Instead of affable with me, Molinaro capital to augment me. She capital to augment me arresting tales of love, activity and accident while I took chaw afterwards chaw of her awe-inspiring food.

font-copy gray-darkest ma-0 pb-md">“That’s the bigger way for me,” she explained, sitting above the table in a T-shirt, active shorts and a ponytail. “I mean, that’s affectionate of my accomplished thing: bistro and talking over food.”
Indeed, this affair has becoming her added than 2.7 actor TikTok followers in aloof over a year. And, in the meantime, it’s revolutionized the way bodies allotment compound videos online.
In a TikTok cast she calls “story time videos,” Molinaro pairs attractive images of aliment prep, not with the accepted anecdotal affable directions, but with active voice-overs about immigrant life, burst relationships and adolescence trauma.
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She unspools a annual of her mother’s abreast starvation and annihilation over a video compound for vegan s’mores. She describes her father’s affecting reticence against her over footage of atramentous soybean noodles alleged jajangmyeon. And she tells the adventure of a seventh-grade drove who acclimated a ancestral accusation to call her and dumped her afterwards she wouldn’t go to “second base,” all while advancing an arugula, vegan cheese and amazon sandwich.
Over the advance of absolutely 60 seconds, Molinaro somehow makes you appetite to laugh, cry, advance in the streets and absorb every abuse affair on her plate.
But to casting Molinaro, 42, as a bald TikTok superstar would be to undersell her — by a lot.
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This Chicago-born adolescent of North Korean immigrants served until afresh as a accomplice in a activating Chicago law firm. She runs marathons as a hobby. And she has emerged as an abrupt analyst on women’s rights, anatomy image, the immigrant acquaintance and ancestral justice. Oh, and in the accomplished year, she’s additionally co-written two assessment pieces for the Atlantic about the amends of petitions fabricated by Admiral Donald Trump’s attorneys.
So how did a super-busy law accomplice become a vegan amount and amusing amends best whose admission cookbook is one of the best advancing releases of the fall?
“I never in my wildest acuteness anytime anticipation that this would be my life,” she says, palming a perilla leaf, layering it with a pickled daikon slice, beating it with brewed soy adhesive and topping it with rice and broiled mushrooms for a chaw as acute and circuitous as her own story.
It all started with Twilight
Molinaro, who majored in English at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign afore accessory law academy at the University of Chicago, says her afflatus to leave an black alliance came from an absurd source: Stephenie Meyer’s vampire alternation Twilight.
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“I was like, ‘Oh my God, this is so passionate.’ I don’t charge a vampire, but there’s this apple out there of affection and joy and excitement, and I wasn’t accepting that,” she recalled. “My accord with my ex-husband was actual abounding and difficult. So I exited that, and I anticipate that accomplished action accomplished me a lot about affronted for things. … I’d consistently accepted how to action for a job, action for a grade, action for achievement. But I’d never fought for myself.”
After catastrophe her marriage, Molinaro — who says she advised 70 added pounds than she does today — fabricated some changes. She started running, fabricated accomplice at her close and active up for an OkCupid account. Within months, she was akin with an ardent runner, classical pianist and music assistant alleged Anthony Molinaro.
She says they clicked appropriate away, but additionally fought acutely — accurately about his accommodation to go vegan in the winter of 2015. It concluded up sparking an altercation in her boss’s driveway as they were about to access a Christmas party.

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“I didn’t appetite to go vegan with him,” she said. “I acquainted a little bit like, ‘You’re activity to booty my Korean-ness abroad from me with what you’re doing. You’re activity to try to force me to be White with you.’ And that’s because I was so alien with vegan cuisine. And I didn’t apprehend there are so abounding means that you can advance your ancestry and your acceptable foods while actuality plant-based.”
A few weeks afterwards that anniversary fight, Molinaro says she absitively to accord veganism a try, but she banned to accord up her adolescence favorites. Instead, she set out to veganize them all.
“It was absolutely meant to prove to myself that I could do this, like I could break plant-based and I could still eat Korean aliment — that I wouldn’t become this whitewashed adaptation of myself that I was so abashed of,” she says. “And that ultimately accepted to be true, like 10 times over. In abounding ways, I apperceive so abundant added about my ability than I did before.”
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By consulting with her family, experimenting with assorted capacity and acquirements added about age-old Korean Buddhist temple cuisine, she aced her admired dishes, and afresh some.
Molinaro uses compact marinated augment slabs in abode of beef for galbi and swaps sea kelp for brewed seafood flavorings in her kimchi. She replaces the beef consomme in a algid buckwheat brainstorm soup with an acute radish broth, and leans on mung-bean-based Aloof Egg for her egg dishes.
About the aforementioned time she was belief her accommodation to go vegan, Molinaro abstruse that her ancestor had been diagnosed with prostate cancer, which has been affiliated to meat burning in some studies. She advised it a sign. Both Molinaro and her bedmate say they originally chose veganism for bloom affidavit but today additionally embrace it for ecology and ethical reasons.
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Still, as a adequately contempo vegan who gets the address of beastly articles for others, Molinaro presents a added compassionate face of veganism than the accepted accessible ability be acclimated to. Her posts feel abundant added like absolute archetype ambience than preaching.
“Joanne’s benevolence commutual with her affection and acuteness are what accomplish her both so acknowledged and such a ablaze apostle for veganism,” says Molinaro’s acquaintance Kim-Julie Hansen, who founded the Best of Vegan ability website and wrote “Vegan Reset.” “With her intersectional and nonjudgmental approach, she makes anybody feel acceptable and seen, article that abominably isn’t consistently the case in the vegan community.”
Bedmate and arch administrator
Molinaro’s husband, Anthony, plays a arresting role in the arc of her adventure and her amusing media posts. As the three of us allocution and eat, he sits at the arch of the table, animated and agreeable in occasionally to alter a story. They don’t accede on every detail but additionally attending actual abundant in adulation afterwards three years of marriage. She credits him with blame her to address about her adventure and alike advancing up with her acclaimed moniker: the Korean Vegan.
“He capital to animate me and reinforce [the decision] by saying: ‘Oh, my God, you’re such a acceptable cook, you should alpha a aliment blog. You’re the Korean vegan,” she recalls. “And so actually that day, he larboard for work, and by the time he came home, I had an Instagram, I had a Facebook, I had a YouTube approach alleged the Korean Vegan.”
Still a active advocate at the time, Molinaro tended to her amusing media platforms in her bound additional time. But they still did appealing well, accumulation 70,000 Instagram followers — and a Penguin Books cookbook accord — in the aboriginal four years.
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The agreeable was fueled by dishes she developed for her blog and afresh acquaint on Instagram alternating with actual continued adventure captions. The posts were affective and gorgeous, featuring Molinaro’s arresting affronted photography. But her admirers seemed to accept plateaued.
That all afflicted in summer 2020, aback the balloon apostle biconcave her tongs into the apple of TikTok videos. At aboriginal she took the acceptable avenue of antagonism through a accomplished anecdotal compound in 60 seconds, but she begin it anarchic and frantic.
“I was like, ‘This doesn’t accomplish sense,’ ” she recalls. “Maybe added bodies can accomplish this artistic, but I can’t accomplish article aesthetic out of a rushed, agitation recipe. … So I absitively to aloof balloon about administration recipes and instead aloof appearance the aliment and allocution about whatever … absolutely like what we’re accomplishing now.”
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In her aboriginal foray, she fabricated japchae bottle noodles while account an adventure aback a woman at a abundance alleged her fat and her mom swooped in. The simple aggregate of chopped vegetables, stir-fried noodles and affectionate aegis fabricated for some able TikTok content.
“I anticipate it had over a actor angle in beneath than 24 hours,” she says.
So what was the abstruse sauce?
“I anticipate aloof because it was absolutely different,” Molinaro says. “And on TikTok, they are appetite safety. They crave empowerment. They crave mother energy. You apperceive what I mean? I anticipate a lot of them feel a little lost. And so accepting such a able mother amount who was accommodating to do that, abnormally an immigrant mother, it aloof resonated with that community.”
After alive for years to actualize admirable pictures and accounting stories, Molinaro had an epiphany.
“I accomplished the apple wants videos,” she says. “There’s no catechism about it.”
So she started announcement the aliment “story time videos” on her Instagram augment as well. And her followers leaped from 70,000 to bisected a actor in a year. Meanwhile, her TikTok cardinal anesthetized 2.5 million.
That acknowledgment had its own aftereffect on her.
“When you get acknowledgment in the anatomy of hearts and cast and comments, it’s crazily motivating,” she says. “You appetite to do more.”
And so she did, generally announcement new videos assorted times a anniversary while befitting up with all of her IRL commitments and abrogation little time for abundant else.
Amusing media worlds bang
Up until about a year ago, Molinaro says, she approved to accumulate her personas on amusing media abstracted — alms added acknowledged allocution and backroom on Twitter (where she is the Korean Vegan, Esq.) while confined up aliment and claimed belief brindled with a little backroom on Instagram and TikTok.
But on a brilliant November day aftermost year aback Joe Biden was declared president, those personalities merged. Molinaro lives in a North Side adjacency of Chicago area citizens caked out of their homes and started dancing in the streets.
“I took like an 11-second video saying, ‘Hey, I’m so happy,’” she recalls. “And the abhorrence I accustomed on my Instagram was unreal. … Bodies were commenting: ‘Just delay until the Supreme Court weighs in. Donald Trump is activity to be president. And this is fraud, banausic banausic banausic blah.’ ”

These affronted responses hit a accurate assumption in Molinaro, not aloof because she voted for Biden, but because she happens to specialize in artifice law.
“So I was like, ‘You appetite to apperceive about fraud? I’ll acquaint you about fraud,’ she said. “So I attempt a 60-second TikTok video of me, you know, actuality array of obnoxious, saying, ‘Let me acquaint you about the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.’”
The absurd viral video recounts the standards for bringing a artifice case to the courts and finishes with the point that if attorneys present chiffon cases that abridgement evidentiary support, the admonition could be accountable to sanctions.
Today the video has been beheld added than 1 actor times and was retweeted by the cast of Lincoln Project co-founder George Conway. It additionally led to an allurement for Molinaro to co-write with Bradley P. Moss an assessment allotment in the Atlantic blue-blooded “No Self-Respecting Apostle Should Touch Trump’s Election-Fraud Claims.”
She has it affected on her dining allowance bank and calls it “the acme of my career.”
“It was so advantageous to me, because it was article that I acquainted so foolishly about — the election, our democracy, all of these things I cannot control,” she said. “This is article that I accept been agreeable about at the top of my lungs aback I was a little girl. And so to be able to aloof be in your face about it and to accept the accreditation to do this in a absolutely accurate way was above cathartic.”
She was abnormally beholden to her law firm, who let her do it as continued as it was bright that she was cogent her own opinions.
Despite the badassery she projects in her assessment pieces and some of her videos, Molinaro has additionally been accessible about her struggles and vulnerabilities. Those accommodate her challenges with anatomy angel that started aback she was a kid.
“I was never baby abundant for my ancestors growing up. I bethink aback I was 5 or 6 years old actuality told I was too fat,” she recalls. “Then aback I went to college, the guardrails came off in agreement of food. The apprentice 10 angry into 35 actual bound because I had been bistro Korean aliment my accomplished life, and it was now absolute bendable serve, absolute pizza, absolute abstract and Doritos all day. And afresh aback I got home from college, the awkward became 35 times worse. I was like, ‘I charge to stop eating,’ and I absent all the weight and afresh some, and anybody was like, ‘Joanne, you attending so great.’ They didn’t affliction that I was bistro one meal a day and was on the treadmill for hours. They aloof saw the results. But that behavior was unsustainable. You can’t aloof not eat. Instead you affair and accretion all the weight aback and afresh some. So it was like that for 10 years. Aback and alternating and aback and forth. I was the base of so abounding jokes in my family. ‘Oh, Joanne’s fat again. Oh, Joanne is angular again.’ ”
She says this alone got worse in the aboriginal years as a adolescent apostle in an black marriage, aback she acclimated aliment to abate the stress, aptitude on a approved circling of “McDonald’s, Popeyes, [Chicago fast-food chain] Portillo’s and aliment from Greektown,” she says.
With her success as a acclaimed baker and chase runner, you ability anticipate Molinaro’s struggles with aliment and weight are abaft her. But she says it’s still adamantine to tune out that articulation on her accept calling her “fat and ugly” unless she is on a diet.
“I don’t anticipate I will anytime go a day until I die after either audition that articulation on my accept or actuality accountable to go aback to a actual akin way of eating,” she says with resignation. “We all accept accoutrements and things we can’t unlearn, and I aloof accept to apprentice to alive with it.”
This month, Molinaro is dispatch bottomward from her position as accomplice in her close (but she charcoal “of counsel”) to focus on her comestible projects. She’s fielding opportunities to aggrandize her cast in video, audio and added books. And abutting month, she affairs to barrage the Korean Vegan Meal Planner, an app that “gives you bags of recipes, and it’s affiliated to Instacart so you accept all the capacity delivered appropriate to you.”
Molinaro says that she’ll abide a accountant advocate but that she wants to booty some time to be added advised about a aliment career that has exploded in doubtful ways.
What is the ambition abaft all of it?
“I apperceive it sounds trite, but I aloof appetite to accomplish the apple a bigger place,” she says. “I absolutely aloof appetite to accomplish it a kinder place. I’ve consistently acquainted affliction aback I’d see others activity pain. And anytime aback I was in college, I’ve anticipation that affection was the best underrated thing.”
But aback she started practicing law, she says, her affinity was apparent as a weakness, article that had to booty a aback bench to the analgesic instinct.

“I’m annoyed of actuality abashed of it,” she says. “So I appetite to advance the Korean Vegan to change that anecdotal to say, hey, it is absolutely air-conditioned to be compassionate. It is absolutely able to embrace your affinity and to accomplish meaningful, abiding change as a aftereffect of that. Let’s embrace that about ourselves and, in the process, try to acquisition and bear joy.”
Eng is the Chicago anchorman for Axios and co-host of the aliment and bloom podcast Chewing.
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