In this tutorial, you’ll apprentice how to add a acquaintance anatomy to a React appliance with Netlify Forms.

Adding a acquaintance anatomy to a React appliance ability crave autograph server-side cipher to handle anatomy submissions, but with Netlify Forms you can booty a breach from the logic, because it does all that behind-the-scenes assignment for you back your armpit is deployed on Netlify.
To chase forth with this tutorial, you should be accustomed with React, Git and GitHub. You should additionally accept a Netlify annual and accept Node installed on your machine. If you charge any advice accepting set up, you can argue our adviser on how to install Node application nvm.
By the end of this tutorial, you’ll apperceive how to do the following:
The completed adviser to this tutorial is accessible on GitHub.
Netlify Forms is a affection of Netlify for managing and administration anatomy submissions afterwards accepting to abode any server-side code. By abacus a simple aspect to your HTML anatomy tag, you can get up and active with Netlify Forms. Forms can additionally be submitted asynchronously with JavaScript, authoritative it a abundant accompaniment to sites powered by Vue, React, and added avant-garde frameworks.
Netlify Forms is chargeless to get started with, but there’s a absolute of 100 anatomy submissions per website per ages on the chargeless plan, and additionally some appearance like accomplishments functions and role-based admission ascendancy are afar while application the chargeless tier.
To beat the anatomy acquiescence absolute or accomplish the afar appearance available, you’ll accept to advancement to a altered plan. You can do that on the Netlify appraisement page.
Netlify Forms can be chip with both a stateless anatomy (a anatomy that doesn’t use the accompaniment to handle its data) and stateful one (a anatomy that uses the accompaniment to handle its data). In this tutorial, we’ll firstly actualize a stateless anatomy to authenticate how we can accommodate Netlify Forms with it. But afterwards on, we’ll refactor the stateless anatomy into a stateful one, in which we’ll additionally accommodate with Neltify Forms.
Let’s alpha by creating and ambience up a new React app.
Type the afterward command in your terminal to actualize a new React app:
Here our app’s name is netlify_forms_app, but you can accord it any name you ambition as continued as it’s not a belted npm name. Afterwards the accession is complete, change into the anew created directory, again alpha the app with the npm alpha command in your terminal.
Let’s apple-pie up (optional) our app a little bit. In the src agenda of the app, annul the afterward files:
We deleted these files because they aren’t accordant to us in our build. We can additionally annul the reportWebVitals file. Doing that requires that we additionally abolish the acceptation annual and the activity alarm of reportWebVitals from the index.js book for our React app to abridge successfully. Again, this is all optional, so you can aloof skip this if you prefer.
Now, apple-pie up the App.js book so that it looks like this:
In the src agenda of our React app, actualize a Form.js book and add the afterward curve of cipher to it:
Here, we accept a stateless React form. Now, go to the App.js book in the src agenda and cede the form. The App.js book should attending like this:
In the src directory, actualize a form.css book and add the afterward style:
There’s no charge to abode any adorned CSS, but you can add some tweaks if you wish. With the styles we’ve added, our HTML anatomy now looks like the angel below.
To see the result, you’ll charge to change into the netlify_forms_app binder and alpha the server:
A browser will accessible up and you can appearance the aftereffect at http://localhost:3000.
A absolute archetype of a stateless React anatomy is the one we created earlier. In this form, our ascribe ethics aren’t controlled by the state. In this section, we’ll apprentice how to add a acquaintance anatomy to a stateless React app with Netlify Forms.
The aboriginal footfall to enabling our anatomy to assignment with Netlify Forms is to add a changeless HTML adaptation of our anatomy to the index.html book in the accessible agenda of our React app. Why do we charge to add this form? Abacus this HTML anatomy will advice Netlify ascertain our JSX form, back the post-process bots can alone anatomize HTML.
For this example, we’ll add this HTML anatomy appropriate afterwards the aperture the <body> tag in our index.html file:
There are two attributes to agenda in this form: name and netlify. The name aspect will accredit Netlify to affix with our JSX form, while the netlify aspect will accredit Nelify’s bot to be able to anatomize our form. We additionally acclimated the hidden aspect to adumbrate the anatomy from our users. There’s no charge to add labels or a abide button to this form, back it’s hidden from our site.
In the Form.js book in the src directory, add a hidden ascribe aspect with the name aspect set to form-name and the amount aspect according to the name of the HTML adaptation of our form. These attributes are appropriate to accomplish our anatomy assignment with Netlify Forms:
The final adaptation of our anatomy now looks like this:
There’s one added footfall appropriate for this anatomy to alpha working: deploying our React app to Netlify. We’ll awning this in the abutting section.

We can arrange our armpit to Netlify application a adaptation ascendancy arrangement like GitHub, or we can use the drag-and-drop method, which requires us to alteration the anatomy book created from active the npm run anatomy command to Netlify annoyance and bead page. Both methods of deployment will be covered in the afterward sections, but for this tutorial, we’re activity to use GitHub for deployment.
Deploying our React app from GitHub will set us up for affiliated deployment, acceptation changes fabricated to our athenaeum will automatically activate re-deployment of our site, which is an advantage over application the drag-and-drop method.
To be able to arrange from GitHub, we accept to aboriginal accomplish our React app accessible on it. Go over to GitHub and actualize a new repository.
For this tutorial, we’ll name the athenaeum “NelifyForms”. Now at the basal of the page, bang the Actualize Athenaeum button and we’ll be redirected to the anew created athenaeum page.
Right now, this athenaeum is empty. That’s because we haven’t pushed our React app to it. To do that, admission the afterward commands in the terminal:
These commands will actualize a new commit, affix us to our GitHub repository, and assuredly advance our React app over to it.
Make abiding to alter with the URL of the anew created GitHub repository. Here’s an angel that shows area to acquisition the URL of the anew created repository.
After active the aloft git commands, brace the browser. You’ll acquisition that our React app has been pushed to GitHub.
Now that our React app is accessible on GitHub, it’s time that we deployed it on Netlify. Log in to your Netlify account, go over to the dashboard, and bang on the New armpit from Git button. We’ll be taken to the Actualize a new armpit page.
Click on the GitHub button beneath the Affiliated Deployment section. We’re again redirected to an allotment folio area Netlify will ask for admission to GitHub. Afterwards giving Netlify access, we’ll see a folio like the one apparent below.
Right now, the NetlifyForms athenaeum we created beforehand is not announcement amid the account of repositories, because we haven’t configured Netlify to admission it yet.
To do that, bang on the Configure the Netlify app on GitHub articulation at the basal of the page. We’ll see a folio like the one apparent below.
Scroll to the basal of the folio beneath the Repositories admission area and bang on the Select repositories button. We’ll see a account of our GitHub repositories.
Select the NelifyForms athenaeum and again bang on save to accord Netlify admission to this repository. Afterwards extenuative it, we’ll be redirected to the Actualize a new armpit folio on Netlify.
Our NetlifyForms athenaeum is now displayed in the list. Bang on it and we’ll see a folio like this.
On this page, we can set the anatomy and deployment options for our site, like alteration the Git annex to arrange from, or the command to be acclimated to arrange our site. But there will be no charge for that, because aggregate looks acceptable by default.
Finally, to arrange our armpit to Netlify, annal to the basal of the folio and bang on the Arrange armpit button. The deployment ability booty a while, but already it’s done we’ll see a articulation to our armpit at the top appropriate bend of the armpit dashboard page.

With this, our React app has been auspiciously deployed to Netlify from GitHub. Back we bang on the link, we’ll see the React anatomy we built.
Deploying with this adjustment is simpler, but the check is that our armpit won’t be set up for affiliated deployment. We can set this up manually afterwards deployment if our React app is accessible on either GitHub, GitLab, or Bitbucket.
To use the drag-and-drop adjustment we accept to aboriginal anatomy our React app. Accessible the terminal and cross to the agenda area our React app is, again blazon in the afterward command:
Once the anatomy is done, there should be a new binder called anatomy present in the basis agenda of the React app. Our agenda anatomy will now attending like this:
What’s larboard now is to annoyance and bead this binder to Netlify’s annoyance and bead page.
We can do that by abyssal to the area of our React app in our systems book explorer, again annoyance and bead the anatomy binder to Netlify’s annoyance and bead page.
Here’s a GIF that illustrates aloof that.
Once we’ve annoyance and alone the anatomy binder to Netlify, it will be uploaded and deployed. Again we’ll be redirected to our site’s dashboard page. The URL to the deployed armpit is amid at the top appropriate bend of the page.
Click on that URL and you’ll see the acquaintance anatomy we built. Ample in the anatomy and hit the Abide button. You will be redirected to a Thank you acceptance page.
Cool! We’ve auspiciously fabricated our stateless React anatomy assignment with Netlify Forms. Now every anatomy acquiescence fabricated through our app is handled by Netlify Forms.
Right now, we aren’t accepting any notifications via email back a new anatomy is submitted, because we haven’t set the email abode anatomy submissions will be beatific to. We’ll awning that shortly.
Not alone does Netlify accomplish abacus a acquaintance anatomy simple, but it additionally includes appearance area submissions fabricated through our acquaintance anatomy can be deleted, apparent as spam, or downloaded. There’s additionally allowance to accommodate our anatomy with Netlify’s serverless functions. You can apprehend about it here.
To admission the acquiescence administration page, go over to the beforehand deployed armpit dashboard folio on Netlify and bang on the Anatomy articulation in the aeronautics bar.
After beat on the Anatomy link, you’ll be redirected to the anatomy dashboard page.
Click on contactForm beneath the Active forms area to appearance the administration folio of submissions fabricated through our acquaintance form.
In this section, we’ll awning how to add a notification affection that will accredit us to accept email notifications for new anatomy submissions. We’ll additionally awning how to adapt the Thank you acceptance folio that shows up afterwards the anatomy has been auspiciously submitted.
In the dashboard of our site, cross to Armpit settings > Forms > Anatomy notifications. Again bang on the Add notification button. A card will pop up.
Netlify gives us three options on how we can accept notifications. In this tutorial, we’re activity to use the email notification.
Click on Email notification and ample out the anatomy that appears.

The acreage we’re added anxious with is the Email to acquaint field. Accomplish abiding to ascribe the email abode you’d like to accept email notifications on.
Now back we accessible our deployed armpit URL and accomplish a new anatomy submission, we should accept an email notification.
To adapt the acceptance page, the aboriginal footfall is to add an activity aspect to the anatomy aspect of the index.html book in the accessible directory:
We’ve set the activity aspect to according /confirmation-page. This will acquaint Netlify to alter to this folio afterwards a anatomy has been submitted. Although there will be a redirection to the acceptance page, there won’t be a change in the URL path. To additionally change the URL path, we additionally charge to add the activity aspect to the JSX anatomy in the Form.js file:
Once we’ve done this, the abutting affair is to actualize a acceptance page.
In the accessible agenda of our React app, actualize a confirmation-page.html book and add the afterward band of code:
To analysis if the acceptance folio works, we accept to re-deploy our site. It’s a acceptable affair we deployed our armpit from GitHub. All we accept to do now to re-deploy it is to abode a few Git commands, and voila! Our armpit will be automatically re-deployed on Netlify.
Here are the commands:
These commands actualize a new accomplish and adapt our GitHub repository. Back we’ve affiliated Netlify to the NetlifyForms athenaeum on GitHub, back a modification is fabricated to it, Netlify anon notices that modification and re-deploys our site.
Once our armpit has been re-deployed and we’ve fabricated a new anatomy submission, we’ll see the acceptance page.
In this section, we’ll apprentice how to add a acquaintance anatomy to a stateful React app with Netlify Forms application class-based apparatus and React hooks.
We’re activity to use the anatomy we created in the “Form Administration with a Stateless React Acquaintance Form” section.
Note: in this section, we won’t awning deployment or how to accept email notifications. We’ve already covered that in antecedent sections.
To use the anatomy we created in the antecedent area (to authenticate how we can use Netlify anatomy with a stateful React form), we aboriginal accept to change the anatomy from a stateless anatomy to a stateful one.
The Form.js book should attending like this:
The abutting footfall is to actualize a adjustment that will be amenable for announcement anatomy submissions. To do that, we accept to aboriginal add an onSubmit accident adviser to the form:
Now, let’s actualize the handleSubmit method, which will column new anatomy submissions to Netlify Forms.
Add the afterward cipher afterwards the handleChange adjustment in the Anatomy component:
Notice that, in the anatomy of the request, we acclimated an encode function. We’ll actualize it shortly. This activity encodes appropriate characters (?, =, /, &) in the anatomy afore announcement it.
Finally, add the afterward curve of cipher afore the Anatomy component:
Our Form.js book should now attending like this:
This anatomy will alone assignment appropriately if we’ve deployed and set up email notifications for it. This was covered in antecedent sections.
The React angle we’re activity to use in this area is the useState hook. The useState angle will let us add accompaniment to a anatomic component.
To use the useState angle in the Anatomy basic we created earlier, we aboriginal charge to acceptation the useState hook, again transform the class-based Anatomy basic into a anatomic component.
The Form.js book should attending like this:
Now, arrange and set up email notifications for the acquaintance anatomy to alpha working.
I achievement you’ve begin this simple acquaintance anatomy tutorial useful. I achievement you’ll accede that Netlify offers a applicable advantage for abacus a acquaintance anatomy to your React app — one that saves you time and saves you accepting to accord with server-side coding. Feel chargeless to get in blow on Twitter if you accept any questions.

If you run into any problems while alive with forms in Netlify, arch over to Netlify’s accessible Troubleshooting tips.
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