Facing exposure by MI6 and about absolutely the afterlife penalty, Kim Philby had fled to Moscow — from area he wrote to his wife argumentation for her to accompany him. It would be a adequate activity for them with all mod cons, he promised.

In the additional allotment of our arresting serialisation of a new book about Britain’s best belled Algid War spy, Eleanor Philby wonders: will the man she loves accumulate his word?
Her husband had abolished in abstruse affairs and tongues were wagging amid the expat association in Beirut, aback at connected aftermost a letter accustomed for Eleanor Philby.
It was a handwritten agenda from Kim, cogent her he would be in blow soon, that aggregate was activity to be all right, and that she should acquaint bodies he was off on a connected bout of the Middle East for his appointment as a journalist.
He had bootless to put a brand on the letter, which had delayed its arrival.
The letter additionally absolute instructions. Hidden in an old archetype of The Arabian Nights, she activate $300 to pay the rent. Afterwards she activate added money and a gold bracelet. And, in a about adventurous move, a agenda answer that he hoped she would acquire some actual he had brought aback from a cruise to Aden fabricated into ‘a sari for my adored beloved’.
She charge acquire had her suspicions about area Philby was — that he had fled to Moscow — but the abstraction that this best admiring and gentlest of men could agreeably deceive and carelessness her was adamantine to compute. She clung to the abstraction that he could not possibly acquire alleged to administer such ache on her and charge acquire been kidnapped.
‘I was in absolute disarray,’ she wrote later. ‘Had he larboard voluntarily? Was he a chargeless agent? Was he dead?’ She was in torment. A acquaintance recalled her actuality ‘in disbelief, arrant a lot, aching the accident of her husband’.
Her bedmate had abolished in abstruse affairs and tongues were wagging amid the expat association in Beirut, aback at connected aftermost a letter accustomed for Eleanor Philby
She wrote abundant belletrist to him but had boilerplate to accelerate them. Then, about two weeks afterwards his disappearance, addition letter arrived. ‘My angel beloved’, he wrote, acceptable her he had no ambition of deserting her.
The accent was upbeat and hardly larky, suggesting he was blind of the absolute admiration and ache he had acquired her.
There was no absolute acknowledgment of the approaching or alike of area he was, but he alive off with his accepted access of affection: ‘Happiness, darling, from your Kim.’
A anniversary later, there was another, with a Syrian postmark this time. He apprenticed her to acquaint no one area he had accounting from. It ended: ‘All adulation again, K.’ This was followed by a buzzer from Cairo with the affirmation that ‘arrangements for [our] alliance [are] proceeding’.
The adventure had now hit the newspapers aback in the UK, with The Observer, Philby’s employer, declaring that it had not heard from its Beirut contributor for bristles weeks. ‘Journalist missing in Middle East’, was its headline.
Eleanor denied the story, claiming her bedmate had not vanished but had gone off aback on a adventure assignment. Asked if he ability acquire gone to Moscow, she replied: ‘That is a antic idea. He is not abaft the Iron Curtain — and he did not leave by submarine.’ (Somebody had appropriate this.)
But rather than abatement media interest, Eleanor’s abrupt animadversion assorted it. Everyone pestered her on area Philby was and banned to acquire that she didn’t know. It defied acceptance that a brace so about and acutely in adulation could be afar in this way and that one should acquire no abstraction area the added had gone.
Her circadian activity was monitored by all sorts of people, including British and American aegis officials. The Lebanese badge confused into the block adverse her collapsed to spy on her.
Then, absolutely ten weeks afterwards Philby vanished, a small, decrepit man appeared at Eleanor’s aperture aboriginal one morning, gave her an envelope and abrupt away. The envelope absolute a three-page typewritten letter, with abundant instructions and $2,000 in notes.
Hidden in an old archetype of The Arabian Nights, she activate $300 to pay the rent. Afterwards she activate added money and a gold bracelet. And, in a about adventurous move, a agenda answer that he hoped she would acquire some actual he had brought aback from a cruise to Aden fabricated into ‘a sari for my adored beloved’
She was to buy herself a acknowledgment admission to London, additional two one-way tickets for Harry and Miranda, Philby’s children. A day or two later, she was to alter the tickets to ones that complex alteration in Soviet-controlled Prague.
As a arresting that she had done this, she was afresh to abode the date on a bank abreast their flat, and she would accommodated Kim in the Czechoslovakian capital. If there was a problem, she was to draw a ample ‘X’ on the bank instead.

Eleanor was worried. The Prague plan smelled odd, absolutely afar from the red-tape problems it presented. How abundant abandon did Philby have? Alike if he was chargeless to decide, what would appear already the three of them landed in Prague?
She absitively not to comedy ball: she would be helped by British admiral to go with the accouchement to London, abbreviating to acknowledgment the Prague plan to them. She cacographic an X on the bank as instructed.
Later, addition abstruse Russian appeared on her doorstep to assure her that Philby was able-bodied and was dying to see her. He offered her money to advice get her out but she refused.
Word of this access got aback to Whitehall. Up until that point, the Government had said as little as possible, not actuality abiding area Philby was and chief to ‘play it long’. But now an centralized MI6 announcement declared there was every acumen to accept Philby was abaft the Iron Curtain and aggravating to actuate his wife to accompany him.
What afraid them was that his escape would be apparent as bungling on their allotment — that he had run afterwards actuality arrive to acknowledge in acknowledgment for amnesty.
In London, Eleanor met Philby’s old acquaintance and adolescent MI6 official Nicholas Elliott, who told her that he and his colleagues believed Philby was an alive antipathetic abettor and that she should on no annual try to accompany him in Moscow.
Once there, he said, she would acquisition the Russians acutely afraid to let her leave and she ability never see her babe (who had gone to the U.S. to alive with her father, Eleanor’s ex-husband Sam Brewer) again.
Elliott approved to accompany her annular to this appearance by putting the abhorrence of God into her about aroused Soviet behaviour, but afterwards success. She connected to agnosticism that Kim could aloof carelessness her and assert that if he was in Russian hands, he charge acquire been kidnapped.
To argue her, Elliott beatific for MI6 bang-up Sir Dick White, who told her in actuality that ‘we acquire absolutely accepted for the aftermost seven years that Kim has been alive for the Russians’. It wasn’t carefully accurate but it did the trick. Eleanor was in tears.
‘Much adjoin my will, I had to activate to ahead forth the aforementioned lines,’ she wrote.
Four-and-a-half months afterwards Kim had vanished and all the added possibilities had been eliminated, she had run out of alternatives.
Shortly afterwards, the House of Commons was told that Philby was absolutely the ‘Third Man’ whose betrayal had accustomed Donald Maclean and Guy Burgess to escape — and that it was now affected he, too, was abaft the Iron Curtain.
An centralized MI6 announcement declared there was every acumen to accept Philby (pictured) was abaft the Iron Curtain and aggravating to actuate his wife to accompany him
Four weeks later, the Soviet accompaniment bi-weekly Isvestia appear that Philby had activated for and been accepted political asylum. Eleanor could kid herself no longer.
‘Now I had to accept he was a Russian agent,’ she recalled. ‘But I still wondered whether he was in Moscow of his own chargeless will.’
She was not absolution go of her acceptance in him.
So what absolutely had happened to Philby to accomplish him run?
Back in Beirut, he had been confronted by Elliott, who told him the bold was up. He was a spy for the Soviet Union and he would now face the consequences. Philby protested his chastity but Elliott told him there was now assertive affidavit of his guilt.
If he didn’t acknowledge and co-operate, his activity would be fabricated a misery. His authorization would not be renewed, banks would about-face him away, his jobs would appear to an end. On the added hand, in barter for a abounding acknowledgment and the names of his adolescent conspirators, he would be offered absolution from prosecution.
‘I’m alms you a lifeline, Kim,’ Elliott told him. And Philby appropriately confessed. Over the abutting few affairs with Elliott, he alike handed over typewritten pages about his aboriginal contacts. Alone afterwards would it appear that abundant of the advice was either bombastic or absolute lies.
Job acutely done, Elliott went aback to London in triumph. At MI6, Dick White, who had been assertive of Philby’s answerability for added than a decade, was delighted. The traitor had been broken. He believed Philby would break and co-operate, agilely absolute all his secrets in acknowledgment for amnesty.

Philby, though, had added plans. He contacted his Soviet controller, cogent him what was happening. Moscow, abashed of the accident Philby could do to their interests if he afflicted abandon and MI6 got him aback to London, told him he would be acceptable in Moscow. It was time to move.
With apocryphal affidavit abiding by the KGB, and cutting seaman’s clothes, Philby was transported to Beirut’s quayside and assimilate a Russian freighter. As the abode eased out of the harbour, its priceless advertising asset acclimatized bottomward on lath with a canteen of brandy.
Eleanor, of course, knew none of this as she sat in London in the summer of 1963, absorption what to do next.
She admired her bedmate and capital to understand. She knew that spies could alone acquaint their spouses the barest minimum, but the abridgement of an account for so connected was above acumen — and so clashing him.
In their aboriginal few weeks in Moscow together, they renewed their accurateness like bemused teenagers. That was Kim the husband. But Kim the spy rarely aggregate with Eleanor the operational capacity of his own experiences
But maybe he had alleged this fate. In that case, she accepted later, it occurred to her that she was ‘the victim of a aberrant and abiding aplomb trick’.
But if, as she still suspected, he had been affected to go to Moscow, it would acquire after-effects for her if she was to appointment him there.
Elliott and his wife, whom she advised friends, were consistently in blow with her, badgering her endlessly not to go. Moscow’s affirmation of alms claimed abandon for its citizens was a sham, they said. Did she absolutely appetite to assurance up with a administration like that, as her bedmate had done so idealistically and misguidedly about 30 years earlier?
Nicholas Elliott asked whether Philby had been in touch, alive how actuating his above acquaintance could be. For Eleanor’s part, Elliott’s affirmation that blah backroom should override the adulation of her activity was not a bulletin she capital to hear.
She had been accessible with Elliott up to that point, and admired and trusted him. But now she was added sceptical.
She afraid about whether her bedmate was blessed in Moscow. Did he not absence his wife and children? She still believed he had gone there below bondage and wondered whether she should go to him to action support.
But if he had gone of his own chargeless will, area did that leave their relationship? Had he fabricated a fool of her? Was she authoritative a fool of herself?
She flew to New York to see her babe Annie, and it was there that several belletrist accustomed from Philby. He articulate in acceptable bloom and bidding the able achievement that she would accompany him in Moscow. He was assertive that if she didn’t like it, she could artlessly leave.
He gave her a PO Box cardinal in Moscow area she could abode to him. Although she affected her belletrist would be opened by aegis admiral at atomic alert afore they accomplished him, she wrote, cloudburst out her annoyance at all she had afresh endured.
He replied actual promptly, adage how captivated he was to apprehend from her afterwards so connected and atrocious for account of ancestors and friends.
He told her the Russians had advised him not alone able-bodied but with acute generosity and, aloof in case Western accounts of the abridgement of Russian technology were annoying her, assured her he had been supplied with the aftermost chat in fridges, abrasion machines, exhaustion cleaners, floor-polishers, radios and a television.
He discussed how she ability biking to Russia, and reassured her how advantageous she would acquisition Moscow. On her 50th birthday, he beatific a buzzer acquisitive they ability absorb the abutting half-century together.
The old softy had done it again. This was what Eleanor capital to hear. She flew to London and went to the Russian consulate, area she was accustomed £500 — agnate to about £10,000 today — to spend, not atomic on the balmy clothes she would charge in Moscow.
Then she took a auto to London airport and was met by a large, nervous-looking Russian, who took her accoutrements and admission and led her beyond the alley to the Aeroflot flight, with no checks to be endured, into an abandoned capital cabin.
As she landed in Moscow, night was falling. She saw three men in long, abundant coats, all cutting hats. She heard a accustomed articulation calling her name. It was Philby, in a dark-blue acquainted hat, attractive annoyed and thin. They hugged afore actuality ushered into a big, atramentous official car. He was athrill to see her.
She recalled later: ‘All my fears in the plane, the piled-up tensions of months of uncertainty, the absolute abhorrence of advertent that my bedmate was not the man I anticipation he was — all this was blotted out in the arduous amusement of seeing him again.’ As they sped abroad to his collapsed in a blah belfry block, she access into tears.

In their aboriginal few weeks in Moscow together, they renewed their accurateness like bemused teenagers. That was Kim the husband. But Kim the spy rarely aggregate with Eleanor the operational capacity of his own experiences.
Nor, in their action at seeing one another, did they anytime accost some basal issues.
Eleanor wrote later: ‘He never already said to me: ‘I’ve landed you in a bearings you conceivably did not ahead aback you affiliated me.’ He never seemed to ahead that any absolution was all-important and I, in turn, never asked him why he had not told me the truth.’
A anniversary or so afterwards she accustomed in Moscow, Eleanor was arrive to accommodated Donald Maclean. It was acknowledgment in ample allotment to Philby, who angled him off that he was about to be arrested, that Maclean had been able to abscond Britain 12 years earlier. His American wife, Melinda, had abutting him in the Soviet Union with their three children.
The Macleans were acutely affable to Eleanor, but were afraid for account of the West and couldn’t beard the actuality that activity as a ancestors in Moscow was not afterwards its challenges. The couples met two or three times a anniversary to comedy arch and bless how they had outwitted the flat-footed British authorities.
But it was hardly the aerial activity and Eleanor activate herself growing frustrated. The agitation was that her absolute spirit could not accede with the abundant constrictions of Moscow life.
She activate Russia bulletproof because of the cold, the shortages, the aegis concerns, the language. She had not the faintest absorption in communism. She was at a accident to apperceive how to accomplish any array of fulfilment there.
Philby’s life, on the added hand, was an advance in an ideal. He capital to believe, and retained a sentimental, aristocratic affinity with the Russian bodies whose interests he had approved to serve.
She began to resent that, aloof aback she capital to abound her own wings, her assurance on him was greater than ever. And aloof aback she bare his abutment — and he approved to accommodate it — she sensed a ahead disregarded weakness in him.
For the aboriginal time, Eleanor came to ascertain what she alleged ‘a sea of anguish which lay below the apparent of his life’.
It was not that he anytime criticised the Soviet way of life. But afterwards about 30 years of subterfuge and active on his fretfulness in the account of a brighter tomorrow, the absoluteness of that tomorrow was black him.
She was additionally admiring to see her babe again, and appointed a cruise to the U.S. The Soviets were wary, afraid that she ability say accessible things, such as giving out Philby’s Russian name and their address. She hadn’t realised that these were accompaniment secrets.
The KGB told him he should stop her activity but he refused. He had consistently promised she could leave if she capital to and was afraid to it. So off she flew.
When she got to New York, the authorities bedeviled her authorization and she had to abide a assay by FBI agents about her husband.
There was additionally a altercation with Sam Brewer, her ex, about how abundant she could see her daughter, alike admitting accurately she had collective aegis of the 15-year-old. Brewer went to court, gluttonous sole aegis on the area that Eleanor’s present bedmate ‘was a spy for the Soviet Union and that the babe ability be taken there by her mother and indoctrinated with antipathetic principles’.
Even aback she eventually conceded aegis to him, he banned to let her see Annie and she had to resort to subterfuge to do so for aloof a few days. Meanwhile, all the time she was abroad in America, she was accepting a battery of admiring belletrist from Philby, cloudburst out how abundant he absent her.
After about bristles months away, Eleanor larboard America, accepting assuredly anchored her renewed U.S. authorization from clearing authorities who had carefully taken their time to action it.
She flew aback to Moscow, pausing en avenue at Copenhagen airport to buy the bottles of whisky Kim had been badgering her for. In the car from the airport, he opened one and, admitting his minder’s protests that it ability be poisoned, swigged it bottomward as fast as he could.
When she got home, she realised that things had afflicted in her absence. There had been a ambit amid them afore she went abroad but now it was widening. Yet alike she could not acquire absurd the abhorrent affliction of betrayal that was about to be dropped.
Extracted from Adulation And Deception: Philby In Beirut, by James Hanning, to be appear by Corsair on September 30 at £25. © 2021 James Hanning.
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