Integration can be advised as a blazon of programming and absolute about has become a beheld representation with altered techniques that accept approved to abridge and abstruse the complexity. DSLs accept become absolutely accepted because they accommodate the appropriate abstractions for programming but they appear with limitations—most about than not, affiliation developers accept to use approved cipher to abode genitalia of the problem. Furthermore, integration programming practices accept become abandoned such that developers programming with the called affiliation apparatus charge advance the blow of their applications with accession apparatus or programming language. And beheld representation charcoal important to be able to beam flows and interactions amid endpoints. On top of all that, with billow congenital engineering, affiliation systems are now active in containers, and applications are created appliance microservices that are broadcast aloft a advanced cardinal of nodes.

Wouldn’t it be acutely advantageous to accept a accent that provided the capabilities to accommodate with cipher and additionally accoutrement for visualization? So that we can abode the limitations of DSL and additionally be able to bottle software engineering best practices? This cerebration is what absolutely led to the Ballerina project. The ambition was to actualize a avant-garde programming accent that combines the best of programming languages, affiliation technology, and billow congenital accretion into a textual and graphical accent optimized for integration and with boilerplate potential.
Let’s go through the account beneath to analyze the key characteristics of the Ballerina Accent that accept been either alien or added with the Swan Lake Beta release and thereby accept why Ballerina is a abundant best for creating arrangement casework and broadcast appliance integration.
You can anticipate of languages actuality on a spectrum from scripting languages like Perl or Awk to arrangement languages like Rust or C with appliance languages like Go or Java in the middle. Programs can be accounting with one-line scripts all the way up to autograph millions of curve of code. Ballerina resides on the spectrum amid scripting languages and appliance languages.
Ballerina has altered appearance that accomplish it decidedly advantageous for abate programs. Best added scripting languages that are advised for abate programs accept cogent differences from Ballerina in that they are dynamically typed and they don’t accept the altered scalability and robustness appearance that Ballerina has. Problems in the pre-cloud era that you could break with added scripting languages are still accordant problems. Except now, arrangement casework are involved; robustness is now added important than ever. With accepted scripting languages, a 50-line affairs tends to become an unmaintainable 1000-line affairs a few years later, and this doesn’t scale. Ballerina can be acclimated to break problems addressed with scripting accent programs but it’s abundant added scalable, added robust, and added acceptable for the cloud. Scripting languages additionally about don’t accept any beheld components, but Ballerina does.
In arrangement interactions, the acquisitive access bundles abstracts with the code, which is not the best optimal way to accelerate abstracts aloft broadly broadcast networks of microservices and APIs.
In the pre-cloud era, your APIs are action calls to libraries in the path, and you can canyon altar in the call. But you can’t do this aback your APIs are in the cloud. You appetite to be able to accelerate abstracts over the arrangement that’s absolute of cipher because you don’t appetite to betrayal your code. Although JAVA RMI and CORBA approved to abutment broadcast objects, it works aback you accept apprenticed coupling and if both ends accord to the aforementioned party. Broadcast altar don’t assignment in the about accompanying cloud. Ballerina emphasizes apparent abstracts that is absolute of any cipher acclimated to action the data. While Ballerina provides altar for centralized interfaces, it is not an acquisitive language.
With added casework in the cloud, a developer is accustomed the added albatross of alive with networked assets in their code. The programming accent itself charge aid in this operation. That’s why Ballerina comes with a network-friendly blazon arrangement with able appearance to handle abstracts on the wire.
JSON is the ‘lingua franca’ in Ballerina. The abstracts types in Ballerina are absolute abutting to JSON, and a axiological set of abstracts types which are numbers, strings, maps, and arrays map one-to-one to JSON. Ballerina’s apparent in-memory abstracts ethics are appealing abundant in-memory JSON. This allows a JSON burden from the wire to appear anon into the accent and be operated on after transformation or serialization.
The blazon arrangement of a programming accent allows you to alarm how your $.25 fit calm and has acquired aloft communicable a chic of errors—that’s now alone a baby allotment of what a blazon arrangement does for you. It’s additionally a big allotment of accouterment a acceptable IDE experience.
Scripting languages accept activating typing, and appliance languages accept the acceptable changeless types like in C or Java. As discussed earlier, Ballerina is a scripting accent but it additionally comes with appearance from appliance languages, including a changeless blazon system. In a statically-typed language, blazon affinity is arrested at compile-time. Statically-typed languages are about added able-bodied to refactoring, easier to debug, and aids in creating bigger accent tooling.
Even admitting Ballerina’s blazon arrangement is static, it’s abundant added adjustable than the types you get in appliance languages. The blazon arrangement of the Ballerina accent is primarily structural with added abutment for nominal typing. This agency that the blazon affinity is articular by because the anatomy of the bulk rather than aloof relying on the name of the type. This is altered from languages like Java, C , and C# that accept nominal blazon systems, in which the blazon affinity is apprenticed by the name of the absolute type. You can say as abundant or as little about the anatomy as you charge to. And with that, we get artlessness and adaptability by accepting that some things won’t be bent at abridge time.
To elaborate, you can say it’s agnate to the way the anatomy is authentic in an XML schema. If there’s a change or aberration in the XML burden that the affairs receives, it still processes what it can recognize. It’s not so austere as to account a abortion if article changes in the burden that isn’t recognized. Ballerina’s blazon arrangement works both as a action accent to alarm arrangement abstracts as able-bodied as a blazon arrangement for the affairs alive on ethics in memory.

Read added about Ballerina’s adjustable blazon system here.
Ballerina additionally comes with a set of accent appearance for alive on data, out of which the chip concern affection stands out. This affection allows you to concern the abstracts appliance an SQL-like syntax as apparent below. Concern expressions accommodate a set of clauses agnate to SQL to action the data. They charge alpha with the from clause, and they can accomplish assorted operations such as filter, join, sort, limit, and projection.
There’s additionally a Table abstracts blazon which makes it attainable to assignment with relational and collapsed data. The cipher beneath creates a table with Agent blazon members, area anniversary affiliate is abnormally articular appliance their name field. The capital action retrieves the Agent with the key bulk John and performs a bacon access for anniversary employee.
Read added about autograph chip queries in Ballerina here.
Moreover, Ballerina provides congenital XML abutment with functionality agnate to XQuery with an XML aeronautics apparatus like XPath. This is abnormally advantageous for bodies who assignment heavily with XML but don’t appetite to use an XML-specific accent because they assignment with a array of abstracts formats these days.
Among added capabilities to handle altered types of abstracts seamlessly, there’s additionally a decimal abstracts blazon in Ballerina. These are amphibian point numbers advised for business needs, e.g., to announce prices. Because ethics are represented in bifold in accustomed languages, they cannot represent all absolute numbers accurately. Aback there are added digits than the architecture allows, the extra ones are omitted—the cardinal is angled and thereby creates attention errors. The absolute apple runs on decimal numbers and this is why we anticipate it’s a able adequacy to have.
Concurrency is a axiological claim in the billow because your arrangement operations accept aerial latency. Scripting languages about don’t handle accommodation well. Scripting languages like Javascript about use async functions, which are slightly bigger than callbacks (but not a lot). With Ballerina, you accept a simpler programming archetypal that provides the advantages of async functions but it’s a added aboveboard and automatic access to accommodation than async functions.
In Ballerina, the capital accommodation absorption is a strand, which is agnate to a goroutine in Go. A Ballerina affairs is accomplished on one or added threads. A cilia may run on a abstracted bulk accompanying with added threads, or may be pre-emptively multitasked with added accoutrement assimilate a audible core. Anniversary cilia can be disconnected into one or added strands, which are language-managed, analytic accoutrement of control. From the programmer’s perspective, a fiber does attending like an OS thread, but it’s not—it’s cheaper and added lightweight. Strands can be appointed on abstracted OS threads. Go follows a agnate access but not abounding programming languages do. In fact, best activating scripting languages don’t abutment concurrency. For example, Python has a all-around lock, so it doesn’t absolutely abutment alongside execution.
A action in Ballerina can accept called “workers” that anniversary run on a new fiber accordingly with the function’s absence artisan and added called workers as apparent below:
Ballerina additionally allows strands to allotment arbitrary state. Typically, accumulation accommodation and aggregate arbitrary accompaniment can actualize abstracts contest and accord incorrect results. This is one acumen why activating languages don’t usually betrayal threads. Ballerina, however, comes with a nice band-aid to this botheration and ensures accommodation assurance via accommodating multitasking. No two strands acceptance to the aforementioned cilia can run simultaneously. Instead, Ballerina cooperatively (not preemptively) multitasks all strands assimilate a audible cilia to abstain locking problems. This is agnate to asynchronous functions area aggregate runs on a audible cilia but after a complicated programming model. A fiber enables accommodating multitasking by yielding. Aback a fiber yields at a specific “yield point”, the runtime scheduler can append beheading of the strand, and about-face its cilia to active accession strand.
We can additionally actuate aback we can run strands in parallel—an comment can be acclimated to accomplish a fiber run on a abstracted thread. This is because Ballerina’s altered blazon arrangement makes it accessible to actuate aback casework accept bound abundant to be able to cautiously use assorted accoutrement to handle admission requests in parallel. While this may not assume to accommodate a massive bulk of alongside executions, it’s abundant to accomplish able use of accepted billow instance types.
Handling accommodation and arrangement interactions are an inherent allotment of autograph a billow program. In Ballerina, every affairs is a arrangement diagram that illustrates broadcast and circumstantial interactions automatically. A action in a Ballerina affairs has agnate representations both in textual syntax and as a arrangement diagram. You can about-face amid the two angle seamlessly. Ballerina’s altered graphical appearance wasn’t an afterthought. In fact, it has been advised acutely into the accent in adjustment to provide real acumen with account to a function’s arrangement interactions and its use of concurrency. A arrangement diagram is the affectionate of diagram that works best for that.

To explain, Ballerina’s called workers (discussed in point 5) and added function-level accommodation appearance characterize concurrency, and accent abstractions for audience and casework characterize arrangement interactions. The vertical lines, additionally accepted as lifelines, represent workers and alien endpoints. A alien endpoint is a applicant object, and it contains alien methods that represent outbound interactions with a alien system. There’s audible syntax for alien adjustment calls and best languages don’t analyze alien calls from approved action calls. The accumbent curve represent the letters beatific from a function’s artisan to accession artisan or from a function’s artisan to a alien endpoint. Ballerina calmly distinguishes these key aspects and shows the user a aerial akin appearance of them after the user accepting to do anything. This is alone accessible because of the way the graphical elements accept been advised into the accent from the start. You don’t get this in any added language!
The Ballerina VSCode plugin can accomplish a arrangement diagram dynamically from the antecedent code. To alpha breeding a arrangement diagram from the aloft Ballerina code, download the VSCode plugin and barrage the graphical viewer.
Along with a network-aware blazon system, Ballerina comes with axiological syntax absorption for alive with arrangement services. The accent additionally includes congenital abutment to arrange Ballerina applications on the billow appliance Docker and Kubernetes.
Service Altar to Produce Services
Ballerina accommodates the absorption of a service, and a account can be accounting in aloof three or four curve of Ballerina code. Casework in Ballerina are powered by three things alive together: applications, admirers and libraries. The appliance defines account altar and attaches them to listeners. Admirers are provided by libraries; for example, there’s a adviser for anniversary agreement (HTTP/GraphQL etc.), which is provided by a library. The adviser receives arrangement ascribe and again makes a alarm to the appliance to acquisition account objects. Account altar abutment two interface styles:
Because Ballerina’s account access is accompanying with its altered wire-oriented blazon system, you can accomplish an interface description from the Ballerina code. This can be an OpenAPI or a GraphQL specification. So you can absolutely abode approved ballerina account altar and accomplish your applicant code.The aggregate of these appearance enables billow affiliation to assignment smoothly.
Client Altar to Consume Alien Services
The outbound arrangement interactions are represented by applicant objects. Audience accept alien methods that represent outbound interactions with a alien system. The applicant article is one of the syntax elements that allows us to draw the arrangement diagram.
Code to Cloud
Ballerina supports breeding Docker and Kubernetes artifacts from cipher after any added configuration. This simplifies the acquaintance of developing and deploying Ballerina cipher in the cloud. Cipher to billow builds the containers and appropriate artifacts by anticipation the appropriate ethics from the code. See this example for added details.

To arrange your cipher into altered billow platforms, such as AWS and Microsoft Azure, annotations on account altar are acclimated to accredit attainable billow deployment, as apparent in the cipher atom below. The Ballerina compiler can accomplish artifacts, such as Dockerfiles, Docker images, Kubernetes YAML files, and serverless functions.
For example, Ballerina functions can be deployed in Azure by annotating a Ballerina action with @azure_functions:Function.
The access to ambidextrous with errors has a accepted appulse on accent architecture and usage. It affects aggregate about the language. Aback you’re ambidextrous with a network, errors are a accustomed allotment of accomplishing business, abnormally aback considering the eight fallacies of broadcast computing. Abounding pre-cloud languages, such as Java, Javascript, and Typescript, acclimated exceptions as a way of ambidextrous with errors. But not every accent follows that design. Languages such as Go and Rust don’t alike have exceptions at all.
With exceptions, the ascendancy breeze is absolute and the cipher is harder to accept and maintain. Aback things go wrong, aloof calmly throwing an barring makes aggregate go absolutely haywire. To accomplish absurdity administration work, you accept to be able to attending at the affairs and accept if there’s an absurdity area an absurdity could booty abode and how the breeze of ascendancy is activity to change. So, there’s a adequately able trend now to annihilate exceptions and go aback to a abundant simpler access area errors are absolute and use the accustomed ascendancy breeze on error. This access can be activate in Go, Rust, and Swift. Ballerina follows the aforementioned access and allows the developer to use the absurdity abstracts blazon with absolute absurdity ascendancy flow.
Writing Ballerina programs that use affairs is absolutely aboveboard because affairs are a accent feature. What Ballerina offers isn’t transactional anamnesis but fundamentally accent abutment for delimiting transactions. This way you’re consistently affirmed that your affairs accept begin, rollback, or accomplish options.
A active instance of a Ballerina affairs includes a transaction manager. This may run in the aforementioned action as the Ballerina affairs or in a abstracted action (it should not be affiliated over an capricious network). The transaction administrator maintains a mapping from anniversary fiber to a assemblage of affairs (or, in a broadcast context, transaction branches). Aback a strand’s transaction assemblage is non-empty, we say it is in transaction mode; the advanced transaction on a strand’s transaction assemblage is the accepted transaction for that strand.
Transactions in Ballerina additionally compose with its arrangement alternation features, i.e., audience and services, to abutment broadcast transactions. A user can actualize transactional flows amid a applicant and account by declaring resources/remote methods of a account and alien methods of a applicant article as transactional.
The admeasurement of languages does announce that individuals are accommodating to apprentice new languages. But enterprises assume afraid to accept a new accent because they anguish that they won’t be able to appoint bodies who are accustomed with that language. It’s important to highlight that while Ballerina provides bigger agency to do things, it additionally comes with a subset of appearance that are accustomed to a programmer of a C-family accent that are abundant to get developers started in a brace of hours or less.
Popular C-family languages (C, C , Java, JavaScript, C#, TypeScript) accept a lot in common, and Ballerina leverages this by accomplishing a lot of things in the aforementioned way. If you are a programmer with some bulk of programming acquaintance with any of the C-family languages, coding with Ballerina is activity to be rather straightforward. And in accession to the able accent features, Ballerina is ‘batteries included’, which agency that the accent comes with a rich standard library (with libraries for arrangement data, messaging and advice protocols), a package administration system, structured documentation, a testing framework, and extensions/plug-ins for accepted IDEs (notably Beheld Studio Code) amid added accoutrement to abutment the language.
While Ballerina has all the general-purpose functionality of a avant-garde programming language, its alcove is that it abnormally provides accent appearance that accomplish it easier to use, amalgamate and actualize arrangement casework for the cloud. Developers can now body resilient, secure, and awful performant casework that abode the fallacies of broadcast accretion and accommodate them to actualize billow congenital applications by artlessly appliance a programming accent that is specialized to do aloof that.
For a great, quick addition to creating and arresting HTTP casework in Ballerina, booty a attending at this screencast. And if you apprentice bigger from examples, a all-inclusive accumulating of cipher examples that highlight important Ballerina appearance and concepts can be found here.
For an all-embracing anterior account on the accent appearance of Ballerina Swan Lake, watch this video series by James Clark, Ballerina’s Chief Accent Designer. You can additionally analysis out his blog posts for more context on the architecture attempt of Ballerina.

Dakshitha Ratnayake is currently alive at WSO2 as the Affairs Administrator for Ballerina. With a accomplishments in Software Engineering, she has over 10 years of acquaintance in the roles of Software Engineer, Solutions Architect, and Technology Evangelist at WSO2. Throughout, she has been a technology apostle for WSO2 in the areas of API Management, Enterprise Appliance Integration, Identity and Access Management, Microservices Architecture, Event-Driven Architecture, and Billow Congenital Programming, while additionally advancement abstruse relationships with altered parties to construe business requirements and acquaint abstruse strategy.
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