Olubayo Oluduro, assistant of Public Law, Adekunle Ajasin University, Akungba-Akoko, Ondo State, is additionally an accessory of the Chartered Institute for Arbitration, UK. He speaks with IMOLEAYO OYEDEYI on the accompaniment of the nation afterwards 61 years of independence, amid added issues.

Sixty-one years ago, the founding fathers of Nigeria envisioned a country whose assorted strengths and abeyant would adhere into a formidable force in the world. In your own assessment, how able-bodied has the country accomplished this vision?
To me, I don’t anticipate Nigeria, as nation in its 61st year of existence, has been able to accomplish the eyes of its founding fathers, because if you attending at what has been accident in the country, you will see that there hasn’t been accord amid the assorted indigenous groups. Now, we accept battle actuality and there amid one indigenous accumulation and the other. Even back you attending at the over 300 languages, you will ascertain that it is abandoned three that are dominant. Aloof as you know, accent is allotment of the ability of a society. And so, if your accent is not recognized, it tends to go into afterlife and back this happens, your ability is actuality devalued. These are some of the issues. For instance, if you attending at a country like South Africa, I anticipate they accept clearly aloof 11 languages and they are advancing with them, clashing Nigeria, which has abounding languages. So, we are not absolutely accomplishing the visions of the founding fathers.
Looking at the economy, we are additionally not there yet. We accept a citizenry of over 200 actor people, but we accept not been able to booty advantage of this to abound our abridgement which, to me, hasn’t thrived in any way. Every time, we go out to borrow to armamentarium our budget. If our abridgement is absolutely thriving, we won’t be accomplishing this every time. Also, bold the abridgement is growing, we won’t accept the accepted bulk of unemployment that we accept in the country, area millions of graduates are aerated out every year, but a majority of them accept remained unemployed. Back you attending at all these variables and what is currently accident about us, you will see that our abridgement is absolutely annihilation to abode home about. Some accept said that Nigeria has the better abridgement in West Africa, but I don’t accept this because the abridgement hasn’t been growing at the bulk it should be growing. Though the government is trying, it can still do added to advance the abridgement of the country.
Another affair is that of the aerial abjection bulk in the country. If you attending at the statistics, you will see that Nigeria is a poverty-ridden country as a majority of the citizens cannot allow two aboveboard meal per day, because they alive beneath two dollars per day, which is annihilation to abode home about. So, the government should do more, because it is the aerial bulk of abjection everywhere that is blame the youths into criminality. Bold the Nigerian abridgement has been good, I accept that the aerial bulk of crisis and abomination that has belted the country wouldn’t accept accomplished the akin that it is now. So, the government absolutely needs to put in added efforts into growing the economy.
Despite attaining independence, the country has connected to be burst beyond affair and religious lines, which has accustomed acceleration to assorted calls for alienation from its aloft indigenous groups. Do you still accept that a affiliated Nigeria is achievable?
To me, I still accept that a affiliated Nigeria is possible, as I am an apostle of one Nigeria. Our founding fathers accept in this; that is one abandoned nation alleged Nigeria. And I accept it is still accessible admitting the problems that accept buried the country. The actuality charcoal that best of the developed countries of the apple additionally faced agnate challenges in the accomplished and they survived with acceptable leadership. So, I accept if we too accept a acceptable baton that will be able to accouter our diversities and appropriately about-face them to strengths as our founding fathers dreamt, a affiliated Nigeria will be achieved. We absolutely don’t charge to alpha authoritative moves to atomize Nigeria, because by the time we alpha calling for alienation actuality and there, what we will accept will be anemic republics that will still be at war with one another. So, I still accept in one abandoned absolute accompaniment alleged Nigeria. I don’t accept that we should secede. All these calls for alienation accept been aloft due to arbitrary treatments, as some bodies accept that admitting actuality bona fide citizens of the country, they accept not been adequately treated. So, if we are able to abode the bickering of the agitator groups, I accept that we will still abide to alive as one country.

Are you adage that if Nigeria break up today, the abandoned nation that will be affairs out will not be able to survive on their own admitting the huge assets in their region?
They may be able to survive, but the actuality charcoal that the agitation will still continue. For example, if you attending at Nigeria, you will anticipate about the Yoruba nation, the Biafra nation and the Arewa, but what about the boyhood indigenous groups? Area will they go? For example, the Junkuns, who are additionally minorities, are they additionally activity to anatomy their own republic too? Even aural the Yoruba arena that wants to become a republic, there may be problems there too. So I anticipate the best affair for us as a nation is to accouter the assets that we accept to move the nation forward. I don’t anticipate all achievement is lost. As I said, the account of the secessional calls is based on arbitrary treatments. And so, if you are able to accouterment this problem, I accept that the calls for alienation will diminish.
The botheration is not that bodies are calling for secession, but whether they are accessible to abode the factors fuelling the separatists’ agenda. Activity abstracted means is not the band-aid to our problems in Nigeria, but acclamation the base account of the alienation calls and harnessing our assets for one abandoned country alleged Nigeria. In 2014 that we had the civic conference, bodies aggregate to accession some solutions aggressive Nigeria’s unity, why can’t the admiral [Muhammadu Buhari] attending into these abstracts and not aloof dump them into the dustbin? Let us attending at the angle and solutions proffered by the stakeholders at the conferences and abode the issues they raised. And already we are able to do this, I accept all these calls for alienation will go down, because aggregate boils bottomward to arbitrary treatments. We accept some indigenous groups in the country that feel that they are actuality advised as bargain citizens and inferiors in their country. And this has been the problem.
So, I accept we should appear calm and abode the agitations of the groups abnormally with the assorted submissions and agreements accomplished at the accomplished civic conferences. So far, annihilation has been done with the solutions offered at the conferences. So, let the admiral harmonise all the angle and submissions and assignment on them decisively, because we spent billions of naira putting the conferences together. So rather than calling for secession, let us abode our aggregate fears and agitations, because assortment is our strength.
Many assemblage accept argued that admitting the country actuality abundantly blessed, years of bad babyminding accept abreast its abeyant and affected it into socio-economic woes and insecurity. What is your booty on this?
I accept that the assemblage accept a point. And that is the truth. Nigeria is a country that is abundantly adored with abounding assets which if they accept been appropriately activated by our leaders, we shouldn’t be area we are today. So our botheration has been bad governance. As I said earlier, we accept over 200 actor people, which should commonly acquaint us about our bread-and-butter growth. If you attending at the accustomed assets that Nigeria is adored with, you will ascertain that we accept abounding of them that we are yet to tap. Except oil which we accept relied abandoned on for years, added assets accept been allurement for absorption in the country. So it can abandoned booty a adventuresome and actual acute administration to aerate the assets and move the country forward. So, I accept that if we accept acceptable babyminding in place, we will absolutely get it appropriate in Nigeria. And so, I appetite to allotment the angle of the assemblage that we accept not absolutely done able-bodied in agreement of governance.
Nigeria boasts of huge animal assets abreast the minerals and that is why back our people, including those that accept accelerating with Second Class Lower honours, leave the country and biking abroad, they excel. That is aloof to acquaint you we are absolutely adored with both accustomed and animal resources. Nowadays, our doctors go out to developed countries and they accomplish actual well. So that tells you that we accept abandoned been amiss in leadership.
In an attack to lift the country out of its accepted abyss, abounding stakeholders accept alleged for an end to the 1999 architecture on the apriorism that it is abounding with irregularities that impede the country’s progress; how accurate is this?

Well abreast the constitution, bodies accept complained that the accepted presidential arrangement of government that we run in Nigeria has been expensive. But, to me, I accept the botheration we accept is with the operators of the system. This is because the country area we adopted the arrangement from is accomplishing actual well. So, I absolutely don’t apperceive what is amiss with us that is authoritative us not do able-bodied with the system. Afore the civilian war, we practised the aldermanic arrangement of government, area we operated on the base of regions, afore the aggressive now gave us the 1999 architecture which brought in the presidential arrangement of government. To me, there is absolutely annihilation amiss with the presidential system, but rather, we are the one that haven’t been operating it well.
Now, in Nigeria, the arrangement is actual big-ticket to run. Even starting from the election, to become a governor in Nigeria, you charge to go annular all the bounded governments, spending money and bribery people, clashing what we accept in the aldermanic arrangement in which you abandoned charge to go to your bounded government alone. So bodies tend to analyze the two systems vis-à-vis the active cost. And they accept now apparent that the aldermanic arrangement is actual bargain to run. But notwithstanding, I still accept that annihilation is amiss with the presidential system, but with its operators in our country.
(Cut in) But sir, some bodies accept said the 1999 architecture gives added ability to the federal government at the bulk of the accompaniment governments and that this is one of the factors airless the abeyant of the accompaniment as it banned their powers. What do you accomplish of this?
Yes, I accede with that. The actuality charcoal that there are some genitalia of the architecture that charge to be reviewed. The architecture is advantaged ‘The 1999 Architecture of Federal Republic of Nigeria’, but the catechism is: how federal is the architecture itself? And this has been the affair that abounding bodies accept been raising, abnormally back you analyze accoutrement of the architecture with the absolute appearance and elements of a accurate federal arrangement of government. According to scholars, one of the axiological characteristics of a federal arrangement is that it is a political arrangement that appearance two sub-systems, which are the axial government and the agnate accompaniment governments.
As laid-down in the system, the two governments are declared to be coordinated, such that neither of them should be politically accessory to the other. They are to be absolute of anniversary added and collaborate abandoned cooperatively and competitively. So if you attending at this definition, you will see that we accept not been active the federal arrangement of government in Nigeria as it care to be run. The 1999 architecture appears to accord added admiral and about-face added responsibilities in favour of the federal government. There should be according administration of admiral and not that one will appropriate admiral to the damage of the other, which is the way we practise it in Nigeria and that is why abounding bodies are crying, because the federal government is accepting grounds, while the states are actuality paralysed. That has been the problem.
In the federal arrangement of government, we accept the absolute aldermanic account and the circumstantial list. In the constitution, we accept about 68 items beneath the absolute aldermanic list, which is for the Federal Government. Back you appear to attending at the circumstantial list, which is to be aggregate by the Federal and Accompaniment government, we accept about 32 items. So if you attending at the 68 items for absolute and 32 items for circumstantial out of which the federal government still takes some powers, you will ascertain that the architecture gives added admiral to the Federal Government at the detriments of the accompaniment governments.
More so, there are some affairs that are placed beneath the absolute aldermanic list; they are to be bent by the Federal Governments, but they are of huge accent to the states. For instance, attending at the census. A accompaniment should be able to backpack out its own census, because afterwards alive your population, you cannot develop. But by the constitution, no accompaniment can do that, except the Federal Government. Also, attending at Section 44 or so of the constitution, which states that the absolute backdrop beyond the states, including all minerals and accustomed resources, both aloft or beneath waters, accord to and shall be managed by the Federal Government. But back you attending at the country area we adopted this federal arrangement of government from, for archetype in the Affiliated States, it is not like that. Anniversary accompaniment government in the country controls and manages the assets in their accompaniment and again pays some bulk to the Federal Government. But in Nigeria, it is the reverse. And that is why bodies are shouting and calling for an end to the constitution.
Another affair is that the architecture has a lot of aggressive features. Attending at the affair of policing. In the US, anniversary accompaniment has its own accompaniment police. But in Nigeria, the badge are controlled by the Federal Government, which makes it actual powerful. There are no accompaniment police, and every month, you see the accompaniment governors active to Abuja to aggregate account allowances, which is not declared to be beneath a federal arrangement of government. The Accompaniment Governments are declared to be absolute and be empowered to ascendancy and put the assets in their accompaniment to acceptable use, instead of axis into beggars afore the Federal Government. So these issues should be looked at.

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