How To Write An Analytical Paragraph

Paragraphs are the architecture blocks writers use to assemble their writing; however, that does not beggarly there is one, pre-determined way to actualize them (Trimbur, 2008, p. 541). Just as paragraphs are the architecture blocks of a accomplished text, paragraphs are fabricated up of altered elements that should be abiding in a abode accordant to their content.

Paragraph Analysis - Academic English UK
Paragraph Analysis – Academic English UK | How To Write An Analytical Paragraph

These are some basal branch elements. Every branch will be different. Some may be mostly background, while addition may not accept any accomplishments at all. Some may be mostly analysis, while others may accept alone a book or two of analysis. The anatomy of anniversary branch will depend on its agreeable as able-bodied as its role in the all-embracing text.

The MEAL plan is a aboveboard way to anatomy anatomy paragraphs, starting with a capital abstraction and again accretion on it in a analytic adjustment (Duke University).

The branch beneath is an archetype of anatomy branch from an article allegory the cine Atramentous Panther. It follows the MEAL plan exactly. Notice how it starts with a claim; provides affirmation for that claim; analyzes what that affirmation means; and again links aback to the thesis/broader point of the altercation it’s a allotment of.

Process analysis paragraph
Process analysis paragraph | How To Write An Analytical Paragraph

The MEAL plan doesn’t accept to appear in this exact order, however. The branch beneath has its capital abstraction in the middle. It starts out with accomplishments advice that links aback to a added accepted abstraction and could additionally assignment as a alteration from the branch afore it.

The afterward branch starts off with affirmation and puts the capital abstraction last. This emphasizes the facts and frames the capital abstraction as a cessation based on those facts. (Since this branch finishes with a adamantine stop, the branch that follows it will charge to alpha with a transition.)

The way a branch is structured depends on its agreeable and what you are aggravating to say. If you appetite to be absolute and to the point, afterward the MEAL plan in adjustment does the job. If you anticipate your admirers will charge accomplishments to accept your capital idea, put the accomplishments first. If you appetite to accent affirmation or analysis, alpha with those. Remember, though, anniversary branch should abode one idea, and aggregate abroad in that branch should serve to abutment that abstraction and the broader focus of your text.

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Plan to Paragraph: Analytical Essay on Theme | How To Write An Analytical Paragraph

Duke University. (n.d.). Paragraphing: The MEAL plan. Retrieved from plan.original.pdf

Izadi, E. (2016, Apr. 19). Atramentous Lives Matter and America’s continued history of afraid civilian rights protesters. Washington Post. Retrieved from protesters/?utm_term=.df66e7286f9e

Ruane, M. E. (2017, Dec. 13). ‘You are done’: A abstruse letter to Martin Luther King Jr. sheds ablaze on FBI’s malice. Washington Post. Retrieved from

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write an analytical paragraph ​ – | How To Write An Analytical Paragraph

Trimbur, J. (2008). The alarm to address (4th ed.). Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin Company.

Walden University. (n.d.). Paragraphs: Organization (MEAL plan). Retrieved from

Contributor: Tony DeFilippo

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