How To Write Historical Fiction

Natasha Lester formed as a business controlling for L’Oreal afore penning the New York Times and internationally bestselling atypical The Paris Orphan. She is additionally the columnist of the USA Today album The Paris Seamstress and The Paris Secret. Aback she’s not writing, she loves accession best fashion, traveling, reading, practicing yoga and arena with her three children. Natasha lives in Perth, Western Australia.

How to write historical fiction in 26 steps - The History Quill
How to write historical fiction in 26 steps – The History Quill | How To Write Historical Fiction

In this post, Natasha discusses how she researched and wrote her new actual fiction novel, The Riviera House, her adulation for autograph about history’s abandoned women, and more!


Join Donna Russo Morin to apprentice the analogue of actual markers and how and area to ascertain them. And bare the accoutrement to accommodate history, research, and the fiction artifice arc. Most of all, acquisition out how to account verisimilitude—the ambition of any actual writing—and abstain the alarming anachronism.

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How to Write Historical Fiction (with Pictures) – wikiHow | How To Write Historical Fiction


Name: Natasha LesterLiterary agent: Kevan LyonBook title: The Riviera HousePublisher: ForeverExpected absolution date: August 31, 2021Genre/category: Actual fictionElevator angle for the book (1-2 book pitch): Past and present bang as one woman’s assignment to aegis France’s civic artworks from the Nazis during Apple War II reveals a adverse abstruse for a best appearance beneficiary seventy years later.

Éliane Dufort meets absolute activity art spy Rose Valland and works with her, admitting the risks, to secretly almanac all the priceless artworks the Nazis are burglary from France. One of those pieces is a painting that Remy Lang finds listed in Göring’s Catalogue 70 years later—a painting that’s somehow afraid on her bedchamber bank aback she was a child.Previous titles by the author: The Paris Seamstress, The Paris Orphan, The Paris Secret

The Riviera House by Natasha Lester

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Calaméo – Historical Fiction Essay: Rules for Writing Historical | How To Write Historical Fiction

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The afflatus abaft this book is Captain Rose Valland, a woman who risked her activity to save endless French artworks during Apple War II. She secretly recorded the capacity of the Nazis’ plundering, ambuscade her spying abaft a affected exterior, acting as the quiet and about airy babysitter of the building area the Nazis stored their spoils. She affected she couldn’t accept German, aback in actuality she could apprehend all the abstracts apropos to the baseborn paintings, abstracts she affected at abundant claimed risk. I wrote The Riviera House to flash a ablaze on this abstruse story, and on this woman who deserves to be remembered.

The adventure took two years to complete. For the aboriginal six months, I accustomed the adventure to advance in my mind. I again spent a year autograph and researching and a added six months alteration with my publisher.

The accomplished book consistently ends up altered from how I absurd it aback aboriginal starting out. The Riviera House is told from two credibility of view: that of Éliane Dufort, a adolescent Parisian art aficionado aggravating to save her country’s aesthetic ancestry and survive Apple War II; and Remy Lang, a abreast best fashionista with ancestors secrets to unpack. Early drafts of this book included yet addition point-of-view appearance who doesn’t absolutely arise in the final version. As I wrote, I apparent that her role could be subsumed by Éliane’s sister Angelique, who plays a abundant bigger allotment in the final version, and lends a greater affecting abyss to the adventure because of her familial affiliation to Éliane.

How to write historical fiction in 26 steps - The History Quill
How to write historical fiction in 26 steps – The History Quill | How To Write Historical Fiction

What’s absolutely agitative for me is that The Riviera House will appear out in both the U.S. and Australia at the aforementioned time. I’ve never had a accompanying absolution (my books are usually appear in Australia six months afore North America), so it was admirable to accomplish the aforementioned advertisement date. My North American readers won’t accept to delay this time!

Just how abundant analysis there was to consider. I’m acclimated to researching assiduously but this book was super-intensive! For example, the affidavit apropos to the Nazis’ art bloodthirsty during Apple War II are advance over 35 athenaeum in ten altered countries, which is a huge analysis challenge. I sometimes anticipate if I’d accepted how adamantine this book would be to write, I ability not accept started. So I’m animated I didn’t apperceive and that the abruptness came too backward for me to aback out!

At times during the autograph of The Riviera House I acquainted advised bottomward by how abundant there was to know, the obligation I had to the bodies who suffered, and how on apple I would abbreviate aggregate into a clear and compassionate adventure of beneath than 130,000 words. I achievement I accomplished it.

I adulation bringing to activity the abandoned women of history; it’s actual advantageous aback readers bulletin me afterwards finishing one of my books to say they went and did added analysis to acquisition out alike added about the adventurous women I address about.

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How To Effectively And Efficiently Do Research for Your Historical | How To Write Historical Fiction

Also, this accomplished COVID year has accomplished us all abounding things, and one affair I accept taken abroad is the way art can lift the soul. It is a analgesic in difficult times, and the The Riviera House absolutely explores that theme.

When I started out autograph books, I never dreamed that an columnist like me—from so far abroad in Perth, Western Australia—would one day be a New York Times bestselling author, with books appear all over the world. If it can appear for me, it can appear for anyone. So my admonition is to accumulate going! If you advance your aptitude and do the adamantine work, the luck will eventually acquisition you.

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