Standard numeric architecture strings

In this article, apprentice to use accepted numeric architecture strings to architecture accepted numeric types into argument representations in .NET.
numeric architecture strings [.NET]
formatting [.NET], numbers
standard architecture strings, numeric
format strings
numbers [.NET], formatting
format specifiers, numeric
standard numeric architecture strings
formatting numbers [.NET]
format specifiers, accepted numeric architecture strings
Standard numeric architecture strings are acclimated to architecture accepted numeric types. A accepted numeric architecture cord takes the anatomy [format specifier][precision specifier], where:
Format specifier is a distinct alphabetic appearance that specifies the blazon of cardinal format, for example, bill or percent. Any numeric architecture cord that contains added than one alphabetic character, including white space, is interpreted as a custom numeric architecture string. For added information, see Custom numeric architecture strings.
Precision specifier is an alternative accumulation that affects the cardinal of digits in the consistent string. In .NET 6 and afterwards versions, the best attention bulk is xref:System.Int32.MaxValue?displayProperty=nameWithType. In antecedent .NET versions, the attention can ambit from 0 to 99. The attention specifier controls the cardinal of digits in the cord representation of a number. It does not annular the cardinal itself. To accomplish a rounding operation, use the xref:System.Math.Ceiling*?displayProperty=nameWithType, xref:System.Math.Floor*?displayProperty=nameWithType, or xref:System.Math.Round*?displayProperty=nameWithType method.
When attention specifier controls the cardinal of apportioned digits in the aftereffect string, the aftereffect cord reflects a cardinal that is angled to a representable aftereffect abutting to the consistently absolute result. If there are two appropriately abreast representable results:
[!NOTE] The attention specifier determines the cardinal of digits in the aftereffect string. To pad a aftereffect cord with arch or abaft spaces, use the blended formatting affection and ascertain an alignment basic in the architecture item.
Standard numeric architecture strings are accurate by:
Some overloads of the ToString adjustment of all numeric types. For example, you can accumulation a numeric architecture cord to the xref:System.Int32.ToString(System.String)?displayProperty=nameWithType and xref:System.Int32.ToString(System.String,System.IFormatProvider)?displayProperty=nameWithType methods.
The TryFormat adjustment of all numeric types, for example, xref:System.Int32.TryFormat(System.Span{System.Char},System.Int32@,System.ReadOnlySpan{System.Char},System.IFormatProvider)?displayProperty=nameWithType and xref:System.Single.TryFormat(System.Span{System.Char},System.Int32@,System.ReadOnlySpan{System.Char},System.IFormatProvider)?displayProperty=nameWithType.
The .NET blended formatting feature, which is acclimated by some Write and WriteLine methods of the xref:System.Console and xref:System.IO.StreamWriter classes, the xref:System.String.Format*?displayProperty=nameWithType method, and the xref:System.Text.StringBuilder.AppendFormat*?displayProperty=nameWithType method. The blended architecture affection allows you to accommodate the cord representation of altered abstracts items in a distinct string, to specify acreage width, and to adjust numbers in a field. For added information, see Blended Formatting.
Interpolated strings in C# and Visual Basic, which accommodate a simplified syntax aback compared to blended architecture strings.
[!TIP] You can download the Formatting Utility, a .NET Core Windows Forms appliance that lets you administer architecture strings to either numeric or date and time ethics and displays the aftereffect string. Source cipher is accessible for C# and Visual Basic.
The afterward table describes the accepted numeric architecture specifiers and displays sample achievement produced by anniversary architecture specifier. See the Notes area for added advice about appliance accepted numeric architecture strings, and the Cipher archetype area for a absolute analogy of their use.
The aftereffect of a formatted cord for a specific ability ability alter from the afterward examples. Operating arrangement settings, user settings, ambiance variables, and the .NET adaptation you’re appliance can all affect the format. For example, starting with .NET 5, .NET tries to arrange cultural formats beyond platforms. For added information, see .NET globalization and ICU.
Supported by: All numeric types.
Precision specifier: Cardinal of decimal digits.
Default attention specifier: Authentic by xref:System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo.CurrencyDecimalDigits*?displayProperty=nameWithType.
More information: The Bill (“C”) Architecture Specifier.
123.456 (“C”, fr-FR)-> 123,46 €
123.456 (“C”, ja-JP)-> ¥123
-123.456 (“C3”, en-US)-> ($123.456)
-123.456 (“C3”, fr-FR)-> -123,456 €
-123.456 (“C3”, ja-JP)-> -¥123.456
Supported by: Basic types only.
Precision specifier: Minimum cardinal of digits.
Default attention specifier: Minimum cardinal of digits required.
More information: The Decimal(“D”) Architecture Specifier.

-1234 (“D6”)-> -001234
Supported by: All numeric types.
Precision specifier: Cardinal of decimal digits.
Default attention specifier: 6.
More information: The Exponential (“E”) Architecture Specifier.
1052.0329112756 (“e”, fr-FR)-> 1,052033e 003
-1052.0329112756 (“e2”, en-US)-> -1.05e 003
-1052.0329112756 (“E2”, fr-FR)-> -1,05E 003
Supported by: All numeric types.
Precision specifier: Cardinal of decimal digits.
Default attention specifier: Authentic by xref:System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo.NumberDecimalDigits*?displayProperty=nameWithType.
More information: The Fixed-Point (“F”) Architecture Specifier.
1234.567 (“F”, de-DE)-> 1234,57
1234 (“F1”, en-US)-> 1234.0
1234 (“F1”, de-DE)-> 1234,0
-1234.56 (“F4”, en-US)-> -1234.5600
-1234.56 (“F4”, de-DE)-> -1234,5600
Supported by: All numeric types.
Precision specifier: Cardinal of cogent digits.
Default attention specifier: Depends on numeric type.
More information: The Accepted (“G”) Architecture Specifier.
-123.456 (“G”, sv-SE)-> -123,456
123.4546 (“G4”, en-US)-> 123.5
123.4546 (“G4”, sv-SE)-> 123,5
-1.234567890e-25 (“G”, en-US)-> -1.23456789E-25
-1.234567890e-25 (“G”, sv-SE)-> -1,23456789E-25
Supported by: All numeric types.
Precision specifier: Adapted cardinal of decimal places.
Default attention specifier: Authentic by xref:System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo.NumberDecimalDigits*?displayProperty=nameWithType.
More information: The Numeric (“N”) Architecture Specifier.
1234.567 (“N”, ru-RU)-> 1 234,57
1234 (“N1”, en-US)-> 1,234.0
1234 (“N1”, ru-RU)-> 1 234,0
-1234.56 (“N3”, en-US)-> -1,234.560
-1234.56 (“N3”, ru-RU)-> -1 234,560
Supported by: All numeric types.
Precision specifier: Adapted cardinal of decimal places.
Default attention specifier: Authentic by xref:System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo.PercentDecimalDigits*?displayProperty=nameWithType.

More information: The Percent (“P”) Architecture Specifier.
1 (“P”, fr-FR)-> 100,00 %
-0.39678 (“P1”, en-US)-> -39.7 %
-0.39678 (“P1”, fr-FR)-> -39,7 %
Supported by: xref:System.Single, xref:System.Double, and xref:System.Numerics.BigInteger.
Note: Recommended for the xref:System.Numerics.BigInteger blazon only. For xref:System.Double types, use “G17”; for xref:System.Single types, use “G9”.Precision specifier: Ignored.
More information: The Round-trip (“R”) Architecture Specifier.
-1234567890.12345678 (“R”)-> -1234567890.1234567
Supported by: Basic types only.
Precision specifier: Cardinal of digits in the aftereffect string.
More information: The HexaDecimal (“X”) Architecture Specifier.
-1 (“x”)-> ff
255 (“x4”)-> 00ff
-1 (“X4”)-> 00FF
A accepted numeric architecture cord can be acclimated to ascertain the formatting of a numeric bulk in one of the afterward ways:
The afterward sections accommodate abundant advice about anniversary of the accepted numeric architecture strings.
The “C” (or currency) architecture specifier converts a cardinal to a cord that represents a bill amount. The attention specifier indicates the adapted cardinal of decimal places in the aftereffect string. If the attention specifier is omitted, the absence attention is authentic by the xref:System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo.CurrencyDecimalDigits*?displayProperty=nameWithType property.
If the bulk to be formatted has added than the authentic or absence cardinal of decimal places, the apportioned bulk is angled in the aftereffect string. If the bulk to the appropriate of the cardinal of authentic decimal places is 5 or greater, the aftermost chiffre in the aftereffect cord is angled abroad from zero.
The aftereffect cord is afflicted by the formatting advice of the accepted xref:System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo object. The afterward table lists the xref:System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo backdrop that ascendancy the formatting of the alternate string.
The afterward archetype formats a xref:System.Double bulk with the bill architecture specifier:
[!code-cppFormatting.Numeric.Standard#1] [!code-csharpFormatting.Numeric.Standard#1] [!code-vbFormatting.Numeric.Standard#1]
The “D” (or decimal) architecture specifier converts a cardinal to a cord of decimal digits (0-9), prefixed by a bare assurance if the cardinal is negative. This architecture is accurate alone for basic types.
The attention specifier indicates the minimum cardinal of digits adapted in the consistent string. If required, the cardinal is bedlam with zeros to its larboard to aftermath the cardinal of digits accustomed by the attention specifier. If no attention specifier is specified, the absence is the minimum bulk appropriate to represent the accumulation afterwards arch zeros.
The aftereffect cord is afflicted by the formatting advice of the accepted xref:System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo object. As the afterward table shows, a distinct acreage affects the formatting of the aftereffect string.
The afterward archetype formats an xref:System.Int32 bulk with the decimal architecture specifier.
[!code-cppFormatting.Numeric.Standard#2] [!code-csharp-interactiveFormatting.Numeric.Standard#2] [!code-vbFormatting.Numeric.Standard#2]
The exponential (“E”) architecture specifier converts a cardinal to a cord of the anatomy “-d.ddd…E ddd” or “-d.ddd…e ddd”, area anniversary “d” indicates a chiffre (0-9). The cord starts with a bare assurance if the cardinal is negative. Exactly one chiffre consistently precedes the decimal point.
The attention specifier indicates the adapted cardinal of digits afterwards the decimal point. If the attention specifier is omitted, a absence of six digits afterwards the decimal point is used.
The case of the architecture specifier indicates whether to prefix the backer with an “E” or an “e”. The backer consistently consists of a added or bare assurance and a minimum of three digits. The backer is bedlam with zeros to accommodated this minimum, if required.
The aftereffect cord is afflicted by the formatting advice of the accepted xref:System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo object. The afterward table lists the xref:System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo backdrop that ascendancy the formatting of the alternate string.
The afterward archetype formats a xref:System.Double bulk with the exponential architecture specifier:
[!code-cppFormatting.Numeric.Standard#3] [!code-csharpFormatting.Numeric.Standard#3] [!code-vbFormatting.Numeric.Standard#3]
The fixed-point (“F”) architecture specifier converts a cardinal to a cord of the anatomy “-ddd.ddd…” area anniversary “d” indicates a chiffre (0-9). The cord starts with a bare assurance if the cardinal is negative.
The attention specifier indicates the adapted cardinal of decimal places. If the attention specifier is omitted, the accepted xref:System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo.NumberDecimalDigits*?displayProperty=nameWithType acreage food the numeric precision.
The aftereffect cord is afflicted by the formatting advice of the accepted xref:System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo object. The afterward table lists the backdrop of the xref:System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo article that ascendancy the formatting of the aftereffect string.
The afterward archetype formats a xref:System.Double and an xref:System.Int32 bulk with the fixed-point architecture specifier:
[!code-cppFormatting.Numeric.Standard#4] [!code-csharpFormatting.Numeric.Standard#4] [!code-vbFormatting.Numeric.Standard#4]

The accepted (“G”) architecture specifier converts a cardinal to the added bunched of either fixed-point or accurate notation, depending on the blazon of the cardinal and whether a attention specifier is present. The attention specifier defines the best cardinal of cogent digits that can arise in the aftereffect string. If the attention specifier is bare or zero, the blazon of the cardinal determines the absence precision, as adumbrated in the afterward table.
Fixed-point characters is acclimated if the backer that would aftereffect from cogent the cardinal in accurate characters is greater than -5 and beneath than the attention specifier; otherwise, accurate characters is used. The aftereffect contains a decimal point if required, and abaft zeros afterwards the decimal point are omitted. If the attention specifier is present and the cardinal of cogent digits in the aftereffect exceeds the authentic precision, the balance abaft digits are removed by rounding.
However, if the cardinal is a xref:System.Decimal and the attention specifier is omitted, fixed-point characters is consistently acclimated and abaft zeros are preserved.
If accurate characters is used, the backer in the aftereffect is prefixed with “E” if the architecture specifier is “G”, or “e” if the architecture specifier is “g”. The backer contains a minimum of two digits. This differs from the architecture for accurate characters that is produced by the exponential architecture specifier, which includes a minimum of three digits in the exponent.
When acclimated with a xref:System.Double value, the “G17” architecture specifier ensures that the aboriginal xref:System.Double bulk auspiciously round-trips. This is because xref:System.Double is an IEEE 754-2008-compliant double-precision (binary64) floating-point cardinal that gives up to 17 cogent digits of precision. On .NET Framework, we acclaim its use instead of the “R” architecture specifier, aback in some cases “R” fails to auspiciously round-trip double-precision amphibian point values.
When acclimated with a xref:System.Single value, the “G9” architecture specifier ensures that the aboriginal xref:System.Single bulk auspiciously round-trips. This is because xref:System.Single is an IEEE 754-2008-compliant single-precision (binary32) floating-point cardinal that gives up to nine cogent digits of precision. For achievement reasons, we acclaim its use instead of the “R” architecture specifier.
The aftereffect cord is afflicted by the formatting advice of the accepted xref:System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo object. The afterward table lists the xref:System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo backdrop that ascendancy the formatting of the aftereffect string.
The afterward archetype formats altered floating-point ethics with the accepted architecture specifier:
[!code-cppFormatting.Numeric.Standard#5] [!code-csharpFormatting.Numeric.Standard#5] [!code-vbFormatting.Numeric.Standard#5]
The numeric (“N”) architecture specifier converts a cardinal to a cord of the anatomy “-d,ddd,ddd.ddd…”, area “-” indicates a abrogating cardinal attribute if required, “d” indicates a chiffre (0-9), “,” indicates a accumulation separator, and “.” indicates a decimal point symbol. The attention specifier indicates the adapted cardinal of digits afterwards the decimal point. If the attention specifier is omitted, the cardinal of decimal places is authentic by the accepted xref:System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo.NumberDecimalDigits*?displayProperty=nameWithType property.
The aftereffect cord is afflicted by the formatting advice of the accepted xref:System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo object. The afterward table lists the xref:System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo backdrop that ascendancy the formatting of the aftereffect string.
The afterward archetype formats altered floating-point ethics with the cardinal architecture specifier:
[!code-cppFormatting.Numeric.Standard#6] [!code-csharpFormatting.Numeric.Standard#6] [!code-vbFormatting.Numeric.Standard#6]
The percent (“P”) architecture specifier multiplies a cardinal by 100 and converts it to a cord that represents a percentage. The attention specifier indicates the adapted cardinal of decimal places. If the attention specifier is omitted, the absence numeric attention supplied by the accepted xref:System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo.PercentDecimalDigits* acreage is used.
The afterward table lists the xref:System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo backdrop that ascendancy the formatting of the alternate string.
The afterward archetype formats floating-point ethics with the percent architecture specifier:
[!code-cppFormatting.Numeric.Standard#7] [!code-csharpFormatting.Numeric.Standard#7] [!code-vbFormatting.Numeric.Standard#7]
The round-trip (“R”) architecture specifier attempts to ensure that a numeric bulk that is adapted to a cord is parsed aback into the aforementioned numeric value. This architecture is accurate alone for the xref:System.Half, xref:System.Single, xref:System.Double, and xref:System.Numerics.BigInteger types.
For xref:System.Double values, the “R” architecture specifier in some cases fails to auspiciously round-trip the aboriginal value. For both xref:System.Double and xref:System.Single values, it additionally offers almost poor performance. Instead, we acclaim that you use the “G17” architecture specifier for xref:System.Double ethics and the “G9” architecture specifier to auspiciously round-trip xref:System.Single values.
When a xref:System.Numerics.BigInteger bulk is formatted appliance this specifier, its cord representation contains all the cogent digits in the xref:System.Numerics.BigInteger value.
Although you can accommodate a attention specifier, it is ignored. Annular trips are accustomed antecedence over attention aback appliance this specifier. The aftereffect cord is afflicted by the formatting advice of the accepted xref:System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo object. The afterward table lists the xref:System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo backdrop that ascendancy the formatting of the aftereffect string.
The afterward archetype formats a xref:System.Numerics.BigInteger bulk with the round-trip architecture specifier.
[!code-cppR architecture specifier with a BigInteger] [!code-csharpR architecture specifier with a BigInteger] [!code-vbR architecture specifier with a BigInteger]
[!IMPORTANT] In some cases, xref:System.Double ethics formatted with the “R” accepted numeric architecture cord do not auspiciously round-trip if aggregate appliance the /platform:x64 or /platform:anycpu switches and run on 64-bit systems. See the afterward branch for added information.
To assignment about the botheration of xref:System.Double ethics formatted with the “R” accepted numeric architecture cord not auspiciously round-tripping if aggregate appliance the /platform:x64 or /platform:anycpu switches and run on 64-bit systems., you can architecture xref:System.Double ethics by appliance the “G17” accepted numeric architecture string. The afterward archetype uses the “R” architecture cord with a xref:System.Double bulk that does not round-trip successfully, and additionally uses the “G17” architecture cord to auspiciously round-trip the aboriginal value:
[!code-csharpSystem.Double.ToString#5] [!code-vbSystem.Double.ToString#5]
The hexadecimal (“X”) architecture specifier converts a cardinal to a cord of hexadecimal digits. The case of the architecture specifier indicates whether to use uppercase or lowercase characters for hexadecimal digits that are greater than 9. For example, use “X” to aftermath “ABCDEF”, and “x” to aftermath “abcdef”. This architecture is accurate alone for basic types.
The attention specifier indicates the minimum cardinal of digits adapted in the consistent string. If required, the cardinal is bedlam with zeros to its larboard to aftermath the cardinal of digits accustomed by the attention specifier.
The aftereffect cord is not afflicted by the formatting advice of the accepted xref:System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo object.
The afterward archetype formats xref:System.Int32 ethics with the hexadecimal architecture specifier.
[!code-cppFormatting.Numeric.Standard#9] [!code-csharp-interactiveFormatting.Numeric.Standard#9] [!code-vbFormatting.Numeric.Standard#9]
This area contains added advice about appliance accepted numeric architecture strings.
The settings in the Regional and Language Options account in Ascendancy Panel access the aftereffect cord produced by a formatting operation. Those settings are acclimated to initialize the xref:System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo article associated with the accepted cilia culture, which provides ethics acclimated to administer formatting. Computers that use altered settings accomplish altered aftereffect strings.
In addition, if the xref:System.Globalization.CultureInfo.#ctor(System.String) architect is acclimated to instantiate a new xref:System.Globalization.CultureInfo article that represents the aforementioned ability as the accepted arrangement culture, any customizations accustomed by the Regional and Language Options account in Ascendancy Panel will be activated to the new xref:System.Globalization.CultureInfo object. You can use the xref:System.Globalization.CultureInfo.#ctor(System.String,System.Boolean) architect to actualize a xref:System.Globalization.CultureInfo article that does not reflect a system’s customizations.
Formatting is afflicted by the backdrop of the accepted xref:System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo object, which is provided around by the accepted cilia ability or absolutely by the xref:System.IFormatProvider constant of the adjustment that invokes formatting. Specify a xref:System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo or xref:System.Globalization.CultureInfo article for that parameter.
[!NOTE] For advice about customizing the patterns or strings acclimated in formatting numeric values, see the xref:System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo chic topic.
Some descriptions of accepted numeric architecture specifiers accredit to basic or floating-point numeric types. The basic numeric types are xref:System.Byte, xref:System.SByte, xref:System.Int16, xref:System.Int32, xref:System.Int64, xref:System.UInt16, xref:System.UInt32, xref:System.UInt64, and xref:System.Numerics.BigInteger. The floating-point numeric types are xref:System.Decimal, xref:System.Half, xref:System.Single, and xref:System.Double.
Regardless of the architecture string, if the bulk of a xref:System.Half, xref:System.Single, or xref:System.Double floating-point blazon is absolute infinity, abrogating infinity, or not a cardinal (NaN), the formatted cord is the bulk of the corresponding xref:System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo.PositiveInfinitySymbol*, xref:System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo.NegativeInfinitySymbol*, or xref:System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo.NaNSymbol* acreage that is authentic by the currently applicative xref:System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo object.

The afterward archetype formats an basic and a floating-point numeric bulk appliance the en-US ability and all the accepted numeric architecture specifiers. This archetype uses two accurate numeric types (xref:System.Double and xref:System.Int32), but would crop agnate after-effects for any of the added numeric abject types (xref:System.Byte, xref:System.SByte, xref:System.Int16, xref:System.Int32, xref:System.Int64, xref:System.UInt16, xref:System.UInt32, xref:System.UInt64, xref:System.Numerics.BigInteger, xref:System.Decimal, xref:System.Half, and xref:System.Single).
[!code-csharpsystem.x.tostring-and-culture#1] [!code-vbsystem.x.tostring-and-culture#1]
How To Write Decimals In Standard Form – How To Write Decimals In Standard Form
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