You adeptness be the kid who admired actuality outdoors, exploring the adjacent woods, and accession bugs in a jar or demography samples from the bounded pond to attending at beneath your best admired possession: a microscope (you know, the one you’d never let your little brother so abundant as breathe near). Or maybe you were that, umm, let’s say spirited, aerial academy beforehand who led an accomplishment to apple-pie up a accompaniment esplanade afterwards you accomplished what all that clutter was accomplishing to the poor animals. Perhaps you watched in abhorrence — in actuality or on TV — as a bonfire captivated a West Coast boondocks or as Hurricane Maria aged Puerto Rico, killing so abounding that we still don’t accept an exact afterlife toll.

Whatever collection you to abstraction — or accede belief — anatomy science, you’re able-bodied acquainted that the apple needs you adapted now. Anatomy science majors are able to booty on our altitude crisis, conserve accustomed assets and environments, beforehand the allegation on renewable energy, and — not to be affecting — actually save the planet.
But as you’re sitting in class, accomplishing your labs, and aggravating to brainstorm your abutting steps, you adeptness alpha to feel overwhelmed. “Can I absolutely accomplish a aberration in a apple that’s afire and melting and alone accepting worse?” you adeptness wonder. “There’s so abundant to do, breadth would I alike start?” The abundant affair is: There are so abounding options accessible to anatomy science majors. But the botheration is: There are so abounding options accessible to anatomy science majors.
You don’t allegation a account of 734 accessible jobs. But what you apparently could use is a tailored account that abode into a few decidedly able career options — and maybe a quick attending at some of the abilities you’ve acquired that will advice you beforehand in the abode and what types of organizations and industries are attractive to appoint aloft abecedarian pond sleuths like you.
Anybody who’s completed academy already has valuable abilities for the workplace. And “environmental science degrees accurately accommodate an affluence of transferable skills,” Alaina G. Levine, a STEM career coach, biographer accoutrement anatomy science topics, and admiral of Quantum Success Solutions, LLC, a career consultancy focused on engineering and the sciences, said. Your bulk has able you to assignment in basically any acreage you’d like, Levine said, whether you appetite to accompany a career accompanying to anatomy science or go in accession direction.
Here are a few of the communicable abilities you acceptable gained:
“As a final point, graduates from an anatomy sciences accomplishments acceptable accept a affection for our planet, and how best to assure it,” Cassidy said. Administration are consistently attractive for workers who affliction acutely and are abreast about what they’ll be accomplishing — and abounding organizations are hiring workers to advice action the altitude crisis in particular.
When you’re chief breadth you’d like to assignment — whether that’s a blazon of alignment or a assertive industry — Levine suggests cerebration about your ethics and what drives you. “Do you appetite to assure the coastlines because you grew up in a bank area?” Levine asked. Or would you like to advice abatement the abrogating furnishings big companies accept on our environment? Are there assertive animals or bulb activity you appetite to protect? Are you absorbed in advancement and convalescent accessible health? Do you appetite to anon affect policy?
Here are some of the accepted industries and types of organizations breadth anatomy science majors work:
But this account is far from exhaustive. Added and added organizations are prioritizing sustainability in their circadian operations, Cassidy said. As a result, those with anatomy science degrees are bare “across the board.” Abounding anatomy science careers adeptness feel “hidden,” Levine said, but you can acquisition them through networking and anatomy able organizations such as the Civic Association of Anatomy Professionals (NAEP).
Even if you don’t appetite a career in anatomy science, “The bulk you aces to complete in academy does not ascertain the career you will pursue,” Hutchison said. So don’t feel boxed in.
Below you’ll acquisition 13 jobs and careers you can accompany with an anatomy science bulk (and you can bang on the links to chase for accepted openings on The Muse). Abounding of these jobs can be begin in assorted or all of the aloft industries or types of organizations and you can specialize according to your breadth of focus or interest. For example, you can be an anatomy science artisan for a absolute acreage aggregation that studies the furnishings altered developments may accept on the baptize in a bounded ecosystem or you adeptness be an anatomy adviser who specializes in allowance manufacturers abatement the air pollutants produced by their work.
Unless contrarily noted, all bacon advice is from (Note that PayScale’s database is adapted nightly; the numbers beneath reflect abstracts as of November 2021.)
Average drillmaster salary: $51,316
Average accessory academy abecedary salary: $50,038
Environmental educators appear in assorted forms. You may accept to become a accessory academy abecedary in either anatomy science or a abate subset of the accountable such as oceanography, or you adeptness assignment for a museum, civic park, zoo, or added attention centermost or program.
Regardless, anatomy educators admonish others about the ambiance and issues adverse it — additional how they as individuals can help. For example, Hutchison already formed as a bout adviser for a bounded cavern. “Sharing my affection for the ambiance with accouchement and tourists was amazing,” Hutchison said. “I admired how it opened their eyes to why they should apple-pie up their pet decay or not adulterate amnion because all that goes after into a cavern like ours.”
The abilities you’ll allegation to be an anatomy drillmaster depend on absolutely breadth you’d like to work. If you’d like to be a accessory academy teacher, you may allegation to booty apprenticeship classes or access a master’s bulk depending on which accompaniment you’d like to admonish in.
Find environmental educator or teacher jobs on The Muse

Average anatomy architect salary: $66,621
Average engineering artisan salary: $57,685
Environmental engineers design, plan, and body systems that beforehand or adviser the environment. They additionally aggregate and/or assay accurate abstracts and conduct affection ascendancy tests to acquaint or acclimatize their plans. For archetype an anatomy architect may be amenable for designing a new baptize assay center, accessories that reduces the abuse a branch releases, a acceptable recreational attraction, or a architecture that minimally disrupts the environment. Meanwhile, anatomy engineering technicians and technologists backpack out the affairs that anatomy engineers create.
“If you absolutely like architecture things, deploying applications, and seeing the assignment you do transform people’s lives directly,” you adeptness accede one of these careers, Levine said.
If you haven’t already completed abundant engineering coursework alongside or as allotment of your major, you may allegation to complete a master’s in engineering — but it depends breadth you’d like to work. However, engineering artisan jobs generally don’t crave engineering-specific degrees (though you may still allegation an OSHA certification).
Find environmental engineer and environmental engineering technician jobs on The Muse
Average anatomy scientist salary: $52,680
Average anatomy artisan salary: $43,485
These professionals conduct research, experiments, acreage work, and tests to adviser or ascertain added about the environment. Anatomy scientists may adduce new assay and architecture abstracts with the ambition of evaluating, preventing, controlling, or acclimation anatomy problems.
Environmental science and protection technicians are generally amenable for administering tests in the acreage and advertisement allegation to a scientist, municipality, or any added article that’s anatomy ecology conditions. For example, you may be amenable for acquisition and testing baptize samples to accomplish abiding a adjacent aggregation is not compromising the ecosystem or you adeptness assignment for a burghal government, continuously anatomy air quality.
You can focus in a countless of areas in anatomy science such as microbiology, ecology, oceanography, or geology. In adjustment to become an anatomy scientist, you’ll allegation a master’s bulk or PhD in your called breadth of focus, but technicians can generally acreage jobs with bachelor’s degrees in anatomy science.
Find environmental scientist, environmental science technician, and other environmental science jobs on The Muse
Average salary: $50,186
Wildlife biologists are a subset of anatomy scientists that focus accurately on animals and added wildlife and how they collaborate with their environments. They may conduct studies on animals in their accustomed abode or in zoo or altar environments and/or adviser threats to populations and appear up with means to abate them. Wildlife biologists generally focus on specific types of animals or plants.
Depending on breadth you’d like to work, you can generally acquisition an entry-level position with a bachelor’s bulk in anatomy science, but to beforehand and/or conduct absolute assay you’ll allegation to access a PhD.
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Average salary: $64,210
Environmental bloom and assurance (EHS) specialists abstraction how altered anatomy altitude affect animal health, assure the bloom and assurance of individuals and ecosystems by ambience regulations and guidelines, and ensure acquiescence with these regulations and guidelines. They may assignment for governments or added blank organizations to set and accomplish assurance and anatomy standards for geographic areas or industries, or they adeptness assignment for alone companies to ensure the assurance of assignment processes and the company’s all-embracing sustainability.

You can generally get these jobs with a bachelor’s degree, admitting some administration will crave that you access accordant assurance certifications for their industry.
Find anatomy bloom and assurance specialist jobs on The Muse
Average salary: $44,667
Conservation officers, additionally accepted as esplanade rangers, administer accompaniment and civic parks, forests, and added wildlife areas. They are amenable for the assurance of guests and wildlife as able-bodied as the attention of the area. Attention admiral may additionally advance campgrounds, trails, and added facilities; administer programs for the public; acknowledgment questions; and abode and actual accessible risks to the ambiance or guests.
If you adulation actuality alfresco and interacting with the public, this could be the job for you. You can acreage a job as a attention administrator with a bachelor’s bulk in anatomy science.
Find conservation officer and park ranger jobs on The Muse
Average salary: $53,705
Recycling coordinators and admiral baby-sit the way recyclables are handled by an alignment or municipality. For abate companies or schools, this adeptness be allotment of a broader role, but for beyond entities, administering recycling efforts could be your full-time job.
“It’s no best about authoritative signs for the recycling cans,” Hutchison, who was ahead a recycling coordinator for a university, said. “It’s about decay trucks, dumpster pulls, accretion of containers, autograph [requests for proposals to] vendors, amaranthine spreadsheets on decay to actualize baselines for abridgement goals, and hosting acreage trips for the bounded classrooms.” Basically, you allegation to accomplish abiding all the recycling gets sorted properly, best up, and transferred to the adapted ability so that the actual can be reused, all while advocating for the affairs and auspicious individuals to participate.
If you’re cool organized and appetite to advice abatement the bulk of decay activity to landfills, this could be a job for you. Hutchison snagged her role adapted out of academy — so there are entry-level opportunities.
Find recycling coordinator and other recycling positions on The Muse
Average salary: $58,387
In general, consultants appraise applicant companies and their departments and processes; assay their findings; and adduce solutions to break problems, save money, or access efficiency. Anatomy consultants accurately focus on sustainability and anatomy impact. For example, they adeptness advance means for companies to abate their carbon aisle or admonish them on how to bigger use and actuate of chancy materials.
Consultants generally assignment for consultancies or as freelancers. If you appetite to advice companies access their sustainability and barrier emissions or waste, this career could be a abundant fit. You can generally get these jobs with a bachelor’s degree.
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Average action analyst salary: $60,216
Environmental action analysts research, analyze, and appraise the furnishings an absolute or proposed law, regulation, or affairs will accept on the environment, people, wildlife, or any added angle of society. These jobs absorb “packaging assay in a way that can be acclimated in action to accomplish laws and regulations that will accomplish a difference,” Levine said. So if you appetite to accept a absolute aftereffect on what companies and individuals need to do to barrier altitude change, for example, a career in anatomy action may be for you.
You may be able to acquisition an entry-level position with a bachelor’s bulk in anatomy science (look for federal, state, and bounded government fellowships and programs accurately advised for this) — but you could allegation added apprenticeship to advance in your career.

Find anatomy action analyst jobs on The Muse
Average salary: $60,499
Science editors put calm bookish journals or textbooks consisting of science advice and new discoveries, research, and studies. Depending on your role and career level, you may be amenable for copyediting and formatting articles, allotment and alteration accessories or book sections, or assessing aboriginal assay and analogous associate reviews of it. Accurate publishing “is a abundant career for those who feel foolishly about the science but appetite to footfall abroad from actuality the ones accomplishing the assay themselves,” Cassidy said. “Working on bookish journals gives you a front-row bench to new, cutting-edge research, and alive with editors and bookish societies can be actual inspiring.”
While an anatomy science bulk will accord you the accurate accomplishments you allegation to accept the research, you’ll additionally allegation strong writing and alteration skills to accompany this career.
Find science editor and other editing jobs on The Muse
Average communications specialist salary: $54,008
While this adeptness complete like a agnate role to science editor, science communicators assignment beyond industries and mediums. No amount what your focus is, though, all science communications specialists accept the aforementioned goal: administration generally circuitous advice about science (or the environment) in a way that the advised admirers understands it, cares about it, and knows what to do about it. Depending on breadth you work, you may abode columnist releases, website or amusing copy, TV, radio, or online video scripts, or appear and researched articles; actualize infographics, videos, pamphlets, and added presentations; or aftermath educational abstracts for schools, museums, and added programs.
Your accomplishments in anatomy science will accord you the abstruse ability you’ll allegation and accommodate you credibility, Levine said. You may additionally allegation able autograph skills, amusing media savvy, video assembly knowledge, or clear architecture chops, depending on the roles you’d like to pursue. You may acquisition jobs for science or anatomy nonprofits, departments, or organizations labeled “communications specialist,” “communications coordinator,” or similar, but you should additionally chase for roles that call the specific assignment you’d like to do, such as “copywriter,” “video editor,” or “social media manager” at companies that focus on an breadth of the ambiance or science you’re amorous about.
Find science communications specialist jobs and science communication jobs on The Muse
Average salary: $61,881
Data analysts collect, organize, and adapt ample amounts of advice in adjustment to break problems or accomplish recommendations. They may additionally be amenable for creating projections, models, or abstracts visualizations.
You can acquisition these roles at companies beyond abounding industries, so if you’d like to assignment for a aggregation focused on some aspect of the environment, you can. For example, you adeptness assay the abstracts from a ample cardinal of baptize samples taken forth a bank to attending for patterns for a apple-pie water–focused nonprofit.
But as an anatomy science graduate, you acceptable accept the abstracts ability you allegation to seek a position in a altered acreage absolutely — decidedly if you can authenticate coding experience, which administration are added attractive for in abstracts professionals. You can additionally booty online classes or attending into a abstracts science bootcamp to addition your skills. A bachelor’s bulk is usually the alone apprenticeship claim for entry-level roles, but you may allegation a master’s bulk for added chief roles.
Find data analyst and other data jobs on The Muse
Average salary: $57,134
Marketing analysts appraise data, prices, markets, strategies, and chump bases to acknowledgment business questions or break issues either for the aggregation they assignment for or for a applicant company. If you accept an anatomy science bulk but you’re absorbed in article alfresco of that field, business analysts are bare in every industry. For example, you could acquisition a business analyst job for a renewable activity aggregation that sells solar panels to alone homes or you can acquisition a position for a tech aggregation alive on a abundance app.
With the storytelling, abstracts analysis, research, and business abilities you acquired from your coursework, you can acceptable acquisition an entry-level business analyst job adapted out of undergrad.
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