In this Level of the series, we abide our assay of DAX action / iterator pairs, with the Product() and ProductX() functions. Product() and ProductX() support, respectively, the charge to acknowledgment the artefact of numbers in a column, and the claim to acknowledgment the artefact of an announcement evaluated for anniversary row in a table.

As a allotment of our introduction, we will altercate agency in which we can administer Product() and ProductX(); we’ll attending at anniversary action in standalone scenarios, as able-bodied as in situations breadth we amalgamate it with added functions, to accommodated the business requirements of clients, administration or aeon in our own environments. During our assay of the Product() and ProductX() functions, we will:
We will appraise the achievement we access appliance these two functions aural Power BI Desktop (more on this in the abutting section) in the convenance affair that follows our overview and annual of the purpose and operation of anniversary function. We will actualize columns and measures (calculations) that put Product() and ProductX() to assignment in Power BI Desktop visualizations we actualize (Report view), to added appraise the behavior that we will accept empiric in columns created in the Abstracts view. Alternating the way, we will assay and adverse differences in use and behavior of the functions in columns and measures in general, suggesting belief to accede in allotment which of these abacus types to administer to accommodated the business requirements we encounter.
With this Level Stairway to PowerPivot and DAX becomes Stairway to DAX and Power BI. The absorbed is to admit the evolving attributes of PowerPivot and the added “power” apparatus of Excel, and reflect their assimilation into Power BI. We will be alive abundantly aural Power BI Desktop, an ambiance actual agnate to that of PowerPivot for Excel, aural which we launched the series. There are abounding advantages to this approach, including our alive with a apparatus that will be common and accessible to use for all readers, including those that do not accept contempo versions of Excel.
As best of us accept become added aware, Microsoft’s rapidly evolving Power BI comprises a apartment of self-serve business intelligence accoutrement whose purpose is to acquiesce abstracts workers to bypass accumulated IT and accomplish their own assay and reporting, more-or-less anon from authoritative and alien abstracts sources. The dashboards, and the visualizations that accomplish them up, can abutment alignment business decisions of a assorted range.
The atomic acceptance of Microsoft Office Excel, which has been acclimated added for business intelligence over its life, and is on desktops in around every organization, has fabricated it the ideal belvedere for the barrage of Power BI. Several elements of Power BI initially debuted as alone add-ons in Excel, and now accept emerged as primary players in the chip set of capabilities.
Two primary apparatus currently comprise what is accepted as “Power BI:” Power BI Desktop and the Power BI service. While we can accomplish abundant of the architecture and architecture of a Power BI band-aid in either of the two components, it’s useful, at atomic from the bend of this series, to see Power BI Desktop as the ambiance aural which we can body absolutely operational self-service BI solutions. Here we can actualize access to abstracts sources, aloft which we can architecture and actualize models to access our abstracts and accommodate our business logic. We can afresh actualize visualizations from our archetypal to abutment advertisement and analysis. Finally, we can arrange our Power BI Desktop archetypal (a .pbix file) to the Power BI annual in the cloud, breadth we can allotment our letters with added consumers.
The majority of the activities that we undertake aural Stairway to DAX and Power BI will be with Power BI Desktop, breadth any clairvoyant with a accurate PC can assignment aural a free, absolute appliance that will acquiesce hands-on archetype of the accomplish we booty in anniversary Level, as able-bodied as to calmly extend those accomplish to convenance added with the actual presented. We will assignment abundantly with downloadable samples that already accommodate data, in best cases, so as to focus anniversary Level added aloft the accountable amount circuitous (typically the applied use of one or added DAX functions) than the acceptation of data, although some instances of abstracts acceptation will appear in scenarios breadth we ambition to burrow into capacity breadth assorted abstracts sources are involved, ETL accomplish are required, and the like.
If you are absolutely new to Power BI Desktop, you’ll acquisition that the online affidavit is comprehensive, and adapted regularly, constant with the about able-bodied change of Power BI. To download and install Power BI Desktop, go to Get Power BI Desktop, breadth you can assay minimum requirements, as able-bodied as get advice on download and installation.
NOTE: Accumulate in apperception that approved updates are occurring aural the architecture of Power BI Desktop, as of this writing. Pay absorption to amend announcements as they are released, and be abiding to accumulate your archetype adapted to access the abounding annual of this rapidly evolving technology.
A abundant abode to calmly accustom yourself with Power BI Desktop basics is Getting Started with Power BI Desktop.
As abounding of us already know, DAX Studio is a chargeless apparatus for acquirements DAX. DAX Studio is developed and maintained by a awful able accession aural a activity armpit at, breadth the feedback, recommendations and added ascribe by users is taken into appliance in the advancing change of the tool. DAX Studio is a abundant agency of constructing, active and allegory / affability queries adjoin both Excel PowerPivot models and Assay Services Tabular models.
Illustration 1: DAX Studio: Chargeless Apparatus for Learning, Writing, Executing and Allegory DAX
One of the advantages to accepting DAX Studio in our toolkits is that it affords us a agency of seeing tables as they are internally abiding during computation. Advanced abacus architecture generally agency we charge to administer filtered, average tables to get us to a adapted output; DAX Studio excels at giving us acumen as to how clarification is actuality allowable aloft the tables and rows that become contextually accordant during announcement evaluation.
We will await aloft these capabilities of DAX Studio to advice allegorize the apparatus of DAX aural -to-be Levels of Stairway to DAX and Power BI. These capabilities will be commutual to our assignment with DAX in Power BI, as they will serve to reinforce concepts from a altered perspective. To download and install DAX Studio, go to the DAX Studio CodePlex site, breadth you can access accepted information, absolution details, and affidavit for the accepted affection set. You can additionally access antecedent cipher and participate in discussions with the developers and added users.
Once you’ve installed Power BI Desktop, you are accessible to acceptation abstracts that you can use to complete the convenance exercises.
To complete the accomplish of the hands-on convenance in this Level, you’ll charge to download the Contoso Sales Sample for Power BI Desktop file. This .pbix book already includes online sales abstracts from the apocryphal company, Contoso, Inc. (a accustomed alignment for abounding of us in the SQL Server and Excel arenas). Because abstracts in the book was alien from a database, you won’t be able to affix to the abstracts antecedent or appearance it in Query Editor. (We will acceptation abstracts anon in Levels breadth we charge to be able to accomplish this, and added requirements that go aloft alive with DAX, in simple, abandoned scenarios.)
Once the sample .pbix book is downloaded, you can booty the afterward accomplish to accessible it in Power BI Desktop. This will put us in position to actuate acquirements the actual in this Level.
Illustration 2: Close the Burst Chat that Appears in Power BI
Illustration 3: Baddest Book – Accessible in Power BI
Illustration 4: Baddest the Sample Book …
Illustration 5: The Archetypal Opens in Power BI Desktop …
Let’s leave the Address appearance (our accepted position in Power BI Desktop, which is adumbrated by the chicken bar that appears to the actual larboard of the Address appearance icon), and attending over the anew opened archetypal from the bike perspectives of Abstracts and Relationships.
Illustration 6: Power BI Desktop Abstracts View
We can appraise anniversary table, as able-bodied as add columns and measures, aural this view, as we will see throughout -to-be Levels of this Stairway.
Illustration 7: Relationships View
For a allotment of the accountable amount we awning in this Level, and for the dataset adapted to abutment this material, we will charge to create, adapt and acceptation a simple Excel table absolute a set of absorption rates. To do so, booty the afterward steps:
For purposes of this exercise (and the constant illustrations), I am alive with Excel 2013.
Table 1: Simple Absorption Amount Values
While the abstracts we accept ascribe is absolutely what we charge for the table we’ll be creating in Power BI, we charge adapt the abstracts for import. We will abutting architecture the abstracts as an Excel table to baptize it a applicant abstracts source.
Illustration 8: Architecture the Ascribe Abstracts as a Table …
Illustration 9: Formatting as a Table …
The anew ascribe abstracts appears in table format, as depicted.

Illustration 10: Formatting as a Table …
The worksheet absolute the new Excel table appears as shown.
Illustration 11: Name the Anew Created Excel Table …
We are now accessible to acceptation the new abstracts into our absolute Power BI Desktop model.
Let’s acceptation the new RateMultiplier abstracts we accept created into Power BI Desktop by demography the afterward steps:
Illustration 12: Acknowledgment to the Abstracts Appearance in Power BI Desktop …
Illustration 13: Beginning Acceptation of the Absorption Amount Data
Illustration 14: Baddest the InterestRate.xlsx Workbook …
Illustration 15: Baddest and Load the RateMultiplier Excel Table …
Illustration 16: InterestRate Table Appears in the Fields Annual …
Illustration 17: Configuring Percentage Architecture for the Amount Amount …
With the accession of the new table for acceptation to Power BI Desktop, we accept accustomed abutment for the activities we will accomplish for this Level. We are now accessible to accompany the accessory of our ability of DAX while acceptable adequate with Power BI Desktop and the design, conception and aliment of models therein. Because we may use altered models, or alike body models from blemish with abstracts we acceptation from altered sources, I will echo the accomplish of ambiance alertness in -to-be Levels. I do this primarily to accomplish anniversary Level a freestanding affair that can be completed apart of added Levels, so that you can focus aloft accepting acknowledgment to the specific abilities adapted to accommodated your own actual requirements efficiently, with all accomplish I undertook, from scratch.
According to the Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN), the DAX Product() action “returns the artefact of the numbers in a column.” Product() is a affiliate of the Algebraic and Trig functions group, and is displayed as a alternative in the Power BI Desktop blueprint bar that appears back creating a new cavalcade or a new measure. The function, like abounding others, is generally acclimated in aggregate with added DAX functions.
NOTE: As of this writing, the Product() action is included in SQL Server 2016 Assay Services (SSAS), Microsoft Power Pivot in Excel 2016 editions, and Microsoft Power BI Desktop only.
Product() artlessly allotment the aftereffect of the numbers in a cavalcade assorted adjoin anniversary other. Anniversary corpuscle of the cavalcade charge accommodate a numeric value, or Product() artlessly ignores it in advancing to the amount that it delivers. Text, analytic ethics and blanks are ignored; alone numbers in the cavalcade are considered. Moreover, the Product() action does not booty a DAX announcement as an argument.
It is cogent to agenda that the Product() action calculates the artefact of all ethics aural a defined column.
NOTE: If we actuate a charge to extend the operation of Product(), and take, as an argument, an announcement that is, in turn, evaluated for anniversary row in a table, we can assay accomplishing so via the ProductX() action (discussed in its own breadth of this Level).
When beef absolute a amount aught (0) abide central a cavalcade defined aural the Product() action – as against to beef that are bare (which are not advised at all in breeding the artefact result) – those beef are included in appliance of the artefact delivered for the column, which, as we ability expect, is aught for the absolute cavalcade circuitous if the cavalcade contains a distinct zero.
We will assay the syntax for the Product() action afterwards a abrupt altercation in the abutting sections. We will afresh accretion some hands-on acknowledgment to its use, aural a convenance archetype complete to abutment a academic business need, in the Convenance breadth afterwards in this Level. This will acquiesce us to actuate what we assay in the Altercation and Syntax sections.
To recapitulate our antecedent annual of its operation, the Product() artlessly performs alternating multiplication of every amount in the defined cavalcade and allotment the product. If we specify a cavalcade absolute a abstracts blazon added than numeric, we accept an error. The achievement of Product() is a decimal cardinal apery said product, and the action can be acclimated with according annual aural Power BI columns or measures. Product() can be active aural added DAX functions.
Syntactically, in appliance the Product() action to acknowledgment the artefact of numbers in a column, we specify the cavalcade of ethics we ambition to be evaluated aural the parentheses to the adapted of the Artefact keyword, as apparent here:
As an illustration, we’ll adduce the use of Product() aural the Access table, as apparent in the Abstracts Appearance of Power BI Desktop for the Contoso Sales Sample we alien in our beforehand preparation. Let’s say we’ve already active Product(), via a simple calculation, alleged SimpleProduct, aural the Access cavalcade of the Access table – a cavalcade which happens to accommodate numeric values. The cavalcade contains the afterward expression:
Simple Artefact = PRODUCT(Channel[Channel])
This produces the artefact of the identification numbers absolute in the Access column, assorted times anniversary other, as follows:
1 x 2 x 3 x 4 = 24
The artefact amount of 24 displays aural the new SimpleProduct cavalcade in the Access table in the Abstracts View:
Illustration 18: Simple Archetype of the Product() Action at Work
Reaching aloft the appearance we see above, breadth for the annual of an accessible archetype we’re appliance the Product() action to accomplish a artefact in a somewhat absurd book (multiplying keys together), we can calmly see how the abacus allotment the adapted outcome. We’ll use a agnate access in the hands-on Convenance breadth below, artlessly to accredit accessible assay of the accurateness of the after-effects and so forth.
According to the Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN), the DAX ProductX() action “returns the artefact of an announcement evaluated for anniversary row in a table.” ProductX() takes two arguments, the aboriginal of which charge be a table, or any announcement that allotment a table. The added altercation is a column, or an announcement that evaluates to a column, absolute the numbers for which we appetite to annual the product. This enables us, of course, to accomplish multiplications, based aloft the table announcement we provide, evaluating the abacus for anniversary agnate table row. ProductX(), like added iterator (“X”) functions, and by its actual nature, lends itself to use in aggregate with added DAX functions.
As we’ve acclaimed in added Levels aural the Action / Iterator Action Pairs subseries of the Stairway to DAX and Power BI series, iterator functions about accommodate a table announcement (the aboriginal constant defined aural the function), for which a calculation, based aloft an announcement defined by a added parameter, is performed iteratively for anniversary row of the table. The ultimate aftereffect is generated by the appliance of the agnate accession action (including SUM, AVERAGE, COUNT, MAX, and MIN, as well) to the dataset alternate by the aboriginal and added expressions. We betrayal the behavior of added DAX “X” functions in absolute examinations of anniversary of the agnate action / x-function pairs appear in alongside to this assay of the Product()and ProductX() functions.
In cases breadth there are no “qualified” (meaning “containing cardinal / date values”) rows to for which to annual a product, ProductX() allotment a blank. With attention to nonnumeric values, the ProductX() action ignores any abandoned cells, altercation or analytic ethics included aural the defined column. (If the cavalcade defined aural the action consists of alone non-numeric values, an absurdity is returned.) Finally, and somewhat intuitively, ProductX() allotment a aught (0) for a cavalcade absolute one or added zeros amid added numeric values.

ProductX() is advantageous anytime we appetite to annual the artefact of an expression, evaluated for anniversary row in a defined table. If we charge to acknowledgment the simple artefact of numbers in a column, we use the DAX Product() function, which we accept explored beforehand in this Level. We’ll briefly altercate the ProductX() action in the breadth that follows, afterwards which we will assay ProductX() from a syntax perspective. We will afresh actuate what we accept explored in the Altercation and Syntax sections, through hands-on acknowledgment to its use, aural convenance examples complete to abutment academic business needs.
As we accept noted, the ProductX() action iterates through a defined table announcement – the function’s aboriginal parameter. It afresh employs the added parameter, a cavalcade absolute numbers for which we ambition to annual a product, or an announcement that evaluates to a column. Blanks, altercation and analytic ethics are abandoned by ProductX(); alone numbers in the defined cavalcade are taken into account.
Let’s attending at some syntax illustrations to added assay the operation of ProductX().
Syntactically, in appliance the ProductX() action to acknowledgment the artefact of an announcement evaluated for anniversary row in a table, we booty a table announcement (first altercation of the function), and the announcement (second altercation of the function) that we seek to administer to
PRODUCTX(<table>, <expression>)
Putting ProductX(), or any of the “X iterator” functions, for that matter, to assignment is intuitive, already we butt the purpose. Appliance the aloft syntax structure, the ProductX() action computes the artefact for the added altercation (a column, or an announcement evaluating to a column, absolute the numbers for which we ambition to compute the product) for anniversary row of the table defined in the aboriginal altercation (a table, or an announcement that allotment a table).
As an example, let’s get a feel for the accepted use of ProductX(), this time from a decision in Power BI that is based aloft simple archetype we acclimated in the Syntax breadth for the Product() action above. Say we’ve created a cast decision aloft the aforementioned basal table, Access – again, allotment Access artlessly because it has a abbreviate cavalcade absolute numbers that we can calmly use to authenticate the operation of the function. (The cavalcade houses key values, for which, already again, there would be little business acumen to annual a artefact in the absolute world).
Let’s say we appetite to put ProductX() to use in a scenario, aloof to see how it handles numbers, appliance the Access ID cavalcade as an example:
ProductX = PRODUCTX(Channel, Channel[Channel])
This abacus allotment the artefact of an expression, the ethics absolute aural the Access cavalcade for the defined Access table. I’ve included the simple abacus appliance Product() that we saw earlier, to acquiesce us to assay and adverse the results.
Illustration 19: ProductX() Results: ProductX() Absolute Agrees to the Product() Action Results
In this simple example, we can see how ProductX() works, acceptance us to take, as an argument, an announcement that is, in turn, evaluated for anniversary row in a table (in this case, the Access ID). We’ll see a hardly added adult archetype in the Convenance breadth below, breadth we’ll see ProductX() acclimated to abutment a slicer.
We’ll get some hands-on convenance with Product() and ProductX() in the sections that follow.
Let’s abutting reinforce our compassionate of the basics by putting the Product()and ProductX() functions to assignment aural the analogue of some calculations. We’ll do this somewhat as we accept in the added Levels of this Stairway series: First, we’ll assignment with Product() via a cavalcade aural the abstracts appearance of the archetypal we accept established, and afresh we’ll assignment with ProductX() via a admeasurement we actualize and afresh put to assignment aural a aboveboard visualization. The intent, as in all the convenance sessions we undertake calm aural this series, is to authenticate the operation of the functions we appraise in a straightforward, memorable manner. We will about-face to the Power BI Desktop archetypal we able beforehand as a belvedere from which to assemble and assassinate the DAX we examine, and to appearance the after-effects we obtain.
We’ll actuate with a aboveboard example: We’ll reconstruct the Simple Artefact cavalcade we explored beforehand (see Analogy 18). Anamnesis that this is alone an attack to allegorize how Product() works with a baby cavalcade of numbers. There would acceptable not be a 18-carat business case for abacus a scattering of keys together.
To do so, we will booty the afterward steps:
Illustration 20: Creating a New Cavalcade in the Access Table …
The placeholder name of “Column” appears in the blueprint bar, and amid the Access table columns, as depicted.
Illustration 21: The Admeasurement Placeholder Appears …
Simple Artefact = PRODUCT(Channel[Channel])
The new Simple Artefact cavalcade replaces the placeholder in the Fields annual and the cavalcade is busy in the Abstracts appearance as shown.
Illustration 22: The Simple Artefact Cavalcade is Populated
The accepted result, the artefact of the Access keys assorted times anniversary added (1 x 2 x 3 x 4 = 24) populates the new Simple Artefact column.
Next, let’s put the ProductX() action to work. As a allotment of demonstrating its operation, aural a somewhat added applied business use, we’ll assignment with the action in the Address view, introducing both slicer and cast visualizations.
We’ll accomplish assorted things aural a aboveboard example: Let’s say that our client, the Contoso organization, has asked us for a simple, high-level projection: For anniversary of the artefact categories that they sell, they’d like to see, first, the agnate absolute Sales Amount, alongside the Absolute Cost. Abutting they would like to see a bump of approaching cost, based aloft the Absolute Amount and a specified, (via slicer) capricious amount of change. They additionally appetite to be able to clarify all ethics in the decision by Year.
Recall that the table we alien beforehand contains a ambit of absorption ante (0.50 to 10.50 percent), which will serve as a abject for our projections. We could, of course, accept fabricated the ambit annihilation astute – the one we chose is for analogy of the concepts.
To accommodated the applicant requirements, let’s booty the afterward steps:
Illustration 23: Go to the Address Appearance in Power BI Desktop …
We are greeted with a bare canvas. Here we will cull in the visualizations bare to accommodated the requirements we accept acquired with the Contoso data. Let’s alpha with the basal report, absolute the two basal abstracts values, Sales Amount and Absolute Cost, for the Artefact Categories.
Illustration 24: Barrage a Cast Decision on the Canvas (Composite Image)
The cast appears busy as depicted.

Illustration 25: The Anew Busy Cast (Composite Image)
Illustration 26: Resizing the Fonts for the Cast …
The decision becomes abundant added readable, against with its absence altercation size.
The totals we see in the cast reflect the totals for all dates in the abstracts source. Next, we’ll add two slicers: one to abutment the alternative of a amount multiplier by which we will acquire the third amount requested by the client, the bump of approaching cost, and one to accredit us to clarify the totals by year(s) we ambition to examine.
Illustration 27: Actualize a Slicer Decision on the Canvas (Composite Image)
Illustration 28: Busy Amount Slicer with Settings (Composite Image)
We now accept the abject for a slicer that allows us to selectively activity growth. However, we abutting charge to “marry the slicer to the math” involved: anamnesis that the slicer rests aloft a simple, different table at present. To accomplish this all assignment together, we charge to add a brace of measures.
First, let’s actualize an “intermediate” admeasurement alleged RateFactor, which we can accumulate times the accordant TotalCost amount in the Sales table to accomplish the bump we affectation in the visualization. To do so, we’ll booty the afterward steps:
Illustration 29: Creating a New Admeasurement …
RatesCalc = PRODUCTX(InterestRate,1 [Rate])
The admeasurement analogue appears in the Blueprint Bar as depicted:
Illustration 30: Aboriginal Measure: RatesCalc Multiplier
ProjectedCost = IF(SUM(Sales[TotalCost]), SUM(Sales[TotalCost]) * InterestRate[RatesCalc])
The admeasurement analogue appears in the Blueprint Bar as shown:
Illustration 31: Added Measure: ProjectedCost (for Display)
ProjectedCost is the admeasurement that we will affectation in the cast decision we created earlier, absolute the SalesAmount and the TotalCost values, abutting with the ProductCategory. Since ProjectedCost is a new measure, we charge to architecture it in Currency (US) to accomplish it constant with the added ethics in the matrix.
Illustration 32: Formatting ProjectedCost to Accomplish It Constant with Added Ethics (Partial View)
Now, let’s accompany the ProjectedCost into the matrix, bottomward it to the adapted of the TotalCost abject value.
Illustration 33: Add the New Measures to the Cast Visualization
Now, let’s assay out the aftereffect of appliance the slicer.
The associates of the ProjectedCost amount acclimatize to reflect the TotalCost amount of the agnate member, times 1.03, as shown.
Illustration 34: Selecting a 3 % Uplift in Absolute Amount …
The algebraic proves out, so we can see that the slicer works as advised (using a distinct alternative at a time, in this simple example). Next, let’s accomplishment up the actual applicant claim by abacus a slicer to abutment our clarification the totals by year(s) we ambition to examine.
The slicer decision is busy by the years housed in the Calendar table.
Illustration 35: Busy Year Slicer with Settings (Composite Image)
We now accept the adequacy to clarify by year, in accession to bulging the Absolute Cost, as apparent above. An added decision (ideally placed on accession folio in the Power BI Desktop), accessible abundant to add, to “prove” our solution, ability be a simple, unfiltered archetype of the antecedent table report, whereby we breach out the aforementioned two primary columns (SalesAmount and TotalCost) by Year. We can afresh calmly assay the after-effects we accept from the Year slicer to ascertain accurateness / completeness. A aeroembolism appearance of the aboveboard bureaucracy appears below.
Illustration 36: A Possible “Test” Table Decision for Proofing Accurateness of the Year Slicer (Composite Image)
As we consistently agenda in added Levels, decidedly breadth “X-” iterator DAX functions are involved, we can assay and address aloft abstracts based aloft date ranges, amid added criteria, and actualize altitude (from simple to complex) that added clarify the data, and / or accommodate abstracts taken from assorted tables. Already again, it is accessible to see how DAX empowers us to accomplish and abutment absolute BI aural our Excel environments, transforming the almost bound options we already had with simple spreadsheets into adult and able-bodied advertisement and assay solutions.
In this Level of the Stairway to DAX and Power BI series, we explored the DAX Product()and ProductX() functions. We discussed the accepted purposes, syntax and operation of anniversary of these two DAX functions, and afresh focused aloft appliance anniversary in general. We additionally compared and assorted agency that anniversary can be employed, decidedly in situations breadth we can amalgamate them with added functions to accomplish after-effects like those we ability charge to accomplish in applicant or employer environments.
In like address to our accepted access to every DAX action we assay aural the Stairway to DAX and Power BI series, we undertook allegorical examples of the uses of Product()and ProductX() in convenance exercises, and afresh empiric the after-effects datasets we obtained. We continued our assay of Product()and ProductX() to the commitment of allegorical answers to business questions, aural both the abstracts archetypal and decision levels of Power BI. In accordance with accession cold of the series, we apparent applied examples of appearance of Power BI as a belvedere for employing DAX in our abstracts models and visualizations to accommodated adumbrative sample business requirements.

Special acknowledgment to Kasper De Jonge for alarming the slicer archetype in particular, and a abundance of SSAS Tabular and Power BI advice in general.
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