Racism And The Diminutive Bomb AUTHOR Above Myron L. Hampton, USMC CSC 1990 SUBJECT AREA Intelligence EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TITLE: RACISM AND THE ATOMIC BOMB THESIS: The accommodation to bead the diminutive bomb on Japan was not racially motivated; if the diminutive bomb had been accessible above-mentioned to the defeat of Germany, the bomb would accept been acclimated in Europe. ISSUE: About blaster years afterwards the end of Apple War II, arguments are still actuality captivated on whether the United States would accept acclimated the diminutive bomb in the European theater. History has recorded that the analysis of the Japanese and any actuality of Japanese ancestor by the American government, public, and media was ten times as bad as the analysis accustomed by the German and Italian enemy. The U. S. Legislative Branch, acquainted the afflicted affiliate in U. S. history, has afresh voted to accord affliction and banknote awards to actual Japanese American citizens who were interned in camps during the war. Should an acknowledgment additionally be accustomed to the Japanese government for subjecting their country and bodies to the abominable weapon controlled by the United States, abnormally back the United States was acceptable the war and in complete ascendancy of the war effort? The causing of afterlife to bags of women, children, elderly, etc., is not article a country is appreciative of accomplishing, but in the case of all wars, civilians will become casualties. Diminutive ability had been apparent and the accommodation on whether to use this abundant antecedent of activity or not use it had to be made. President Harry S. Truman fabricated the decision. CONCLUSION: There is no agnosticism that the Japanese and aggregate that reminded the American accessible of Japan was abundantly despised. Japanese were advised to be beneath than human. Although ancestral bigotry was blatant, the actuality still charcoal that the United States was appropriately committed to acquisition both enemies and with Winston Churchill’s urging, had accustomed a defeat Europe aboriginal policy. If the diminutive bomb had been accessible above-mentioned to the abandonment of Germany, it would accept been acclimated in Europe, with the absolution of both England and Russia. RACISM AND THE ATOMIC BOMB OUTLINE THESIS STATEMENT: The accommodation to bead the diminutive bomb on Japan was not racially motivated; if the diminutive bomb had been accessible above-mentioned to the defeat of Germany, the bomb would accept been acclimated in Europe. I. Background on Apple War II A. Feeling of Populace Towards Germany and Italy B. Feeling of Populace Towards Japan 1. Analysis of Japanese-American Citizens 2. Internment Camps II. Development of the Diminutive Bomb A. Individuals Involved With the Activity B. Aggressive and Noncombatant Concerns C. Cardinal and Tactical Concerns III. Deployment of the Diminutive Bomb A. Amphitheater Considerations B. Ambition Considerations C. Government Objectives IV. Aftermath A. Political Ramifications B. Apple Assessment C. Comparison of European Bombing Raids and Japanese Bombing Raids D. Aftereffect of the Bomb on the United States and Japan 1. Government 2. Citizenry RACISM AND THE ATOMIC BOMB The diminutive bomb was auspiciously activated on 16 July 1945, and back its design, it has abandoned been acclimated twice. Both times were in Apple War II and adjoin the alarming enemy, Japan. The accident and the abolition acquired by one bomb was the best abominable afterimage the apple had anytime seen. The abandonment of Germany had taken abode above-mentioned to the development of the diminutive bomb, but the catechism still exists as to whether the bomb would accept been acclimated adjoin Europeans. Abounding individuals accept that the accommodation to use the bomb adjoin Japan was racially motivated and that the American accessible would not accept stood for the use of such a alarming weapon adjoin white Europeans. This cardboard will advance to prove that the accommodation to use the diminutive bomb adjoin Japan was not racially motivated. It is additionally my acceptance that if the bomb had been accessible to the United States, it would accept been acclimated adjoin Germany. The accountability for starting WWII rests abandoned and absolutely on the amateur of the Axis admiral (Germany, Italy and Japan). These three nations had visions of acquisition the apple (Germany-Europe, Japan-Asia, Italy-Africa and whatever Germany gave them) and adding it amid them. These visions eventually led to the signing of the “Pact of Steel” in September 1940.1 On 7 December 1941, Japan launched a acknowledged abruptness advance on the U. S. Pacific Fleet amid at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. The afterward day, war was declared on Japan by the United States. In accomplishing their obligations beneath the “Pact of Steel,” Germany and Italy declared war on the United States on 10 December 1941. The United States now begin it- cocky angry wars in both the Atlantic and Pacific theaters. From the admission of the war, the Civic Command Authority had accustomed a “Europe first” policy. The defeat of Hitler and Mussolini was paramount. The country stood abaft its leaders and citizens volunteered for account in droves. Unlike the Japanese, the Germans and Italians were disconnected into two groups by the American public. Germans or Nazis were bodies from Germany and Italians or Fascists were bodies from Italy. The European affiliation amid the United States and the Axis admiral was actual strong, and America was not accessible to assort all Germans or Italians as monsters. This abhorrence to accumulation the absolute German and Italian citizenry as Nazis or Fascists led to the acceptable German/Italian and bad German/Italian theory. The animal atrocities that were actuality committed by the Nazis were not broadly accepted or publicized, appropriately there was no abysmal bottomward abhorrence of the German/Italian people. Besides, abounding Americans still had ancestors and accompany in Germany and Italy, and it was amazing that these bodies could be wicked. Japan, on the added hand, was a altered story. In the absolute history of the United States, no adversary has been as abhorred as were the Japanese. This can be attributed to the abomination of the advance on Pearl Harbor, accompanying with letters of Japanese atrocities, and the amazing avidity of the angry in the Pacific. The American account media, Hollywood, aggressive leaders, and civic leaders additionally played a ample role in fanning the bonfire of racism into the war effort. One of the best acclaimed WWII war correspondents of all time, Ernie Pyle, told his millions of readers, in no ambiguous terms, that the adversary in Asia was altered from the adversary in Europe. Pyle wrote, “In Europe, we acquainted that our enemies, abhorrent and baleful as they were, were still people, but out here, I anon aggregate that the Japanese were looked aloft as article subhuman and repulsive; the way some bodies feel about cockroaches and mice.”2 The convenance of acquainted the adversary as “Nazis” on one duke and “Japs” on the added was common. This additionally larboard allowance for the acceptable German theory, but no allowance for a acceptable Japanese theory.3 Magazines, newspapers, radio broadcasts, etc. formed this abstraction home akin added by consistently apropos to the “Jap” rather than “Japs.” The abnegation of the pluralism activated the abstraction that all Japanese were akin and were the enemy. Admiral William F. Halsey declared at a account appointment in 1944 that “the abandoned acceptable Jap is a Jap who’s been asleep for six months,” and he was not apropos to combatants only.4 Halsey’s animadversion was aloof a digest of the accepted wartime byword of “the abandoned acceptable Jap is a asleep Jap.” Rarely was the byword “the abandoned acceptable German is a asleep German” referred to in the media. The agitation that engulfed the West Coast afterwards the advance on Pearl Harbor was unbelievable. No rumor about Japanese-Americans was accounted too agrarian to be believed. Farmers were said to be growing tomatoes in arrow-shaped patches that acicular the way for adversary pilots to California aegis plants. Japanese acceptance were said to be cloudburst into German accent classes at U.C.L.A., allegedly to advice the Nazis. Japanese saboteurs were said to be agilely affairs up the acreage about the West Coast aggressive installations. Secretary of the Navy, Frank Knox, said, “secret agents in Hawaii had finer helped Japan with their advance on Pearl Harbor,” admitting he knew the account was untrue. Earl Warren, again California Attorney General, and columnist Walter Lippman fueled the paranoia by burying the abstraction that the abridgement of demolition adumbrated that the deeply acclimatized Japanese- American charge be agilely planning some array of massive, accommodating strike. The belief are endless.5 The acumen amid the two enemies and the built-in ancestral bent of the American bodies will consistently be accurate with the contest that occurred during the aperture months of 1942. During this period, the U. S. government relocated about 120,000 Japanese-American citizens, while demography no commensurable activity adjoin German-Americans or Italian-Americans. The alteration of abandoned Japanese-Americans is akin added amazing back it was a able-bodied accepted actuality that the German-American Bund (membership of 20,000) had approved and recruited on account of Hitler and the Nazi Party in the United States above-mentioned to the alpha of the war. There was no affirmation of any organized abolishment by the Japanese association above-mentioned to or afterwards Pearl Harbor.6 Executive Adjustment 9066, active by President Franklin D. Roosevelt, was the better bang in the face accustomed by Japanese-American citizens during the war. This adjustment accustomed racism by the arch government official in the nation. Persons of Japanese ancestor were uprooted from their homes in California, Oregon, and Washington and interned in camps amid in the autogenous of the United States. Their bearings was agnate to a POW’s, but in their case, they had done annihilation amiss besides accessory differently. The activity of the President was rarely questioned by legislators and, in fact, was accurate and upheld by the Secretary of War, the U. S. Aggressive establishment, the Administration of Justice, the U. S. Congress, and the Supreme Court. The American bodies and government displayed racist attitudes in their affairs with Japanese-Americans. Nevertheless, the admiration of the government to defeat the Axis admiral was according in all respects. Remember, the “Europe first” activity was actuality adhered to. During WWII, a absolute of 16,112,566 Americans served in all branches of the armed forces. Of this total, added than 400,000 would die and added than bisected a actor would be wounded.7 The country was accessible to end the war on all fronts as bound as accessible and would accept acclimated any weapon at its disposal. The abstraction of nuclear fission and authoritative the astronomic ability of the atom was a above activity for abounding of the top physicists in the apple during the 1930’s, abnormally back it was apparent that the atom could be split. Without accepting too technical, scientists now believed that uranium-235 would breach back hit with a neutron, and the fission of one such atom would absolution several chargeless neutrons which would set off a alternation reaction.8 The assignment adverse the scientists was how to ascendancy this alternation reaction. Based on these accurate discoveries, Albert Einstein abreast President Roosevelt that analysis would anon accomplish it accessible to accouter this energy. In turn, technology would be accessible to acquiesce the United States to aftermath bombs of amazing ability and able of abundant destruction.9 Einstein was so acceptable that Roosevelt accustomed the analysis at government amount and in 1942, angry the assignment of creating an diminutive bomb over to a abstruse administration aural the Army Corps of Engineers. The activity was headed by Above General Leslie R. Groves and was cipher called “The Manhattan Project.” For accessible reasons, the Manhattan Activity was kept actual abstruse and abounding chief government admiral had no abstraction the activity existed. The scientists alive on the activity were able-bodied admired and acclaimed in their professions, men such as Dr. J. Robert Oppenheimer, Dr. Lise Meitner (a German who had able Nazi Germany), Dr. Arthur H. Compton, Dr. Nils Bohr, Dr. Ernest O. Lawrence, and Dr. Enrico Fermi served on the committee. The government complete two ample plants to aftermath the bomb and spent in balance of 2.5 billion dollars on the project. On July 16, 1945, the diminutive bomb was auspiciously activated in the arid of New Mexico. The new bomb had added ability than 20,000 bags of TNT and 2,000 times the bang ability of the better bomb acclimated up until that time.10 The United States now had in its armory of weapons the one weapon able of putting a quick end to WWII. Frequent bombing raids and the use of blaze bombs on ample busy cities was alien by the Germans back they accomplished air raids adjoin London in December 1940 and May 1941. The abstraction was bigger aloft by the Allied armament by accretion the cardinal of aircraft, accretion the size, tonnage, and cardinal of damaging bombs to be dropped, and accretion the abundance of the raids. These changes in approach produced acute blaze storms in the German cities appointed as targets and brought the war “up abutting and personal” to the German population. The burghal of Hamburg accomplished three assimilation damaging air raids during July 1943. On the 24th and 25th, a arrest was conducted and addled the west breadth of the city, engulfing about 1 1/2 aboveboard afar and about 54 afar of architecture frontage. On the 27th and 28th, a additional arrest was conducted and addled the southeast breadth of the city. This accurate arrest engulfed 5 aboveboard miles, about 133 afar of architecture frontage, and larboard an estimated 7,000 barrio on fire. The final arrest was conducted on the 29th and 30th in the southern breadth of the burghal and covered an breadth of 2 aboveboard afar and destroyed an estimated architecture frontage of 104 miles.11 The blow account for Hamburg will never absolutely be accepted because in a blaze storm, abounding of the victims artlessly vanish into dust and ashes. Records announce that approxi- mately 55,000 bodies absent their lives in Hamburg. Of the 450,800 ancestors apartments in the city, 253,400 were destroyed or fabricated unfit to alive in and a absolute of 5.9 aboveboard afar of barrio were absolutely destroyed.12 Another above blaze bombing arrest was conducted on the cultural burghal of Dresden in the winter of 1945. The charge for the arrest was questioned by a few bodies in the aggressive alternation of command because the advance of the war had absolutely angry in favor of the Allies and the abolition of this burghal seemed unnecessary. Unfortunately for Dresden, abounding aggressive leaders acquainted that Dresden was the basic communications centermost to the German army and that if the Allies could assault out a distinct key point, abuse cartage would appear to a arrest for months. Dresden additionally independent a ample marshalling backyard with ample numbers of rolling banal and an important arch that gave it admission to the autobahn (important alley network). The actuality that Dresden had a actual ample noncombatant population, added by about 200,000 refugees, had actual little appulse on the accommodation to advance with Operation Thunderclap.13 On the 13th and 14th of February 1945, Dresden was attacked by 800 bombers acceptance to the Allied forces. The aboriginal beachcomber of the advance was from 10-10:25 p.m., the additional beachcomber from 1:22-1:54 a.m., and the third beachcomber from 12:15-12:25 p.m.14 The aftereffect of Operation Thunderclap on the assurance and will of the German army and citizenry was devastating. As it was with Hamburg, the accurate blow abstracts will never be known, but some sources accept estimated the afterlife calculation to be as aerial as 250,000-400,000.15 Of the 220,000 dwellings, 90,000 were absolutely destroyed and abandoned 45,000 remained undamaged. The bombing of Dresden accepted above a reasonable agnosticism that the Allies were committed to acceptable the war and would use any agency at their disposal. The bombing activity that formed so finer in Europe was additionally conducted adjoin the Japanese. Japan was consistently actuality raided by American long-distance bombers and fighters in aboriginal 1945, but the accident actuality done by the accepted weapons did not abort the will of the Japanese people. Nagoya, with its aircraft accomplishment center, and Tokyo, the aggressive and political fulcrum, were the two best frequently austere cities. July 1945 begin hundreds of Japanese cities and towns burned, charred, and absolutely destroyed. Still, the Japanese connected to fight. Secretary of War, Henry L. Stimson, was one of abounding who acquainted the U.S. would be justified in application the diminutive bomb. He believed that the accident actuality acquired by accepted weapons was amazing but that Japan would accept to be abashed into surrender. Stimson accomplished that bags of civilians would be dead in the access of the bomb, but he rationalized that in the continued run, abounding added American and Japanese lives would be adored by application the bomb.16 The board of scientists who formed on and eventually developed the bomb additionally recommended that the weapon be acclimated on Japan. The board acquainted that the adverse ability of the diminutive bomb would best serve the purpose of the U. S. if it was acclimated on a ambition of aggressive accent to the Japanese. The scientists were adamantly adjoin admonishing the Japanese of the accident of the diminutive bomb and did not appetite to authenticate the capability of the bomb on an arid island. Direct aggressive use was the abandoned way to end the war as far as they were concerned.17 The final accommodation on whether to use the bomb or not belonged to the President alone. President Truman had advised the recommendations of his top admiral and bent that the extenuative of American lives was his primary concern, appropriately the war charge appear to an end. Back autograph about his accommodation to use the bomb, Truman stated, “Let there be no aberration about it, I attention the bomb as a aggressive weapon and never had any agnosticism that it should be used. The top aggressive admiral to the President recommended its use, and back I talked to Churchill, he anon told me that he advantaged the use of the diminutive bomb if it ability aid to end the war.”18 On the 26th of July 1945, the United States, while accessory the Potsdam Conference, issued an claiming to Japan to abandonment actually or ache the furnishings of this new weapon. The Japanese banned to abandonment and vowed to abide to fight. Aloft audition the Japanese reply, President Truman absitively to bead the bomb on or about 3 August 1945. Four cities were called as accessible targets for the bomb: Hiroshima, Kokura, Niigata, and Nagasaki. The belief for ambition alternative was that anniversary ambition should accept a aerial aggressive cardinal value, accommodate a ample allotment of carefully congenital anatomy barrio that would be affected to accident by bang and fire, and that the armpit be about clear by antecedent bombings.19 Hiroshima was an acutely important aggressive center. The 2nd Army Headquarters was amid in the burghal and it allowable the aegis of all of Southern Japan. Hiroshima was additionally a communications center, a accumulator point, and an accumulation breadth for troops. The citizenry of the burghal at the time of the advance was about 255,000 people. Nagasaki was of abundant aggressive amount to Japan because of the industries amid in the city. Ordnance, ships, aggressive equipment, and assorted added war abstracts were produced in Nagasaki and any abeyance in the breeze of these abstracts would prove to be actual adverse to the Japanese war effort. Nagasaki had a citizenry of about 195,000 people. On 6 August 1945, the aboriginal bomb was abandoned on Hiroshima. The furnishings of the bomb about blew the burghal off the face of the earth. Buildings, houses, trees, blast poles, etc. burst as is they were fabricated of paper. Blaze engulfed the city. Bags of agitation stricken bodies ran through the streets in absolute shock. The curve of communi- cation to the blow of Japan was absolutely severed. In the end, 66,000 bodies were dead and 69,000 injured.20 Three canicule afterwards on 9 August 1945, the United States abandoned an akin beyond bomb on Nagasaki. The after-effects were agnate to Hiroshima and the afterlife and abrasion toll, although bottom than Hiroshima, was still devastating. A absolute of 39,000 bodies were dead and 25,000 injured.21 Akin the best agog of Japanese war supporters could see the autograph on the bank and on 2 September 1945, the Japanese clearly surrendered. This accident apparent the end to the greatest war in history. The Japanese declared the bombing as an barbaric act, but for the best part, apple assessment was favorable. Back abreast of the able new weapon invented by the United States, Joseph Stalin declared that he was animated to apprehend the account and hoped the Americans “would accomplish acceptable use of it adjoin Japan.” Winston Churchill was abandoned animated that the United States and not the Germans had been the aboriginal to ascertain the abstruse of diminutive power. The American accessible was athrill over the actuality that the war had appear to an end and acquainted vindicated for Pearl Harbor. With the diminutive bomb, the United States now begin itself in a position of ability in the apple political arena. The accord with Western Europe was solid, but the accord with Eastern Europe would be artificial for years to come. This was the alpha of the Cold War. From the actual alpha of analysis to the achievement of the Manhattan Project, the diminutive bomb was to be acclimated as a aggressive weapon. The United States was bedeviled with assault the Germans to the analysis of diminutive ability and its backdrop because that ability in the easily of a dement like Adolph Hitler would be catastrophic. The diminutive bomb was not produced or accessible for use until July 1945, three months afterwards the abandonment of Germany. Had it been accessible to the U.S. above-mentioned to Germany’s surrender, there is no agnosticism that it would accept been acclimated in Europe. The diminutive bomb was consistently beheld as a weapon to be acclimated and not to show. The furnishings of the bombing raids on Hamburg and Dresden were aloof as adverse as the attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The abolition of the cities and the numbers of bodies dead were comparable. The abominable agency was that one bomb acquired the abolition in Japan, admitting in Europe, connected bombing raids and assorted assets were used. The actuality that American lives could be adored by application the diminutive bomb was President Truman’s primary affair in chief the bead the bomb. If he could accept acclimated it in Europe, Japan ability accept apparent the ablaze and accustomed up back the Germans were defeated. The blackmail of accepting that alarming weapon abandoned on acreage Japan would accept agitated a lot of weight in allowance the Japanese adjudge on what advance of activity to follow. President Truman had no adulation for Nazi Germany and would not accept hesitated to abort the ambitious adept race. Top aggressive and noncombatant admiral were in favor of application the diminutive bomb as a aggressive weapon. General Carl A. Spaatz, Commander of U. S. Cardinal Air Forces, summed up the aggressive angle back he stated, “If we had had the diminutive bomb in Europe, it would accept beneath the war six to eight months.22 The ancestral affair was absolute and there was no agnosticism that the Japanese were added abhorred than their German and Italian allies. Pearl Harbor may accept had article to do with the American sentiment. Another accepted byword heard during the war was “Remember Pearl Harbor.” Feelings may accept been altered if the animal atrocities that were actuality committed by the Germans were publicized. The ancestral bigotry that was incurred by Japanese- American citizens was disgraceful, abnormally back the government had no break or affidavit of espionage. Fortunately, this ancestral bent had no address on President Truman’s accommodation and, as ahead stated, Germany would accept acquainted the appulse of the diminutive bomb if the war would accept lasted a few months longer. FOOTNOTES 1Louis L. Snyder, The Aboriginal Book of Apple War II (New York, 1958), p. 12. 2John W. Dower, War Without Mercy (New York, 1986), p. 78. 3Ibid., pp. 78-79. 4Ibid., p. 79. 5John, Leo. “An Acknowledgment to Japanese Americans,” Time, p. 70. 6John W. Dower, War Without Mercy (New York, 1986), p. 79. 7James L. Stokesbury, A Short History of Apple War II (New York, 1980), p. 380. 8Louis L. Snyder, The War, A Concise History (New York, 1960), p. 486. 9Ibid., p. 486. 10Leslie R. Groves, Lieut. General, U. S. Army, Ret., Now It Can Be Told, The Adventure of the Manhattan Activity (New York, 1962), p. 315. 11Anthony J. Mullaney, Blaze and the Air War (Boston, 1946), pp. 99-100. 12Ibid., p. 100. 13Brigadier Peter Young, Apple War 1939-45, A Short History (New York, 1966), p. 265. 14Alexander McKee, Dresden 1945: The Devil’s Tinderbox (New York, 1982), p. 137. 15Brigadier Peter Young, Apple War 1939-45, A Short History (New York, 1966, p. 265. 16Louis L. Snyder, The War, A Concise History (New York, 1960), pp. 488-489. 17Ibid., p. 487. 18Ibid., p. 489. 19The Manhattan Engineer District, The Diminutive Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki (N. Manchester, 1967), pp. 5-8. 20Ibid., p. 18. 21Ibid., p. 18. 22Louis L. Snyder, The War, A Concise History (New York, 1960), p. 488. BIBLIOGRAPHY A. BOOKS Amrine, Michael. The Abundant Decision. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Son, 1959. Bond, Horatio. Blaze and the Air War. Boston: Civic Blaze Protection Assn., 1946. Brown, Anthony and MacDonald, Charles. The Abstruse History of the Diminutive Bomb. New York: Dell Publishing Co., 1977. Cochran, Bert. Harry Truman and the Crisis Presidency. New York: Funk and Wagnalls, 1973. Donovan, Robert J. Conflict and Crisis. New York: W. W. Norton and Company, 1977. Dower, John W. War Without Mercy. New York: Pantheon Books, 1986. Evans, Medford. The Abstruse War for the A-Bomb. Chicago: Henry Regnery Company, 1953. Groves, Leslie R. Now It Can Be Told-The Adventure of the Manhattan Project. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1962. Groueff, Stephane. Manhattan Project, The Untold Adventure of the Making of the Diminutive Bomb. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1967. Hillman, William. Mr. President. New York: Farrar, Straus, and Young, 1952. Johnson, Julia E. The Diminutive Bomb. New York: H. W. Wilson Company, 1946. Jones, Vincent C. Manhattan: The Army and the Diminutive Bomb. Washington, D.C.: Centermost of Aggressive History, 1985. McKee, Alexander. Dresden 1945: The Devils Tinderbox. New York: E.P. Dutton, Inc., 1982. Miller, M. and Spitzer, Abe. We Abandoned the A-Bomb. New York: T. Y. Crowell, 1946. O’Neill, Herbert Charles. A Short History of the Additional Apple War. London: Faber and Faber, 1950. Poen, Monte M. Strictly Personal and Confidential. Boston: Little and Brown, 1982. Sherwin, Martin J. A Apple Destroyed. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1975. Snyder, Louis L. The War. A Concise History 1939-1945. New York: Julian Messner, Inc., 1960. Snyder, Louis L. The Aboriginal Book of Apple War II. New York: Franklin Watts, 1958. Stokesbury, James L. A Short History of Apple War II. New York: William Morrow and Company, Inc., 1980. Truman, Harry S. Memoirs by Harry S. Truman. New York: Doubleday and Company, Inc., 1956. B. TRANSCRIPTS/STUDIES Manhattan Engineer District. The Diminutive Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. 1951.
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