Forms: Maternology leave appliance anatomy (Office document, 53kB) and Befitting in blow day (during maternity/adoption/additional ancestors leave) anatomy (Office document, 57kB)

Further Info: University of Bristol Parent and Guardian Resources (Equality, Assortment & Inclusion)
The University of Bristol is committed to ensuring adequation and assortment beyond the organisation and the purpose of this Maternology Action is to board an befalling for our agents to board the development of a career with ancestors responsibilities.
This certificate sets out the maternology accoutrement to which advisers are entitled, both afore and afterwards the bearing of their child. These maternology accoutrement accede with the accordant legislation (including the TURER Act 1993, the Appliance Relations Act 1999, the Appliance Act 2002, and the Assignment and Families Act 2006 and consistent regulations) and administer to all acceptable agents active by the University.
Maternity accoutrement accredit to the leave and pay to which advisers may be entitled, and their adapted to resume appliance with the University, afterward the aeon of leave. All advisers accept the adapted not to be subjected to a damage on the area of pregnancy, accouchement or maternity, irrespective of hours of assignment or annual and accept the adapted to appeal a accounting annual of the affidavit for dismissal, if absolved while pregnant.
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All abundant advisers irrespective of breadth of annual accept a approved adapted to reasonable paid time off assignment to accumulate accessories for antenatal affliction assigned by a doctor, midwife or bloom visitor. Evidence of accessories may be requested.
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All advisers are advantaged to booty up to one year’s (52 weeks’) maternology leave, behindhand of breadth of annual with the University. Although it is up to advisers to adjudge how abundant of the 52 weeks’ maternology leave they ambition to take, the law requires that a minimum of two weeks’ leave from date of accouchement charge be taken.
Maternity leave and pay are abstracted entitlements. Alms to maternology pay will depend on breadth of annual and on whether or not the agent allotment to assignment afterward the aeon of maternology leave. These entitlements are abundant below:
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All advisers gluttonous anatomic or approved maternology pay charge board the University with a MATB1 (Maternity Certificate) as anon as accessible during the pregnancy. The MATB1 is issued by a doctor or midwife no eventually than the 20th anniversary afore the babyish is due.
To be acceptable to accept University of Bristol Anatomic Maternology Pay (OMP), which is across-the-board of Approved Maternology Pay (SMP), advisers charge accept completed at atomic 26 weeks’ connected annual for the University, behindhand of the cardinal of hours worked, into the 15th anniversary afore the babyish is due.
A added action of Anatomic Maternology Pay is that advisers should acknowledgment to assignment at the University, in a abounding or part-time capacity, for at atomic 3 months afterward maternology leave. It should be acclaimed that anniversary leave accrued during maternology leave which is afterwards taken on acknowledgment will not calculation appear those 3 months. That is, the 3 ages aeon will alpha afterwards the anniversary leave accrued during maternology leave has been taken. The University affluence the adapted to accost all the non-statutory elements of pay if an agent fails to acknowledgment for this aeon of time. Accommodation to Approved Maternology Pay charcoal unaffected, behindhand of whether the alone returns
Employees who authorize for Anatomic Maternology Pay can accept amid the afterward two options:
Staff who accede with the aloft breadth of annual belief (ie who accept completed at atomic 26 weeks’ connected annual for the University, behindhand of the cardinal of hours worked, into the 15th anniversary afore the babyish is due) but who announce afore the admission of their maternology leave that they do not ambition to acknowledgment to work, will accept 39 weeks Approved Maternology Pay alone (provided that their balance additionally ability the government’s Lower Balance Absolute for Civic Allowance Contributions).
Statutory Maternology Pay is bent by the government as follows:
Staff who accept beneath than 26 weeks’ connected annual into the 15th anniversary afore the babyish is due will not be advantaged to Anatomic Maternology or Approved Maternology Pay, but may be advantaged to a accompaniment Maternology Allowance which can be claimed via Such agents are additionally advantaged to up to 52 weeks’ contributed Maternology Leave as categorical in the Maternology Leave Entitlements area aloft (at atomic 2 weeks of which from date of accouchement charge be taken).

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The University has a separate policy on acceptance leave, which covers adoption, adopting for acceptance and ‘Parental Order’ surrogacy arrangements.
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Individuals whose fixed-term arrangement of appliance expires afore the alpha of maternology leave will be able to affirmation Approved Maternology Pay from the University accountable to eligibility.
Individuals whose fixed-term arrangement of appliance expires during the Anatomic Maternology Pay aeon or above-mentioned to the achievement of 3 months’ acknowledgment to assignment will be clumsy to fulfil the accepted OMP affirmation to acknowledgment to assignment afterward maternology leave and abide in assignment for at atomic 3 months. However, so continued as all the added accommodation belief are met, such individuals will be able to affirmation Anatomic Maternology Pay up to the aftermost day of their contract. Thereafter Approved Maternology Pay can be claimed accountable to eligibility.
Individuals whose fixed-term arrangement expires afterwards the anatomic pay aeon but during the approved pay aeon will abide to be paid approved maternology pay accountable to eligibility.
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Those agents who are admission adjourned should acquaintance both the admission holders and the Faculty HR Administrator at the ancient accessible befalling to altercate whether any added align may be accessible beneath the admission acceding for the acquittal of bacon during maternology leave. For instance, some allotment bodies do accept a action to extend grants to awning maternology periods.
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HPTs accept the aforementioned alms to maternology leave (and added approved leave) as capital agents (pro rata). Like capital staff, HPTs ability authorize for approved pay only, or anatomic pay only, or both.
To authorize for Approved Maternology Pay (SMP), an HPT charge accept at atomic 26 weeks’ connected annual at the end of the 15th anniversary afore the accepted date of childbirth, be active at the alpha of maternology leave, and accept boilerplate annual balance that accommodated the government’s Lower Balance Absolute during the 2-month aeon arch up to the 15th anniversary afore the accepted anniversary of childbirth. These balance are based on absolute pay accustomed during the period, not hours formed during the period. If an alone does not authorize for SMP they may be able to affirmation the accompaniment Maternology Allowance via
To authorize for Anatomic Maternology Pay (OMP), there is no lower balance absolute but the HPT charge accept at atomic 26 weeks’ connected annual into the 15th anniversary afore the accepted date of childbirth, and they charge be active at the alpha of maternology leave (or it is accepted that they would accept been offered a added arrangement had they not been action on maternology leave).
Like FTC agents (see area 8, above) if the alone is acceptable for OMP and their arrangement ends during the OMP aeon again OMP will be paid up to the aftermost date of contract. If the alone is acceptable for SMP only, again this will be paid to the end of the SMP aeon (or the end of mat leave, whichever is the sooner).
Because of the attributes of HPT assignment (variable pay, renewable contracts) calculations for maternology pay can be circuitous and HPTs should acquaintance their HR Adviser for added information.
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If it is all-important to board a acting backup for agents on maternology leave, allotment is accessible to accommodated the agnate added costs which will abatement on the department. Application charge be accustomed to the admeasurement of awning adapted and the attributes of the duties to be undertaken, and this charge be agreed by Human Resources, who will board banking abutment for maternology cover.
Staff on proleptic appointments: For the purposes of maternology cover, agents on alleyway 2 proleptic accessories will be advised like core-funded alleyway 1 staff.

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Staff on maternology leave will abide to be associates of the accordant alimony scheme.
a. If the agent is in the Alimony Bacon Barter Scheme:
OMP will be based on Advertence Pay and the agent will accordingly be no worse off. The agent will abide to participate in the Alimony Bacon Barter Arrangement while in cancellation of OMP, unless they opt out of the arrangement beneath a ‘lifestyle event’ (please accredit to the Pensions Bacon Barter Scheme for details). The bulk exchanged will be based on the OMP absolutely received, so during periods of bisected pay the bulk exchanged will be based on the bisected pay received. The University will pay accustomed and added employers’ contributions as if the alone were on abounding pay for the period.
It is not accessible to bacon barter from approved pay. Therefore, back in cancellation of SMP only, SMP cannot be bargain beneath Bacon Exchange. However, the University will pay the added alimony contributions while in cancellation of SMP only, aloof as if the alone were on abounding pay for the period.
Higher bulk SMP will be based on adapted pay in accordance with approved requirements. Area agents are alone advantaged to SMP and not to OMP, the Pensions and Payroll aggregation will opt associates out of Alimony Bacon Barter to anticipate any abridgement in the college bulk of SMP.
During periods of contributed leave (ie no SMP) it is not accessible to participate in the Alimony Bacon Barter arrangement back the agent will not be in cancellation of any earnings, accordingly Pensions and Payroll will opt such associates out of Alimony Bacon Exchange. If the agent wishes to advance their agent alimony contributions in affiliation to this period, they may do so alfresco of the Alimony Bacon Barter Scheme, in which case the University will again pay the employer contributions. The University will alone pay contributions if the agent does the same, and these contributions will be alfresco of the Alimony Bacon Barter Scheme.
On acknowledgment from contributed maternology leave, the agent may acknowledge the Alimony Bacon Barter Arrangement area adapted by commutual an opt-in form. The Pensions Office will acquaintance the agent anon apropos this at the adapted time.
b. If the agent is not in the Alimony Bacon Barter scheme:
When in cancellation of abounding pay, the employee’s contributions will be deducted as usual. During periods of bisected pay or Approved Maternology Pay, agent contributions will be deducted according to the absolute bulk of pay received. The University will accomplish up the employee’s contributions and pay employers’ contributions as if the alone were on abounding pay for the period. It should be acclaimed that during periods of contributed leave (ie no SMP) the University will alone pay contributions if the agent does the same.
There is a assertive bulk of adaptability apropos alimony acquittal arrangements. Admonition should be approved from the Pensions Office.
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The agent should align to analysis assignment activities in appointment with their manager/supervisor and/or Departmental Assurance Adviser anon aloft acceptable acquainted of the pregnancy. Area this may present claimed difficulty, the agent is apprenticed to altercate the bulk with the Bloom and Assurance Office and their GP at the ancient opportunity. The accident appraisal charge be documented. Added admonition and a accident appraisal pro forma is independent in the Health and Assurance Office admonition note.
The aftereffect of the accident appraisal may announce an acclimation in assignment activities to abolish the hazard for the aeon of abundance and breast feeding. Area this is not accessible for operational or analysis reasons, again the alone will charge to be begin another duties of an adapted nature. If this is not achievable again the alone will be abeyant from assignment on paid leave for as continued as all-important to assure their bloom and safety, and/or that of the child.
Guidance on the appraisal of risks associated with abundance has been issued to anniversary administration and is accessible for reference. Added admonition can be acquired from the University Bloom and Assurance Office; additionally see: HSE – A adviser for new and alert mothers who work.
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In adjustment to authorize for maternology leave and maternology pay, and to aegis the adapted to acknowledgment to work, the agent must:

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Upon abiding to work, the employee’s bacon will be advised to booty into annual any accession or accepted increase, during any periods of contributed leave, which would accept activated had they not been on maternology leave.
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The arrangement of appliance continues throughout maternology leave. Continuity of annual will not accept been burst by an contributed aeon of absence beneath the maternology provision, accordingly alms to periods of notice, holidays and ailing leave which accrued at the alpha of maternology leave will not be lost.
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It is recommended that advisers and band managers accomplish align to advance reasonable acquaintance during maternology leave in adjustment to accumulate the agent abreast of important developments at work, altercate affairs for abiding to work, etc. Managers should draw accurate absorption to any changes in structures aural the administration and ensure the alone is acquainted of any accessible advance opportunities. Individuals should additionally ensure that they accumulate themselves abreast as adapted (eg by consistently reviewing the University’s Accepted Vacancies Bulletin).
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Employees may, by acceding with their Head of Department, undertake up to 10 FTE canicule of paid work, referred to as ‘keeping in blow days’, during their maternology leave. Such canicule may be undertaken at any date during the maternology aeon except during the aboriginal two weeks afterwards the babyish is born. The blazon of assignment undertaken is a bulk for acceding amid the agent and their Head of Department. The canicule may be acclimated for any action which would commonly be classed as assignment beneath the employee’s contract, and could be decidedly advantageous in enabling an agent to appear a conference, undertake a training action or appear a aggregation meeting. Befitting in blow canicule are another and can alone booty abode by acceding amid both parties.
Keeping in blow canicule do not extend the approved or anatomic maternology pay aeon in any way. For instance, if a befitting in blow day occurs during a aeon of abounding pay, no added acquittal will be made. If a befitting in blow day occurs during a aeon of bisected pay or SMP only, this will be finer “topped up” so that the alone receives abounding pay for the day in question. Acquittal for befitting in blow canicule will alone be fabricated afterwards achievement of the day’s work.
All advisers may undertake up to 10 abounding canicule of work, with the acceding of their Head of Department, behindhand of whether they are full-time or part-time. Area an agent works for beneath than a abounding KIT day, this will still calculation as one befitting in blow day for the purposes of the 10 canicule maximum, although acquittal will alone be fabricated for absolute hours formed (up to a best of 7 hours per day).
Employees adulatory to undertake a befitting in blow day should complete a keeping in blow day anatomy (Word, 33Kb) and advanced this to their band administrator in the aboriginal instance.
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If the agent has a stillbirth afterwards the 24th anniversary of pregnancy, abounding maternology leave and pay entitlements will still apply. Abounding maternology entitlements additionally administer if the babyish is built-in animate at any time during the pregnancy, but does not survive. Any affiliate of agents in this bearings will additionally be advantaged to 2 weeks’ parental afflication leave.
If the agent has a abortion in the aboriginal 24 weeks of pregnancy, there is no alms to maternology leave or maternology pay, but compassionate leave or affection leave may be adapted in these circumstances. Amuse acquaintance your HR aggregation for added admonition and support. Amuse additionally accredit to the University’s Staff Well-being pages for capacity of the abutment accessible to staff.
University Nursery Provision:
[1] SMP is a collapsed acquittal advised by the government anniversary year. For the accepted bulk see

[2] University Closure Canicule are currently as follows: Easter Tuesday, the day afterwards Late Summer Coffer Holiday, and 5 added canicule which are anchored anniversary year about the Christmas break. See the University Almanac for added details.
Updated June 2019
How To Write Application For Rejoining After Leave – How To Write Application For Rejoining After Leave
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