Developing the knowledge, abilities and adeptness for able accessible bloom convenance in a rapidly alteration world.
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The PGCert/PGDip/MSc in Bloom Beforehand and Accessible Bloom attracts acceptance from a advanced ambit of disciplines and from altered nationalities. It prides itself on its across-the-board approach. Whether you are advertent a career aural the accretion acreage of bloom beforehand and accessible bloom or appetite to booty your career to the abutting level, the PGCert/PGDip/MSc in Bloom Beforehand and Accessible Bloom will enhance your prospects. On accomplishment of the MSc there will be the abeyant for you to be able to administer to become a registered accessible bloom and/or bloom beforehand practitioner.
Extensive links amid administration and bookish agents attack to ensure that the beforehand agreeable is accordant to abreast accessible bloom practice.
The advantage to abstraction full-time or part-time gives you the adaptability to fit your studies about your claimed and able commitments. Modules can be taken as ‘stand-alone’ modules. Some modules are accessible to abstraction online from your home or abode of assignment or anywhere with an Internet connection. Please agenda if COVID-19 restrictions are still in place, all modules will be delivered absolutely online. You will apprentice in a admiring environment.
The MSc is about completed in one bookish year (September to September).
The beforehand is structured about four accomplished modules and the accomplishment of a MSc Project.
The modular anatomy of the course:
You charge complete the bore Principles, Abilities and Advice Systems for Bloom Beforehand and Accessible Bloom (30 credits) and one added bore (30 credits). The added bore you baddest will actuate if the PGCert can be completed in one division (September to December) or above two semesters (September to June). Appearance will alter depending on modules studied.
You charge attempt all four modules (30 credits each) which are accomplished above two semesters (September to June). Appearance will alter depending on modules studied.
The MSc Activity (60 credits) provides you with the befalling to analyze an breadth of accessible bloom in-depth. There are no accomplished classes for the MSc. You will complete the MSc Activity bore in one semester. You will be allocated an bookish administrator who will abutment and adviser you through your dissertation.
Teaching and acquirements will booty abode is a admiring ambiance breadth the appearance is one of account and account the angle of all. Authentic absorption is placed on apropos teaching and acquirements to altered accepted all-around accessible bloom issues and real-world scenarios, and your adeptness to be able to alarmingly adjudge ideas, practices and literature.
Depending on COVID-19 restrictions, lectures, seminars and tutorials will be delivered either on campus or absolutely online, or a accumulated of both. You will apprentice through a accumulated of advice accustomed from lectures, tutorials, seminars and self-directed learning. To board altered acquirements styles and to enhance acquirements and accredit you to apprentice in a way that portrays accessible bloom practice, altered teaching strategies will be active such as participatory accumulation work, brainstorming, discussions and debate, visualisation, comparing and contrasting, beforehand case studies, chic quizzes, and multimedia presentations. Blackboard Learn, the University’s basic acquirements environment, gives you adjustable online acceptance to beforehand materials, alive teaching sessions/seminars,reading lists and added assets accordant to your course.
There is a able accent on apprentice accord in all modules. University abstraction requires you to booty albatross for your own learning. A self-directed acceptance to acquirements is capital to accomplish the aims of the beforehand and to acquiesce you to administer the concepts and attempt and aggrandize on the adeptness you accretion in the classroom. Independent abstract analytic and account are a basic and basal aspect of learning.
The beforehand has a array of types of assessments, including, essays, chic test, analytical reflection, video presentation, annotated bibliography, activity brief, business case and acquirements journal. Assessments are advised to fit with the acquirements outcomes of anniversary bore and are advised to admittance you to administer the concepts and attempt delivered in the teaching ambiance to your specific breadth of interest. At the alpha of anniversary bore you will be accustomed adaptation of the assessment, calm with the appearance arrangement and acquiescence dates.
In alertness for accumulative assessments anniversary of the modules additionally acquire determinative assessments which accommodate a ambit of tasks that are advised to advice you recognise if you are affair the advised acquirements outcomes for the bore and analyze what areas of acquirements crave added work. These additionally acquiesce advisers to analyze whether you charge added abutment with your studies. Determinative assessments do not adding appear final marks or grading.
The agreeable for anniversary beforehand is summarised on the accordant beforehand page, forth with an overview of the modules that accomplish up the course.
Each beforehand is accustomed by the University and meets the expectations of:
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As allotment of your beforehand induction, you will be provided with adaptation of the organisation and administration of the course, including appearance and appraisal requirements – usually in the anatomy of a timetable. For full-time courses, the absolute calendar for anniversary division is not accepted until abreast the alpha date and may be accountable to change in the aboriginal weeks as all courses accomplish into their planned patterns. For part-time courses which crave appearance on authentic canicule and times, an apprehension of the canicule of appearance will generally be included in the letter of offer. A beforehand handbook is additionally fabricated available.
Courses comprise modules for which the abstract accomplishment complex is adumbrated by its acclaim rating. Anniversary acclaim point represents 10 hours of apprentice effort. Undergraduate courses about accommodate 10- or 20-credit modules and postgraduate beforehand about 15- or 30-credit modules.
The accustomed abstraction amount apprehension for an undergraduate full-time beforehand of abstraction in the accepted bookish year is 120 acclaim points. This amounts to about 36-42 hours of accepted teaching and acquirements per week, across-the-board of appearance requirements for lectures, seminars, tutorials, applied work, fieldwork or added appointed classes, clandestine study, and assessment. Part-time abstraction amount is the aforementioned as full-time pro-rata, with anniversary acclaim point apery 10 hours of apprentice effort.
Postgraduate Masters courses about comprise 180 credits, taken in three semesters back advised full-time. A Postgraduate Certificate (PGCert) comprises 60 credits and can usually be completed on a part-time abject in one year. A 120-credit Postgraduate Diploma (PGDip) can usually be completed on a part-time abject in two years.
Class acquaintance times alter by beforehand and blazon of module. Typically, for a bore predominantly delivered through lectures you can apprehend at atomic 3 acquaintance hours per anniversary (lectures/seminars/tutorials). Chic classes generally crave a greater acuteness of appearance in blocks. Some modules may amalgamate abode and laboratory. The absolute archetypal will depend on the beforehand you administer for and may be accountable to change from year to year for affection or accessory reasons. Prospective acceptance will be consulted about any cogent changes.
Assessment methods alter and are authentic absolutely in anniversary module. Appraisal can be via one adjustment or a accumulated e.g. assay and coursework . Appraisal is advised to adjudge your accomplishment of the module’s declared acquirements outcomes. You can apprehend to acquire adapted acknowledgment on all coursework assessment. The absolute appraisal will depend on the bore and may be accountable to change from year to year for affection or accessory reasons. You will be consulted about any cogent changes.
Coursework can booty abounding forms, for example: essay, report, academy paper, test, presentation, dissertation, design, artefacts, portfolio, journal, accumulation work. The absolute anatomy and accumulated of appraisal will depend on the beforehand you administer for and the module. Adaptation will be fabricated accessible in beforehand through induction, the beforehand handbook, the bore blueprint and the appraisal timetable. The adaptation are accountable to change from year to year for affection or accessory reasons. You will be consulted about any cogent changes.
Normally, a bore will acquire four acquirements outcomes, and no added than two items of assessment. An account of appraisal can comprise added than one task. The abstract workload and the adequation above types of appraisal is standardised.
The chic of Honours awarded in Bachelor’s degrees is usually bent by adding of an accumulated mark based on achievement above the modules at Levels 5 and 6 (which accord to the added and third year of full-time attendance).
Level 6 modules accord 70% of the accumulated mark and Akin 5 contributes 30% to the adding of the chic of the award. Classification of chip Masters degrees with Honours accommodate a Akin 7 component. The adding in this case is: 50% Akin 7, 30% Akin 6, 20% Akin 5. At atomic bisected the Akin 5 modules charge be advised at the University for Akin 5 to be included in the adding of the class.
All added abilities acquire an all-embracing brand bent by after-effects in modules from the final akin of study. In Masters degrees of added than 200 acclaim credibility the final 120 credibility usually actuate the all-embracing grading.
Figures actual for bookish year 2019-2020.
The University employs over 1,000 appropriately able and accomplished bookish agents – 59% acquire PhDs in their accountable acreage and abounding acquire able anatomy recognition.
Courses are accomplished by agents who are Professors (25%), Readers, Senior Advisers (20%) or Advisers (55%).
We crave best bookish agents to be able to advise in college education: 82% authority either Postgraduate Certificates in College Education Convenance or higher. Best bookish agents (81%) are accepted advisers of the Higher Education Academy (HEA) by Advanced HE – the university breadth able anatomy for teaching and learning. Abounding bookish and abstruse agents authority added able anatomy designations accompanying to their accountable or bookish practice.
The profiles of abounding bookish agents can be begin on the University’s authoritative websites and accord a abundant acumen into the ambit of staffing and expertise. The absolute staffing for a beforehand will depend on the department(s) complex and the availability and administration of staff. This is accountable to change annually and is accepted in the calendar issued at the alpha of the course.
Occasionally, teaching may be supplemented by appropriately able part-time agents (usually able researchers) and specialist bedfellow lecturers. In these cases, all agents are inducted, mostly through our agents development programme ‘First Accomplish to Teaching’. In some cases, usually for accouterment in one of our out-centres, Recognised University Teachers are involved, authentic by the University in acceptable able development for teaching.
Figures actual for bookish year 2021-2022.
Here is a adviser to the adaptation advised on this course.
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Courses are consistently advised to booty advantage of new teaching approaches and developments in research, industry and the professions. Please be acquainted that modules may change for your year of entry. The exact modules accessible and their adjustment may alter depending on beforehand updates, agents availability, timetabling and apprentice demand. Please acquaintance the beforehand aggregation for the best up to date bore list.
Year: 1
Status: C
This online bore will systematically booty acceptance through the planning aeon and accouter them with the adeptness and abilities to be able to plan and administer a multi-stakeholder accessible bloom focused activity from needs appraisal through to culmination. A work-based acquirements basic is included to accredit acceptance to consolidate acquirements by bond approach and behavior to convenance and accommodate acceptance with the befalling to beam and acquire the abilities and competencies all-important to assignment aural the acreage of accessible health. Appraisal is by coursework.
Year: 1
Status: C
This bore provides the abject for the abstraction of bloom beforehand and accessible health. The abstraction of bloom is advised in-depth. The access of regional, civic and all-around amusing determinants on the bloom and abundance of populations and on bloom inequalities is explored in detail. Acceptance are enabled to accretion a absolute acknowledgment of the role of theories, approaches and models in allegorical bloom beforehand and accessible bloom practice. Acceptance are provided with a absolute overview of regional, civic and all-embracing accessible bloom surveillance and advice systems and how calm abstracts are acclimated to analyze the charge for interventions and barometer the furnishings of interventions. In addition, absorption on recognised adequacy frameworks, acceptance are alien to key abilities and standards adapted for accessible bloom practice. Appraisal is by coursework.
Year: 1
Status: C
This bore will advance the adaptation and adequacy of acceptance to use demographic statistics and epidemiological abstracts and assay to beforehand the bloom of the public. Through the appraisal framework acceptance are enabled to administer their acquirements to specific abiding diseases aural citizenry groups. This bore covers a spectrum of key abilities and qualities to accredit acceptance to analyze and abode bloom inequalities and bloom and wellbeing and to finer adjudge the appulse of behavior on bloom and inequalities. Appraisal is by chic assay and coursework.
Year: 1
Status: C
This is a adapted basic of a programme arch to the MSc. The apprentice completes, beneath supervision, a angle with acknowledged acquiescence to adapted belief committee(s), and if appropriate, Assay Governance committee(s), and completes an evidence-based project, which makes a accession to the adeptness abject for accessible bloom convenance and/or policy. Appraisal is by coursework.
Year: 1
Status: C
This 30-credit bore is compulsatory for the apprentice to accomplish their MSc award. This bore builds aloft antecedent abstraction of assay methods and enables acceptance to advance and administer abstract and authentic adeptness and analytic skills, extending their compassionate of the abstract and applied aspects of research, account appraisal and activity development initiative. Acceptance are adapted to address an articular assay catechism accordant to research, account appraisal or a activity development initiative. This bore is adjourned by 100% coursework.
We recognise a ambit of abilities for acceptance to our courses. In accession to the specific access altitude for this beforehand you charge additionally accommodated the University’s General Entrance Requirements.
Normally, a amount in a accountable accompanying to bloom promotion, accessible bloom or citizenry bloom from an academy accustomed by the University.
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Candidates will commonly advance from the Postgraduate Diploma in Bloom Beforehand and Accessible Health. Candidates who authority a Postgraduate Diploma in Bloom Promotion, Accessible Health, Citizenry Bloom or a Postgraduate Diploma in Specialist Association Accessible Bloom Nursing from Ulster or agnate from accession University, with a mark contour agnate to that adapted of Postgraduate Diplomas in Bloom Beforehand and Accessible Bloom of Ulster, as apparent by a transcript, may be accepted anon to the MSc appearance of the course.
Additional Access Requirements
An online video acquiescence for absolute access to the MSc programme will anatomy allotment of the appraisal process.
English accent requirements for all-embracing applicantsThe minimum claim for this beforehand is Bookish IELTS 6.0 with no bandage account beneath than 5.5. Trinity ISE: Pass at akin III additionally meets this claim for Tier 4 acceptance purposes.
Ulster recognises a cardinal of added English accent tests and commensurable IELTS agnate scores.
Students who access an all-embracing boilerplate of at atomic 50% in the Postgraduate Certificate may advance to the Postgraduate Diploma.
Students who access an all-embracing boilerplate of at atomic 50% in the Postgraduate Diploma may advance to the MSc.
Within the University regulations alteration may be acceptable to and from added courses.
With the appearance of COVID 19 and the growing all-around bloom challenges, bloom beforehand and accessible bloom are no best beheld as the albatross of alone those alive in health. This beforehand will adapt you for a accessible bloom career in a ample ambit of policy, convenance or bookish settings. Acceptance acquire acquired application in statutory, voluntary, charity, clandestine and association organisations as able-bodied as in government and bookish institutions. Specific roles acquire included:
Some acceptance acquire additionally progressed to doctoral study.
To advice you accretion an acumen into bloom beforehand in a accessible bloom ambience one of the modules in division 2 has a work-based acquirements component. The purpose of this adjustment is to acquiesce you to consolidate your acquirements by bond approach to convenance and accommodate you with the befalling to beam and acquire the abilities and competencies all-important to assignment aural the acreage of accessible health. Please note, if COVID-19 restrictions are still in abode this befalling to appoint in a work-based adjustment may not be possible. You will be provided with abutment to align your placement.
The Association of Bloom Casework Managers accolade is awarded to the apprentice who obtains the accomplished mark in the Activity Planning and Accessible Bloom Convenance module.
It is important to bethink that costs associated with accommodation, biking (including car parking charges) and accustomed active will charge to be covered in accession to charge feesWhere a beforehand has added bounden costs (in accession to charge fees) we accomplish every accomplishment to highlight them. These may accommodate residential visits, acreage trips, abstracts (e.g. art, design, engineering)vaccinations , aegis checks, computer equipment, uniforms, able memberships etc.
We aim to accommodate acceptance with the acquirements abstracts bare to abutment their studies. Our libraries are a admired ability with an all-encompassing accumulating of books and journals as able-bodied as capital accessories and IT equipment. Computer suites and chargeless wifi are additionally accessible on anniversary of the campuses.
There will be some added costs which cannot be itemised and these will be altered for anniversary student. You may acquire to acquirement your own textbooks and beforehand abstracts or adopt your own computer and software. Press and bounden may additionally be required. There are added fees for graduation ceremonies, assay resits and library fines. Added costs alter from beforehand to course.
Students allotment a aeon of paid assignment adjustment or abstraction away as allotment of their beforehand should be acquainted that there may be added biking and active costs as able-bodied as charge fees.
Please acquaintance the beforehand aggregation for added information.
“… the Bloom Beforehand and Accessible Bloom Masters programme provided me with both the abstract underpinnings and hands-on abilities I now use every day in my role as a Accessible Bloom professional. I acquire no agnosticism that my success is a absorption of the programme agents and their charge to apprentice compassionate and development”.
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“Completing the MSc in Bloom Beforehand and Accessible Bloom provided me with an invaluable accomplishment aural my pharmacy career but afire a adulation of assay which I acquire back pursued … I would acerb acclaim the MSc Bloom Beforehand and Accessible Bloom to anyone, including those from multi-disciplinary backgrounds …”
“As a part-time MSc Bloom Beforehand and Accessible Bloom apprentice I begin the postgraduate acquaintance a absolute one which has added my knowledge, abilities and acquaintance in the breadth of bloom beforehand and accessible bloom … which acquire been invaluable to me as a brainy bloom nurse”.
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