I auspiciously sat for the February 2020 Georgia Bar Exam. As a foreign-trained lawyer, I heard so abounding abrogating things about the Bar Assay and I knew it was activity to be a behemothic task, however, I was aghast at the abridgement of assets for foreign-trained attorneys aback I began investigating what it would booty to auspiciously canyon the bar.

The abridgement of assets and admonition is what aggressive this article, forth with several requests I’ve accustomed from added adopted attorneys gluttonous admonition and tips on casual the bar.
To accord some background, I’m an accepted advocate accustomed to convenance in South Africa with over 10 years of experience. South Africa, like the United States, is a accepted law country (I’ll appear aback to this later). I did not accompany a J.D. (Juris Doctrate) or an A.J.D. (Accelerated Juris Doctrate) bulk aback I confused to the United States but instead absitively to accompany an LLM (Masters of Law) bulk as I already had a law bulk from South Africa.
Georgia allows foreign-trained attorneys to booty the Bar Assay if they admission an LLM which meets assertive requirements from an ABA-accredited law school. This brings me to my aboriginal allotment of admonition – Apperceive the requirements of the accompaniment you intend to booty the Bar Assay in. Not every accompaniment allows foreign-trained attorneys to sit for the bar. It is important that you apperceive what bookish requirements you charge to amuse afore applying to booty the Bar Exam. On top of that, you additionally charge to accept the appearance and fettle requirements of the specific administration in adjustment to ensure you don’t accept any hassles forth your appliance process. It is important to agenda that foreign-trained advocate applications about booty best to process, so do your analysis advanced of time and accomplish abiding you’ve congenital in all the lag time you charge to ensure you sit for the Bar Assay you ambition to take.
Georgia doesn’t currently use the UBE (Uniform Bar Exam) to conduct its Bar Exam. Georgia applicants sit for a two-day Bar Exam, with day one of the assay consisting of the MPT (Multistate Achievement Test) and 4 Georgia Essays and day 2 actuality the MBE (Multistate Bar Examination).
Now that we’ve dealt with some of the accomplishments let me get into what I did and why it formed for me.
TIP 1: Begin you bar basic early: The aggregate of admonition an abandoned is accepted to apperceive for the Bar Assay (regardless of jurisdiction) can be overwhelming. As a foreign-trained advocate this may be alike added overwhelming, if like me, you completed a LLM bulk which does not awning all the capacity activated on the Bar Exam. You should plan to alpha your Bar Assay alertness (bar prep) early. I advised for a absolute of 15 weeks for the Georgia Bar Exam. I did not assignment during that time and I advised my Bar Assay alertness like a full-time job – I advised from 9 till 6 pm on best days. (Due to assertive medical altitude which I altercate in added detail below, I was not able to abstraction in the evenings). I apperceive that not anybody can abstraction abounding time and may accept appliance or ancestors commitments – my admonition to you would be to account a best cardinal of weeks for alertness and ensure aback you do get a brace of hours to abstraction it is committed focused abstraction time. Abounding bodies who formed during their bar basic accept gone on to auspiciously canyon the Bar Exam.
I started belief for the Georgia Bar Assay beeline afterwards the November Multistate Professional Responsibility Assay (MPRE).
I requested aboriginal admission from my bartering bar basic provider. I apperceive assertive bartering bar basic providers accommodate LLM bar basic programs however, best of these do not awning all the states, like in my case, there wasn’t a Georgia specific LLM bar basic advance aback I sat for the Bar Exam. So, the another was for me to assurance up for the approved bar basic course, and appeal aboriginal admission so I could amplitude out my abstraction time.
TIP 2: Enrol in a bartering bar basic course: Amuse don’t fool yourself and anticipate you can do this on your own. You will charge a bartering bar basic course. However, as to which advance you aces that is absolutely up to you. Be honest with yourself about the blazon of apprentice you are – do you charge in actuality lectures? do you charge a bar basic babysitter who will accommodate you with abandoned acknowledgment and assistance? do you abstraction bigger on your own, so an online advance apparel you better?
There are bartering bar basic courses for every blazon of student. Don’t abatement into the allurement of cerebration there are abandoned 3 aloft bartering bar basic providers; their business campaigns are absorbing but these companies may not necessarily be ill-fitted to your abstraction style.
Do your analysis and aces what works for you.
[I went with Themis because of the cost, the abbreviate 20-minute online lectures, the committed commodity grader, accessible to use online aperture and the actuality that they appear their canyon rates.]
TIP 3: Test out the bartering bar basic courses aback you booty the MPRE: Most, if not all bartering bar basic companies action chargeless MPRE alertness courses. I short-listed the bartering bar basic companies I capital to go with and I registered for all their chargeless MPRE courses. I was able to admission all their online platforms, get an abstraction of how they architecture their address addendum and outlines, the affection of advisers they have, as able-bodied as, got a feel for how they bear information.
The action of testing out the bartering bar basic courses will additionally accord you an abstraction of what blazon of abecedarian you are and admonition you accomplish some of the decisions I referred to in Tip 2 above.
TIP 4: Admission your Bar Assay alertness holistically: The one affair you will apprehend afresh about the Bar Exam, behindhand of which administration your booty it in, is that the Bar Assay is a marathon. In adjustment to be acknowledged in the Bar Assay you charge to admission your alertness not abandoned by acclamation the bookish aspects but additionally by demography affliction of your concrete and brainy well-being.
It is a ambitious exercise, so managing the added areas about the Bar Assay to abbreviate accent is key. (Refer to Tip 15 beneath discussing logistics).
I advised every night afore activity to bed while I was belief for the Bar Exam. This exercise helped me tremendously. It accustomed me to bright my arch from the day’s work. It accustomed me to bright my affections behindhand of whether I had a bad convenance affair or couldn’t get my arch about a assertive topic. And best chiefly it accustomed me to get a acceptable night’s blow for the afterward day’s work.
I fabricated time for exercise. I am not a gym fanatic, but I approved to get at atomic three workouts a anniversary while I was studying. It is so accessible to abatement into the allurement of actuality chained at your board day in and day out during bar prep. Don’t balloon that your anatomy needs alpha air, sunlight, advantageous aliment and water. A advantageous anatomy will abandoned aid you during your studies.

TIP 5: Apperception over matter: In band with Tip 4 your apperception is your bigger asset.
You are activity to go through a ambit of affections during the bar basic aeon and over the two canicule (or three canicule depending on your state) you booty the Bar Exam.
The highs are activity to be absolutely aerial and the lows are activity to be absolutely low.
In accession to brainwork I did a lot of affirmation exercises. I wrote bottomward my affirmations and went over them every brace of days. Amount out what uplifts you mentally and emotionally and assignment those things into your bar basic on a approved basis.
Visual contest helped me a lot. I visualized assorted scenarios – what would I do if I’m in the assay and I get an commodity catechism breadth I don’t apperceive the law? what would I do if I’m active out of time on a accurate breadth of the Bar Exam? etc. These contest may assume a bit odd, but they helped me badly abnormally aback I begin myself sitting in the Bar Assay faced with the absolute book I had visualized – an commodity catechism I wasn’t bright on what the law was. Because I had visualized this book several times during my bar prep, I did not panic, I did not decay time freaking out, I took my abysmal breathes and accomplished the troubleshooting plan I had able from my assorted decision exercises.
Keep abrogating bodies and abrogating situations at bay. The Bar Assay is not abandoned about managing your studies but managing the bodies and affections about you. There were several bodies in my activity who I adulation dearly but had to abstain during the bar prep. It wasn’t claimed but I knew that all those bodies do is add to my anxiety. Unfortunately, those about you, who accept not taken the Bar Assay will not absolutely accept the bulk of accent and assignment you accept to get through, so they will charge to be managed at times.
TIP 6: Get reliable admonition – podcasts: You are activity to get admonition from so abounding sources. It’s important you edger out the babble from the substance. I subscribed to several bar basic podcasts hosted by individuals or companies who specialize in bar preparation. These podcasts provided me with a abundance of information, admonition and tips forth the way.
The podcasts I listened to (available on Apple Podcasts) were:
All of the aloft podcasts additionally accept cheep handles which I followed and got links to a lot of advantageous articles.
If you’re apprehensive aback I absolutely had time to accept to all these podcasts – I would use my cafeteria breach and time in the car as podcast time.
TIP 7: Is amusing media your friend?: So I had to accept a absolute austere chat with myself about amusing media afore I began belief for the MPRE and afresh the Bar Exam. I had to log off of best of my amusing media accounts during the bar basic because it was burglary a lot of my time and it did not accomplish me feel acceptable afterwards actuality on the platforms. I concluded up abandoned appliance Cheep and I would absolutely go anon to the bar basic profiles I capital to apprehend and log adapted out again.
Only you apperceive what your accord is with amusing media and abandoned you can appraise whether you charge to accept a amusing media breather while studying.
What I will say is about 3 weeks afore the assay try breach abroad from any accoutrement ambidextrous with the hashtags #BarExam and #BarPrep. Added students’ advance and/or all-overs will not accomplish you feel any better.
Try not to analyze yourself to anyone abroad during this period. There are assorted personalities you’re activity to appear beyond from those who panic, to those who enlarge how abundant they’re belief and how able-bodied they’re accomplishing on convenance exams etc. Try block out the noise. Focus on your own journey.
TIP 8: Foreign-Trained Attorneys – amusement the Bar Assay like a new bare slate: If you appear from a accepted law country, you may feel like belief for the Bar Assay is like redoing your LLB bulk all over again. A lot of the concepts, attack and areas of law are similar. However, do not abatement into the allurement of cerebration aggregate is the aforementioned – it is not.
I would like to accept the bigger advantage I gave myself was alleviative the Bar Assay as a accomplished new experience. I candidly had to advance my 10 added years of practice, my antecedent attorney’s assay and added acknowledged ability to the side.
If you appetite to abstain a lot of frustration, try alleviative the Bar Assay as a accomplished new bookish experience.
TIP 9: You will crave added material: As abundant as I begin my bartering bar basic advance absolutely good, I begin that I bare added abstraction material. This is activity to be abnormally accurate for foreign-trained lawyers. You will charge added assets to admonition you accept the appliance of the acknowledged attack and you will absolutely charge added assets to convenance with.

A analytical allotment of admonition I will give, abnormally for the MBE allocation of the Bar Assay is that you charge to convenance with absolute NCBE (National Conference of Bar Examiners) appear questions. Not every bartering bar basic advance uses appear questions, instead, they actualize their own questions based on the assay format. These questions are accept to convenance with but I saw a aberration in the architecture and catechism appearance of the NCBE appear questions and the questions my bartering bar basic advance used.
The added assets I acclimated to adapt for the Bar Assay were:
AdaptiBar – is a apparatus for the MBE allocation of the Bar Assay only. It is an online belvedere of NCBE appear questions, they additionally accept a adaptable app. AdaptiBar is abundant because it advance your advance and gives you achievement letters which you can use to appraise your anemic capacity in anniversary breadth of law. AdaptiBar additionally has a ambience breadth the affairs can focus on the areas which you accumulate accepting wrong, so it finer adapts to your akin progress. The accurate amount of AdaptiBar came in the added bisected of my bar alertness because I did not apperceive the law in the alpha – I had to get through the absolute law afore actuality able to absolutely admission the abounding amount of this product. However, it’s absolutely one to add to your bar alertness journey.
Critical Canyon Flashcard – Pre-populated flashcards of the seven absolute MBE areas of law. Analytical Canyon additionally has a adaptable app. Although the flashcards focus on the MBE subjects, I additionally begin the flashcards to be acutely advantageous for belief for the commodity allocation of the exam.
Emmanuel Strategies & Tactics for the MBE – a abstraction adviser on the MBE. This book is a must-read for anyone who wants to advance their MBE score. The book breach bottomward anniversary accountable on the MBE, and explains the catchy areas in anniversary subject. It additionally provides a abundant cardinal of appear questions to practice. At the time of the February 2020 Bar Exam, the book was in its 7th edition.
JD Advising MBE Tip of the Day – a circadian email with a MBE question, acknowledgment and tip on the MBE Exam. JD Advising is a bartering bar alertness advance that additionally provides bar tutoring. They accept bags of advantageous accessories on their website. Subscription is chargeless for the circadian MBE Tip of the Day. The emails about focus on ambush / difficult MBE questions and accommodate abundant explanations of what the ambush is, why acceptance blooper up on the catechism and how to analyze the absolute answer.
Audio Lectures for the essay-specific topics. I am not artlessly an audio learner, about I begin that I bare to go over chunks of admonition on the accompaniment specific law and did not necessarily appetite to re-read my outlines or notes. I fabricated audio recordings of myself on my buzz of accompaniment specific lectures, addendum and summaries. I would accept to these administration specific audio recordings in the mornings, or while in the car, whenever I capital to abstraction commodity but didn’t appetite to necessarily do a abysmal dive.
TIP 9: Do not be abashed to footfall abroad from the bartering bar basic calendar and do what you charge to do: Generally, your bartering bar basic advance will appear with a calendar and allocated tasks you charge to complete anniversary day. Try stick with this calendar as abundant as accessible but appear the end of your bar basic aeon (i.e. almost the aftermost 4 weeks) do not be abashed to footfall abroad from the advance and focus on the areas that charge work. For me it was memorization. I had to booty 3/4 canicule abroad from the online advance and aloof focus on memorization. This fabricated a huge aberration in my convenance tests and convenance essays.
I apperceive a lot of bodies try ability the 100% achievement ambition of their bartering bar basic course, about you charge to be astute with yourself and appraise what is added important – activity into the assay activity assured and accepting formed on all your weak/problem areas or activity acceptable that you accomplished 100% of the abstraction material. (I completed 90% of my bartering bar alertness course). The aftermost two weeks afore the Bar Assay I absolutely stepped abroad from my bartering bar basic advance and focused on my botheration areas and things I bare to do to be accessible for the exam.
In ablaze of the actuality that I started my bar basic advance aboriginal I could do this comfortably. The beforehand you alpha your bar alertness the added lag time you body into the advance for yourself to booty canicule breadth you do your own affair – e.g. memorization, focus on your added abstraction absolute etc.
Do what you accept approved and tested. You apperceive what blazon of apprentice you are so don’t agnosticism what has formed in the accomplished for you. If you charge to address aggregate out to admonition with anamnesis – address it out. If you are an audio abecedarian afresh accomplish recordings of yourself answer altered concepts.
TIP 10: Convenance every allotment of the Bar Assay beneath time conditions: If there is annihilation abroad you booty abroad from this article, amuse booty tip 10 and do it. The Bar Assay is a timed exam. The Bar Assay is a bankrupt book exam. It is analytical that you convenance all genitalia of the Bar Assay beneath these altitude because that is what you are activity to face during the exam.
In the aforementioned animation amuse don’t attack convenance exams until you are accessible – if you are appliance a bartering bar basic course, the agenda will let you apperceive aback it’s time to booty a convenance assay and which one to take. Demography a convenance assay afore you accept completed acquirements the absolute law will abandoned annul you and bandy you into a low.
However, if you accept accomplished the adapted date in your bar basic and you booty a convenance assay and you get a low score, it is an adumbration that you charge to go aback over what you accept done and amount out what you’re missing.
In accurate for the MBE, aback you ability a point in your convenance exams breadth it seems like your MBE array accept plateaued, this is usually an adumbration that you do not apperceive or accept the law. It’s a assurance that you charge to focus on anamnesis and compassionate the law. Once you apperceive and accept the law, you will see your array improve.
In commendations to the autograph allocation of the Bar Exam, it is absolute important that you convenance a abounding MPT and convenance as abounding commodity questions as possible. Both beneath timed conditions. You will be afraid how bound time flies by aback you’re aggravating to analyze all the issues and get the law on the page. The appearance and architecture of a Bar Assay commodity is absolute altered from a law academy essay.
For foreign-trained attorneys who accept accomplished in their home jurisdictions, the autograph allocation of the assay is absolutely an breadth breadth you can accretion added points. You would accept contiguous acquaintance of a lot of the applicant abstracts the MPT tests and the abbreviate to the point appearance of the Bar Assay essays is agnate to the applicant memos and opinions one generally has to abstract aback apprenticed for time by a ambitious client. Trust your experience. The key to a acknowledged autograph allocation of the assay is to address confidently and, in a manner, that a competent advocate would write.
TIP 11: Administer for your apartment early: every administration recognizes assertive apartment for the canicule of the exam. If English is your added accent you may be able to administer for added time. If you accept a medical action you can administer to sit abutting to the bathroom, accompany in aliment and alcohol into the assay etc.

Research the apartment your administration provides advanced of time because the appliance absolute dates for apartment tend to be at odd times during the bar basic period.
I was 35 weeks abundant aback I sat for the Bar Exam. (Yes. 35 weeks. 8 months pregnant.) And I knew I would crave added things to accomplish my acquaintance of demography the assay as adequate as it could be because the circumstances.
TIP 12: Blow commodity every day: As I alluded to at the alpha of the commodity not anybody can accomplish to abounding time abstraction – activity happens. Try blow commodity Bar Assay accompanying every day arch up to the Bar Exam. It could be as simple as attractive at some flashcards and committing to anamnesis that one difficult aphorism you assume to be disturbing with, or autograph one convenance essay.
Touching commodity from the Bar Assay every day keeps your arch in the game.
I had assorted moments throughout my bar alertness breadth I physically couldn’t do a abounding day of abstraction and actuality able to blow one affair a day no amount how baby kept me focused.
TIP 13: Continuously appraise and amend your progress: Advancing for the Bar Assay for the best allotment is an absolute exercise, abnormally if you’re appliance an online course. It requires absolute self-honesty. At approved intervals, you accept to appraise your advance and analyze if what you’re accomplishing is alive for you or whether you charge to change course. I would admonish accomplishing a self-assessment every anniversary or two weeks.
TIP 14: Apperceive your stats: Every administration breach up the weight of its Bar Assay differently. In Georgia the MBE is 50%, the MPT is 21,5% and the Essays are 28,5%. You charge a account of 270/400 to canyon the Georgia Bar.
Use the weight of anniversary allocation of the assay to adviser your studying. The statistics should be kept in apperception aback you’re accomplishing your approved assessments and addition out how and breadth you feel it’s astute for you to accretion best of your points.
TIP 15: Logistics, logistics, logistics: We absorb so abundant time advancing for the absolute allocation of the exam, a lot of bodies balloon to plan for the absolute assay days.
The added you can array out advanced of time the beneath accent you will accept the canicule of the exam. Plan advanced on how you’re accepting to the Bar Assay (if you aren’t blockage at a auberge abreast the assay venue); breadth you’re activity to accept cafeteria and what you intend on accepting for lunch. Plan advanced on what you intend accomplishing during lunch.
I had cafeteria in my car on both canicule of the Georgia Bar Exam. I fabricated a arranged cafeteria and I additionally fabricated a breakfast bite because I knew I was activity to get to the assay area aboriginal and would best acceptable eat breakfast in my car too. I absitively advanced of time that I didn’t appetite to collaborate heavily with anyone during cafeteria and capital to be abandoned in my car to regroup and brace for the afternoon sessions. (There absolutely is no charge to altercate anniversary breadth of the Bar Assay with adolescent acceptance at the end of anniversary affair – it doesn’t amount what they wrote or what you wrote, it’s done. It will abandoned accent you out.)
I additionally spent my cafeteria breach accomplishing my affirmations and decision exercises. The morning affair on the aboriginal day of the Bar Assay larboard me frazzled, and I bare to regroup. I am so beholden I had a plan for regrouping myself in the assay (while I was active out of time) and during lunch, because I’m not abiding if I would accept been able to appear aback able for the afternoon affair of the exam.
The added you can plan advanced and pre-empt assorted scenarios, the bigger able you will be to accord with the assay days.
Remember to additionally absorb some time on addition out how you’re activity to absorb the aftermost weekend afore the Bar Exam, (Several of the podcasts listed aloft accept abundant episodes on how to finer absorb your aftermost weekend).
The Bar Assay is a chase not a sprint. As you can apprehend it was a action that complex assorted elements, but added chiefly it complex committing to the task.
Foreign-trained attorneys CAN canyon the Bar Exam. Added importantly, foreign-trained attorneys can canyon the Bar Assay on their aboriginal attempt. Don’t let the nay sayers and the Pessimistic Percy’s accomplish you anticipate you can’t do this. You can! and You will! Trust your experience.
Good Luck on your Bar Assay journey!

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