From the COVID vaccine to pulsars to computer programming, women are at the antecedent of abounding accurate discoveries, inventions and innovations that appearance our lives. But in the belief we’ve appear to acquire about those breakthroughs, women are too generally larboard out.

Each division at Absent Women of Science, we’ll attending at one woman and her accurate accomplishment: who she was, how she lived and what she begin out. Katie Hafner, a longtime anchorman for the New York Times, explains the science abaft anniversary woman’s assignment and explores the absolute ambience in which she lived.
Our aboriginal season, “The Pathologist in the Basement,” is all about Dorothy Andersen, a physician and pathologist who apparent a medical abstruseness aback she articular and authentic cystic fibrosis in 1938. A amorous outdoorswoman, a “rugged individualist” and a bit of an enigma, Andersen afflicted the way we acquire astute lung and gastrointestinal problems in adolescent children.
This podcast is broadcast by PRX and appear in affiliation with Scientific American.
BRIAN O’SULLIVAN: Cystic fibrosis aback then…
BIJAL TRIVEDI: …was aloof advised a afterlife sentence.
SARA KOMINSKY: It feels like you’re airless to death.
BIJAL TRIVEDI: Dorothy Andersen…
SCOTT BAIRD: She was the aboriginal to analyze CF in a active patient…
BIJAL TRIVEDI: She was bottomward in the basement of Babies Hospital accomplishing these autopsies.
SCOTT BAIRD: The aboriginal to acquire that CF was a ancestral disease…
BRIAN O’SULLIVAN: I mean, she’s aloof brilliant. And she put this addle together.
SCOTT BAIRD: Dorothy Andersen was able to beforehand the boundaries.
CELIA ORES: She was kind, intelligent, and absolute bossy.
MICHELLE ORES: We’re activity bottomward to the basement area my mother kept her medical files…
KATIE HAFNER: Welcome to Absent Women of Science. I’m your host, Katie Hafner.
I’ve been autograph about science and technology for decades, best of that time for the New York Times. Over the years I interviewed Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Sergey Brin and Larry Page… and appear to anticipate of it akin afore Google existed, I interviewed the creators of the Internet. But I can’t anticipate of a distinct woman who was a above amount in any of the belief I wrote. I don’t bethink it aggravation me absolute abundant at the time, it aloof seemed…normal.
These canicule I abode obituaries for the Times, and I still face attrition aback I’m autograph about bottom accustomed women in science whose assignment was cardinal to their field. Which leads me to the axial apriorism of the Absent Women of Science podcast: For every Marie Curie whose adventure has been told, there are dozens added tales of accession and aloof apparent adeptness analytic done by abundant changeable scientists who swam adjoin the current. Absent Women of Science will be exploring what they did, how they lived, and what happened. How did their belief get lost?
It’s commodity that played out in my own family. Both my grandparents on my mother’s ancillary were scientists. My grandfather, Jerrold Zacharias, was a acclaimed diminutive physicist at MIT who invented the diminutive alarm and formed on the Manhattan Project, and additionally afflicted the way physics was able in schools.
My grandmother, Leona Zacharias, was an able biologist who got her Ph.D. from Columbia University in 1937. But the able alarum I bethink was about him—his achievements, his accolades. Her work? It never absolutely came up.
The women we’ll be talking about in Absent Women of Science acquire accomplished commodity significant, akin groundbreaking, yet we about apperceive annihilation about their role in the advancements of science. This goes able-bodied above actuality disappointing. It’s tragic. It speaks to aloof how aloof association has been to what women can do, and added importantly, what they acquire done.
The bare of key scientists from our aggregate anamnesis needs to be fixed. At Absent Women of Science, we’re revisiting the absolute record, one amazing scientist at a time.
We’re calling this aboriginal division “The Pathologist in the Basement.” And we’ll be animated a ablaze on Dr. Dorothy Andersen. She was a physician and pathologist whose ablaze and adamant detective assignment in the 1930s led her to break a medical mystery. And that abstruseness was this: What was the absolute attributes of cystic fibrosis, a devastating affliction that was killing adolescent accouchement and had been frequently misdiagnosed, for years and years?
FRANCIS COLLINS: So, I’m Francis Collins. I’m a physician and a scientist and currently the administrator of the National Institutes of Health.
KATIE HAFNER: In accession to arch the NIH, Dr. Collins in the 1990s led the Human Genome Project, the massive accomplishment that unraveled the mysteries of DNA. Dr. Collins knows a little about Dorothy Andersen.
FRANCIS COLLINS: I apperceive her as the actuality who, in 1938, declared this disorder, cystic fibrosis of the pancreas.
KATIE HAFNER: But he was a bit ashamed to admit, that’s appealing abundant all he knows.
FRANCIS COLLINS: I don’t apperceive abundant about her career, her person, as somebody who charge acquire catholic an absorbing adventure as a woman animate in medical research.
KATIE HAFNER: As one of the scientists who abandoned the cystic fibrosis gene in 1989, Dr. Collins stood on the amateur of path-breaking scientists like Dr. Dorothy Andersen. He is additionally an abrupt best of women in science. So if he doesn’t apperceive abundant about her, who does?
In this episode, we’re activity to accouterment two mysteries. The aboriginal is the ache itself–cystic fibrosis. In the 1930s, it was a atrocious analgesic of breed that was frequently misdiagnosed—until Dorothy Andersen apparent the puzzle. And afresh we’ll about-face to the abstruseness of Dorothy Andersen herself, an able medical sleuth who larboard abaft absolute few clues for those of us aggravating to acquire what fabricated her tick.
Dorothy Andersen stood out. She was one of the absolute few women animate as a physician in the aboriginal bisected of the twentieth century.
BIJAL TRIVEDI: In the thirties, women fabricated up alone bristles percent of practicing physicians, so she was a rarity.
KATIE HAFNER: That’s Bijal Trivedi, a science announcer whose book, “Breath from Salt,” describes the history of cystic fibrosis.
BIJAL TRIVEDI: Dorothy Andersen had consistently capital to convenance medicine. She was a bent woman and she capital to acquire a career, and acclimatized for acceptable a pathologist.

KATIE HAFNER: At the time, there were few options for women with medical degrees–many hospitals wouldn’t appoint women, and akin if they did, women usually got alone to specialties like gynecology or psychiatry. In those days, men and women akin generally objected to actuality apparent by changeable physicians, which additionally led abounding women to pathology, area doctors rarely interacted with patients.
Pathologists abstraction the attributes and account of disease. And in the 1930’s, one of the alone agency to investigate how ache ravaged the anatomy was through autopsies.
That’s how it came to canyon one day in 1935 that Dr. Dorothy Andersen stood at a stainless animate table in the basement of Columbia’s Babies Hospital in Washington Heights. Her assignment was indescribably tragic, but she was all business as she set aloft it—to anatomize the organs of yet addition adolescent who had died. This adolescent was a 3 year old girl.
The babe had appear into the hospital a year before…
BIJAL TRIVEDI: …and she looked terrible. She had a beefy belly, angular limbs, foul, assiduous diarrhea, and she had been diagnosed with abdominals ache and beatific home. But there she was a year later, and she was dead. And so Dorothy Andersen started accomplishing this dissection and boring began to apprehend that this was not abdominals disease.
KATIE HAFNER: At the time, it was accustomed for accouchement with cystic fibrosis to be misdiagnosed with abdominals disease–
A lot of bodies are acute to gluten, and a subset of those bodies acquire absolute abdominals disease—an allowed acknowledgment to aureate and rye that inflames the civil and can account astringent GI symptoms. This deepening is additionally a evidence of cystic fibrosis. Of beforehand these are two absolute altered diseases with absolute altered treatments and outcomes. But, at the time, the misdiagnosis was understandable. And there were two affidavit for it. First, they had the GI affection in common. That was cardinal one. And cardinal two: Frequent pneumonias and animation problems were misattributed to the malnutrition that accompanies abdominals ache instead of a botheration with the lungs.
So as Dorothy Andersen began analytical the organs of the three-year-old child…
BIJAL TRIVEDI: …she accomplished that there were a lot of differences, and the best abstruse differences were in the lungs. And as she started to attending into the airways of the lungs, she saw that they were, they were acquainted abounding of mucus, thick, sticky, blooming mucus. But aback she cut into the pancreas, I mean, she could about get the scalpel in. And aback she array of accustomed to cut, she heard a abrading complete as if she were acid through dust or sand. All she could see was this fibrous, boxy material, absolutely enveloping the accomplished gland. So, you know, she knew this was commodity very, absolute different.
WILLIAM SKACH: You know, with Dorothy Anderson’s description of the absolute commodity of CF, it became bright that it was multi-system.
KATIE HAFNER That’s Dr. William Skach, the approachable Chief Accurate Officer of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.
WILLIAM SKACH: It did not aloof affect the lungs or the pancreas, but afflicted assorted tissues.
KATIE HAFNER: To acquire aloof how cystic fibrosis affects assorted systems, we charge to booty a abrupt medical circuit into the body–and specifically, its tubes. Bear with me. One of the miracles of our architecture is that we’re abounding with tubes–conduits that move actuality from one abode to another. Perhaps the best accustomed ones are claret vessels–an intricate arborized arrangement of afar of tubes that broadcast blood. Block these tubes–most frequently by a clot–and the tissue at the far end dies. Aback it’s the brain, it’s a stroke. Aback it’s the affection itself, it’s a affection attack.
The lungs additionally acquire claret vessels, but the best important tubes in and out of the lungs are the ones that acquiesce for oxygen to appear in and carbon dioxide to appear out. If those tubes are blocked, we can’t live.
The pancreas additionally has tubes–the capital one actuality the pancreatic duct. The phenomenon actuality is that the pancreas, which is bearing digestive enzymes able of breaking bottomward a allotment of steak in our intestine, doesn’t abstract itself. The acumen is that the acerb enzymes breeze into these tubes, and from there they access the intestines. But block these tubes and the juices aback up into the pancreas itself, to adverse effect.
What Dorothy Andersen apparent was that the primary botheration with these patients was absolute altered from what causes abdominals disease.
And so Dorothy Andersen’s analysis was that the lungs and pancreas aggregate the aforementioned baleful problem—that the absolute affair wasn’t deepening in the bank of the intestine. It was the bottleneck of the tubes in the pancreas and the lungs. Commodity was gumming up the tubes like molasses in a straw.
Again, Bijal Trivedi.
BIJAL TRIVEDI: With this disease, patients get assiduous lung infections that abort lung tissue and absolute the adeptness to breathe. This blubbery fungus additionally builds up in their airways, so they can’t absolutely drag properly. They can’t booty a abounding animation and breathe deeply. They can’t beam properly, because they don’t acquire the air to laugh.
SARA KOMINSKY: It feels like you’re airless to death. And at the point afore my aboriginal lung transplant, I couldn’t akin airing beyond the room, akin on oxygen, afterwards asthmatic and activity like I’d… bandy up because it took so abundant effort.
KATIE HAFNER: That was Sara Kominsky who’s 50 now, anecdotic what it’s like to acquire cystic fibrosis. Abutting is Malory Woodruff, who’s in her mid-30s.
MALLORY WOODRUFF: I started accepting asthmatic a lot easier. I started bearing added mucus, cough, coughing up plugs. The plugs started getting, you know, thicker and greener, yuckier. And then, by the time I was in college…it was absolutely adamantine to get to class, honestly.
SARA KOMINSKY: All the added CF patients I met during my adolescence and adolescent adulthood, by the time I was in my mid-20s early-30s, all of them had anesthetized away.
KATIE HAFNER: In the 1970s and 80s, aback Sara and Mallory were born, CF patients rarely lived accomplished their teens.
But their affairs are improving. Today, the activity assumption for CF patients is about 50. And a beforehand biologic alleged Trikafta was accustomed by the FDA aloof two years ago. It’s absolute expensive, but Trikafta promises to badly beforehand this cast and the patients’ affection of life.
Dorothy Andersen wasn’t ambience out to analyze an absolutely altered disease. But she kept an accessible mind, accessible abundant to action hasty allegation and accede the achievability that the medical community’s above-mentioned compassionate was aloof apparent wrong.
BRIAN O’SULLIVAN: Well, I acquire Dorothy Andersen’s affidavit appropriate actuality on my desk. In fact, I accumulate them in a bag that I accompany aback and alternating to assignment appealing abundant all the time.
KATIE HAFNER: That’s Brian O’Sullivan, a pediatric pulmonologist who teaches at the Geisel Academy of Anesthetic at Dartmouth.
BRIAN O’SULLIVAN: And the aboriginal is one from the American Journal of Diseases of Adolescence in 1938. And it’s appellation is “Cystic Fibrosis of the Pancreas and Its Relation to Abdominals Disease: A Analytic and Pathological Study,” by Dorothy H. Andersen, MD, New York.
KATIE HAFNER:I aboriginal came beyond Dr. O’Sullivan’s name aback he was quoted in a 2014 commodity in The Lancet, one of the best accustomed medical journals. The commodity was a abrupt biographical account of Dr. Andersen. And it turns out that every year aback Brian O’Sullivan lectures to first-year med acceptance about cystic fibrosis…
BRIAN O’SULLIVAN: The ache has acutely been about for millennia. It’s a abiogenetic disease.
KATIE HAFNER: He makes a point of advantageous accolade to this key amount in the history of the disease.
BRIAN O’SULLIVAN: I appetite to booty a minute to alarm out Dorothy Andersen. This is a woman who, you know, in the 1920’s, backward twenties, aboriginal thirties aback she was activity to medical school, there weren’t a lot of women in medical school. And it’s funny, I’m attractive out at the admirers now, and it’s about all women. But it was absolute altered in the thirties.
KATIE HAFNER: That 1938 cardboard he carries with him at all times was 50 pages continued and accounting by a distinct author, which would be exceptional of in today’s apple of publishing, area there are usually at atomic bisected a dozen, and sometimes hundreds of authors on a paper.

BRIAN O’SULLIVAN: There’s the old saying, “Luck favors the able mind.” The luck was that she was in a position area she saw some children, unfortunately, who had died of this problem. The able apperception is Dorothy. I mean, she’s aloof brilliant, and she put this addle together. And so she accustomed that she was seeing a accumulation of accouchement who had some of the hallmarks of abdominals ache but on dissection had absolute altered problems.
KATIE HAFNER: That 50 folio cardboard she appear advised 20 cases from Dr. Andersen’s own academy and abounding added from added places, in an era area there was no Google Scholar.
BRIAN O’SULLIVAN: She charge acquire spent hours in the library award these accessories and afresh autograph to added physicians and seeing if she could get their slides from autopsies to be able to analyze to what she was seeing.
KATIE HAFNER: She advised hundreds of anatomy slides from added accouchement believed to acquire died from abdominals disease, until…
BRIAN O’SULLIVAN: She absolutely spelled out that she was anecdotic a absolutely altered disease, and it was the aboriginal time it absolutely was accustomed as a abstracted entity.
KATIE HAFNER: And she didn’t stop there. Afterwards acquainted cystic fibrosis as commodity different, Dorothy Andersen went aback to work, aggravating to acquire as abundant as she could about the disease. And she started cutting up a lot of firsts.
SCOTT BAIRD: She was the aboriginal to analyze CF in a active patient, the aboriginal to accent diet and pancreatic agitator backup analysis in CF, the aboriginal to auspiciously amusement pulmonary infection in CF with antibiotics, and the aboriginal to acquire that CF was a ancestral ache bidding in the abode of a backward trait.
KATIE HAFNER: Scott Baird is a pediatric analytical affliction doctor at Columbia University Medical Center and he’s apparent array of CF patients throughout his analytic career. Like Dorothy Andersen afore him, Dr. Baird has spent the aggregate of his able activity at Columbia, so there’s a alikeness there. And Scott Baird, it turns out, isn’t aloof a fan of Dr. Andersen’s work; he’s on a adventure to ample in the capacity of her life.
SCOTT BAIRD: Dorothy Andersen, who never was accurately accomplished in pathology, never accurately accomplished in pediatrics, became a world-class pathologist, a world-class pediatrician, and acutely was a world-class researcher, somebody who was able to ascertain and actuate what ability be associated with ache in patients, and who was able to beforehand the boundaries.
KATIE HAFNER: Coming up, we’ll alpha to untangle added about this abstruse scientist. I’m Katie Hafner and this is Absent Women of Science.
KATIE HAFNER: So now that we acknowledge what Dorothy Andersen did, let’s try to break addition mystery: who she was.
Dorothy Hansine Anderson accelerating from Johns Hopkins Medical Academy in 1926, one of alone 5 women in her class. But Hopkins was able-bodied advanced of its time. Aback the medical academy opened in 1893, there were three women accustomed to the aboriginal class. Harvard Medical Academy wouldn’t clearly acquire its aboriginal women until 1945!
Here’s Brian O’Sullivan again:
BRIAN O’SULLIVAN:. Um, afterward that she went to Rochester and did an internship and afresh she capital to become a surgeon. In that day, women aloof were not accustomed as surgeons.
KATIE HAFNER: In 1926, aback Dorothy Andersen accelerating medical school, there were about no changeable surgeons. In fact, until 1975, the American Academy of Surgeons accustomed bristles or beneath women a year. So Dorothy Andersen acclimatized for a career in pathology.
In the medical community, pathologists sometimes acquire a acceptability for not actuality bodies people, of animate with asleep bodies and asleep organs for a reason. Pathologists hardly see active patients, except to do assertive biopsies. But Dorothy Andersen was a altered affectionate of pathologist. Here’s Scott Baird again:
SCOTT BAIRD: She acquainted the adversity of others, and she did her best to try to abbreviate that whenever possible. It’s difficult to beforehand the affliction and beforehand medical ability at the aforementioned time that you’re accouterment the affectionate affliction she provided for all of them.
KATIE HAFNER: In the 1940s, cystic fibrosis was so new that parents had agitation award physicians who knew abundant about it or who were akin accommodating to booty on a new cystic fibrosis patient, abnormally aback the cast was so austere and afterlife so swift. At the time, it was attenuate for patients with CF to animate accomplished five. But chat started to advance that there was this doctor in New York City who knew all about the disease. Desperate parents began bringing their kids to Dr. Andersen from all over the place. Here’s Doris Tulcin, whose babe was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis in 1953.
DORIS TULCIN: And afterwards demography her to many, abounding altered doctors who could not amount out what was wrong, we went through an disturbing three months until a absolute baby acquaintance of my mother’s, who was a nurse, apprehend in a nurse’s annual about a Dorothy Andersen and cystic fibrosis.
KATIE HAFNER: So Doris Tulcin took her babe to see Dr. Andersen.
DORIS TULCIN: She was a dowdy-looking thing, with a bun in the aback of her head, no makeup. She had on a lab coat. You could acquaint she was a big smoker because she smelled of cigarettes, but she was absolute kind. And you knew that she really, absolutely cared about what she was accomplishing for these kids.
KATIE HAFNER: Okay, so let’s see: Dowdy–by the way, I can’t anticipate of a distinct time I heard a man declared as “dowdy”–brilliant, a abundant smoker, abundant with a microscope, but what else?
We knew she’d developed up in North Carolina and Vermont and she’d been orphaned as a teen. She never affiliated and committed her activity to her work. And that allotment in The Lancet that I mentioned earlier, it said this. She declared herself as a “rugged individualist.”
And I knew she acceptable her bachelor’s amount in Allure and Zoology at Mount Holyoke College, a women’s academy in South Hadley, Massachusetts.
LESLIE FIELDS: My name is Leslie Fields, and I am the arch of athenaeum and appropriate collections at Mt. Holyoke College.
KATIE HAFNER: The academy keeps biographical files on abounding of its graduates, organized by admission year. Dorothy Andersen entered Mt. Holyoke in 1918, the year the Spanish flu communicable hit the country, and she accelerating in 1922, not akin two years afterwards women got the appropriate to vote.
LESLIE FIELDS: So some acceptance and alums ability artlessly acquire a distinct biographical area that has a little bit of absolute advice about them. And others ability acquire 50 boxes of correspondence. So chastening is on the abate side. So it is two blubbery folders. That’s the admeasurement of what we acquire in her biographical material. They’re primarily fabricated up of able abstracts and authoritative annal from the academy angle on her. So we actually, we don’t acquire her claimed affidavit here.
KATIE HAFNER: The alumni questionnaires that asked about alliance and accouchement were larboard blank.
LESLIE FIELDS: But her apprenticeship area about alum academy and acceptable a doctor, that’s in abundant detail. And there’s akin a catechism about publications, and she usually writes commodity like, “Over 80 publications, too abundant to account here.”
KATIE HAFNER: That allotment makes sense. In agreement of career accomplishments, Dorothy Andersen accomplished the Mt. Holyoke promise. The academy was a breastwork of science apprenticeship from the day in 1837 aback Mary Lyon, a devoutly religious drillmaster and self-taught allure professor, opened its doors. And abundant was accepted of Mt. Holyoke’s students.
LESLIE FIELDS: There is an apprehension by Mary Woolley…
KATIE HAFNER: Who was the admiral aback Dorothy Andersen was a student.
LESLIE FIELDS: …that they are activity to do commodity with their lives, they’re activity to serve the apple in some way. Allowance others in some way was a absolute focus of the academy association at that time. And afresh they’re array of launched into the world, and I anticipate for some of them, it looks like that was adamantine because maybe the apple wasn’t absolutely accessible to acquire them as able women in some ways. So out there, absolute options ability acquire been added limited.

KATIE HAFNER: I couldn’t go to Mt. Holyoke in actuality because of COVID. So as I’m perusing the 80-page PDF that Leslie Field’s aide has sent, commodity catches my eye. It’s a check Dorothy Andersen abounding out in 1944. There in the average of the aback folio is this question: “Name and abode of actuality best acceptable consistently to apperceive your whereabouts”. Dorothy Andersen put a catechism mark. Here’s this woman, 43 years into her life, and aback asked, “Who will consistently apperceive area you are?” she didn’t acquire an answer.
And it gets me to wondering, What does it beggarly to animate a activity abounding with accomplishments and not to be able to acknowledgment that basal question? Who is activity to bottle the anamnesis of what you’ve done and who you were? I anticipate this is how ample pieces of a activity go missing. They blooper through the cracks of history and they’re lost. It agency that big swaths of your activity may be alternate with a catechism mark.
Most of Dorothy Andersen’s colleagues acquire died, but there is one….
CELIA ORES: Can you put this bottomward and we’d go and aces up doctor Andersen and put her actuality on the table?
SOPHIE MCNULTY: Oh, the photo? Yeah. Yeah, let’s go. Let’s go acquisition the photo.
KATIE HAFNER:The bodies you will be audition are Sophie McNulty, who’s our accessory producer, Michelle Ores, and her mother—
CELIA ORES: My name is Celia Ores. I was built-in in Poland in the boondocks of Dubienka, and we were affected to leave our homes aback Hitler came to our home.
KATIE HAFNER: Dr. Ores eventually came to the US and went on to be a arresting pediatrician herself. She’s in her nineties now, and she formed with Dorothy Andersen at Babies Hospital in the aboriginal 1960s.
Celia Ores absolutely admired Dr. Andersen. And it turns out that she akin keeps a affected photograph of Dr. Anderson on a shelf appropriate abutting to her bed.
MICHELLE ORES: I acquire it here, mom.
SOPHIE MCNULTY: Michelle has them.
CELIA ORES: Oh, okay.
MICHELLE ORES: I acquire the two photos. I acquire the one of Dorothy. And the one of you in Switzerland in medical school.
CELIA ORES: It’s um, this is in the country, she was.
SOPHIE MCNULTY: This photograph?
CELIA ORES: She had a country home and acceptance were arrive for groups. It’s a huge backwoods and it was family.
KATIE HAFNER: The atramentous and white photograph was taken in the aboriginal 1960’s, aloof a year or so afore Dr. Andersen died. She looks tough, as abounding bodies say she was, but additionally kind. The photo backward on the table during the account with Dr. Ores. And already in a while, while she was talking, she would glance over at it.
CELIA ORES: She was my adherent there. No man could appear to me while she was animate and there and acquaint me any abrogating affair because they would be asleep by her. So she was my protector and my guide, and she gave me the adventuresomeness to do a lot of things.
KATIE HAFNER: Dr. Ores chock-full practicing anesthetic added than a decade ago, and her babe Michelle has her mother’s affidavit stored in her basement in Connecticut.
MICHELLE ORES: We’re activity bottomward to the basement, area my mother kept her medical files.
KATIE HAFNER: At first, it looks like we’ve hit a asleep end.
SOPHIE MCNULTY: It looks like best of these boxes are aloof from her clandestine convenance and continuing assignment at Columbia.
KATIE HAFNER: That’s Sophie again, she’s gone to Connecticut to attending through Dr. Ores’s boxes.
SOPHIE MCNULTY: I’ll let you apperceive if I acquisition anything.
KATIE HAFNER: Then, a discovery…
SOPHIE MCNULTY: Okay, I anticipate I hit the jackpot. I aloof begin two folders blue-blooded “Dorothy Andersen.”
KATIE HAFNER: In our abutting adventure of LWOS, we’ll dig through the boxes and see what we can find.
This has been Absent Women of Science. Thanks to anybody who fabricated this action happen, including my co-executive ambassador Amy Scharf, Senior Ambassador Tracy Wahl, accessory ambassador Sophie McNulty, artisan Elizabeth Younan, and abstruse administrator Abdullah Rufus. We’re beholden to Jane Grogan, Mike Fung, Susan Kare, Scott Baird, Brian McTear, Alison Gwinn, Bob Wachter, Nora Mathison, Robin Linn, Matt Engle, Cathie Bennett Warner, Maria Klawe, Jeannie Stivers, Nikaline McCarley, Bijal Trivedi, and our interns, Kylie Tangonan, Baiz Hoen and Ella Zaslow. Thanks additionally to the Mount Holyoke athenaeum for allowance with our search, to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation for all their support. To Paula Goodwin, Nicole Schilling and the blow of the acknowledged aggregation at Perkins Coie, and to Harvey Mudd College, a baton in admirable STEM education. We’re additionally beholden to Barnard College, a baton in allotment adolescent women to accompany their passions in STEM as able-bodied as the arts, for abutment during the Barnard Year of Science.
Thanks to Emily Quirk and Jim Schachter at New Hampshire Public Radio, area this podcast was recorded.
Lost Women of Science is adjourned in allotment by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, Schmidt Futures and the John Templeton Foundation, which catalyzes conversations about active bent and allusive lives.
This podcast is broadcast by PRX and appear in affiliation with Accurate American.
Thank you so abundant for listening. I’m Katie Hafner.
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