In acknowledgment to our appeal for essays on Clock, we accustomed abounding acute reflections. Beneath is a selection. The abutting two capacity for clairvoyant submissions are Threshold and Eye—read more.

In my travels, I’ve apparent clocks and watches that already chock-full suddenly. Not because addition forgot to rewind them or their array ran out. They were chock-full by a alarming event.
A watch chock-full at 8:15. A boondocks alarm chock-full at 2:28. A mantel alarm chock-full at 9:26. Hiroshima; Mianzhu, China; Kumamoto, Japan. Time came to an brusque arrest in these places, with the blast of an atom bomb and two adverse earthquakes.
The Hiroshima wristwatch sat in a bottle case, inches from my eyes, amid added artifacts and images of that alarming event. The Mianzhu alarm was still in its belfry in the burghal square; I craned my abutting to see it aloft me. And the Kumamoto alarm lay askance in some bits appropriate at my feet. I about angled to aces up the glassy avant-garde metal and bottle alarm that lay there, shattered, but it was not abundance to touch. It was a affidavit to a assertive moment in time.
I can alone brainstorm the abhorrence of these moments aback time stopped. Survivors say that Hiroshima was like the axle of the sun afire about you. The survivors I apperceive were somehow advantageous abundant not to accept been vaporized, or to accept suffered abhorrent burns or astringent radiation sickness, but they agitated affecting scars all their lives. Survivors in Mianzhu wept while anecdotic how accomplished barrio burst about them, accoutrement them in rubble. Aback I stepped through the bedfast debris of homes in Kumamoto, allegedly congenital to Japanese convulsion standards, I couldn’t brainstorm how so abounding survived.
If we actualization time as linear—as kronos—then these moments announce a endlessly of time, an end. The chock-full clocks mark the snuffing out of animal lives, the burying of homes, the abatement of memories. I brainstorm that the bodies in those places accomplished what seemed like the end of the world, alike the end of time itself.
But what if we apprehension of such disasters as kairos moments for accommodation or action? In God’s kairos time, we see about-face and transformation, a change of life. This is not chock-full time, but a moment active in movement. Discerning disasters as kairos moments is not about God causing tragedy. It’s about God advancing into our lives at the moment of tragedy. We accept witnessed endless disasters, and we generally axle that politics, economics, and animal acquisitiveness get in the way of the best of us. But sometimes we do see the best of humanity, responding with aid, compassion, and care.
In Kumamoto I saw abatement groups anxiously acrimonious through the rubble, acclaim appropriation alike burst appliance as if to account what anniversary allotment meant to the survivors. In Mianzhu I talked with a pastor, exhausted as she was, who had planned to go to alum academy but remained to aid her community. She and added abbey volunteers were sleeping in makeshift bunks on the abbey area to be accessible at all times to accommodate care. In Hiroshima, a Lutheran abbey was alleged to affectation sketches by a survivor who captured their memories in time.
The chock-full watch and clocks that I saw apparent tragedies, but they additionally gave me hope. Achievement prevails aback we footfall in with the best of our abilities to accommodated the needs of the people. That achievement is borne out active in God’s kairos, which starts as a moment of grace.
Y. Franklin IshidaElmhurst, IL
I looked at the alarm in the cat-and-mouse allowance of the brainy bloom dispensary a few blocks from the hospital area I was an intern. If they couldn’t booty me on time, I ability accept to get back.
I’d been animate 36 hours on, 12 hours off continuously for months. I faced life-and-death situations daily. I slept in an on-call allowance and didn’t get out of the hospital for weeks at a time. I was generally sad, at times on the border of tears. My appetence was poor and I had absent weight. On nights aback I was not working, I had agitation falling asleep.
The year was alone bisected over. Could I accomplishment it? The bald achievability of declining to complete what I had formed a decade to admission had affected me to affected my abhorrence and accomplish an arrangement with a psychiatrist.
It was 1970. The above-mentioned decade had been a agitated but hopeful one for African Americans. In the health-care field, civilian rights groups took concerted accomplishments for African Americans to admission bigger in- and outpatient affliction and to appear White medical schools and alternation in White hospitals. Having accelerating with ceremoniousness from a top midwestern medical academy area I was the alone African American in my class, I had acquired a coveted aperture as the aboriginal African American intern at a top Harvard teaching hospital. If I had to agitate my training, it would be a disaster—not alone for me alone but additionally for the advance of added African Americans gluttonous postgraduate medical training.
A adolescent analyst alleged my name and offered me his hand. Seated in his office, I accompanying my story. His address was affectionate and kindly. As our 50 account drew to a close, he laid out a plan for us to accommodated account and reassured me I would be able to abide to do my job. Admitting alternate struggles with abasement in the afterward decades, by God’s grace, I was able to complete my internship and go on to admission specialty training in centralized medicine, cardiology, and accessible health. I researched ancestral disparities in affection ache outcomes and admission to care.
As the grandson of two men built-in as slaves, I am beholden to God for the befalling to accompany a career in anesthetic so I could abbot to the ailing and advice abate the inequities faced by African Americans that advance to poor bloom outcomes. The communicable has apparent the audacious bloom inequities African Americans still face. Although the alarm is active out for me in my eighth decade, God is acceptance me to abide in this action and to coach adolescent physicians in training who can abide it aback I am gone.
Richard GillumWashington, DC

Monday morning—the admission alarm begins. Sunday afternoon has been sabbath, rest, relief, a admonition of what activity is like afterwards accustomed the weight of the address within. Monday morning arrives again, and with it the apprehension of the abutting sermon. There is adoration accumulation and abiding emails, advancing for Bible abstraction and alteration the bulletin. I continued to activate advancing the message. I set my ambition to accord it absorption anniversary day, to not leave it until last.
But Tuesday brings Bible abstraction and children’s church, a hospital visit, and active the kids to the orthodontist. I accomplish it through one annotation in the cat-and-mouse room. Everywhere I go, in the aback of my mind, the argument is animate on me, allurement for added time, to be crafted into a accordant message, to be fabricated complete in my activity and ministry.
Wednesday morning absoluteness check—how is it Wednesday already? One added annotation read, some adoration and a few addendum jotted actuality and there amid meetings, planning, Wednesday night programs, capacity for confirmation. And the newsletter . . . absolutely it’s not newsletter anniversary already?
The address is affairs on my sleeve, acquisitive to allege to me, allurement for my time, alike as the account and abnormal on the admission alarm acceleration by in a blur. My affection contest forth with the numbers. Will I accept abundant time to adapt in a way that blesses, challenges, opens a alleyway for admirers to affix to this angelic text, to access angelic amplitude and accept their own chat with God?
Thursday at last, address day, adequate time hidden abroad in my own apple amid the white babble of coffee grinders and espresso machines. Time slows. I can absolutely apprehend the numbers on the alarm afresh as I get absent in the text, the prayers, the commentaries, anatomy account into an outline, and butt the administration so that on Friday I can address and analysis and acquiesce the bulletin to become a allotment of me, to breeze out of me guided by a few quotes and notes.
Life resumes. The weekend is here, with aggregate to be savored and accomplished—family time, activities, chores. The bulletin lingers in the aback of my mind. Is it worthy, helpful, transformational? Do I apperceive it able-bodied enough—the ideas, the pacing, the passion?
The admission alarm alcove zero: Sunday. Admonition time, the greatest moment of privilege—and faith—in my week. It may be the time aback others watch the clock. But for me, in that admonition moment, the alarm stops. Time is transformed. I accept the allowance of administration the chat of God with the bodies of God. If alone I could amble in that angelic amplitude a little longer.
But adoration ends. Now it is time to rest, a few hours chargeless of that weight.
Until Monday morning aback the admission alarm begins again, and I acquiescently backpack it with me because this is my angelic calling.
Suzanne AllenLoveland, OH
I do not yet apperceive how to apprehend roman numerals, but I apperceive that seven is the actualization aloof to the larboard of the beneath actualization on the alarm that hangs in my bedroom. It is not yet seven o’clock on a Saturday morning, and so I am not accustomed to go downstairs.
I lie aback and tap my anxiety to the active of the clock. It’s incredible how loud such an contrarily ephemeral complete can be while you’re waiting. I axle at the clock, accommodating it to acceleration up. In the average of the alarm face is a locomotive, dejected and maroon—a beef engine. The angel appears accessible to butt bottomward the tracks, appropriate off the wall, yet it’s arctic in time. You and me both, train.
I accumulate time with my toes, apperception wandering. I can’t delay until I’m old abundant to get up afore seven on a Saturday, I think. Dad generally tells me that time moves added bound the earlier you get, that afore you apperceive it a year doesn’t feel like such a continued time.
Did you apperceive that on Mercury, the planet’s circling takes best than its apogee about the sun, authoritative a day there best than a year? Mrs. Southard accomplished our first-grade science class. Suddenly, this advice seems applicable. At seven years old, a bisected hour can feel like an eternity.
Eternity. There’s a abstraction I attempt to understand. As continued as this bedchamber abreast seems, it’s conceivably commensurable to one of the dust particles amphibian over my head, aflame by a aurora for one moment, gone the next. My compassionate of aeon comes mostly from things I apprehend on Sundays in church, area we sing songs, delay while Mom talks to bodies I don’t know, and apprentice about God and his son—Jesus, the Jewish man who was complete yet was dead on a cantankerous and again resurrected, so that I ability absorb aeon not sitting in my allowance but with him in a new heaven and on a new earth.
Sitting in my room, I bethink that Jesus did absolutely adamantine things that his ancestor asked of him. Comparatively, sitting actuality on my bed doesn’t assume all that bad. I admiration if Jesus anytime acquainted like this, cat-and-mouse in the tomb afore the bean was formed away. Afore seven o’clock. My abdomen rumbles.

My thoughts acknowledgment to the God who is bigger than me, bigger than time, than eternity, yet knows my name. Good morning, I say silently to the sunbeam, which is the abutting affair I can anticipate of to a supernatural, present being. I analysis the alarm and it’s 7:05.
Brice MitchellSt. Paul, MN
My grandfathering Cashen was a accurate man. Time was important to him. He acquiescently alien my grandmother, still actual abundant alive, as the backward Mrs. Cashen. She was absent to time and was consistently late, and so was dinner.
After dinner, behindhand of the season, my grandfathering and I would blooper abroad and ascend a ladder to the roof, area he had fabricated an anchor platform. He would set up his abyssal assumption telescope by affairs out its three abundant lath legs to accomplish a athletic tripod, and we would attending at the night sky. He would point out Venus, the Big Dipper and the afterlife of Cassiopeia, again the Little Dipper, Orion, and the all-inclusive Milky Way. He accomplished me how the stars could be acclimated to acquaint time: “Begin by aboriginal award the North Star, again the Big Dipper and the Little Dipper, and again you can use these to accomplish a brilliant alarm in the sky.” He explained that the apple turns on its axis, giving the actualization that stars are ascent and setting. Anniversary bright night presented a new assignment in astronomy.
But there were added rooftop lessons. Time is the best admired affair there is, he’d acquaint me. It is life’s greatest treasure. Accomplish the best of every minute. Time is the one affair you cannot anytime get back. Already it’s gone, it’s gone. It’s not a renewable ability like tomatoes or cord beans.
An age-old grandfathering alarm stood abreast the access of our Tampa home. It had been my grandfather’s bells allowance to my mother. As a child, I understood, conceivably added than she, why his allowance to her was a clock. Afterwards my mother died, it was the alone affair I asked for from amid her bags of possessions.
Now that alarm stands in our house. Every alarm is a adapted admonition that addition admired hour is beginning. I am again transported aback to the rooftop and the little observatory, and I am reminded of my grandfather’s acquaint to abundance the time God has accustomed me.
Jean DoddJacksonville, FL
From Frederick Buechner, The Alphabet of Grace:
Creation is underway. Breakfast is underway. Beef from the tea kettle is fogging up the windows. . . . With my ear to the radio, I try to bolt what the acclimate will be. Somebody is arrant while somebody abroad says it is her own accountability that she is crying. We breach fast together, breach aliment calm fast, with the alarm on the bank over my wife’s accomplished tick-tocking our time away, time away. Soon it will be time to leave for school. Soon abundant it will be time to leave.
On the inside, it looks like any added avant-garde timepiece. A baby array excites a quartz clear to exhausted at a amount that will authorize an almost, but not absolute, absorption of the actual time—which for complete accurateness is abstinent by the cesium atom’s vibration, the world’s best complete time standard. The accordance of the clear account the easily of the alarm to move. The additional duke sweeps the punch already every minute, and the minute duke circuit the punch already every 60 minutes, but the hour duke makes its adventure alone already anniversary day rather than the accepted two trips anniversary day.
This alarm is set to Coordinated Universal Time, the time begin at the prime meridian. About the punch are the names of cities and added locations about the world: London, Paris, Cairo, Moscow, Karachi, Bangkok, Tokyo, Auckland, Anchorage, Denver, Caracas, South Georgia Island, and the Azores. I stop and face it for a few moments of absorption anniversary day.
I accept been an abecedarian radio abettor for added than six decades, and UTC is the alone way to address contacts in a architecture that matches added abecedarian operators about the world. In my backward afternoon, it is already tomorrow in Sydney. But I am not alone allotment of a common abecedarian radio community, I am additionally allotment of a common church. Both allure me to be acquainted of things above than my bounded realities. This alarm helps me bethink these realities and calls me adjoin others.
During the pandemic, I accept wondered if I knew any of the patients in the ICUs of Italy, on the streets of Wanju, active in a accumulation grave abreast São Paulo, convalescent in London afterwards a biologic cocktail, or accepting a vaccine in Minsk. I additionally anticipate of those who accept helped me to accumulate a baby allotment of my acumen during this year of bound in-person amusing interactions. A accumulation of us accept talked by radio about every night for the accomplished year. That 02:00 hour (9 p.m. EST) has become added admired with anniversary casual evening.
To embrace what is on the punch is to accept that God loves the bodies in anniversary time zone, the bodies in anniversary of those aberrant locations, the bodies on aerial mountains and those on islands hardly ascent bristles anxiety aloft sea level, the bodies who are acquainted of that adulation and the bodies who are not, the bodies whose worldview is acutely bound and those who are absolutely all-around citizens. God alike loves me. All animal relations are ultimately ancestors relations, for we are all allotment of one animal ancestors broadcast above the earth. Oh, that I may apprentice from the face of this alarm that activity is added than aloof a admeasurement of time.
David E. RobertsEmporia, VA

One of my few keepsakes from my adolescence home is an aged mantel clock, a amber Seth Thomas. It sits aloft me on a aerial bookshelf in my abstraction while I write. Growing up, I admired the clock’s aboriginal 20th-century provenance, an era aback clocks had intricate mechanics and abundantly grained wood. I sometimes listened for its alternate chime. It chock-full cogent time some years ago, the coiled bounce of the alarm bell bang abounding of unreleased energy.
Part of its acceptation is the actuality that it’s one of aloof a few mementos from the abode area I grew up. Amid my mom’s advancing dementia, my active bags of afar away, and a amount of alienation that was over but still sometimes fabricated advice with my ancestors difficult, best of my parents’ accouterments were awash in an acreage auction afore I’d had a adventitious to accede what abroad I ability retrieve.
So while about small, the alarm has a ample abode as a admonition of both blessed times and harder moments. For the brokenness in my accord to my association had to do with a best I made, while abroad at seminary, to ally adjoin their wishes. There were a brace of years aback I had to adventurous my parents’ bounce of me, their threats to abandon me. And then, with the accommodating casual of time, closing reconciliation. That the alarm assuredly confused from their domiciliary to mine, to abide with a ancestors artificial at aboriginal adjoin their hopes, represents allotment of that mending.
Our movement through life, of course, has to do with added than the abstinent active of any alarm or the ambit of its easily or the haptics of our smartphones. Time brings change, sometimes affliction and accident and hardship, sometimes the joy of new steps, like the new domiciliary I forged, alike with the affecting costs. Our best airy traditions admonish us that aeon has to do with the everyday, the all-inclusive with the quotidian, the absolute with this instant. God speaks in what transpires in moments, so I try not to let time blooper by unreflected.
A memento, like the one from the domiciliary that aloft me, is a admonition of such handbreadths of time, whether misspent or bedeviled or artlessly endured. I anticipate additionally of keepsake mori, the brave application of death—the airy convenance of absorption the end of our alluvial moments. My clock’s Gothic accomplished comes to a aiguille like a basilica window, as admitting pointing to the one who is aloft time while aural it: a admiring attendance above our affiliated notions, not bound in any way by the active of the easily on a dial.
Timothy JonesHalifax, VA
Several years ago, on a cruise to Florence, Italy, aback I climbed the attenuated stairways to the actual top of the basilica of Santa Maria del Fiore, I noticed the chat ora appears on anniversary window. I had abstruse to construe the chat as “hour.” Che ora sono? Mario would ask Professor Baldi on my accent band aback he capital to apperceive what time it was. I recalled from my decayed Latin that ora was additionally the acute of orare, “to pray.” The aggregation addled me.
Brunelleschi, the artist of the arresting cathedral, was additionally a accomplished alarm maker. A axial aperture in the boom of the arch allows a axle of ablaze to flash on the attic of the basilica 90 meters below, where, at atomic for a few months of the year, it crosses a acme band categorical on the floor, enabling a absolute assurance of noon. The basilica itself is one of the better clocks in the world.
I wondered about the affiliation amid the apostolic convenance of praying the approved hours and the analysis of the day into hours. My concern was added affronted when, afterwards consulting a Latin dictionary, I apparent that ora is additionally a noun which agency “boundary.” Was the roof of the cathedral, area ablaze enters, the abuttals amid heaven and earth? And aback we pray, do we cantankerous a abstruse abuttals from a apple area time reigns to an appointment with a around-the-clock God?
Much age-old religious adoration convenance was intrinsically affiliated with time—Stonehenge in England and Mayan temples in Mexico are notable examples. The names of the old gods still flash at us from the names of the canicule of the week. Yet admitting that, for us time is about wholly secular. Our canicule are durably absolute by time. “Time is money.” “Time is of the essence.” In today’s world, aeon is added acceptable to be associated with the airy than time is. Experiences aback time seems to lose all acceptation are generally admired as transcendent, mystical events.
I accept alarm time has become a adept I’m all too accommodating to serve. But maybe the band-aid isn’t in accomplishing states of aeon but in redeeming time, acquainted that anniversary day, anniversary hour, anniversary moment is a allowance of God. In my house, a grandfathering alarm sits in the bend of our dining room, an aural admonition of the access of time. I accept bound that anniversary time I apprehend the four angelus of the division hours, I will anticipate I acknowledge you God.
Roger KrugerOmaha, NE
I rarely attending at clocks, but I accumulate time consistently. As a percussionist, whether on my congas, cajón, council wheel, or desk, I’ve got the beat. Actuality on time however, is not in my genes, or so the ancestors legends go.
My grandfathering came to America from England as a adolescent boy with his family. The adventure goes that they were to cantankerous the Atlantic on the Titanic, but the alarm area they were blockage wasn’t animate properly, so they were backward and clumsy to board. They had to reschedule their adventure on the abutting address to cantankerous the pond, and so they lived to acquaint their tale.
His son, my father, served three years on a baiter in the Korean War. My dad never admired administration abundant about his army days, but I already overheard a adventure about his acknowledgment from his bout of duty. He was arcade for souvenirs for ancestors and accompany with addition soldier afore they were to be alien aback stateside, and neither of them took the time to attending at a clock, so they absent the even from Seoul to Los Angeles. As they waited for the abutting flight, they heard that their aboriginal carrier had comatose in the Pacific.
Thereafter, actuality backward seemed to become a amount amount in our household. Aback Sunday came around, I woke at 4 a.m. to actuality the ads into the Cleveland Plain Dealer, and we were still backward for church, accession aloof in time to apprehend the pastor preach.

My wife finds it acrid that my admired song is Pink Floyd’s “Time,” which begins with clocks agreeable and ringing. A few contemptuous accompany accept said that I will apparently be backward for my own funeral. I acquaint them I wasn’t planning on actuality there anyway.
Ron DruryFirth, NE
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