
The abutting activity of a actuality with Asperger’s affection is all but absurd for addition who doesn’t accept the activity to understand. The afterward commodity by Alec Brownie (MA ’12, BA ’09)—adapted from a allotment he wrote in 2011 for an album adulatory the 20th ceremony of the Americans with Disabilities Act, while Alec was a master’s apprentice at UB—brings us non-aspies as abutting to affectionate his apple as we could anytime achievement to be.
Commodity By Alec Brownie & Photography by Douglas Levere
Y NAME IS Alexander George Brownie (Alec), and I accept Asperger’s syndrome, a high-functioning anatomy of autism. Asperger’s affection is a amusing disability; as is archetypal of Asperger’s affection people, aka aspies, I am introverted, shy and accept adversity authoritative access with added people, and I accept assertive interests about which I can be encyclopedic.
Autistic spectrum disorders abide on a continuum. Autistic bodies are generally labeled “high-functioning” and “low-functioning,” but these definitions are not concrete. Some autistic bodies accept astringent difficulties speaking, compassionate what added bodies are aggravating to acquaint to them, or alike acquainted that bodies are communicating, and are all but clumsy to butt addition person’s bend or anticipate metaphorically. They can become mentally disabled for all intents and purposes if addition cannot get through to them during aboriginal childhood.
Even with added “high-functioning” bodies such as myself, there is some barrier to acrimonious up nonverbal amusing cues and alive what is accepted behavior. I additionally accept some of the archetypal autistic problems with compassionate or admiration the affecting states and perspectives of added people. For example, I bethink an instance aback I was acutely adolescent and I hit Dad adamantine with my appropriate blanket, cerebration that he’d be pleased. In contrast, I acquisition it absolute accessible to brainstorm and assay what television characters are cerebration and feeling, to accept activity and reaction, conceivably because acting and adventure progression are meant to lay it out. I am not belted to abandoned application or compassionate accurate language, but sometimes people, including my Dad, anticipate I am actuality funny aback I am actuality altogether serious.
Overall, my parents are absolute compassionate and supportive. Mom in accurate is a breastwork of abutment as able-bodied as love. She is the actuality I am abutting to and has been my best acquaintance over my lifetime. She is the one I allocution to best regularly; the affectionate of talking that’s alleged “small talk” and “life stuff.”
Being a apprentice is an important allotment of my claimed identity. I accept been a apprentice at one academy or addition throughout all my activity that I can remember. My ancestors lived in Erie County while I was in kindergarten; afresh we confused to the burghal of Dundee in Scotland afterwards my Dad, who is Scottish, retired from his position as a biochemistry assistant at UB. I spent what would accept been American elementary academy years at Dundee Aerial School. Afterwards four years, we absitively to acknowledgment to Buffalo. I began at Heim Average Academy in 1997, progressed to Williamsville North Aerial Academy in 2001 and afresh to UB in 2005.
We—that is, my family—were acquainted for some time that I was not a archetypal child. In Dundee Aerial School, a able evaluated me for Absorption Deficit Disorder, accustomed my “stimming” behaviors (rocking, humming) and the actuality that my absorption could aberrate to things absolutely altered to my environment; I would be absent from what the abecedary was adage by a anticipation that my academician was having, usually about either my admired alternation of books or whatever my ancestors and accompany were planning. Afterwards a absolute evaluation, he absitively I did not accept ADD, but nonetheless gave us some Ritalin. I took it twice, but its abandoned aftereffect was to accord me a facial tic for a few days.
When we confused aback to America, there were difficulties in class. Heim was altered from Dundee, area acceptance took all their capacity from one abecedary throughout the year. I did not feel adequate at Heim, and I would periodically get up and footfall out of the allowance to airing in circles in the alley to abate the tension. Needless to say, this was abnormal and confusing behavior for a classroom, and I was briefly home-schooled by advisers until I could sit in chic after stimming.
Around Christmas, we met with Heim’s academy psychologist, who bolter for a analysis for me and begin that I had Asperger’s syndrome. This analysis was acutely correct; it fit me like a glove, and it was a abatement to my parents to accept an account and sources of absolute ability available. I accept to acclaim the bounded academy arrangement for actuality “with it” in this way admitting their accepting no above-mentioned acquaintance with Asperger’s. We were lucky, as aloof a few decades ago autism was all but alien alfresco of assertive able discourse.
Asperger’s affection is advised the best ‘high-functioning’ anatomy of autism, but that is far from adage I accept not had a adamantine time. Aback I went to Dundee and Heim Middle, I was frequently bullied. I never actively advised accomplishing myself harm, but there were times aback I was absolutely miserable.

I anon started assignment with a accent therapist to advice me antipodal better, forth with two added appropriate apprenticeship children. One was autistic, but added severely; he could abandoned accomplish breathless noises, and they believed he had bookish problems and didn’t bethink things. I took it aloft myself to belie this allotment abreast by allurement him questions, to which I got actual responses (not in announced words). The added boy was not autistic, instead acutely mentally disabled. His behavior was sometimes annoying, but I accepted it wasn’t his fault. Mainly, I acquainted apologetic for him and animated I was not in his shoes, that I could anticipate about and accept things, as afflictive as that is to say.
I had aides in best of my classes at Heim Middle. They took addendum during my classes, because that was a big adversity for me—I could booty absolute notes, but not bound abundant to accumulate up with the teacher. Generally, it was the absorption accepting in the way. Summarizing important credibility instead of absolutely artful aggregate the abecedary said did not appear calmly to me, and aback I started aggravating the accustomed way of demography notes, not accepting a archetype of every chat fabricated me feel affronted and balked in a way that is adamantine for addition who is not autistic to understand.
Asperger’s affection is advised the best “high-functioning” anatomy of autism, but that is far from adage I accept not had a adamantine time. Aback I went to Dundee and Heim Middle, I was frequently bullied. I never actively advised accomplishing myself harm, but there were times aback I was absolutely miserable. It connected into Williamsville North, initially unabated. However, it beneath during after years of aerial academy until, by graduation, it was rare.
As predicted by bodies I batten to, the blowing did not abide into college. Not accepting to apprehend circadian attacks on my self-esteem has absolutely bigger my confidence; I am now acclimated to this absoluteness and it seems camp that it was already otherwise. Cerebration of the bullies now, I achievement they did not apprehend all the abuse they were accomplishing and accept developed up to be nicer people. I consistently get a appropriate affable activity aback a villain is redeemed, but it seems to appear added in belief than in absolute life.
ESPITE THE activity acceptable added acclaimed over the years, abounding aspies go undiagnosed or misdiagnosed. In my chief year of aerial academy I was in chess club and fantasy book club with addition boy who approved abounding characteristics of Asperger’s syndrome, and I told him so, but he had not been diagnosed. We’ve begin it adamantine to locate abutment groups for autistic accouchement locally. One, during average school, was added for acutely autistic accouchement who were captivated in their own comedy and had agitated stimming episodes.
Nowadays, my amusing affliction best frequently manifests itself as amateurishness in conversation, except about my parents. At home, I acquisition chat easy. With others, I am decumbent to adage “um” and “uh,” to pausing, and to second-guessing or condoning what I say. I generally do not appear above as assured or decisive, which I would like to do.
Maintaining eye acquaintance can additionally be a problem, although I do not accept the able abhorrence to it that some added autistics have. Authoritative eye acquaintance with a accumulation is intimidating. Combined, these factors accomplish chic presentations a challenge. However, I abstruse to affected the claiming for a acreage activity in my chief aerial academy English class. I apposite my presentation over and over at home with notecards, and appropriately acquired aplomb in the words. Best of all, I did not abandoned echo mechanically during my absolute presentation, but improvised chat best and projected to my audience. I bent their absorption and batten to them rather than at them.
However, it is still not accessible to accomplish this accompaniment of confidence. I afresh presented in chic but absolutely forgot how accessible it had been afore to rehearse. Aback presenting, it is generally all-important to skip over beneath important things. The ambush is to do this briskly, rather than going, “And um, uh … nevermind, now actuality ….” There were added pauses in this contempo presentation, and I gravitated against the abecedary rather than befitting up eye acquaintance with the group.
One anatomy of chat I accept consistently been able at is cogent addition actuality about commodity I accept been reading. As a adolescent and teenager, I would agilely and agilely get bent up in cogent bodies all the facts and capacity I knew about Greek belief and the science of genetics, those actuality my two greatest interests. I fabricated a big ancestors timberline affiche of the Greek gods for the bank of my academy in Heim Middle. I additionally would acquaint bodies all about my parents’ occupations, our countries of agent and movement amid them. I alike go over abundant explanations of accepted contest or accurate facts to myself internally.
This is apparently commodity neurotypical bodies do, but it’s abstract in my case. It’s adamantine for me to know, and it’s additionally adamantine to alarm the amusement I get from answer things, agnate to that I get from absorbing addition abroad in my own interests. I not infrequently use continued words or agreement aback I speak, in actuality I aloof now referred to BC as a “calendric acronym” on a wiki site, but I do so because it’s what I anticipation of to say, not to be aloof or impressive.
I should alarm the discomforting awareness I usually get aback bodies admit abrupt advice with me, abnormally by allurement questions. I appetite to say it’s like an assault, except that sounds ambiguous because it’s not in any way painful. It’s added like aback you’re in bed in the morning, abandoned aloof condoning as awake, and addition shouts your name. My aptitude is to withdraw, but I don’t absolutely appetite to be a amusing recluse, so I advance the amusing contact, or “un-withdraw,” already I accept had a additional to anticipate about it.

I accept a acceptable adroitness of humor, but it’s mostly my parents who get apparent to it. I acquisition it added accustomed to say funny things about them than about others. Still, alike my parents don’t apprehend the majority of jokes or amusing chat and situations that access my head. I accept a absolute alive acuteness for pictures and sounds. I accept been accepted to beam aloud, continued and hard, at commodity I was abandoned cerebration about.
My difficulties in abutting are bilateral—sometimes I am approached and withdraw, but added times bodies don’t access me or assume quicker to arrest me than they would others. I anticipate the autistic problems with “invisible” amusing cues assignment both ways; there is commodity I am not putting out admitting absent to, and so I can abort to annals in some way and can be glossed over.
On the concrete ancillary of autism, my stimming behaviors accommodate pacing, alive about and jumping, as able-bodied as straightening out my fingers, bringing them calm and abashed them. Bodies would ask me what this aftermost one means, but it’s aloof my reflex. I sometimes admiration why added bodies don’t run, jump and airing in circles; how, for any animal being, it could not be a accustomed urge. Not because it’s so great, but because it’s so natural.
I tend to hum audibly while accomplishing these things and to go into my thoughts. I hum in accord with the sounds in my thoughts. It annoys my parents, abnormally Mom, aback I run about and jump on the floor, and historically it has affronted me to be disconnected if I was cerebration of commodity admirable or exciting. I accept uncharitably anticipation they were not actuality accommodating, and I accept insisted that the attic is not attenuated and has consistently creaked, but afresh I accept set abreast my antipathy and accepted to myself that they would not accuse unless my behaviors were absolutely annoying, and they would not be mistaken about the floor. I’ve been all-around them back afresh by accomplishing it abandoned in the basement or outdoors, admitting it’s a difficult affair to “schedule,” so to speak.
I sometimes admiration why added bodies don’t run, jump and airing in circles; how, for any animal being, it could not be a accustomed urge. Not because it’s so great, but because it’s so natural.
I accept apprehend that able and absolute motor ascendancy is accepted amid autistics. Unfortunately, I am not so coordinated—if you attending at my accoutrements carefully you will alarm a ablaze yet constant tremor, and I frequently misjudge the ambit amid objects. I accept a addiction to put things bottomward too adamantine because the apparent of the table is afterpiece than it seemed, I generally bang into things I anticipation I could aloof airing past, and although I am absolute acceptable at authoritative tea and coffee, a lot of spilling goes on. Occasionally, my duke flings out to the appropriate or lets go of its anchor and drops an commodity after my cogent it to.
But, like added Asperger’s affection people, I accept a abysmal charge to feel in ascendancy of my environment. Aback I was younger, I resented addition abroad accepting the TV remote—when I cared about what we were watching. As you ability imagine, the aggregate of activity a charge for ascendancy with collisions and a all-a-quiver anchor can accomplish me acutely frustrated. A worse acrimony comes aback machines don’t behave the way I appetite them to—sometimes I lose my calm and scream at them, repeating, “I abhorrence you so much!”
While I like things organized and can absorb hours allocation out a list, this applies abandoned to things that absolutely absorption me and stick in my mind. I tend to accomplish my lists over and over again, and comedy absorbing TV scenes or $.25 of music with this aforementioned repetitiveness. Actually, my alliteration of TV scenes chock-full about a year ago, and of music abundantly decreased several months ago; I accept been authoritative an accomplishment and may accept outgrown them. The appetite to account aback I accept pencil and cardboard is waning, but still strong. On the absolute side, aback I am absolutely invested in commodity I can accumulate at it until it is done, like autograph a cardboard or anguish abroad on the treadmill. Dad acclimated to alarm me a “trouper” aback I was accomplishing algebraic problems into the night.
Although I can be adequate with my own company, abnormally if I am befitting myself busy, I do not like the activity of bareness and do not anticipate I would do able-bodied alive alone. I don’t absolutely accept it, but I generally brainstorm how a actuality I apperceive of or a fabulous appearance would acknowledge emotionally to commodity I see, apprehend or say, as admitting it’s not abundant that it’s absolute activity and it’s accident to me.
I accept afresh appear to apprehend that I accept obsessive-compulsive tendencies, which is why I accept advancing anxiety-provoking thoughts and the coercion to abode them by assuming assertive accomplishments or obsessively addition out absolutely why they are unlikely. Relatedly, I get the activity commodity is off if I don’t footfall on assertive spots or attending at things a assertive cardinal of times or from a assertive angle. For a continued time, I was clueless about this aspect of my life, and it acquired me a abundant accord of stress. I afresh did a Google chase about exceptionable thoughts and begin Wikipedia’s “Intrusive thoughts” article. This commodity told me that the analysis adjustment of best is exposure/response prevention. The “exposure” allotment is to actively do things that activate you. There is beneath befalling for me to seek that, but I try to do the “response prevention” part, desisting from rituals, because they abandoned reinforce the apocryphal abstraction that there is a absolute danger. The abstraction is to let the thoughts appear and go after agriculture them. Sometimes I falter, but I admit that this is human.
One of the best absolution realizations in the world: There are abounding added bodies who go through the aforementioned thing. This actuality makes it so bright that the perceived dangers from advancing thoughts are not absolute but instead the aftereffect of an accepted glitch—serotonin is not accepting through to accord the bulletin that a alternation of anticipation is over. It absolutely feels like commodity is ashore in there.

Intrusive thoughts and acute homesickness are added of a botheration for me during periods aback I feel low. I aloof came off such a period, conceivably afflicted by the winter altitude and my abode of assignment actuality beneath arena (I am a apprentice Web editor at UBIT). Authoritative and annoying about decisions, cerebration about all the believable factors that could accomplish them appropriate or wrong, can still be aching for me. Happily, for all its challenges, it is Asperger’s affection that is my capital feature. I am not a accurate obsessive-compulsive and can abandoned brainstorm how abhorrent it is for them.
AKING NEW accompany is adamantine for me. I did accept baby groups of accompany in all my schools afore college. In both Scotland and America, my baby accumulation of accompany was mostly girls. They were added acceptable to be friendly. Admitting the abounding plusses of the university environment, it’s been harder to accomplish accompany in academy and alum academy than it was in average or aerial school. Before, I could calculation on lunchtime, Resource Room, Heim Time (a abstraction aeon at Heim) or academy for seeing the aforementioned accumulation of bodies on a circadian basis.
I accept consistently begin it accessible to accomplish accompany with teachers, and still do, conceivably because they are the axial amount of the class, and conceivably because I ask abounding questions in chic and abounding agents like that. In Introduction to Anthropology, at one point I asked so abounding questions that added acceptance bidding their annoyance. The abecedary accepted me and let me accord a baby presentation about Asperger’s affection that abundantly helped my continuing with the class.
I still accept a artless alarm that adults will be indulgent with me, and they tend to do aloof that, conceivably acrimonious up on cues from the way I present myself. I say “adults,” alike admitting I am about 24. I still anticipate of myself as a jailbait and it is adamantine for me to brainstorm myself as an adult. I accept been told I attending adolescent than I am as well.
I alive at home, because our abode is so abutting to UB that there seemed little point in demography up campus living. We do accept some alarm about the anticipation of my alive independently, but I am abiding I could acclimatize if it was necessary. The capital new responsibilities I would accept are affable (I do accomplish toasties, tea and coffee), laundry (I do backpack it) and cleaning. I amount best bodies transitioning to absolute alive accept to apprentice these things. Added alarming is the amount of managing my own finances. If I were to booty a footfall out of the backup while actual in acquaintance with home, I would adopt an accommodation with a scattering of affable and reliable neighbors.
The appetite to account aback I accept pencil and cardboard is waning, but still strong. On the absolute side, aback I am absolutely invested in commodity I can accumulate at it until it’s done, like autograph a cardboard or anguish abroad on the treadmill. Dad acclimated to alarm me a ‘trouper’ aback I was accomplishing algebraic problems into the night.
The anticipation of accommodation activity is fabricated beneath alarming by abandoning able times aback I begin acrimonious up new abilities to be decidedly easy. We hadn’t abstruse how to address in my American kindergarten, so I was abaft in that account aback I started at Dundee High. But I absolute bound best autograph up. For several years, I begin it difficult to blazon bound on the keyboard, but I took a summer chic during aerial academy and now apperceive aimlessly area all the keys are. I have, for a continued time, been too abashed of abeyant cartage accidents to apprentice how to drive myself, but I now anticipate I should booty lessons. My primary abilities are in reading, acclimation (of some types) and writing. I consistently get my bookish affidavit done on time and get acceptable marks, but added chiefly I adore writing.
I acquisition it adamantine to attenuated bottomward a focus in academia because I acquisition so abounding things interesting. To illustrate, my above aback I accelerating UB was anthropology and my accessory was philosophy, and as a alum apprentice I am in the English MA program. Biology, history and astrochemistry additionally absorb me. The one affair I’m abiding of for my approaching job is that I appetite to write. I’ve advised the achievability of autograph advisory accessories or assessment pieces for a advertisement or an online blog. Dad sometimes suggests a teaching job to me, and that could additionally be interesting. I accept abounding abstraction bits amphibian about in my arch for artistic writing, but they accept yet to adhere into a adamant story.
Over the years, I accept taken an alive absorption in Asperger’s affection matters. For a contempo advance in the English program, Acreage Methodology, I chose for my analysis activity affair the use of storytelling in education. I surveyed agents from Heim Middle, Williamsville North and an elementary academy area a acquaintance works, and empiric the acclimatization affairs for new adroitness at Summit, the bounded centermost for accouchement with adorning disabilities of abounding types. With the Acreage advance over, I accept empiric Summit classes for my claimed absorption and enrichment. I batten to the arch of Affliction Services at UB about basic a accumulation for UB’s Asperger’s affection acceptance that would accommodated semi-regularly. He agreed this was a acceptable idea. I haven’t absolutely met any of the others, and I attending advanced to seeing a accumulation of bodies with whom I accept commodity in accepted on a approved basis.
In the advancing semester, I am demography a advance able by a new assistant in the English administration (Joe Valente) alleged “Personal Narrative: Autistry.” We will be account texts by autistic bodies and parents or professionals who assignment with autistic people. Temple Grandin is one acclaimed Asperger’s affection actuality who is an autobiographical author. I apprehend affecting belief of attempt from the parents and caseworkers, alternate by auspicious if abridged progress. In abounding cases, the challenges of autism cannot be overcome. In others, they can, and the advance asks the catechism of whether it can still be advised a birthmark then, or becomes abandoned a difference. I don’t apperceive yet if autistic studies could, above actuality absorbing to me on a claimed level, be a allotment of my approaching job, but the abstraction is absolutely intriguing, and there is absolutely a abundance of options accessible to me in the future.
Since autograph this essay, Alec and his parents accept confused out of their old abode and now abide in adjoining apartments—he with two cape bodies called Asterix and Rumball. Alec is currently a freelance editor and proofreader whose audience accept included assorted UB-affiliated individuals and entities. He is additionally enrolled in UB’s new Certificate in Innovative Autograph program, area he is belief abbreviate adventure and atypical writing.

Tom Wegman
This commodity confused me greatly, acknowledge you for publishing it. I additionally aggregate the commodity with my wife, who has a amount in attitude and ahead formed in autism analysis at Western Psych in Pittsburgh; she analogously commends AtBuffalo and Alec for an amazing allotment of writing. We as a association are acceptable added compassionate about Asperger’s, but we still accept a continued way to go. The absolute (and alluringly communicated) adventures of an “Aspie” are inspirational, educational, and heart-wrenching. My ancestors congratulates Alec on aggregate he has able so far, and ambition him all the best in what is acutely activity to be a amazing future.
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