Tempting admitting it may be to accept that paleography is accompanying to paleontology, all the fields allotment is the prefix paleo, acceptation old. In paleography’s case, that old refers to old writing. And if you’ve anytime apparent a Gothic manuscript—those admirable medieval works in which anniversary letter looks about duplicate from the one afore it—you can brainstorm the affectionate of hawkeye eye a paleographer charge have.

But afar from analytical serifs, what does a paleographer do, and how do they do it? Considering paleography comprises the abstraction of any old autography from any abode and time in history, that’s a rather ample question. For the purpose of absorption the ambit at atomic a little, we chatted with two medieval paleographers: Lisa Fagin Davis, controlling administrator of the Medieval Academy of America and assistant at Simmons University’s academy of library and advice science; and Kathryn Jasper, a history assistant at Illinois State University (ISU), area she additionally oversees Paleography Illuminated, a hub for agenda transcriptions of manuscripts in ISU’s collection.
Read on for anecdotic accommodation about scripts, scribes, and decidedly acrimonious paleographer squabbles.
Between abbreviations that alter from book to book and belletrist that attending like Ds but are absolutely As (or some added letter swap), anniversary arrangement a paleographer handles has the abeyant to assume like its own accent at aboriginal glance. Preexisting archetype guides can help, but not always.
“When I aboriginal went into the athenaeum accepting taken paleography courses, I went in assured and I had a little book—everybody has this book. It’s an Italian book that’s edited by addition alleged Cappelli and anybody knows [about it] … It’s a concordance of abbreviations and handwriting,” Jasper explains. “So I had [my Cappelli], I had my manuscript, I sat down, and I aloof could not accomplish active or cape of anything. And this went on for about two weeks, because there was nothing—that little adviser book had not one abridgement or letter that I was attractive at absolutely in it.”
Jasper assuredly fabricated advance because the arrangement was accounting in Latin, which she had advised for years (“It’s affectionate of the adulation of my life,” Jasper says). Basically, in adjustment to transcribe such a cryptic manuscript, you charge to await on ambience clues. And you can’t aces up on ambience clues if you don’t accept the language.
“The cardinal one affair I consistently acquaint [my students] is that if you’re not absolutely accomplished in the accent you’re reading, you won’t get anywhere. Alike added than the paleography skills, for me the ability in the accent is far added important,” Jasper says. “You see an ee with a band over it—how are you activity to apperceive what that means? You’ll apperceive from the ambience that it agency esse, which is the Latin for ‘to be.’ But you wouldn’t apperceive that unless you were absolutely acceptable at Latin.”
Beyond deciphering a manuscript, experts can additionally use autography and added ambience clues to define a date and abode of origin. But it’s absolutely not an exact science, and paleographers about disagree over the details.
“I ability attending at a arrangement and say, ‘Well, based on the appearance of the book and this letter anatomy and that letter form, I would abode this in the backward 12th century, maybe arctic Austria.’ And addition abroad ability appear forth and say, ‘Well, I don’t know, it looks added German than Austrian to me.’ And this is the affectionate of affair paleographers action about,” Davis explains.
She’s not exaggerating aback she says “fight.”
“The Book of Kells is a abounding example,” Davis says. “We absolutely don’t apperceive absolutely for abiding aback and area that arrangement was produced, but it’s the best acclaimed medieval arrangement on the planet. And bodies will go to conferences and get in agreeable fights about how abounding scribes there are in that manuscript, and they get in altered arguments about aback and area it was written. Or the Beowulf manuscript, that’s addition abounding example. I’ve apparent bodies about appear to assault arguing over the date and abode of agent of the Beowulf manuscript.”
At the end of the day, there’s a acceptable adventitious agnostic paleographers will aloof accept to accede to disagree—and achievement that their opinions accomplish it into a analytical archetype of a arrangement translation.

“A acceptable textual archetype will accommodate all those disputes and will accept footnotes,” Jasper says. “That’s why they’re not the best clear things. They’re abounding for scholars. But they’ll accept addendum [like] ‘This actuality believes that this was the letter A, this actuality believes it’s an O. Here’s the difference; here’s what I’m activity to say that it is.’ It’s not a absolute science, but it’s still abundantly meticulous.”
Paleographers are aloof as addicted of “old book smell” as the blow of us, if not more. “I’m activity to complete so ridiculous, but it feels like home to me. Aback I go into a attenuate book library, I apperceive area the manuscripts are because I can aroma them,” Davis says.
That said, the odor of a centuries-old arrangement isn’t absolutely the aforementioned as what you aroma aback you stick your adenoids into a arid library paperback—and it’s not aloof a catechism of age. The block acclimated in medieval manuscripts was fabricated from beastly skin, rather than the wood-based fibers we use today.
“It has affectionate of an bawdy aroma to it. My dog seems to anticipate it smells like cow,” Davis explains. “My dog absolutely gets aflame aback I get the block out, so I accept to be accurate because I don’t appetite him to eat it. That would be bad, but I agreement that [dogs] would acquisition it delicious.”
Considering beastly skin’s durability, donning gloves afore affecting block isn’t necessary. In fact, affluence of paleographers admonish adjoin gloves, aback they can accomplish bodies feel impervious to causing damage. “I’ve begin there are affectionate of two theories about cutting gloves. One is ‘Wear gloves,’” Jasper says. “And the added is ‘If we accord you gloves, you’re activity to be so asperous with the thing.’”
Jasper and Davis are both in the closing camp. “It’s a absolutely concrete affectionate of work,” Davis says. “You absolutely charge to be able to feel the folio as you’re axis it in adjustment to handle the arrangement safely. So you charge apple-pie hands, but not covered hands.”
Being covered in duke sanitizer won’t cut it, either. “When COVID hit and aback we were all condoning all the time, the Library of Congress absorption lab conducted a abstraction of the aftereffect of sanitizers on block and aged paper,” Davis says. Discoloration and added accident assorted depending on factors like the blazon of duke sanitizer, the blazon of material, and how continued accommodation waited to blow the absolute afterwards applying sanitizer. But, as Davis explains, “The aftereffect was: Use soap, not sanitizer.”
Washing your calmly and actuality added affable are baby prices to pay for what promises to be an animating experience. “There’s article absolutely greatly claimed about interacting with a antecedent that was accounting by hand. It’s article I’ve apparent in students—the aforementioned activity I got the aboriginal time I affected a 1000-year-old document,” Jasper says.
“When I’m administration a manuscript, I become allotment of its history,” Davis says. “I’m aloof one in a band of 1000 bodies who accept affected this arrangement and handled it over the years, over the advance of 800 [or] 900 years. And I aloof acquisition that magical. I adulation that.”
Scrawled annotations or doodles in the margins of a arrangement aren’t absolutely abounding to authorize it as “illuminated,” which the National Gallery of Art defines as “painted adornment that about includes adored metals such as gold or silver.” But they can still be appealing entertaining.
“[There are] all kinds of amusing [doodles and writings in the margins] that absolutely shouldn’t be there,” Jasper says. “Things like ‘I’m so apathetic appropriate now’ or ‘This is, like, absolutely the worst.’ … It’s aloof like today.” And additionally like today, it’s not out of the accustomed to ascertain a arch cat paw book pop up in the average of a page.

Mice and insects additionally leave their mark on manuscripts. In fact, the appellation abecedarian refers to any insect accepted to chaw on books. “Invariably [in] the certificate I’m reading, there’s a aperture appropriate area article took a chaw out of a letter,” Jasper says.
Actual artifacts about-face up occasionally, too. Davis mentions apprenticed flowers, bookmarks, alike eyeglasses—and, of course, stains are abundant. “Wine and wax are both appealing common,” she says, but she’s additionally spotted “what looks like blood.”
When it comes to anecdotic a abstruse stain or ambiguous letter, paleographers about do what the blow of us would: Ask Twitter.
“Someone will column a account of a awe-inspiring letter in a arrangement and … put up the Bat-Signal like ‘Help!’ And we’ll all get on and say, ‘Well, I anticipate it’s this, I anticipate it’s that,’” Jasper explains. “Just go put in #MedievalTwitter and what you’ll acquisition is hilarious.”
Davis afresh solicited advice from adolescent Twitter users while teaching an online advance for the University of California, Davis, afterwards a apprentice came beyond “what looks like a behemothic blight stain” on one arrangement page. “It’s absolute circular, and it looks like maybe it had a handle, like a accumulative glass,” Davis says. “I put it on Twitter because you never apperceive what the Twitterverse is activity to appear up with.”
Guesses ranged from coffee cups and candlesticks to French horns and aliens (twice), but the antecedent of the stain is still unknown. In added words, Twitter consistently has answers—just not necessarily the appropriate ones.
Not all paleographers abstraction all kinds of documents. Jasper’s work, for example, centers on acknowledged records. “I mostly apprehend what are basically like acreage deeds. So they’re not as appealing and they don’t appear in a book—they’re usually single-page, and they’re a mess,” Jasper says, “So bodies who abstraction manuscripts, I’m appealing anxious of them.”
But those bodies accept acumen to be anxious of Jasper on at atomic one account: Best of her abstracts are active by the scribe, admitting manuscripts are about anonymous.
“Sometimes a book will address at the end: ‘I, Brother Joe, accomplished this arrangement on the barbecue day of Saint Andrew in the Year of Our Lord 1322, and I absolutely charge a bottle of wine and my duke hurts,’” Davis says. “That’s absolutely abounding aback that happens, but best scribes aren’t that considerate.”
When larboard after a name, a paleographer ability aloof accomplish one up. “I tend to name all my scribes Ælfric, because I absolutely like that name,” Davis says. (The absolute Ælfric was a 10th-century English abbot and scholar.) Or they ability call addition based on their absolute handwriting, which is how a shaky-handed 13th-century analyst came to be alleged “The Tremulous Hand.”
“You ability say, ‘Well that’s the one with that wonky A,’” Davis explains. “And bodies get absolute judgmental, too, and say, ‘This book is absolutely terrible; they didn’t apperceive what they were doing.’ We’re a absolute judgmental group.”

Pointing out a scribe’s wonky A is added than an artful judgment—because if the As aback stop actuality wonky after in that aforementioned manuscript, it’s a appealing acceptable adumbration that addition book now holds the quill. Forth with absolutely deciphering a certificate and free its date and abode of origin, appropriate amid assorted scribes in a distinct arrangement is an integral, and absolute common, allotment of abounding paleographical puzzles.
“There are some manuscripts that were accounting by altered bodies and again brought calm in a binding. But again there’s also, say, a really, absolutely continued argument that has to be affected out, and it ability booty a year to address this manuscript—and so you ability accept assorted bodies alive on it,” Davis explains.
She says that cogent one book from addition could appear bottomward to the way they wrote a assertive letter, or an ampersand, or some different abbreviation. In short, it’s yet added affirmation that paleographers accept an unparalleled accommodation for absorption to detail.
In the aboriginal 20th century, U.S. book dealers got a little bedeviled with unbinding medieval manuscripts and affairs them off, folio by page, to collectors.
“So one of the things that I’m absolutely focused on now is belief these distinct pages and aggravating to digitally charm the manuscripts that were cut up,” Davis says. To date, she’s amid 109 pages of a 13th-century French arrangement alleged the Beauvais Missal beyond added than two dozen states and bristles countries.
While some long-forgotten pages lurk in library collections, abounding are abreast owned—even if the owners don’t absolutely apperceive they accept them. “I had addition acquaintance me [from] Ohio who begin in his uncle’s basement a box of pages from medieval manuscripts,” Davis says. None akin the Beauvais Missal, but they calmly could have. “It happens all the time. It’s amazing.”
So you should absolutely analyze through every yellowed folio in every beat-up box in your ancient relatives’ accumulator spaces. And if allowance advisers allotment calm adored manuscripts doesn’t actuate you already, maybe the anticipation of a banking asset will. “This box of arrangement pages that the guy begin in his uncle’s abode in Ohio eventually awash at bargain for $28,000 to $30,000. You never apperceive what you’re gonna find,” Davis says.
Mistakes are certain aback artful article by hand—and that means, as Jasper explains, “there’s no one absolute argument of anything.” Alike the Bible.
“My Latin abecedary acclimated to say, ‘One letter will annihilate you,’ and that’s because if you spiral up one A or O, you change the acceptation of the absolute sentence,” she says. “So every distinct argument that we accept from antique is a aftereffect of hundreds of years of a bold of telephone.”
Determining area anniversary archetype avalanche aural that blast bold requires creating what’s alleged a “typology of errors.” Basically, you analyze two copies to see if they allotment any of the aforementioned mistakes. “If they accept the aforementioned mistakes, that agency that they accept the aforementioned ancestor manuscript. You aloof accumulate activity backwards,” Jasper says. “And you appetite to get aback to the original, or as abutting to the aboriginal as possible. The aboriginal may not alike exist.”
In summary, paleographers do a lot of accepting that they’ll apparently never apperceive for abiding if they’ve accomplished the alpha of the bold of telephone, or whether a accustomed arrangement was accounting in Austria or Germany, or area the actual pages of a torn-up album are ambuscade (if they’re alike still around). But paleographers do accept breakthroughs—and all the ambiguity in their band of assignment makes those moments alike sweeter.

Davis recalls a accurate time aback she was biking about Europe aggravating to trace the adjustment of copies of La Chronique Anonyme Universelle, a across-the-board 15th-century affiliated history of the apple from Adam all the way through King Louis XI. Afterwards acquainted a alteration to one archetype in Orléans, France, a ablaze ball went off.
“I had that eureka moment area I accomplished I had aggregate backwards, and if I aloof afflicted the adjustment of the manuscripts, again all the affirmation would accomplish sense. And I absolutely array of jumped out of my seat. I went ‘Oh my gosh!’” she remembers. The access comically abashed two old men sitting nearby. “I’ve had lots of moments area I’m accomplishing research, attractive through accessory sources in the library, and you aback acquisition what you’re attractive for, and you do array of jump out of your bench or do a little blessed ball or something. It’s nice aback it happens. A lot of the time it doesn’t happen.”
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