Nonetheless, Schoolhouse Bedrock — with its characteristic action created by Phil Kimmelman and Associates and sweet, addictive songs bound by adept songwriters like Bob Dorough and Lynn Ahrens — provided a advantageous dosage of affection “edutainment” for millions of American schoolchildren throughout the 1970s and aboriginal 1980s. Not alone did the appearance advice kids acuminate their abilities in math, grammar and science, but it provided accelerating acquaint on borough and amusing capacity that still bell 50 years later, including clearing (“The Abundant American Melting Pot”), women’s rights (“Sufferin’ Through Suffrage”), amusing distancing, sorta (“Elbow Room”) and authoritative checks and balances (“I’m Aloof A Bill,” “Three Ring Government”). Recently, the acceptable association at Southern Ohio Medical Center fabricated a cute, advisory burlesque of “I’m Aloof A Bill,” blue-blooded “Just A Vaccine.”

To bless 50 years of Schoolhouse Bedrock (which continues to brainwash and absorb in 2021 acknowledgment to Disney ), Billboard batten with a advanced array of musicians to acquisition out how Schoolhouse Bedrock abreast their advance as songwriters and students.
“Schoolhouse Bedrock aboriginal aired the year I was born. That’s a continued time ago to some. By the time I was old abundant to sit in advanced of the TV this alternation was there to advise me article amid my accepted Saturday morning action offerings. It wasn’t until I began to address about it today that I able I’ve recited a allotment of the affair song in my arch throughout my complete life: ‘cuz adeptness is power’! It was a abundant hook. I admiration how abstruse an aftereffect these three-minute action blasts of music had on me? I vaguely remembered the acquaint but afterwards spending some time online it all comes back. As an developed I feel I can absolutely acknowledge the affection of these productions. Maybe there could be an developed apprenticeship version?” – Jason Corbett of ACTORS
“Of all the educational videos we watched comin’ up, Schoolhouse Bedrock was in a chic of its own. The songs of Bob Dorough bent the absorption of all students, afraid with our bearing through adulthood. On my clue ‘Aye There,’ the bandage ‘Conjunction junction, aggravating to acquisition out how you function’ is a absorption of his blockage power… a way of angled my cap appear a allegorical artist whose melodies I can’t get out of my head!” – Marcus Atom
“I absolutely don’t bethink abundant of how we were asked to do [1996’s Schoolhouse Rock! Rocks tribute album]. We said yes to a lot of actuality aback then. I aloof bethink that aback we were asked, I was blessed to accord as that was a huge allotment of my childhood. I couldn’t accept ‘Lolly Lolly Lolly Get Your Adverbs Here’ was still available, as that was such an communicable song that absolutely leant itself to a pop-punk approach, which is array of what we went for. We had a fun time accomplishing it.” – Bill Janovitz, Buffalo Tom
“There’s aloof no overstating the adeptness of this show. The songs, the body and the absurd abstraction that acquirements could be absorbing and fun…and it wasn’t aloof for kids. The akin of the songwriting had a huge aftereffect on me. But this appearance additionally able me admired activity acquaint I wasn’t accepting at home, and that went way above acquirements what a noun is. You can’t watch ‘Verb: That’s What’s Happening’ and not be amazed. But ironically the abiding bequest aloof adeptness be their appearance on interjections and their accepted overuse: Wow! Aww! Hey! Because we don’t apperceive how to allocution anymore!” – Josie Cotton
“I met Bob Dorough in the mid-‘90s aback some accompany and I went to see him accomplish his Schoolhouse Rock! complete for the aboriginal time in years at the now-defunct Silver Lake club Spaceland. We interviewed him afterwards the appearance for a fanzine and abstruse bags of actuality we never knew about our adolescence hero.
“He played with Miles Davis, he recorded for allegorical applesauce characterization Blue Note, and was apparent by ABC as a for-hire songwriter because he had recorded a change anthology area he angry the capacity from the aback of aliment cans and assurance instructions from domiciliary accessories into lyrics to jazzy, folky pop songs. THAT was how he got the Schoolhouse Bedrock gig: the association at the TV arrangement knew he could booty any ol’ affair and about-face it into a addictive ditty, so they commissioned him to about-face the multiplication tables into music. Who knew?
“As we captivated up, I chatted with his administrator and mentioned if Bob anytime bare a guitarist or abetment singer, I was absolutely available. She mentioned he was putting calm a bout to advance the afresh appear SHR box set on Rhino and could absolutely use addition vocalist. And that was it! So began my abrupt administration as a affiliate of Bob Dorough’s Schoolhouse Bedrock touring band. He came to my half-house off Melrose with his keyboard and we sat in my active allowance and formed out the articulate harmonies, piano and guitar parts. He brought in a brace adolescent Cali musicians that he knew to annular out the band, and I brought in a few of my friends, including the abundant Cherie Currie of The Runaways, who sang the woman’s rights canticle ‘Sufferin’ ‘Til Suffrage’ at a few shows to the contentment of the arranged houses.

“Following the rehearsals at my crib, we confused on to Uncle Rehearsal in Van Nuys for a weekend or so as we able for our aperture date at the Troubadour. At this point, I was singing advance vocals on ‘Electricity’ and ‘Naughty Cardinal Nine,’ additional crooning the allotment of Lolly Jr. in the accepted ‘Adverbs’ anthem, so I was in heaven. We additionally added some aboriginal SHR players to the calendar for a few shows, including allegorical trumpet player/vocalist/actor Jack Sheldon (voice of The Bill, the ‘Conjunction’ conductor, and so abounding more), Wings bagman Denny Seiwell, and ‘Unpack Your Adjectives’ diva Essra Mohawk.
“The aperture night was a blast, followed by a few weeks or so account of shows, culminating at the Abundant American Music Hall in San Francisco. Bob was an complete joy to be about for every additional of this journey. He was consistently positive, consistently friendly, consistently had a behemothic smile, and seemed absolutely enthused to be about adolescent musicians that were aggressive to comedy music. Not aloof that we admired his music, but that we admired to comedy music. He absolutely advised us all as equals, which is absurd because how able he was and what complete dorks we all were (except Cherie, she is the coolest ever).
“Bob Dorough didn’t aloof accomplish music. He able us things through music. He accomplished with music. He acclimated music as a apparatus to change lives and to affect people. Look, we Hollywood douchebags all comedy an apparatus or whatever, but best of us are accomplishing it to serve some centralized ego-voice or cry for art accepting on some level…but anticipate about what a above calling his was? The guy awash with Miles Davis and afresh went on to advise you and your kids and your kid’s kids what an adjective is. He able us our multiplication tables and history acquaint through songs that you won’t get out of your arch until you leave this planet (but don’t worry, ‘My Hero, Zero’ will advice you home). Seriously, to this day I still accept to hum his song to admonish myself what absolutely the action of a affiliation is.
“Bob additionally had an absurd ponytail. He aggrandized his well-earned abbreviating aerial with a continued gray ponytail that seemed to accept a activity of its own. It would classy from ancillary to side. It pulled and tugged. It glided. It was a big allotment of his personality, abundant in the way Jerry Garcia’s bristles was such a allotment of his persona. I can candidly say I’ve never apparent anyone abrasion a ponytail as accurately badass as Bob Dorough.
“A few years later, I went to see him at a applesauce club doin’ his affair and he absolutely dead as always. He was as charming, ablaze and ambrosial as he consistently was, and abuse if he didn’t go addition few decades aloof out there accomplishing what he admired to do, bringing joy to people’s hearts, teaching and alarming through music. Meanwhile, us ten-toed association are still actuality on Earth aloof surviving…” – Frank Meyer, The Streetwalkin’ Cheetahs/Spaghetti & Frank
“I was absolutely a fan of the Schoolhouse Bedrock songs as a kid, and that amusement never waned as I grew older. I had the ‘Constitution’ song memorized, forth with ‘Just A Bill’, ‘Conjunction Junction’, and the ‘Noun,’ ‘Interjections’ and ‘Adverbs’ songs. ‘Interjections’ has consistently been my favorite, if alone for its immense comedic abeyant aback one substitutes blue adjectives for the complete lyrics… To this day, the byword ‘Hooray! I’m for the added team!’ is in my lexicon. Now my kids apperceive the songs. I anticipate they should be declared Apple Heritage artifacts. (The songs, not my kids.)” – Kurt Larson, Information Society
“I admired Schoolhouse Bedrock growing up. I feel like we all admired for a music abecedary and music programs those in Schoolhouse Rock. The air-conditioned affair is I did accept a bedrock brilliant music abecedary who every lesson, every song and choir feel bigger than what it was. Mrs. Bessie White. Her activity and activity was about identical to the complete programming of SHR but she was aloof one person. Incredible.” – Tanya Trotter of The War And Treaty
“It charge accept been one of the aboriginal songs to get ashore in my arch – “I’m aloof a bill, yes I’m alone a bill, and I’m sitting actuality on Capitol Hill.” I was in academy and I was acquirements about the U.S. government, but I was additionally acquirements article else, article that would become basal in my life: melodies are a affectionate of magic. They stick with us in a way words cannot, they animate in the pathways of our minds, forth with whatever bulletin they carry. I accept aback spent my activity application melodies in an attack to adeptness people, aloof like Schoolhouse Bedrock acclimated to adeptness me, as a kid, with a song ashore in her head.” – Rozzi

“Thanks to Schoolhouse I abstruse how to calculation and accept syllables and all kinds of things they approved to advise us in school. I am a complete artefact of the timeline and programming of that show. I sang those songs in my arch till this day. That appearance was advised to affect kids to accomplish access amid music and history, politics, fundamentals. Anybody doesn’t apprentice the aforementioned way. The affiliation amid agreeable and melody was a abundant compound for kids. Blessed birthday, Schoolhouse Rock.” – Marc Cary
“I absolutely admired ‘Naughty Cardinal Nine’ ’cause it was affectionate of awe-inspiring and subversive, and the multiplication song fabricated me appetite to action and win. I got absorbed aback I heard Bob’s activated abrade of a articulation breaking the rules alike as he explained them… this guy had a agrarian mind, which I ample out afterwards equaled creativity.” – Nellie McKay
“Schoolhouse Bedrock for me was cornball alike admitting I wasn’t built-in in that era. The action provided me and my two brothers with burning warmth, and the music was so abuse able-bodied written. I feel that a lot of children’s TV programs nowadays accept such a arrogant tone, but Schoolhouse Bedrock seemed to accept how able kids are. I can still go aback to Schoolhouse’s archive and aces out a few complete bangers. The autograph was aloof so developed and interesting, that’s why it larboard such a amaranthine mark on me. Three is a abracadabra number, with its Paul Simon-esque jollity, still provides an accessible balmy hug of homesickness for me.” – Dylan Howe of Rowan
“Oh man, I haven’t anticipation about these songs in a while. I bethink watching them as a kindergartner and adherent them, abnormally that ‘Figure Eight’ song. Aloof like that added children’s song ‘Inchworm,’ there’s a candied anguish in ‘Figure Eight’ that I articular with at an aboriginal age. That little babe in her ‘what if’ comatose and the accessory melodies – I absolutely related. Funny how I’m still admiring to and address songs with this array of contemplative sentiment, maybe Schoolhouse Bedrock is area it all started? Chicken or the egg.” – Greg Bertens of Film School
“It was a little afore my time, but I do bethink watching a few episodes about mathematics and some of the money-related ones; what a abundant appearance that acclimated music to advice kids amount out difficult concepts! My mom consistently acclimated to beat or accomplish up little belief with vocab words so they would be added memorable, like ‘ameliorate’ …. Amelia Earhart fabricated things bigger for women. It works!” – Jenna Kyle
“If the songs weren’t great, they wouldn’t be in my arch appropriate now, 40 years later, as I address this. That’s because they are great. And it’s as adamantine or harder, in my opinion, to address a song as acceptable as ‘Just A Bill’ as it is to address ‘This Land Is Your Land.’ You can’t apprehend either of those lyrics after audition the melody. We all apperceive both of those songs. We can apprehend the animal spirit abaft them.
“There may be a aberration amid a abode and a row home, but neither will angle actual continued after an unbreakable, solid structure. And forth with The Jackson 5 and Sly Stone, Schoolhouse Bedrock alien us white kids to the grooviest music in the world. It absolutely hit me area I live. ‘Conjunction Junction’ was my claimed fave/jam.
“I’m aloof acumen now that it’s appear abounding amphitheater actually. Last year I put out an activated mini-series about communicable activity that featured songs by myself, Goffrey Moore and Nicki Bluhm alleged The Best Of Times. Perhaps subconsciously I capital to feel the joy I had as a kid in the affliction year I was accepting as an adult. So acknowledge you Schoolhouse Rock. You were my generation’s accurate Academy Of Rock.” – Scot Sax

“I was a massive fan of Schoolhouse Rock. I bought it on VHS for my kids and watched it a lot myself after them. I was a tad old for it aback it started — nine or 10 and already knew the tables, but I abstruse a ton from grammar and history bedrock that came a little afterwards (did anyone beneath 16 apperceive what a affiliation or an assertion was afore they saw the Schoolhouse Bedrock songs about them?). Able-bodied into my twenties I was axis on the TV on Saturday mornings to try to bolt them. That said, it’s apparently been added advantageous to me as a abecedary than in my own stuff, which adeptness not serve their purposes, but the ‘Verb’ one is still as blue as annihilation abroad from that aureate era.” – David Sanford, composer
“I was a kid who confused a lot, a domiciliary that was consistently animate with assorted bodies in and out but there were a few consistencies I could calculation on: music, comics and cartoons. Schoolhouse Bedrock was able to amalgamate all of these things and they were done so able-bodied I would alternate attractive addition basin of Sugar Smacks during the bartering break for abhorrence I would absence ‘Conjunction Junction’ or ‘Just a Bill.’ From the added allowance my brother would yell, ‘Hurry! Schoolhouse Bedrock is on’ causing me to discharge the milk from my basin as I scampered and acclimatized in on the orange abandoned carpet. Throughout elementary academy the three branches of government would agitate in my arch as I stared blankly out the window, absent until Jack Sheldon’s balmy and abating articulation would bounce from my mind, the bouncing words of ‘Just A Bill’ not alone accouterment abundance but comestible abundance into how the government works. Years afterwards aback my son was disturbing with his multiplication tables, I belted out ‘five-ten-fifteen-twenty’ in that absolute accent of ‘Multiplying by Fives,’ he abstruse his fives in a flash. Bigger than beam cards.” – Bela Koe-Krompecher
“Schoolhouse Rock rocked its way into my alertness at a adolescent age. My mom bought me the VHS tapes and I admired watching them (on purpose!) and acquirements about conjunctions and interjections (show excitement! or emotion!) and multiplication. So abounding of those songs, above actuality actual accessible mnemonics, are absolutely abundant works of songwriting. ‘Three is A Abracadabra Number’ and ‘My Hero, Zero’ are melodies that can angle beside any pop hit of the day, and ‘Figure Eight’ charge not accept been so hauntingly admirable to acquaint us that 2×4 is 8, but it went there. Also, in the backward ’90s, I abounding amphitheater affected in Birmingham, AL and we put on a assembly of Schoolhouse Bedrock Live. I anticipate it was appealing accidental because we were mostly talent-less accouchement with alone two weeks to apprentice curve and choreography, all while aggravating to cross who to eat cafeteria with and how to authority your pee as continued as accessible because the attorneys would alone booty you to the bath one time and anticipate that was enough. Anyway, I can still bethink jazz-handing my way through ‘Interplanet Janet.'” – Kerry Alexander, Bad Bad Hats
“Well, I was apparently influenced—more than I know—by Schoolhouse Rock. That, and maybe Tom Lehrer, who gave me the admiration and permission to address contemporary songs. But balloon Schoolhouse Rock, I aloof saw that Bob formed with Miles, Allen Ginsberg, and wrote the music to one of my all time admired songs—Blossom Dearie’s ‘I’m Hip.’ This cat was deep. Actuality is a song of abundance absolutely afflicted by the spirit of Schoolhouse Rocks: ‘Who Is a Democratic Socialist?'” – Jill Sobule
“Growing up in the aboriginal ’70s I was a big Schoolhouse Bedrock fan. I admired ballsy tunes like ‘Just a Bill’ and ‘Conjunction Junction’ like anybody else, but the ones that absolutely got me were the songs from Multiplication Rock—specifically ‘Naughty Cardinal Nine,’ ‘Figure Eight’ and ‘Three is a Abracadabra Number.’ In my abode growing up it was mostly Broadway appearance tunes and ablaze pop, so audition Grady Tate’s soulful commitment of ‘Naughty Cardinal Nine’ for the aboriginal time absolutely blew my mind. I don’t anticipate that I had anytime heard the dejection before. I additionally grew to adulation ‘I Got Six,’ which was a James Brown-inspired tune additionally articulate by Grady Tate and for the aforementioned acumen — canal and soul. But there was added than aloof actuality apparent to new sounds and grooves that affective my attention. Bob Dorough’s simple yet absurd orchestrations had the adeptness to carriage my adolescent acuteness to new places—as much, if not more, than the lyrics. (Which of advance are amazing. I mean, the final bandage of ‘Figure Eight’: ‘Place it on its ancillary and it’s a attribute acceptation infinity.’ So beat and hip!) Best of the tunes were played by a added accepted pop leash or quartet, but Dorough actual cleverly would add a distinct apparatus to masterfully augment the complete and put the adviser into a altered realm, a abode area the lyrics would bell added deeply. For example, the attenuate use of the mbira in ‘Three is Abracadabra Number’ forth with the repetitive I-IV ambit progression is aloof anesthetic and makes one anticipate of West Africa, or the abandoned cello added to ‘Figure Eight’ alternating amid arco and pizzicato over the accessory verses amendment up bugged visions of Eastern Europe. As addition who spends best of his day autograph music for Sesame Street I generally anticipate of and draw afflatus from the music of Schoolhouse Rock—not alone for the absurd music, able lyrics and admirable pacing, but for the authentic faculty of joy and fun that flash through the complete alternation which is absolutely at the amount of teaching through music.” – Joe Fiedler, Sesame Street
“I wasn’t animate for the aboriginal advertisement of these episodes, so my analysis of this accomplished affairs of addictive educational songs and consciousness-expanding animation, was through the 1996 soundtrack and reruns. I’m aloof acumen now, that as a jailbait at the time, this was apparently additionally my addition to indie bedrock bands like Folk Implosion and Pavement. To this day, that academy bus-yellow CD case, absurd awning of “Three Is The Abracadabra Number” by Blind Melon, and accompanying cartoons, has been always categorical in my mind, which in my apprehensive opinion, is a assurance of an burning classic.” – Tierney Tough
“Born in 1967, I’m absolutely the appropriate age to accept all the OG Schoolhouse Bedrock songs assuredly lodged in my academician from the account ritual of Saturday morning cartoons. In 1988 it was my bandmate Juliana Hatfield’s abstraction for our bandage Blake Babies to awning ‘The Preamble,’ which beatific me bottomward a aerial aperture to balance all of those amazing jams. I was afraid by both the affection of the autograph and the catchiness — and acquaintance — of the earworms. I’m abiding for my abutting time to revisit the material, accepting aloft kids, I’ll be afraid all over afresh with a accomplished new perspective. Schoolhouse Bedrock was a abundant abstraction absolutely realized, and it had a huge appulse on an complete bearing of kids at heart.” – John Strohm, aforetime of The Blake Babies and The Lemonheads, currently admiral of Rounder Records
“If it wasn’t for Schoolhouse Rock, I wouldn’t accept fabricated it through school. ‘Conjunction Alliance what’s your action … and, but, or will booty you actual far!’ That song still runs through my arch today.” – Rodney O’Quinn, Foghat

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