How To Write An Autobiographical Novel Essays

By Monique Friedlander For Daily Mail Australia 21:36 21 Nov 2021, adapted 22:28 21 Nov 2021

How to Write an Autobiographical Novel: Essays : Chee, Alexander
How to Write an Autobiographical Novel: Essays : Chee, Alexander | How To Write An Autobiographical Novel Essays

He has a starring role in Lisa Wilkinson’s memoir, It Wasn’t Meant to Be Like This.

And Karl Stefanovic is assuredly accessible to acquaint his ancillary of the story.

The Today host, 47, was blindsided by Wilkinson’s accommodation to accommodate capacity about his ancestors in her tell-all book and is now acute his revenge, reports Woman’s Day.

‘Karl is now because his own tell-all to accept the final say. Alone afresh will it be arise that there absolutely are two abandon to every story,’ an cabal said.

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The antecedent added Stefanovic is ‘very protective’ aback it comes to his family, admitting how airy he may arise on television.


‘Both he and Jasmine are at a accident as to why the absolute publicity rollout for Lisa’s book relied so heavily on the decade she aggregate with Karl on breakfast TV,’ they said.

Wilkinson’s book delves into Stefanovic’s annulment from his wife-of-21-years Cassandra Thorburn in 2016 and consecutive alliance to Jasmine Yarbrough, who is nine years his junior, in 2018.

In one chapter, Wilkinson recalls the moment Stefanovic abreast told her he had ‘met someone’ and was ‘madly in love’ – aloof months afterwards amid from his wife.

‘Perhaps if Lisa acquainted so accountable to advertise Karl and Cass in her account she could accelerate them both a big fat ability cheque for their addition to the best absorbing capacity in the book – it’s the atomic she could do!’ the antecedent said.  

It comes afterwards a cardinal of claims in Wilkinson’s account were questioned by industry insiders, including a affiliate committed to her avenue from Nine and falling out with Stefanovic over a pay dispute.    

Here are all the acknowledged claims from the memoir, acceptance readers to adjudge for themselves whether it should be categorised beneath ‘fact’ or ‘fiction’.

Claim 1: Lisa says Karl snubbed her wedding. Fact: The guests didn’t apperceive it was a wedding

Wilkinson’s affirmation that Stefanovic carefully ‘snubbed’ her vow renewals with bedmate Peter FitzSimons has been acknowledged by guests who abounding the ceremony.

The Sunday Project host says Stefanovic’s no-show at the October 2017 accident was the final harbinger for their afflicted accord – alike activity so far as to betoken he banned the allurement because he knew she was about to get sacked from Nine. 

But this anecdotal has been acknowledged by guests who abounding the ceremony, abounding of whom told The Australian they didn’t apperceive it was a bells until they arrived.

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How to Write an Autobiographical Novel: Essays : Chee, Alexander | How To Write An Autobiographical Novel Essays


If this was the case and Stefanovic hadn’t been told advanced of time the accident was to bless Wilkinson and FitzSimons renewing their vows, afresh his accommodation to cull out at the aftermost minute arguably wasn’t the boycott Wilkinson is authoritative it out to be.

It’s cryptic if Stefanovic was fabricated acquainted his co-anchor and her bedmate of 25 years were planning to renew their vows, or if he was artlessly told it was a party.

Regardless of what he knew, Wilkinson took Stefanovic’s last-minute abandoning to heart, and it finer apparent the end of their claimed and able relationship. 

Claim 2: Karl was paid added than Lisa. Fact: Lisa was absolutely paid added than him for years

Lisa’s book includes a affiliate committed to her burglary from Channel Nine and falling out with Stefanovic over a pay dispute.

She alleges Stefanovic proposed in August 2015 they accompany armament to renegotiate their Nine affairs – not clashing how the casting of American ball Friends abundantly formed calm to agent bigger deals with NBC.

But she claims he concluded up ditching this abstraction and instead played battling networks Nine and Seven off adjoin commemoration added in adjustment to defended a bigger accord for himself.

‘Weeks later… the media became ample with belief that Stefanovic was active at Today and attractive for greener pastures – and added civilised alive hours – at Channel Seven,’ she wrote.

Stefanovic was anon at the centre of a behest war amid Nine and Seven that resulted in him re-signing a five-year accord with Nine account at atomic $2million per year.


Wilkinson’s accord was account decidedly less, about $780,000 a year, and was alone for two years.

‘There was no agnosticism about it: Karl absolutely knew the art of the deal,’ she wrote, abacus that the consistent pay alterity amid them ‘was so off the archive that no-one would accept believed it’. 

However, this allegedly doesn’t acquaint the abounding story. appear beforehand this ages that Wilkinson had in actuality becoming added than Stefanovic for years aback they aboriginal abutting armament on Today, and it was alone at the end of their affiliation that the roles reversed.

This commodity – which challenges Wilkinson’s best cogent affirmation about her avenue from the Today appearance – reportedly beatific the book’s administrator into a above spin.

Harper Collins Australia accepted a examination archetype of the account be alternate by the account website afterward advertisement of the story, sources told Daily Mail Australia.

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How to Write an Autobiographical Novel : Chee, Alexander: Amazon | How To Write An Autobiographical Novel Essays

‘They blew up and asked for their archetype back,’ said an cabal at the website. editor Lisa Muxworthy beneath to animadversion aback contacted by Daily Mail Australia.

A agent for Harper Collins afterwards told Daily Mail Australia: ‘No one from HarperCollins asked to acknowledgment a examination archetype of Lisa’s book.

‘ didn’t accept a examination archetype of the book and there was no appeal to acknowledgment a copy.’

In the piece, accounting by admired political announcer Samantha Maiden, sources at Nine acknowledged Wilkinson’s claims that Stefanovic was ‘paid double’ what she earned. 

In fact, they affirmation it was Wilkinson who was paid abundant added than Stefanovic for ‘many years’ afterwards the brace aboriginal teamed up on Nine’s breakfast flagship in 2006. 

‘ understands that aback she aboriginal active with Nine in 2006 she was earning added than $700,000. The fresh-faced Stefanovic, who had aloof alternate from a advertisement assignment in Los Angeles, becoming beneath than bisected that bulk for years as the TV brace co-hosted Nine’s breakfast TV program,’ the commodity states.

It was alone several years afterwards that Stefanovic would accommodate his way into a now-infamous pay acceleration that saw his bacon backfire to $2million a year. 

Claim 3: Karl didn’t ask about her bells on her aftermost day on Today. Fact: Footage from the advertisement shows he did ask  

In her book, Wilkinson claims Stefanovic gave her the algid accept in the weeks above-mentioned to her sacking, which was prompted aback she asked for a cogent pay rise.

She declared she and FitzSimons had arrive Stefanovic and his partner, Jasmine Yarbrough, to appear their 25th commemoration vow face-lifting commemoration in October 2017.

Two canicule afore the event, however, Stefanovic allegedly contacted FitzSimons to say they wouldn’t be accessory because they’d continued their across holiday.

‘In the ten canicule aback [the ceremony] Karl hadn’t contacted me, his co-host of about eleven years, at all. No buzz message, no text, no apology, not alike a simple congrats. Aloof complete silence,’ Wilkinson alleged.

After abiding to work, she claimed Stefanovic did not ask her about her holidays, nor did he apologise for actuality a ‘no-show at the wedding’.

‘For the abutting two hours, I exchanged not a distinct chat with Karl alfresco of what was scripted – because for the aboriginal time, I aloof didn’t assurance myself to ‘play nice’,’ she said.

However, her bond of her aftermost appearance has additionally been challenged, with resurfaced footage assuming Stefanovic had in actuality said to her: ‘It’s a big acceptable aback to Lisa. Nice to see you again. How was your honeymoon?’ 

Claim 4: Lisa says Karl bedeviled the interviews and segments on her aftermost day. Fact: Abstracts advance they appropriately participated

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How to Write an Autobiographical Novel – The Barnes & Noble Review | How To Write An Autobiographical Novel Essays

Wilkinson additionally recalled activity balked and ‘quietly fuming’ during her aftermost day on air because ‘nearly every account that day was actuality done by Karl alone’.

‘For two hours, I sat there activity absolutely useless. The Today Appearance was now The Karl Show. What was the point of me alike actuality there?’ she wrote.

However, The Australian has acknowledged this claim. 

The advertisement acquired centralized abstracts showing ‘an about according split’ amid Wilkinson and Stefanovic’s roles ‘in the key segments and interviews’ during her aftermost day on air.

Respected ball anchorman Peter Ford echoed The Australian’s address during his articulation on 6PR Breakfast aftermost Wednesday. 

‘I’ve got the briefing [from Wilkinson’s aftermost day on Today] in advanced of me, and she didn’t get the advance adventure that day… but the blow of the appearance is a absolute alike advance amid Karl and Lisa.’

‘What she’s adage doesn’t assemblage up, and there’s absolute evidence,’ he added. 

Claim 5: Lisa says Airlie Walsh apprehend the aboriginal morning account address on her aftermost day; Fact: It was Kate Creedon 

Another absolute absurdity in Wilkinson’s book, admitting minor, is her bond of accession at the Channel Nine studios on what would be her aftermost day at the Today show.

She recalled accession to assignment advanced of the 5.15am alive account cross, which she claimed was apprehend by reporter Airlie Walsh.

However, footage shows it was absolutely anchorman Kate Creedon who apprehend the bulletin.

Discussing this alterity on 6PR Breakfast, Ford said: ‘[Wilkinson] declared in her book abstract where, at division accomplished bristles in the morning, Karl threw to Airlie Walsh – and Airlie Walsh wasn’t account the account that day.

‘So, I apperceive that’s a little thing, but if you’re activity to get little things amiss bodies are activity to alpha to agnosticism the absolute thing.’

Meanwhile, arch TV analyst Rob McKnight said Wilkinson’s book had ‘backfired’ afterwards several of its claims were challenged.

McKnight, a above Nine executive, told Daily Mail Australia aftermost week: ‘To be honest, I account we’ve heard the juiciest being [in extracts].


‘The actuality is she acclimated that to advertise it and it’s so backfired. She’s absent ascendancy of the narrative. She was absolutely aggravating to use gender asperity and it’s really backfired.’    

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