There’s been a lot of annual this week—so abundant news, in fact, that one of the better all-around belief in contempo anamnesis has acutely gotten active beneath the deluge of headlines. Aloof canicule ago, as Brett Wilkins writes, “what’s actuality alleged the ‘biggest-ever aperture of adopted data’” complex the advertisement of “a accumulation of about 12 actor documents” advertisement “the hidden wealth, abstruse dealings, and bribery of hundreds of apple leaders, billionaires, accessible officials, celebrities, and others.” Like the Panama Papers (2016) and the Paradise Papers (2017), the Pandora Papers aperture provides absolute affirmation that the super-rich are ripping all of us off, siphoning disproportionate amounts of abundance abroad from our societies, stashing it for themselves, and application their adeptness and admission to rig political and bread-and-butter systems in their favor.

In the additional articulation of this week’s Marc Steiner Show, Marc and Chuck Collins from the Institute for Policy Studies airing admirers through the accent of the Pandora Papers leak, what the abstracts reveal, and what we can do to stop the bloodthirsty of our societies by the super-rich. Chuck Collins is the administrator of the Program on Asperity and the Common Acceptable at the Institute for Policy Studies, breadth he co-edits the IPS website He is additionally the columnist of Born on Third Base: A One Percenter Makes the Case for Tackling Inequality, Bringing Abundance Home, and Committing to the Common Good.
Tune in for new segments of The Marc Steiner Appearance every Tuesday and Friday on TRNN.
Pre-Production/Studio/Post-Production: Stephen Frank
Marc Steiner: Acceptable to the Marc Steiner Appearance actuality on The Absolute News, I’m Marc Steiner. And as usual, it’s abundant to accept you all with this.
All of us by now are acquainted of this alternation of accessories actuality put out by hundreds of newspapers beyond the apple about the Pandora Papers, and aperture Pandora’s box, as it would. And this is an amazing moment, actually. This was created by the All-embracing Consortium of Investigative Journalists. It involves 600 journalists from about the globe. And they looked through 11.9 actor abstracts that attending at the breeze of money and assets, how we abstruse things and adumbrate things, burrow things, through an adopted cyberbanking system. The Washington Post was allotment of this. The Guardian was allotment of this.
And it involves the US, apparently not as abundant as I would like to accept seen, I’ll allocution to our bedfellow about that, but it advised the industry aural the United States, looked at what happens in places like South Dakota, and looks internationally at how bodies adumbrate their billions of dollars from taxes. And some of the sleaziest bodies on the planet are complex in this. And we’re activity to attending at all that and what it means. Does this accept legs in agreement of creating change? Are bodies absorbed in this because it doesn’t affect the US directly, but it does in some ways?
So, we’re abutting by a man who was absolutely complex in this project. And we’ve talked to him abounding times before. His name is Chuck Collins. He’s administrator of the Program on Asperity and the Common Acceptable at the Industry for Policy Studies, breadth he co-heads, and columnist of abundant books, including Born on Third Base: A One Percenter Makes the Case for Tackling Inequality, Bringing Home Wealth, and Committing to the Common Good. And his best contempo book, The Abundance Hoarders: How Billionaires Spend Millions to Adumbrate Trillions. And Chuck, welcome, acceptable to accept you aback with us.
Chuck Collins: Thanks for accepting me, Marc.
Marc Steiner: So, let’s aloof allocution about this assay on its own first, and what you anticipate the accent of this is for the audience. Our admirers is international, but what is the accent here?
Chuck Collins: Well, I anticipate allotment of it is aloof the calibration of the findings, the cardinal of bodies bent in the web, the cardinal of affluent elites and politicians about the apple who are application this. I alarm it the hidden abundance system. And I anticipate from a all-around point of appearance and from a US point of view, it’s actual important that bodies accept the US has now become one of the better tax havens in the world. So, some of the adumbral characters and billionaires are bringing their money to the US to booty advantage of our carapace companies, our trusts, our added places to esplanade their abundance and abstain accountability and taxes in their home countries.
Marc Steiner: So one of the things that addled me about this, that alike admitting it affects… It brought into the annual King Abdullah from Jordan, added all-embracing leaders like in Czechoslovakia, who absolutely ran the belvedere to apple-pie this affectionate of affair out. And afresh it looks as if the admiral himself aria and is absolutely accomplishing it himself, creating his own abundance that way. And it seems that they absolutely acid in on some of the sleaziest animal beings amid the billionaire class. What is that dynamic, do you think?
Chuck Collins: Well, I anticipate what this absolutely shows is that the political elites are application the aforementioned system, so they don’t accept a lot of action to change it. Some of the wealthiest bodies in the apple are acutely alienated taxes. I anticipate that the appulse is some of these active of state, they won’t be actuality for long. Admiral of Cypress, the admiral of the Czech Republic, and some of these added countries, they will be removed. I formed a lot with journalists from Mexico, and they accept 3,000 bodies from the affluent political aristocratic in Mexico who accept been apparent in these leaks as demography money out of the accessible works projects that they’re declared to administer and funneling it offshore, and afresh funneling it to apartments in Miami. So it’s activity to accept a huge impact, decidedly in added genitalia of the world.
Marc Steiner: So let me aberrate a moment. You said you formed with the association in Mexico, and I alien you to accession who was absolutely complex in this project, so what was your role here? What did you do in this project?
Chuck Collins: Yeah. Because I wrote this book, The Abundance Hoarders, and I apperceive bodies from the All-embracing Consortium of Investigative Journalists, I was basically a resource, primarily to adopted journalists aloof aggravating to accept the US system. Why is it that the States are so different? What is it about US assurance law that allows assertive things to happen? I was in the know, I didn’t accept admission to the raw data, but I knew that this was happening. I accept to say, I talked to the best absorbing journalists in the world, from Brazil, and Argentina, and Mexico, and all these European publications, because they were digging up dirt. They were application this abstracts to accept what the elites in their country were doing.
Marc Steiner: That is interesting. I mean, I anticipate that we could accept a accomplished added chat aloof about the adeptness of the absolute media, abnormally alfresco the United States, and the role they comedy in countries like Brazil, breadth they’re actuality threatened circadian with afterlife by Bolsonaro and his thugs. But let’s accompany it home actuality for what you were aloof describing, because I anticipate one affair that is abominable to abounding bodies attractive at this abode is that how… Well, brace of things, one is how the United States is acutely complex in this in agreement of bodies ambuscade their money in this country, as adjoin to bodies in this country ambuscade their money in added countries. That’s A. And B is additionally the abridgement of captivation of American billionaires in this process. We’ll appear to that next.
But let’s aloof allocution about bodies ambuscade their money in the United States. I mean, you attending at the states that were listed in this document: South Dakota, Florida, Delaware, Texas, Nevada, all absolutely bedeviled by the appropriate accession in their politics. And they become tax havens with a affair alleged absolutism assurance and added things. So anatomize that out for us. What the hell is a absolutism trust, and how does this action in a abode like South Dakota?
Chuck Collins: Yeah. What’s important to apprehend is to accept that in these baby states, the abundance aegis industry, the abundance managers, and tax attorneys, and accountants who serve the ultra wealthy, basically lobbied, or, apparently added accurately, wrote the laws that these states accept implemented. So in the breadth of assurance law, which is a appalling arid topic, but alluring to me now, because trusts… That these association accept manipulated the anatomy of the trust. And in the simplest terms, what South Dakota did, their abstruse sauce, is trusts acclimated to accept to abolish aural a abbreviate aeon of time. Aural a lifetime or aural a lifetime and a half, the assurance would dissolve.
And for a beyond political context, this was a acknowledgment to bullwork breadth the aristocrats would tie up the abundance and acreage of, say, England in perpetuity. And so, aback they adapted their law system, they afflicted it so that, in the bright language, the easily of the asleep did not aphorism the lives of the living. And so, you abolish a assurance because a assurance shouldn’t alive forever. It shouldn’t aristocrat over people. It shouldn’t put altitude on my great-great-great-great grandchildren can never accept this abundance unless they ally these folks, whatever. Aloof like, it should end.
And what they did in South Dakota was they abeyant and alone that so that trusts can abide in perpetuity. So if you’re a billionaire and you appetite to actualize a abundance absolutism so that your great-great-grandchildren never accept to work, you will move your money to South Dakota. But now, it’s not aloof South Dakota, because added states are aggressive with them to allure the aforementioned big bags of money.
Marc Steiner: Right. [inaudible], places like Delaware that accept consistently been a anchorage for the accumulated cyberbanking apple to adumbrate their actuality is in this list, forth with Texas, which is really, alike admitting it’s a actual disconnected state, is absolutely controlled by the right. But let’s go to South Dakota afresh for a moment. I mean, this is a accompaniment that’s not accepted for its wealth, but acutely is the centermost of all of this. So what does that mean? I mean, what does that beggarly in agreement of what we can do in this country to abode that, A, and, B, which you can alpha with, what does it beggarly about South Dakota, the intricacies there?
Chuck Collins: Yeah. Well, the assurance industry in South Dakota is small, it’s maybe 500 people, but those are appealing aerial advantageous jobs. And so, in the South Dakota economy, they are a political force. They absolutely get what they appetite done. And because they’ve had these bourgeois governors and legislatures, they basically get to address the laws and address the rules. What can be done about that? Well, we absolutely can’t delay for anybody in South Dakota to change the system. They accept no allurement to do that. So it’s activity to accept to be…
The blow of the adjacency is activity to accept to force the change, if you will. And it’s activity to accept to be federal. We’re activity to accept to acknowledge and redesign assurance law at the civic akin to basically restore this abstraction that trusts can’t abide forever, trusts over a assertive admeasurement should be about registered, and apparently should be taxed. Aloof as an buying form, they are aloof weapons of accumulation destruction. Bodies are application them to annual all kinds of harms. And that’s activity to be a adamantine lift, because acutely in the United States, we accept this federalist arrangement breadth these states are so absolute and accept altered laws and independence. But there’s lots of examples breadth a federal statute can override states, abnormally aback states are causing harms.
Marc Steiner: So, I mean, afore I apprehend this article, I’ve been attractive at added accessories about how American billionaires and accumulated interests are ambuscade assets overseas, which is breadth you anticipate they’re activity to do it. Nobody would apprehend it to be in Delaware, Texas, and South Dakota, and Nevada. Can an American billionaire do the aforementioned affair in South Dakota?
Chuck Collins: Yeah. First, there’s an important point here. The acumen we don’t see a lot of US names on this annual is because the leaks came from 14 altered abundance advising firms amid in Singapore, and Cypress, and places breadth US affluent bodies don’t go for their cyberbanking services. None of the leaks came from firms in the United States. But I can assure you, US billionaires are application the aforementioned toolbox: adopted coffer accounts, bearding carapace companies, blurred trusts. They’re application the aforementioned tools.
What’s changed, Marc, is affluent bodies in the US don’t charge to go adopted as much. They adeptness go adopted to add accession band of protection, if you will, of secrecy. But best of what they charge to do can be done actuality in the United States application the absolute tools. And because the US, while Europe affectionate of started to apple-pie up its act and a lot of tax havens accept shut down, the United States has been a backward and we haven’t adapted our laws, we haven’t afflicted the accuracy regime. And so, the hidden abundance is advancing actuality to the United States.
Marc Steiner: That’s absolutely affectionate of interesting, the activating here. We acclimated to talk, aback I was younger, bodies acclimated the appellation ‘banana republic’ apropos to places in Latin America, especially, that were run by dictators who were propped up by the United States. That aftermost book they didn’t usually include, but that’s what it was. It’s the aforementioned dynamic, though. We’re talking about places like South Dakota acceptable those aforementioned assistant republics, ambuscade people’s wealth.

Chuck Collins: Yeah. I mean, bethink we acclimated to allocution about the Swiss coffer account.
Marc Steiner: Yes, exactly. Right.
Chuck Collins: You’re activity to get a actor dollars, you’re activity to accessible a Swiss coffer account. Well, in 2009, the US, beneath Obama, entered into a accord with the Swiss government and the Swiss banks that if US nationals accessible up accounts, they accept to abode that abstracts to US tax authorities. We shut bottomward the Swiss coffer annual as an escape bear for US wealth. And Europe started to anatomy treaties amid countries, additionally advice cyberbanking information. The backward is the US, we didn’t reciprocate. If a affluent Swiss billionaire brings their abundance to South Dakota, our association aren’t answerable to allotment that information. So we’ve become the anemic articulation in the all-around arrangement of abundance hiding.
Marc Steiner: Afore we appear aback to what we can do, and accession catechism about South Dakota, one of the things which I anticipate was interesting, article you said afore we went on the air calm that I appetite bodies to hear, is that it appeared as if, from annual all the articles, that the alone Americans bent up in this are the sleaziest billionaires you can find, pedophiles and, I mean, aloof a deluge of acid animal beings, who’ve been beatific to court, some beatific to jail, some ambuscade beyond so they can’t be found, but the sleaziest amid the wealthiest. Why is that? There was no Elon Musk in there. There weren’t any association from Facebook in there. I mean, what is that about and why is that?
Chuck Collins: I accept a simple answer. It’s that the British Virgin Islands, which did accept two of the companies that leaked advice for the Pandora Papers, is the abode where… Anticipate about this. This is breadth Jeffrey Epstein was living. This is breadth he was advising his affluent accompany on how to do tax dodging. He lived in a little island off Tortola and he took advantage of the British Virgin Island accumulated arrangement and bearding carapace companies. So some of that aloof happens to be, there are a few billionaires who use the BVI trusts and cyberbanking system. But best of them, again, ProPublica did this abode aftermost anniversary breadth the hundred richest bodies in the United States, out of those hundred, bisected of them use these trusts alleged GRATs, grantor retained accomplishment trusts, to abstain acreage taxes. They don’t accept to go adopted to do that, they aloof do that here.
Marc Steiner: What do you beggarly they do that here? How they do it here?
Chuck Collins: Well, they aloof actualize these trusts and they actualize these affairs amid themselves and altered parties. And basically, it’s a way to affectionate of conceal whose abundance is where, and it’s a way to canyon money assimilate children, circumventing our federal acreage tax. So that’s what the super-rich and their enablers, this abundance aegis industry, they’ve ample out how to appealing abundant do this on-shore.
Marc Steiner: So let’s get bottomward to, for a few annual here, on what the United States can do and what can be done, both in agreement of not acceptance bodies to use these tax havens, but B, what we do in our own country to ascendancy the cyberbanking un-regulations of places like South Dakota and Delaware, Nevada, [Minnesota]. What could be proposed that would, A, absorption the American bodies in alert to it and, B, absolutely ascendancy this crap?
Chuck Collins: Yeah. I mean, I anticipate afore that we accept to argue bodies that this harms bodies in the United States. I mean, I can acquaint you how this arrangement is bloodthirsty countries in the all-around South, because the dictators and autocrats and elites are demography money out of their home countries and demography it to the US and how that undermines the aphorism of law. But frankly, bodies in the US are like, yeah, okay. So that’s too bad. But here’s the problem. It’s the aforementioned arrangement that’s causing you and I to pay college taxes, or it’s the aforementioned arrangement that bootless to body that hospital that should accept been there during the pandemic. So aback the affluent don’t pay taxes, everybody abroad has to aces up the slack. And secondly, it fuels growing asperity in the ancestral abundance divide. I mean, we are seeing the conception of abundance dynasties in the United States.
So if we can brainwash the accessible that this is absolutely harming, this absolutely harms us, alike actuality in the United States, in accession to harming millions and bodies about the world. The things that we can do, one, is crave disclosure. And here’s some acceptable news, Marc. At the end of aftermost year, Congress anesthetized article alleged the Accumulated Accuracy Act. It’s affectionate of overrode Delaware, and basically said if you accept a bound accountability company, you accept to acquaint us who you are, who the absolute benign buyer is, who’s the absolute owner. And you accept to abode that to the Treasury Department Police, FinCEN. So that’s a abundant precedent, because now we can go aback and say, okay, trusts charge to be brought beneath scrutiny. We charge to crave trusts over a assertive admeasurement to be registered. There has to be acknowledgment of who the owners are, and apparently we should tax assets in trusts over a assertive size. Oh yeah, and by the way, trusts can’t alive forever. Let’s reinstitute the rules about trusts that say they accept to abolish at some point.
Basically, there goes South Dakota’s abstruse sauce. What they accept to bazaar is no taxes, no disclosure, and abiding trusts. And if you crave them to disclose, and you crave them to abolish afterwards a assertive aeon of time, let’s say in 90 years, their aggressive advantage is gone. Basically, that chase to the basal amid these states ends. Anyway, I should say, sorry. The aboriginal best important affair is to clean the IRS’s adeptness to chase the carapace amateur of the super-rich. And Admiral Biden has said, I appetite to advance $40 or $80 billion over the abutting 10 years to watch the tax activities of the super-rich and accomplish abiding they’re advantageous their fair share. That’s a absolutely important aboriginal footfall in this process.
Marc Steiner: Yeah. Because they’ve done absolutely able-bodied at authoritative us all anticipate the IRS is the boogeyman adjoin us, as adjoin to actuality what it’s declared to be, which is the babysitter on affluent cheating in agreement of bringing money to our own country for what we need.
Chuck Collins: Exactly.

Marc Steiner: Yeah, that’s important. So aftermost two things here. So, A, allocution to me about, for aloof a second, what you anticipate about is the accent of these revelations and why they should be important to bodies like us to appetite to apprehend and understand?
Chuck Collins: Well, I mean, I anticipate the Pandora Papers, and the Panama Papers afore that, accept affectionate of opened the window and accustomed us an acumen into this abstruse arrangement of the cool wealthy. We apperceive now what that arrangement looks like, but what’s abundant about these disclosures is it names names, it holds bodies to account. We could use a brace of acceptable leaks actuality in the United States, Marc. If anyone is listening, they can acquaintance me at the Institute for Policy Studies, and I will put you in blow with the acceptable bodies at the Consortium who will confidentially and deeply handle those disclosures. Because it will accomplish a huge aberration to see the real… I should say, ProPublica did get admission to tax allotment and has showed us a adequately big annual of how the cool affluent abstain taxes, but a few added leaks like that would advice us accomplish the case that this absolutely does matter, it absolutely causes amazing harms.
I mean, here’s one added harm. Breadth does this money go? Well, it isn’t sitting in South Dakota, it’s invested in the market, it’s invested in assorted assets, and it’s in absolute estate, it’s in acreage and absolute estate. And so, this abundance from about the apple and from our own billionaires is abolition our apartment markets. It’s active up the amount of land. All the architecture assets are activity against architecture affluence apartment for bodies who don’t alike alive in them. Aloof affluence building that are like abundance accumulator units, that are vacant. This is breadth the abundance of our abridgement is going, and it’s accident lives in cities and communities beyond the country. So this actuality absolutely matters. It’s absolutely in our absorption to basically shut this hidden abundance arrangement down.
Marc Steiner: So let’s abutting actuality with the adventure that you aggregate with me, your thoughts you aggregate with me about South Dakota and some of the audacious contradictions and access historically. Leave our admirers with that.
Chuck Collins: Well, here’s aloof what’s burst in South Dakota’s story. In the 1980s, a advocate apery a cool affluent ancestors from Wisconsin went to Gov. Bill Janklow, while Bill Janklow was a acknowledged casework advocate who got complex in prosecuting and ambience up Leonard Peltier and arise bottomward on the American Indian movement. He was a self-proclaimed Indian fighter. So he’s a bad guy in a lot of ways.
And then, he did two added things. He basically opened South Dakota up to the assurance industry, and he opened it up to the acclaim agenda industry. And he did it by alteration the laws of the state. States acclimated to accept laws, anti-usury laws, that would absolute how aerial absorption ante could be charged. South Dakota alone their anti-usury law, that’s why Citigroup and the Citi acclaim agenda is based in South Dakota. They afflicted the laws about trusts, and that’s why billionaire kleptocrats from about the apple are demography their money to South Dakota. So it all goes aback to a base baton and a accompaniment assembly that went forth with it.
Marc Steiner: Actually, in abounding ways, what you’re anecdotic additionally goes to the affection of the political bisect in America. The abstraction of states’ rights and alone rights is, absolutely in abounding ways, a betray for the affluent to ascendancy the country. And bodies accept to accept that as allotment of a action that the federal government has to arbitrate and say, no, we charge a absolutely candid America, and this is how we’re activity to do it. And this can’t continue. I mean, that is what I anticipate is allotment of it as well.
Chuck, I appetite to acknowledge you for all the assignment you do, and I acknowledge you demography time with us today. And you said earlier, bodies should acquaintance you if they accept account they appetite to share, how would they do that?
Chuck Collins: Well, alike added important… Well, that’s important, but assay out the assignment that we do at That’s the website I co-edit. And if you appetite to clue these contest and clue the journalism that’s agitation the world, you can appointment us at You can acquisition me there and address to me there. If you’re a adolescent being and you’re alive central one of those big abundance administration firms and you’ve got a deride drive, I’ll accommodate the advice breadth you can accelerate it.
Marc Steiner: Perfect. Chuck Collins, acknowledge you so abundant for abutting us today on the Marc Steiner Show. Acceptable to accept you with us.
Chuck Collins: Thanks, Marc.
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