How To Write An Apology Email

Q. After my mother died, my ancestor affiliated a woman he begin online. She alone visited us already in actuality afore she confused in and they got married. She wasn’t consistently the nicest, and honestly, I was afraid of her. She’d alike “jokingly” alarm me Cinderella back she capital me to do tasks about the abode for her. I was an developed in analysis afore anyone told me this was affecting abuse. Thankfully, this woman is continued gone from my activity (and my father’s life).

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I apperceive bodies are alone amenable for their own actions, but is it amiss of me to appetite an acknowledgment from my father? I’m still aching that he never apologized for not attention me more. I was a child, and he put this woman in a position of ability over me. Should I ask for an apology? Should I let it go? – Still Hurting

A. I’m apologetic that you lived through that. It’s not amiss of you to appetite an acknowledgment from your father, but allurement for one absolute ability not accompany the achievement that you would hope: If he apologizes, you ability feel he alone did so because you asked him to. If he doesn’t, you’ll be angrier than ever. You actually should accurate to him how this aching you. It ability admonition to address your animosity bottomward in letter architecture aboriginal so that you can accomplish abiding to awning everything. Remember that your ancestor is awry like all humans, and he may not acknowledge the way you’d like. But speaking your allotment can accompany some admeasurement of peace.

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Dear Annie: This is in acknowledgment to “Vexed by the Ex Texts,” who didn’t like that her bedmate still consistently batten with his ex-wife. My bedmate and I are in our 70s, and we both accept accouchement from antecedent marriages. We both accept a actual affable accord with his ex-wife and her accepted husband. We associate at ancestors gatherings in anniversary of our children’s accomplishments and our grandchildren’s. We are “friends” on Facebook. Our accord with his ex has fabricated it accessible for our accouchement to be friends, for his accouchement not to accept to adjudge who to absorb time with and for ancestors gatherings to be fun. Plus, we aloof adore actuality together. We feel adored to apperceive one another. – Blended Family

Dear Blended: What a admirable relationship. Thanks for your affidavit to how we aggrandize our hearts and worlds whenever we accept adulation over bitterness.

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Dear Annie: You provided abundant admonition to “Couple in a Conundrum,” who begin themselves in a adhesive bearings back a acquaintance confided in them apropos her acclaim agenda debt, which she was ambuscade from her spouse. I would additionally like to advance this woman in abstruse debt attending into Dave Ramsey’s Banking Accord classes. This affairs provides accomplished advice, and the brace who

wrote to you could conceivably action to pay for the acquaintance and her spouse. This could accommodate absolute solutions for them to not aloof accouterment one banking affair but additionally accompany about absolute changes in how they accord with money and get a handle on their money issues. – Janet S.

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Dear Janet: Thanks for the tip. There are additionally chargeless debt-management courses accessible online, including the chargeless chic advantaged Introduction to Managing Your Personal Finance Debts.

Send your questions for Annie Lane to

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