© Provided by Salon Gossip Girl

Jordan Alexander in “Gossip Girl” Karolina Wojtasik/HBO Max
Nine years afterwards she said her aftermost “XOXO,” “Gossip Girl” alternate this summer to wreak calamity on a accomplished new bearing of Upper East Siders in a fizzy, contemporary alternation reboot.
Joshua Safran was an controlling ambassador on the aboriginal CW series, as able-bodied as actuality a biographer and showrunner on shows like “Quantico” and” Smash.” And now he is the creator, the showrunner, a biographer and controlling ambassador on HBO Max’s assiduity of “Gossip Girl.” He abutting us afresh for a “Salon Talks” about adapting the “Gossip Girl” cosmos for Gen Z, cutting a “post-COVID” alternation at the acme of the communicable and the capital ball of teendom.
Check out Safran’s account on “Salon Talks” actuality or apprehend a archetype below.
The afterward account has been agilely edited for breadth and clarity.
A lot of us, aback we aboriginal heard about this show, were thinking, “Gossip Girl,” didn’t that aloof end?” But it didn’t aloof end. You’ve done so abounding things in the interim. What fabricated you appetite to appear aback to this world?
Initially I didn’t. Aback [fellow alternation co-creators] Josh Schwartz and Stephanie Savage came to me, they said, “We’ve approved to anticipate about means of redoing the appearance and we haven’t begin a way in. If you acquisition a way in, let’s do it. If you don’t, let’s all airing away.” I was in the average of my writers’ allowance from my aftermost show, “Soundtrack.” I was like, “I don’t accept time to anticipate about this.” But I grew up on the Upper East Side. I alive in New York, and I accept accompany who are agents in clandestine schools in the city. I talked to them a agglomeration over the years and I had this abstraction in my arch of autograph article about agents at these schools at some point.
As I larboard that affair with Josh and Stephanie, I was like, “Wait, maybe, absolutely this is a adventitious to analyze that.” Because “Gossip Girl” consistently was attractive at ability and advantage from these adolescent advantaged bodies in this world. I knew I capital to attending at the cast ancillary of that a little bit. I couldn’t let it go. The abstraction absolutely did accumulate me up at night. I kept autograph bottomward added thoughts about it. I kept activity to Josh and Stephanie with these ideas, and they were like, “We absolutely anticipate there’s article there.” There’s no acumen to do addition appearance unless you’re activity to burrow through it and acquisition article new. And this was that thing.
That leads to the accede actual aboriginal on, that the affair that was the big axial abstruseness of the aboriginal adaptation of “Gossip Girl” does not exist. We see who Gossip Girl is and we see that action of acceptable Gossip Girl. What was abaft that choice?
The abstraction of redoing the appearance would accept fabricated no faculty to me if we were aloof activity to do the aforementioned thing. The audience, aback they watched the aboriginal show, knew sometimes we would comedy with cogent you, “Hey, maybe we’ll accede Gossip Girl now.” But they knew that we weren’t activity to. As the appearance went on, they were like, “Oh, they’ll get to it at some point.”
The apriorism of the appearance from the top was just this bearding person. Alone as the appearance progressed did you anticipate about it. Now you apperceive it was Dan, and now some bodies feel like Dan didn’t accomplish the best sense. You’d watch the appearance actuality like, “Who is it? Who is it? Maybe it’s that person. Maybe it’s that person.” It would booty over the viewing. For me, it was like, let’s aloof be done with that from the top. That was one reason.

The added acumen was the abstraction of seeing Dan do all those abhorrent things. The appearance never showed you that. They did not appearance him activity on a date with Serena and afresh abrogation to go to the bath to address article abhorrent about her to column on Gossip Girl. That’s what a psychopath does.
You never got to see that. We should appearance the affliction and the agony and the affair and the amorality of actuality Gossip Girl. That’s an absolute affair we never looked at. There’s so abundant there. We accept 12 episodes this division and we’ve alone amorphous to blemish the apparent of what that is. I aloof couldn’t canyon that up. That’s the acumen to do the appearance in my mind.
There is so much that bodies admired about the aboriginal in this show. There are so abounding iconic callbacks to it, but it is additionally such a altered apple than 2007. The ability for Gen Z is so different. What did you appetite to explore? What were the big imperatives?
What’s absolutely alluring appropriate now is there’s acutely a alterity amid the critics and the audience. Aloof alike watching my Twitter augment yesterday, the audience, which is primarily Gen Z and millennials, are activity actual apparent by the appearance and activity it reflects their world. I acquainted like my ambition was to not try to accomplish a appearance that played on the homesickness of us, the aboriginal audience. Bodies like to say it’s the millennials now. But the absoluteness is the aboriginal admirers was Gen X. The average age for the appearance aback it was on The CW was 31, and now those bodies are in their mid-40s. The ambition was, “Let’s not do that,” because in my mind, and in Josh and Stephanie’s minds, that admirers was activity to appear watch the appearance anyway. They may not break with the show, but they’d be like, “That was the appearance that I watched. I will analysis out the new one.”
The ambition was, “Let’s attending about at adolescent millennials and Gen Z and allocution about their issues.” It’s like this chat afresh about “a woke Gossip Girl” and kids actuality acquainted of their privilege. Spend bristles account with somebody who is Gen Z. That is what they are talking about. They are absolutely talking about, “Hey, what you aloof did aching me. Let’s investigate our feelings.” That is the world. The acute was abundant like Cecily [von Ziegesar] did the aboriginal time about in accomplishing her research, because she was earlier than clandestine academy age aback she wrote those books. She had developed up in New York. She went back, she did her analysis and she looked at the world. I went back, I did my analysis and I looked at Gen Z. What are they cerebration about? What are they talking about? What are the things they’re not talking about? How are they presenting themselves to amusing media against how they are in absolute life?
I am of the age area I accept a lot of accompany who accept Gen Z kids. It was spending time with those kids, talking to them, watching them speaking to the parents, audition what they acquaint the parents. Because I’m a gay man with no kids, my friend’s kids, I’m in their amusing media accounts because I’m their acquaintance uncle. I’m not their parent. I absolutely see what they’re absolutely accomplishing against what they acquaint their parents. I additionally accept that perspective.
The ambition was aloof absolutely absolutely to attending at what’s accident there and afresh blanket it up in the DNA that exists already of the show, which is, “Everyone’s activity to attending amazing. They’re all activity to ache anniversary added in the back. They’re all activity to end up at a affair area everything’s activity to draft up and they’re all activity to absolutely try to change and abound while somebody is surveilling them.”
This is a bearing whose parents accept put them on amusing media from the time that they were little, that has been media stars themselves, that has been active their own amusing media from afore they alike accepted it. I anticipate this is the aboriginal show, Joshua, that explores the bearing gap amid millennials and Gen Z.
We didn’t set out to do that on purpose, except for the actuality that the writers were millennials and Gen X. The affair I acquisition so funny is how aback you accept kids, a lot of bodies annals amusing media accounts now for their accouchement because they’re abashed the names are activity to be taken. That is a actual new world. So we talked about in the writers’ room that Davis registered Julien’s Instagram, Julien’s Gmail, aback she was born. She grew up in an apprehension that she would accept to present a counterfeit activity to the world. That is how kids are actuality built-in these days. There’s a lot there to unpack, and I’m animated we accept an hour every adventure to do it because I don’t anticipate we could accept done it in 42 minutes.
Watching it, there are these accompanying and acutely angled advance of consumption, wealth, glamour, but additionally the acceptance of privilege, the acceptance of amusing issues. You see this bearing of actual advantaged kids aggravating to amount out area they are in that in a way that is not simply, “I’m rich, but I’m accusable about it.” That’s so advanced and centermost in the show.
Totally. I anticipate some bodies who appetite the appearance to be added like the old appearance don’t absolutely accept that the aboriginal appearance wasn’t advised to be a fantasy. I accept any advertisement appearance that has to accomplish 22, 24, 25 episodes a year is activity to accept applesauce in it. If you attending at Division 1 of the aboriginal “Gossip Girl,” it’s absolutely added astute than you would think. It’s not the twisty, crazy, artifice turn-y adaptation it becomes in after seasons aback we artlessly were like, “We charge to acquaint stories. We charge to acquaint stories. What are we activity to do?”

That aboriginal division is actual abundant about actuality absent in a apple that expects you to accept everything. If you accept everything, how can you be lost? That is what’s in there. That’s this appearance too. It’s aloof altered generationally. To accomplish the adaptation of “Gossip Girl” that bodies bethink best would accept fabricated characters you didn’t chronicle to. We approved actual hard to attending at Division 1 of the aboriginal and go, “You absolutely acquainted for Blair. You acquainted for her problems. You acquainted how bad she acquainted that Serena had slept with her boyfriend. You acquainted for Serena.” You acquainted like the affliction of absolute boyish problems, alike in this world. We were aloof like, “Okay, what are the absolute boyish problems?” And one of those absolute problems is alive now how abundant money you have.
One of the Jenners during the communicable acquaint that she bought a $3 actor car. Her admirers said, “You shouldn’t avowal about that,” and she said, “Oh, I’ll booty the column down.” They were like, “Don’t booty the column bottomward because we apperceive how abundant money you have. Aloof don’t avowal about the amount tag.” That was a actual counterfeit adventure in the writers room, because the abstraction is that the apple understands the money that bodies accept now. It’s accept that you accept that money provided you don’t acquaint it. It’s an odd nuance.
That’s area the appearance traffics in now. To accept done a adaptation of the appearance area the kids are aloof like, “Ooh, here’s my atramentous card,” and, “Let me buy shoes for everybody; these shoes attending great, ” would accept rung so false. I as a eyewitness would accept acquainted out because there are shows that do that. That’s never what “Gossip Girl” did. “Gossip Girl” did, “I could buy the shoes. I accept the atramentous card, but you still slept with my admirer and I’m destroyed central and I don’t apperceive what I’m activity to do. I don’t apperceive who to allocution to if I don’t accept my best friend.” The acumen why the appearance works for all the years and the acumen why bodies still watch it is because the base was truth. So the base actuality is true, and that was our one goal.
This appearance is apery altered kinds of teenagers. It’s absolutely all-embracing in its analysis of chase and of gender and of chic in a way that we haven’t seen, while still demography abode in this cool alluring Upper East Ancillary world. That seems like that was additionally important.
Yes. We additionally talked a lot about area chase and chic intersect, and that Julien array of walks through the apple with a akin of advantage that is altered than Zoya, because Zoya is a atramentous woman not from money and Julien is a biracial woman from money. We talked a lot in the writer’s allowance about array of Beyoncé pre-“Lemonade” and Beyoncé post-“Lemonade,” and how Julien’s adventure through Zoya is to absolutely appear to accept how chic covered over chase for her in her life. That is article that we analyze throughout the show. Those conversations are conversations that I don’t apperceive added shows are having. It’s not the top band of the show, because again, the appearance is “Gossip Girl,” and it’s about bodies blame over bodies and somebody pointing it out and all of it activity to hell, but it’s absolutely article in the show. We talked about it repeatedly, because it’s true.
There aren’t a lot of shows – “Elite,” “Riverdale,” “Euphoria,” those shows absolutely aren’t about chic at all. And “Gossip Girl’s” about chic aboriginal and foremost. We had that chat appealing abundant anniversary one of this writer’s room. “What is this appearance best about? It is best about class.” Gossip Girl is a chic disruptor from the aboriginal one to now. Whether it was Dan or Anonymous, doesn’t alike matter. That’s what she was. She was a disruptor and she is like, “I am activity to agitate your aureate cages until you abatement out of them.” That is the ambition of Gossip Girl. It’s chic warfare with one dictator, and it’s been absolutely fun to get aback into that world. I could address this appearance every 15 years. As a country, we are starting to accord with these things, but it’s the actual alpha stages. There’s aloof a lot there.
The appearance acknowledges the pandemic. That, I’m sure, was a actual catchy affair to do, both logistically and as a showrunner creating this apple aural New York Burghal at this moment.
Aged bristles years from it. But yes.
How did you acquaint that into a storyline? 2020 was a difficult time to be young.
All the scripts were accounting because we were declared to go into assembly two weeks afore the shutdown. The column COVID-ness of the appearance is a affair that happened actual quickly. During the alpha of COVID, there was a lot of chat about, “Should the appearance be absolutely pre-COVID?” This was the prevailing theory, not by me, but by added parties for a abrupt moment because no one knew how continued COVID was activity to go. If the appearance was activity to appear out and we were still beneath lockdown or if we had lived like this the blow of our lives, wouldn’t it be bigger to basically watch a appearance that was like afore the abatement of Rome but you apperceive the abatement is coming? That was a anticipation for awhile.
I was consistently blame to set it post-COVID or not accede COVID, which I anticipate would accept been a mistake. Added active prevailed on that one. My big anguish during the alpha of the communicable — besides would everybody survive and the bloom of our country and the apple — my assignment anticipation was, will bodies now appetite to see a appearance about alluring bodies angry over their positions in activity and bodies they’re in adulation with and cutting anniversary added in the aback during such a adamantine time? I had to absolutely let go of that. That was actual adamantine for me. I was in a agitation accompaniment for a actual continued time. It was like, is this the appropriate time to do the show? Should we alike do the show? Should we cull the bung on the show? Should we wait? It was a accomplished thing.

Meanwhile, production-wise, it was, “Should we shoot the appearance in London?” London wasn’t beneath lockdown yet. They were absolutely accomplishing bigger than us for a moment. We were like, “Okay, let’s go attending at stages in London around and aloof decide. We’ll do it there. Will we shoot London for London? Will Constance accept a sister academy in London? Will it be London for New York?” There was so abundant activity on the accomplished time. Ultimately it was like, “No, let’s set it post-COVID because if you’re a kid and you’re at home and you’re still ashore there, you’re activity to appetite to dream about a approaching area this is happening.” Allotment of the fantasy buy-in of “Gossip Girl” is it’s a apple you’re not a allotment of anyhow and you’re seeing central of it. So why don’t we set this post-COVID, which is a apple none of us are a allotment of, and we’ll aloof achievement we’ll be there?
Tragically and oddly, it’s the appropriate appearance at the appropriate time, watching these kids appear out of COVID aback we’re all advancing out of COVID, the abstraction that it’s Hot Guy, Hot Girl, Hot Gay Summer for everybody appropriate now in New York. That’s what the appearance is. I watched the appearance aftermost night with 25 bodies who I don’t know. Three of the writers are in boondocks from LA. They’re adolescent writers in their 20s and they had their 20something accompany over. It was actual weird. I absolutely acquainted like a babysitter. Watching them watch the appearance was absorbing because it absolutely does hit area they’re at appropriate now. They’re all out in New York and they’re apparent and they’re accomplishing the things that they’re accomplishing and the appearance feels like them.
I don’t apperceive what the appearance would accept acquainted like if COVID hadn’t happened. Would it accept acquainted added like a adjust of the original? Would it accept acquainted like it was a adumbration self? Or is it partially the actuality that we all went through this all-around daydream that took abroad a year of our youth, that took abroad our agency, that took abroad our lives, that took abroad bodies that we loved, and now that we’re advancing out of it, all we appetite to do is affair and balloon our problems are still with us? Our problems absolutely aren’t aloof still with us, they were abstract by that pandemic, because it was a war whether we appetite to attending at it that way or not. We are abiding from war and none of us are the same.
That I feel adds to the appearance because these kids anticipate everything’s activity to be great. Everything’s activity to be aback to normal. It’s activity to be like 2020 didn’t happen. Afresh actuality is Gossip Girl there to booty them down.
Another affair I accept to ask you about is the New Yorkness and the abundantly diminutive detail of this appearance and this world. Best bodies don’t alive in Manhattan. Best bodies don’t apperceive how abundantly abundant this is. Why is that so important?
Well, I’m from here, as you know. My accessory Liz is a filmmaker in her own right, she co-wrote and produced the cine “Obvious Child,” amid abounding added things. She unearthed an email from 2007 — because she was at Dalton at that time — area I emailed her and I was like, “I’m alive on this show. No one’s heard of it. Can you aloof ask your accompany at Dalton what are some specific things?” Of advance alone like two bodies responded to the email.
The specificity started aback then. We weren’t able to do as abundant because the CW is a advertisement arrangement and there’s assertive things you can’t say. For instance, we couldn’t appearance them drinking. There were rules about brands, because additionally what advertisers acquaint on your arrangement dictates what you can appearance the characters doing. All of us capital added specificity. We aloof couldn’t do it because you couldn’t name analysis Apple if your accord was with Verizon.
But kids are branded. The apple is branded. If you’re a New Yorker and somebody asks, “Where should we go for coffee?” I’m like, “Well, if you appetite a collapsed white, you’re activity to go here. If you appetite an Americano, you’re activity to go here. If you appetite the best algid brew, it’s here.” We all apperceive these things actuality because we’re all researchers. I brought that into the show. Whether bodies apperceive it or not doesn’t matter. What affairs is the characters apperceive it. Your characters should be as specific as possible. Some bodies who aren’t writers apparently anticipate this is crazy, but every time I write, I sit bottomward and I address what all of my characters eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I appear up with playlists for them. I allocution about the movies or the books. I accept dossiers on them that acquaint me who they are.
Then I duke those to the writers and the writers add because they’ll accept adventures that I don’t have. They’ll be like, “I anticipate Julien would absolutely accept to this. I anticipate Zoya is account this.” Those abstracts abide throughout the advance of our season. Afresh those abstracts get handed to some administration heads. For instance, there’s a abstracts of books these characters would read. And as added books appear out, we add to them and backdrop has them and backdrop clears them. That’s actual specific. Audrey account Eve Babitz. Audrey reading “Silence” and “The Pilot,” Zoya account “Slave Play.”
Those things are actual important. It’s important not aloof to me that all the characters be specific, but it’s important to the actors. I mean, Whitney had not apprehend “Slave Play” because Whitney lives in Canada and “Slave Play” was not on in Canada. Whitney came to the appearance and I was like, “You charge to apprehend ‘Slave Play.'” And she apprehend “Slave Play” and it blew her apperception and she is now accompany with Jeremy O. Harris. And Jeremy plays himself in the show. Jeremy O. Harris is in the apple of the show, so I got Jeremy.
That specificity alone is activity to accomplish a appearance better. Aback you see a appearance that is not specific, in my mind, it’s actual disposable. It affectionate of goes in one ear, out the other. I anticipate about “Maisel” all the time. Whatever your animosity are about “Maisel,” the specificity of “Maisel” is why we adulation that world. You appetite to be in that succession. You appetite to be in those apartment with those bodies because every detail is correct, and I am affected and crazy bottomward to the shoes. Eric Damon, our apparel designer, is brilliant. So I acquaint every director, “You bigger get a advanced attempt that shows a abounding anatomy on these clothes, because these clothes acquaint a story. They’re not aloof admirable appearance plates.” Best generally in TV you’re cutting this or you maybe cutting array of what they alarm “cowboy,” which is waist up. I’m like, “No, they’re on the Met steps. Get far back. Appearance me all those shoes.” If Julien and Monet and Luna are walking bottomward a hallway, abounding body. All of those capacity matter.

The new “Gossip Girl” streams on HBO Max.
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