The group, which includes 120 organisations, children’s charities, think-tanks, barter unions, acceptance leaders and academics, acquire accounting to the First Minister ambitious she use her Programme for Government, to be apparent afterwards summer recess, to accession the £10-a-week acquittal to low assets families.

The letter – co-ordinated by associates of the End Adolescent Abjection affiliation in Scotland – states acceleration the acquittal now would “signal that catastrophe adolescent abjection will be a defining antecedence for this Scottish Government and Scottish Parliament”.
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The organisations said they had been accountable to address as the Scottish Government – admitting all of Scotland’s bristles capital political parties committing to the move at May’s Holyrood elections – had bootless to set a timescale for the acceleration of the payment, advertence alone that it would booty abode by the end of the aldermanic appellation in 2026.
There are additionally apropos the Scottish Government will abort to accommodated its acting adolescent abjection abridgement targets, and the letter issues a abrupt admonishing that a abortion to bifold the SCP acquittal anon will advance to “more and added accouchement pulled into poverty”.
Polly Jones, arch of the Trussell Trust in Scotland, said: “Food coffer use has rocketed by 63 per cent over the aftermost bristles years because bodies can’t acquiesce the basics.
“Over the aftermost year, families acquire struggled added than most. We acquire the admiral and we acquire the cross-party accord to bifold the Scottish Adolescent Acquittal now. If Scottish ministers are austere about authoritative catastrophe adolescent abjection a ‘national mission’, again we charge not delay.”
Professor John McKendrick, a co-director of the Scottish Abjection and Asperity Research Unit at Glasgow Caledonian University, added: “Poverty in Scotland can be apparent and we should not acquire it.
“The Scottish Adolescent Acquittal is a adventurous and accelerating development that has the abeyant to lift abounding accouchement out of poverty. But with a ascent advance of adolescent abjection aggressive to beat communities beyond Scotland, this abeyant needs to be realised now.
“If we are austere about arrest adolescent poverty, acceleration the acquittal now is the appropriate affair for the Scottish Government to do.”
Larry Flanagan, accepted secretary of the EIS, said the teaching abutment “unequivocally supports the alarm for the Scottish Government to act actually adjoin adolescent abjection and bifold the Adolescent Acquittal now rather than dabbling back there is burning need”.
He said: “Levels of abjection accomplished by families in Scotland abide to be unacceptably high, worsened by the bread-and-butter confusion of the pandemic.
“The absolute accident that abjection poses to the educational outcomes and activity affairs of ample numbers of accouchement is one that Scotland as a country artlessly should not be demography as we attending to actualization from the communicable and apprenticeship recovery.”
The SCP is a new £10-a-week acquittal for low-income families with accouchement beneath the age of six. The Scottish Government affairs to extend the arrangement to under-16s by the end of abutting year and bifold it to £20 a anniversary over the advance of the five-year aldermanic term.
However, about 260,000 accouchement are currently active in abjection and it has been projected this could acceleration to 29 per cent of all accouchement by 2023 – the accomplished cardinal in added than 20 years.
Eilidh Dickson, activity and aldermanic administrator of feminist organisation Engender, said: “Child abjection and women’s abjection are accordingly linked.
“Women abide to accommodate the majority of affliction for children, are added acceptable to assignment in underpaid and undervalued roles, and to assignment allotment time or await on ambiguous contracts.
“Women are additionally alert as acceptable as men to await on amusing aegis for all or allotment of their income, alike back aspects, for archetype the two-child limit, beggarly it fails to accommodated their needs.
“Doubling the Scottish Adolescent Acquittal is an actively bare acknowledgment to acknowledging accouchement and their caregivers.
“The Scottish Government charge apparatus this now as allotment of its mission to eradicate adolescent poverty, while additionally attractive to the gender pay gap activity plan and added reforms to amusing security. The communicable alone adds added coercion to this alarm as asperity and abjection deepen.”
However, a Scottish Government agent said that arrest adolescent abjection was a “national mission” for the government.
“Tens of bags of families are already benefiting from our Scottish Adolescent Acquittal and we acquire committed to acceleration the acquittal by the end of this aldermanic term. We will be extending to all under-16s by the end of abutting year accountable to the all-important abstracts actuality fabricated accessible by DWP [UK Department of Assignment and Pensions].
“Ahead of that roll-out we acquire alien bridging payments account £520 a year in 2021 and 2022, to accommodate actual abutment to about 145,000 accouchement and adolescent bodies of academy age.
“Backed by £77m of added advance every year, this agency we are extensive as abounding low assets families as accessible about two years advanced of the abounding cycle out of the Scottish Adolescent Payment.”
As a ample affiliation of civic organisations, association groups, academics, barter unions and acceptance groups, we are autograph to you to appetite you to use the accessible Programme for Government to accomplish to acceleration the Scottish Adolescent Acquittal in this year’s budget.
We acceptable the Scottish Government’s charge to arrest adolescent poverty, apparent in the ambience of approved adolescent abjection targets, introducing the Scottish Adolescent Acquittal and the accessible assimilation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. These accomplish acquire laid the foundation for arrest adolescent abjection in Scotland and we acquire been captivated that they acquire been accurate beyond Scotland’s political spectrum.
This cross-party acceding was additionally axiomatic in May’s Holyrood elections, back all Scotland’s bristles capital political parties committed to acceleration the Scottish Adolescent Payment. Such political accord is welcome, and provides the befalling for your government to act bound and actually in acceleration the acquittal now.
To do so would accommodate a buoy to families who are disturbing to break afloat. Alike afore Covid-19, bodies beyond Scotland were actuality swept up in a ascent advance of poverty, with adolescent abjection ascent in every Scottish bounded authority. And the communicable has affronted absolute inequalities in Scotland and pulled abounding added bodies – decidedly women, disabled people, and Black and boyhood indigenous bodies – into hardship.
With women’s abjection actuality accordingly affiliated to adolescent poverty, the pandemic’s appulse has pulled accouchement beyond Scotland anytime added into poverty. It has hit abandoned parents – the cutting majority of whom are women – decidedly hard, a accumulation already disproportionately afflicted by years of amusing aegis cuts.
Unlocking bodies from this abjection requires abiding assignment to accouterment the structural inequalities about the labour bazaar – decidedly for women, disabled bodies and Black and boyhood indigenous bodies – and it will additionally crave activity like added accretion childcare provision. But we additionally charge activity now to addition incomes in the abbreviate term.
Every akin of government has a assignment to addition incomes area it can, and we are bright that the UK Government charge atom its planned and biased £20 Universal Credit cut. But aloof as the UK Government has a moral albatross to do the appropriate thing, so too does the Scottish Government acquire a moral albatross to use all of the admiral at its auctioning to alleviate the anchor of abjection on people’s lives.
We acquire the powers, we acquire the burning need, and we acquire the cross-party accord to bifold the Scottish Adolescent Payment. If your government is to absolutely accomplish catastrophe adolescent abjection a ‘national mission’, and if we are to ensure that a added aloof Scotland emerges from the pandemic, again we charge not delay. Accouchement growing up in the anchor of abjection appropriate now – as able-bodied as their parents and care-givers – artlessly cannot abide until the end of this Parliament to be apart from poverty. Their lives and activity affairs are too important for this activity to wait.
The affirmation is bright that if it is angled now, it will represent the distinct best impactful activity that could be taken to advice accommodated the acting adolescent abjection targets in 2023, and would arresting that catastrophe adolescent abjection will be a defining antecedence for this Scottish Government and Scottish Parliament. If it is not, added and added accouchement will be pulled into abjection and the befalling to accommodated the acting adolescent abjection targets will be missed. Beneath the accepted cycle out plan and value, the Scottish Adolescent Acquittal will abate abjection in Scotland by amid 2 and 3 allotment points. This could leave adolescent abjection ante as aerial as 26% in 2023/24, back the acting ambition in legislation for that year is 18%. We cannot acquiesce that to happen.
We accordingly appetite your government to do the appropriate thing, to capitalise on the cross-party accord that already exists, and to accomplish to acceleration the Scottish Adolescent Acquittal in this year’s budget. We attending advanced to your response.
Peter Kelly, Director, Abjection Alliance
Claire Telfer, Arch of Scotland, Save the Children
Paul Carberry, Director for Scotland, Activity for Children
SallyAnn Kelly, Chief Executive Officer, Aberlour
John Dickie, Director, CPAG Scotland

Martin Crewe, Director, Barnardo’s Scotland
Jamie Livingstone, Arch of Oxfam Scotland
Satwat Rehman, Director, One Parent Families Scotland (OPFS)
Amy Woodhouse, Joint Acting CEO, Accouchement in Scotland
Christine Carlin, Scotland Director, Home-Start UK
Clare Simpson, Manager, Parenting Beyond Scotland
Anna Ritchie Allan, Executive Director, Close the Gap
Polly Jones, Arch of Scotland, The Trussell Trust
Mary Glasgow, Chief Executive, Accouchement 1st
Eilidh Dickson, Activity and Aldermanic Manager, Engender
Hugh Foy, Director, Xaverians UK Region
Russell Gunson, Director, IPPR Scotland
Dr Patrycja Kupiec, CEO, YWCA Scotland – The Adolescent Women’s Movement
The Rt Hon Lord Wallace of Tankerness QC (Jim Wallace), Moderator of the Accepted Assembly, The Church of Scotland
Emma Cormack, Chief Executive Officer, The Health Agency
Gillian Kirkwood, Chief Executive, Y array it Youth Centre
Agnes Tolmie, Chair, Scottish Women’s Convention
Linda Tuthill, CEO, The Activity Group
Steven McCluskey, CEO, Bikes for Refugees
Trishna Singh OBE, Director, Sikh Sanjog
Professor Adrian Sinfield, Emeritus Professor of Amusing Policy, University of Edinburgh
Jimmy Wilson, CEO, FARE Scotland
Ian Bruce, Chief Executive, Glasgow CVS
Revd Gary Noonan, Minister, Houston and Killellan Kirk
Jacqui Reid, Project Lead, EBI Unites
Innes McMinn, Manager, Independent Active Support
Suzanne Slavin, CEO, Ayr Housing Aid Centre
Fiona Rae, Acting Chief Executive, Association Food Initiatives North East
Mhairi Snowden, Director, Human Rights Consortium Scotland
Juliet Harris, Director, Together (Scottish Alliance for Children’s Rights)
Tressa Burke, CEO, Glasgow Disability Alliance
Martin Wilkie-McFarlane, Director, Wellhouse Housing Association
Morna Simpkins, Scotland Director, MS Society
Kara Batchelor, Operations Manager, Alexander’s Association Development
Murray Dawson, Chief Executive, Station House Media Unit
Ashli Mullen, Creative Director, Friends of Romano Lav
Professor John McKendrick, Co-Director of the Scottish Abjection and Asperity Research Unit, Glasgow Caledonian University
Justina Murray, Chief Executive Officer, Scottish Families Afflicted by Drugs and Alcohol
Rob McDowall, Chair, Welfare Scotland

Karen Birch, Chief Officer, Abundant Borders
Liane Coia, Operations Manager, Maryhill Integration Network
Annie Tothill, Project Worker, Kairos Women
Traci Kirkland, Arch of Charity, Govan Association Project
Emma Jackson, Civic Director Scotland, Christians Adjoin Poverty
Alison Bavidge, Civic Director, Scottish Association of Amusing Work
Mairi McCallum, Project Manager, Moray Food Plus
Zoe Jordan, Stepping Stones North Edinburgh
Chris Birt, Deputy Director Scotland, Joseph Rowntree Foundation
Martin Dorchester, CEO, Includem
Bethany Biggar, Director, Edinburgh Food Project
Rachel MacDonnell, Bureau Manager, East & Central Sutherland Citizens Advice Bureau
Larry Flanagan, Accepted Secretary, EIS
Shona Blakeley, Executive Director, Women’s Fund for Scotland
Rhona Willder, Development Manager, Scottish Independent Advocacy Alliance
Joan McClure, Manager, Easterhouse Citizens Advice Bureau
Roy O’Kane FRSA, Chief Officer, Kanzen Karate
Craig Samuel, Scotland Representative, Civic Association of Welfare Rights Advisers
Margaret Caldwell, Chairperson, Affliction for Carers
Louise Hunter, Chief Executive, Who Cares? Scotland
Derek Mitchell, CEO, Citizens Advice Scotland
Emma Walker, Director, Camphill Scotland
Claire Burns, Director, CELCIS (Centre for Excellence for Children’s Affliction and Protection)
Moira Tasker, Chief Executive Officer, Inclusion Scotland
David Nallaratnam, Director, Cross Ethnic
Professor Ian Welsh OBE, Chief Executive, Health and Amusing Affliction Alliance (the ALLIANCE)
Louise Morgan, Director for Scotland, Carers Trust Scotland
Teresa Sutherland, Acting Executive Manager, Association Advice and Advice Initiative
Graeme McAlister, Chief Executive, Scottish Childminding Association
Roz Foyer, Accepted Secretary, STUC
Rachel Adamson, Co-Director, Zero Tolerance
Susan Capaldi, Manager, Home Start Cowdenbeath
Sabine Goodwin, Coordinator, Independent Food Aid Network (IFAN)
Pat Rafferty, Scottish Secretary, Unite Scotland
Gavin Yates, CEO, Homeless Activity Scotland
Lorraine Kelly, Scottish Activity Officer, Magic Breakfast
Rosyn Neely, CEO, Edinburgh Children’s Hospital Charity
Biddy Kelly, Managing Director, Fresh Start
Professor Annette Hastings, Professor of Urban Studies, University of Glasgow

Margo Uprichard, Chief Executive Officer, The Louise Project
Alison Watson, Director, Shelter Scotland
Frazer Scott, CEO, Energy Activity Scotland
Jane Brumpton, Chief Executive, Early Years Scotland
Alan Thornburrow, Country Director, Business in the Association Scotland
Pete Ritchie, Executive Director, Nourish Scotland
Elaine Downie, Co-ordinator, Abjection Truth Community
Jen Broadhurst, Bureau Manager, Argyll & Bute Citizens Advice Bureau
David Walsh, Public Health Programme Manager, Glasgow Centre for Population Health
Ewan Aitken, CEO, Cyrenians
Dr Marsha Scott, Chief Executive, Scottish Women’s Aid
John McIntyre, Principal Trustee, Ferguslie Association Development Trust
Elodie Mignard, Programme Manager, Scottish Refugee Council
Dr Patrick Roach, Accepted Secretary, NASUWT
Genevieve Ileris, British Psychological Society
Tanveer Parnez, Director of Civic Development, BEMIS
Sebastian Fischer, Chief Executive, VOCAL (Voices of Carers Beyond Lothian)
Professor Nick Bailey, Professor of Urban Studies, University of Glasgow
Professor Sharon Wright, Professor of Amusing Policy, University of Glasgow
Rami Okasha, Chief Executive, CHAS (Children’s Hospices Beyond Scotland)
Kate Polson, Chief Executive, Rock Trust
Jimmy Paul, Director, WEAll Scotland
Claire Cairns, Director, Affiliation of Carers in Scotland
Jan Savage, Director of Campaigns and Membership, ENABLE Scotland
Alison Wright, CEO, Carers of West Lothian
Frank Mosson, Manager, Bridgeton Citizens Advice Bureau
Sharon McAulay, Chief Executive, STAR Project
Professor James Mitchell, Professor of Public Policy, University of Edinburgh
John Cassidy, Chair, Scottish Communities for Health and Wellbeing
Brian Reid, Manager, Scottish Christian Alliance
Lesley Ross, Project Administrator Youth Assignment Services, Pilton Youth and Children’s Project
Sally Thomas, Chief Executive, Scottish Federation of Housing Associations
Duncan Cuthill, CEO, Edinburgh City Mission
Marguerite Hunter Blair, Chief Executive, Play Scotland
Sharon Colvin, CEO, 3D Drumchapel
Paul Stuart, Branch Secretary, UNISON Housing & Affliction Scotland Branch
Kelly McCann, Clackmannanshire Women’s Aid
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