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Illustration by Drew Shannon
It began with an e-mail and the accountable band “1991.” The bulletin examination addled me as hesitant, spam-like and potentially translated, but for some reason, I kept reading.
“Hello, maybe I’m wrong, but today I begin a agenda a babe gave me in 1991. I met her in Victoria, Canada. Maybe it’s not you, but I would be blessed if it were like that afterwards 30 years.”
I set my coffee cup down. I knew who this was, alike if the capacity were murky. I scanned to the signature band – a name aggregate with a Latin pop brilliant – but I wasn’t abiding I’d anytime accepted it. We hadn’t done abundant talking aback then, in allotment because I couldn’t allege Spanish and his butt of English had been, well, tenuous. I wondered what I ability accept accounting to a visiting Spanish buck I spent no added than a few hours with aback I was 17.
On LinkedIn, I advised his contour picture, aggravating to aboveboard the handsome man in a blazer with my staccato memories of the jailbait he charge accept been then. I waited a day afore accounting a reply, one I hoped didn’t accomplish it assume I’d been blind about for three decades aloof cat-and-mouse for his message.

I asked to see the agenda he’d adored for 30 years. Within minutes, an angel downloaded in a halting, striptease array of way, evocative of 1990s dial-up internet. Pixel by awkward pixel, there it was – the actual actuality of my parents’ commitment address, cacographic on broken agenda stock, in pencil, no less. Still, I was adequate there wasn’t affirmation of a added cringe-worthy jailbait to argue with. Who knows what I ability accept said accustomed added space?
There’s a band in Joan Didion’s article “Goodbye to All That” in which she wonders of her 20-something self, “Was anyone anytime so young?” and that’s how I acquainted seeing my artery abode there. Why had I handed over my abode at all? Perhaps it was artlessly an awkward way out of an awkward visit.
In April, 1991, the Spanish fleet training barge Juan Sebastian de Elcano accustomed in Victoria, months into an around-the-world journey. It seemed the accomplished burghal angry out, analytical about 300 Spaniards bottomward ballast in our backyard.
My acquaintance Niki and I met a brace of Elcano cadets amid those who had abounding into the streets of downtown. I’d never acquainted any accurate affection for bodies in uniform, but Niki was taken with the albino sailor of our duo. The added buck had artlessly been forth for the ride, like me.
That night, Niki had cajoled, whined and flattered me until I relented and agreed to drive with her the abutting day, two hours up Vancouver Island in her parents’ adopted Taurus to admonition her accumulate with the Spanish sailor we’d alone aloof met in Victoria. The anchorage boondocks of Nanaimo would be the final Island stop for the Elcano.
Only a few capacity of that day remain. We accustomed to a bare anchorage parking lot area both sailors from the antecedent afternoon were waiting. Niki tossed me the keys and crawled into the aback bench with her day-old crush. The added buck slid into the commuter bench beside me, his eyes hardly affair mine. In the rear-view mirror, I could see Niki and the Swedish-looking Spaniard were already dark one another. It was bright there was activity to be time to kill.
“What did we do?” I ask him now, relying on his anamnesis to acknowledgment aspects of the day to me. Apparently, we’d had a barbecue in a field. I approved to account an accessible meadow or a acreage of sunflowers, alike if the time of year was wrong. Had we supplied a blanket? A barbecue basket? God, what did we augment them?
At some point in our exchange, he says the truest thing: “There are already abounding memories that accept been erased.” Whether he intends to or not, he’s accepting at article added than a abroad day in April. If you’ve accomplished the point in activity we are now, it’s a absoluteness you’ve amorphous to understand: The belief you ability for can’t consistently be retrieved; the ones you adhere on to amount more.
He fills me in on his activity back afresh – school, career, marriage, kids, annulment – anniversary account in the account continuing for years, rather than moments. He has a adroitness for anapestic detail, alike if his command of the accent is not perfect. His adulation of the ocean agency he owns a baiter and spends his weekends exploring the Mediterranean Sea. He tells me signing up for the fleet was the best affair he anytime did. His favourite anchorage of alarm was San Francisco, but afterwards that, Victoria. He hopes to return. The abstraction is abnormally abating in the bosom of a pandemic. The implausibility of biking relegates it to a bizarre angle at a safe distance.
In my actual glimpse of that day, we’re alone in a abyssal outbuilding. No one abroad was around, I can’t bethink why. I do bethink I autonomous for French kissing, admitting I had aught acquaintance with the technique, absolute this was a Spanish sailor who would be underwhelmed by a austere North American smooch. He ability anticipate the babe who had agreed to accommodated him at an alone architecture in a abrasive anchorage burghal was somehow uncultured.

Toward the end of our conversation, he writes that he remembers kissing me goodbye and I admiration if it’s his about-face to downplay an act of memory. That his acknowledgment is accompanied by an emoji – the one with a bean of damp at the temple – suggests he remembers added than he’s absolution on. Alike if we aggregate article above a beak on the cheek, our bollix in an accustomed beginning was mostly a way to ample some abandoned hours, tossed calm by circumstance.
I admiration what it would be like to face one addition again. Nostalgia may bathe our affiliation with a affluence it never possessed. Alike autograph this, I may be authoritative too abundant of a adventure that is little added than a bulletin in a bottle, already returned.
For the moment, my apperception loops on new admonition he has aggregate that pulses with the amore of the Spanish sun. It’s not the 19-year-old argosy buck I picture, but the added complete man from the LinkedIn photo. He is barefoot on his baiter in the admirable Mediterranean area he is chargeless to bead ballast on a whim. I assets a smile for this man whose adventure charcoal tangentially affiliated to mine, his eyes bankrupt abaft his aviators, his face angry into the sun.
Sarah Pollard lives in Victoria.
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