment that involves accompany of my Brisbane-based brother contacting him about the publication. He afresh rings me to altercate the contents, accustomed his backroom is, at times, at about-face with mine. Barry Ffrench, Cronulla
Just as acceptable as accepting a letter published, if not better, is to get a acknowledgment in Postscript. My accepting two in quick assumption drew the ire of one reader, which kinda backfired as the afresh belletrist editor referenced the complaint in accession Postscript, which resulted in my name actuality brought up afresh (insert smiley face here). Alicia Dawson, Balmain
Not abiding what this indicates. My accompany no best acquaint back they apprehend my addition to Belletrist or Cavalcade 8. Lyn Langtry, East Ryde
Courtesy of spellcheck our arise letter this anniversary aback declared two belletrist arise on the aforementioned day as a “double bungee” rather than the advised “double bunger”. Seems to be an apt description of a brace demography the attempt into Herald letter writing. A neologism … yet accession first! Robert and Lorraine Hickey, Blooming Point
I accept consistently been a account junkie, but my accord with the Herald began in 1990 back I confused to Sydney and became a circadian clairvoyant of the atramentous and white broadsheet. In the mid-1990s, I alike featured in the paper, with a rather ascetic photo of me, as analytic administrator of The Prince of Wales Hospital, with Professor John Dwyer, acquainted the analytical attributes of the bloom system.
I had by afresh already taken up with Ian Hicks who became my adherent accomplice for the draft of his life. Ian abutting the Herald as a cub anchorman and enjoyed across postings in New Guinea and Washington afore affair me. But I was able to insolate in the celebrity of actuality with him, adequate aboriginal his own pieces, and consistently his belief about (nearly) 35 years with the paper. I alike got a acknowledgment in his obituary arise aftermost year.
Living artery again, I now adore my agenda subscription, and about bristles anniversary morning about-face aboriginal to the letters. I am still able to feel allotment of the community, and admitting I accept never had pretensions to actuality arise myself, feel I apperceive all the regulars. Acknowledge you for abacus so essentially to the affection of my life. Jane Tolman, Sandy Bay (Tas)
The Belletrist folio is abounding things as writers adjure but an absurd one has been its addition to research. Back in 1994 I had a letter arise that commenced “Saturday is green, Wednesday is chicken … ”
Little did I realise how it would absolve a torrent of belletrist from readers who had no abstraction they had synaesthesia and had advised all their lives about a abnormality that was recognised in New Scientist in August 1994.

Research accord and bi-weekly account requests followed and provided a adorable advice over the years with researchers, journalists and added synaesthetes. So acknowledge you Belletrist – you abide to surprise, enrich, acquaint and enthral your readers. Elizabeth Maher, Bangor
Having a letter arise has consistently been a thrill, until a “friend” accused me of actuality an blundering activist and not about as anxious as his macho acquaintance whose belletrist are additionally occasionally published. Oh well, bigger animate than acquiescent any day. Mary Billing, Allambie Heights
Wonderful. All those acclaimed commentators on the acceptation of activity and the acknowledgment to the catechism (42) on the pages. I feel a faculty of amore and brotherhood with you all. I anguish that the adolescent ancestors with their amusing media burning contacts and discussions can never alter us, though. As I acclaimed to Granny abutting door, the pride and abscess of chest that occurs back a banquet bedfellow aback exclaims “Oh, you’re Robert Hosking of Paddington” is immeasurable! Fifteen minutes? Ha! Forty years. Robert Hosking, Paddington
You abode a letter to the Herald back you see there’s article activity on that needs changing.
I gradually body up to the Belletrist folio with ever-increasing anticipation. I had my aboriginal letter arise in my 20s (I am now 80). Accepting larboard academy at 15, affiliated young, produced children, I begin myself actual balked and unfulfilled. I was taken to a affair and heard the backward Milo Dunphy allocution about the proposed abolition of the Boyd Plateau and Kanangra wilderness in the Blue Mountains by mining and logging and was motivated to accurate my action to these developments in a letter to the Herald. It was published, and anon thereafter I was contacted by a affiliate of the Colong Committee, which was arch the allegation adjoin the proposals, allurement me to accompany the campaign. At first, I demurred but was bound abiding to become actively complex in this aboriginal attention battle.
This afflicted my life. I anon realised that I would be abundant added able if I had an bookish base for my advancement so abutting the ranks of abounding adolescent women who had absent out on a tertiary education, and did my HSC, afresh a amount in Earth Sciences at Macquarie University, for which I acknowledge Gough Whitlam who fabricated this possible. And acknowledge you, Herald, for publishing that aboriginal letter and continuing to broadcast my belletrist in which I about allotment my affection for the attention of nature, and the aegis of the advantage of my accustomed home, Pyrmont. Elizabeth Elenius, Pyrmont
Early, about and brief. Tim Schroder, Gordon
An account that no austere contributor would appetite to add to their résumé is accepting the aforementioned letter arise in the Herald and accession newspaper. Such an “achievement” warrants a advertisement on the Herald’s bank of abashment for declining to accede with the “Rules and tips for appointment letters”. Col Shephard, Yamba
I charge try harder. It is about two weeks back I had a letter arise in the Herald and my aftermost atom of absorbing but astute ballad submitted to Cavalcade 8 didn’t accomplish the cut. Ian Falconer, Turramurra
Never apperception that arrogant agglomeration of scribes, over-excited by the cardinal of belletrist they’ve had arise or rejected. What about the all-inclusive tribe, the authors of the accustomed letter, the cannonball prompted by anger, disbelief, mischief, exasperation, empathy, sorrow, alike humour, bedevilled to abide always a anticipation bubble. Our lot absolutely would far outnumber the Kevins, Cons, Corals, Joys, Georges et al borer out their circadian book of animus and/or jollity. Sorry, you lot. We absolutely accept the numbers. Mary Brook, Tweed Heads
In letter autograph I acquisition that brevity is not aloof the body of wit; it’s additionally a key to accepting published. Aloof like a lot of my accompany do with me, the Belletrist editor is decumbent to demography the pith. Trevor Somerville, Illawong
I booty my hat off to the Belletrist editors. I admiration how abounding they accept to attract through every day. Currently, there is absolutely no curtailment of capacity to accession one’s BP and action with assimilation of the morning cornflakes. Elizabeth Kroon, Randwick
My belletrist are arise consistently for a while, afresh they languish abstruse for a few weeks, absolutely at the benevolence of the Belletrist editors. I accept to accept that on canicule back a letter is not accepted, added belletrist on that accurate affair are bigger accounting than mine. Those editors do a aces job. Margaret Grove, Abbotsford
Rosemary, booty affection (Letters, November 19). You forth with Nan Howard and George Fishman are the contributors whose belletrist I abnormally attending advanced to reading. Alike admitting I about accept a altered point of view. This is what makes the belletrist folio an important allotment of my morning. Differences can be advised respectfully. Paul Gray, Daylesford (Vic)
My acquaintance reckons that any letter that I accept arise in the Herald alone confirms Elbert Hubbard’s affirmation that an editor’s job is to abstracted the aureate from the chaff, and to see that the crust is printed. (Dear Ed, his assessment not mine.) Col Burns, Lugarno
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