I acquire a date with the “Queen of Lesbian Lurid Fiction,” and I can’t delay to apprehend her swinging-from-the-chandeliers stories. The name “Ann Bannon” conjures up images of bouncing breasts and scarlet aperture on lurid-looking books with awning curve able depravity, abuse and a roll-around in the atramentous apple of “strange passion,” the cipher chat for lesbian action aback in the apple of the 1950s lurid novels that fabricated Bannon famous—or infamous.

However, aback I admission at the Palm Springs banquet party, befuddled to bless the approaching aperture in Palm Springs of The Beebo Brinker Chronicles (at the Desert Ensemble Theatre, Dec 17-19), a comedy by Kate Moira Ryan and Linda S. Chapman based on Bannon’s oeuvre, it’s a while afore I alike apprehension Ann Bannon.
Husband and bedmate Luc and Bud are assuming me annular their white marble home with its four Christmas copse while Bud tells me about alive alongside Harvey Milk in San Francisco aback in the day. (“I’m no drifter to accepting Molotov affair befuddled in my face!”) Abandoned afterwards do I apprehension a quiet, affected woman in the bend of the lounge, affably accepting Luc’s action of a Auto Drop cocktail. “I’d bigger acquire a bottle of baptize first,” she says with a shy smile.
Could this be the woman who wrote curve like, “They formed over anniversary added on the floor, acute anniversary added tight, about as if they capital to agglutinate their bodies… Her anatomy heaved adjoin Beebo’s in a admirable mad duet. She acquainted like a cavalcade of fire, all calefaction and light, impossibly sensual, impossibly sexual”?
It’s from 1959’s I Am a Woman (“In adulation with a woman—must association adios me?”) one of a alternation of bristles books appear amid 1957 and 1962 which became accustomed as the Beebo Brinker Chronicles. I Am A Woman introduces Beebo herself, Bannon’s absolute conception and the sex arena occurs aback abashed coquette Laura can’t abide the allure and sex address of the adolescent adult woman any longer. Bannon is on almanac as adage that Beebo Brinker, who works as an elevator abettor aloof so she is accustomed to abrasion trousers, is “the butch of my dreams.”
When we alpha talking, she says, with a chuckle, “It would be nice to put commodity in the commodity to accomplish me complete added adventuresome than I was able to accomplish myself aback then!”
And so begins a adorable date with this slender, pin-sharp, 89-year-old Illinois built-in so clashing best of the flamboyant, rebel-rousing feminists and lesbians I acquire interviewed over the years.
“A buoy for women”
The lesbian arcane mural amid 1928, aback Radclyffe Hall’s The Able-bodied of Loneliness was appear (with its acclaimed “sex scene” : “…and that night, they were not divided”), and the 1970s aback lesbian feminist publishing exploded is generally beheld as a bare space. In fact, from 1950 until the mid-’60s it was a vibrantly bright space, acknowledgment to a anarchy in the publishing industry.
In 1939 Pocket Books invented a way of affairs massive quantities of books in America: book them on bargain paper, accord them blatant covers and adorable awning curve and buck them in bundles to drugstores, cigar stores, cafeteria counters, airports and railway stations as if they were magazines.
Until then, books had abandoned been accessible in the drop of book food about the country. Peopled with gangsters, cowboys, detectives, drug-crazed Beatnik girls, sales grew tenfold as the books amount 25 cents, the aforementioned as a packet of cigarettes. Plus, in the canicule afore TV, the risqué covers appropriate that important and abstruse advice lay inside. And actually, it did.
Although pulps were likened to the 19th-century Penny Dreadfuls, they became the ablution pad for a bulk of authors from Gore Vidal and Ray Bradbury to Mickey Spillane and Patricia Highsmith. And for lesbians, their barbaric angel formed in their favor. It meant that affidavit like The New York Times banned to analysis them and so they were off the alarm of the backbreaking authorities.
“Ann Bannon was area you went to get advice about actuality a lesbian in the canicule aback you’d charge appropriate permission to admission books in the library—which would acquaint you that you were activity to hell anyway.”
Bannon awash 2 actor copies with her aboriginal publisher, Gold Medal Books, which became a battling to Pocket Books. In a time aback you were advantageous to advertise a few hundred copies of a book, Gold Medal Books had antecedent book runs of 300,000.
Ann Bannon was area you went to get advice about actuality a lesbian in the canicule aback you’d charge appropriate permission to admission books in the library—which would acquaint you that you were activity to hell anyway. The novels were a buoy for women.
Today, as able-bodied as actuality accomplished in Women’s and LGBT Studies courses, she is mentioned in abounding memoirs. Kate Millet in her 1974 autobiography, Flying, admits to accession Bannon’s novels “because they were the abandoned books “where one woman kissed another.” She absolutely austere her Bannon books afore she larboard for a cruise to Japan in case her sub-letter apparent them.
Lana Turner’s babe Cheryl Crane, acclaimed for murdering her mother’s agitated admirer age-old 14, reveals in her adventures that she articular for abounding years with abashed coquette Laura, from Bannon’s aboriginal atypical Odd Babe Out.
It turns out that during the abbreviate window in which Bannon wrote her bristles acclaimed lesbian books (Odd Babe Out, I Am a Woman, Women in the Shadows, Adventure to a Woman, and Beebo Brinker) she was affiliated to a man—and remained affiliated to him for 27 years.
And she’s not alike alleged Ann Bannon. Her absolute name is Ann Weldy and she acclimated the nom de alias because she was acutely agog to abide in the caliginosity herself.
Weldy admits her adolescence growing up in Illinois was “very conformist.” Her mother was “a abundant beauty. She went through her bender date and her crazy stage—which included accepting me.”
Her mother had collapsed in adulation with a boy at Smith college, “a acreage kid from Indiana.” He was active her aback to academy one time when, “in a abstracted conversation,” he said that he admired they could be calm more. “Whereupon she said, ‘I ambition we could be married,’ and he airtight on the brakes and collection into a ditch!”
When they’d limped out of the car, he collection them anon to the abutting boondocks and they got married. “She didn’t apperceive what she was accepting into. Her father, my grandfather, was a acknowledged surgeon and she’d developed up in the Chicago suburbs. But her parents were Victorian in outlook—they told her annihilation about sex.”
Her parents consummated the alliance abandoned one time and her mother got abundant with Weldy, who didn’t apperceive her ancestor existed until she was 10. “He was candied but dull,” but, Weldy underlines, “he did put me through academy which was a huge affair in my life.”
“I knew I had animosity she wouldn’t acquire condoned. It was funny. I assumption I became actual entering and anxious about my own feelings.”
— Ann Weldy
The ancestor she admired best was her mother’s additional husband, a “well-intentioned, aimless applesauce piano player. He had no abstraction how to accomplish money. I adored him.” But her “darling daddy,” died of strep throat aback she was seven, “just afore penicillin was invented.”
Her mother had had one son with this additional bedmate and afresh she affiliated afresh and had four added sons. The band of her three-times affiliated mother was, says Weldy, “‘For a baby boondocks babe I’ve lived absolutely an abnormal life.’ But she was her mother’s child. A able lady. You couldn’t antic with her about it.”
Weldy says she knew that she too was accustomed to be a “proper lady.” But “I didn’t attending like my mother. And I knew I had animosity she wouldn’t acquire condoned. It was funny. I assumption I became actual entering and anxious about my own feelings.”

Ann Weldy as a academy senior.
On her graduation in 1954 from the University of Illinois, Weldy affiliated a man 13 years earlier that herself. He’d been an architect in the Average East and he batten French. Her amount was in French and she was, she says, “quite dazzled.”
Like best affiliated women then, her assignment options were limited, so she absitively to address a atypical about a heterosexual university affair with a lesbian sub-plot. Aback she accomplished it, she beatific it to the woman accustomed with ablution the lesbian lurid genre, Vin Packer and her 1952 atypical Spring Blaze (“a adventure already told in whispers, now frankly, candidly written”). It was about a university affair amid women and awash 1.5 actor copies—more than Daphne du Maurier’s My Cousin Rachel, which additionally came out that year.
Miraculously, Marijane Meaker, the absolute name of Vin Packer, wrote aback to Weldy, agreeable her to appointment her in Manhattan. She said she’d appearance Weldy’s atypical to her editor at Gold Medal Books.
“It acquainted like freedom. Like actuality let out of a cage!”
Weldy’s eyes flash as she recalls accession in New York that aboriginal time. It was 1956. Meaker was in her backward 20s, while she was 23. “Pete (her husband) abandoned let me go because I’d apparent that there was a women’s auberge alleged the Barbizon.” Its association over the years had included Sylvia Plath, Liza Minnelli, and Rita Hayworth.
So, cutting her Peter Pan collar and her big accessible smile, the ingénue set out from Philadelphia on the best agitative adventure of her life. Aback she breezed through the doors of the Barbizon that ablaze January day in 1956, “The guy on the aperture said, ‘You brought the sunshine!’ So it acquainted like a acceptable omen.”
“Greenwich Village was absolutely absurd because you could airing around, and you could allow to acquire fun.”
— Ann Weldy
And it was. The night afore Meaker alien Weldy to her editor, she took her adolescent bedfellow on a cruise into Wonderland—specifically Greenwich Village, the abode where, according to the lurid books, all the addled changeable inverts went. “Greenwich Village was appealing bare a few years afterwards Apple War II,” recalls Weldy. “But it was absolutely absurd because you could airing about and you could allow to acquire fun. It acquainted like freedom. Like actuality let out of a cage!”
Meaker took her to “a nice bar, “as against to “a alarming Mafia-type dump.” The Mafia ran best of the gay confined aback then. She mentions an arresting alternative of confined that badly outnumber the three lesbian confined that currently abide in New York City.
Weldy recalled The Provincetown Landing (on the bend of Bleecker and Thompson), The Seven Steps Down (a below-ground bar advantaged by a alive chic butch and coquette crowd), The Sea Colony at Eighth Avenue adverse Abingdon Square (“A big place, a lot of tables,” says Weldy), the Folio Three (a chargeless Chinese cafe on Saturday), and the Bagatelle (“A mafia-run dump,” Weldy says while abacus that it was absolutely her admired lesbian bar. “There were a lot of hookups there.”)
Ann Weldy in Philadelphia in 1955, 23, as Odd Babe Out was actuality written.
Ann Bannon
For best gay women there’s a big, bathetic bendable atom you accumulate for the aboriginal lesbian bar you went into. For me, it was the aboriginal Cubby Hole on the bend of Hudson and Morton in Greenwich Village in 1987. It was run by lesbian bar fable Elaine Romagnoli, who died in November age-old 79. Stormé DeLarverie, who claimed to acquire started the action that led to the Stonewall riots of 1969, was still alive the door.
I bethink the afterimage of a attic of butches and femmes dancing and a aberrant activity of “home.” I was 20 and a butch alleged Mary ordered me a acceptable schnapps and it seemed to me as if that was the best adult and air-conditioned alcohol in the accomplished world.
There’s a blow of Rebecca of Sunnybrook Acreage as Weldy talks of her aboriginal lesbian bar memory. “Marijane ordered a daiquiri afterwards sugar. They anticipate you’re mad at the bar—pure vodka and auto juice! I thought, ‘That’s what I should be accomplishing too.’ I was bold for annihilation at that point!”
The adroitness of airheadedness in her articulation is touching. And yet there was commodity radically altered about gay confined in those pre-Stonewall canicule of McCarthyism, psychoanalysis to cure “inverts,” and sexism on a huge scale. Today’s affliction case book in a lesbian bar is that you ability end up activity home alone. Aback in the 1950s, you ability end up in a prison. And not in a adult Orange Is the New Black affectionate of way.
“When you entered a bar, you consistently asked, ‘When was the aftermost time you were raided?’ Because if it was recent, you hoped you were safe.”
— Ann Weldy
The looming Women’s Abode Of Detention was amid at 10 Greenwich Avenue, appropriate in the average of the bar zone. It was congenital in 1932 and trumpeted as the abandoned Art Deco bastille in the world. Joan Nestle, the co-founder of the Lesbian Herstory Archives writes in outhistory.org about the hot summer nights aback she’d angle in advanced of the Women’s Abode of Detention and watch butch women shouting up to the narrow-slitted windows and of audition from inside, “bodiless choir of adulation and despair.”
The bastille wasn’t burst until 1974. Subversive wit and gallows amusement were adaptation accoutrement of women aback then. They termed the bastille the “Country Club.” Although Weldy admits she was “terrified” in the confined some nights. “When you entered a bar, you consistently asked, ‘When was the aftermost time you were raided?’ Because if it was recent, you hoped you were safe.”
Preceding carnality band busts, there would be a red ablaze in the aback allowance which would active women that a badge arrest had occurred. You’d run aback from the ball attic to your table and pretend you were aloof accepting drinks and discussing the acclimate to save yourself from arrest for the abomination of dancing with a same-sex partner. This was the heyday of butches and femmes and the butches could be abject out of the bar (and generally ache animal violence) for not adhering to the “three commodity rule” acceptation that if you wore added than three items of clothes associated with men, you could be arrested.
There were added complications for Black women. Audre Lorde (who mentions her “much-fingered copies of Ann Bannon’s Women in the Caliginosity and Odd Babe Out” in Zami: A New Spelling of My Name) writes that she additionally admired the Bagatelle (know as the ‘’Bag.”) She says there was a macho bouncer on the aperture whose job was to accumulate out “undesirables,” but that “all too frequently, abominable meant Black.”
Yet the confined thrived because there was boilerplate abroad to accommodated bodies and one of Weldy’s ability has been to almanac a adroitness of what they were like. It aback strikes me that maybe it’s Weldy’s abasement which helped actualize the affecting accuracy in her novels which makes them around-the-clock and has ensured her continuing appliance through the decades.
Weldy is absolutely actual accepting of added aspects of lesbian confined at the time which, abreast from drinks for 10 cents and women bar tenders which Weldy had never apparent before, includes men or “Johns” propping up the bar. “Most were harmless—they’d never do annihilation to aching you.”

Being leered at by beeline men in a lesbian bar is on my account of atomic admired things. But Weldy credibility out that lesbian pulps were added commercially acknowledged than pulps about gay men because all those absorbing covers were basically marketed at these “Johns.”
“So what about the allure with Marijane on that aboriginal night?” I ask Weldy who, in animosity of the Sapphic sub artifice in her arrangement was still at this point technically a lesbian in approach only.
She hesitates and afresh says, “Marijane dressed in chichi way but she didn’t act femme. She was boxy and pushy. I was a little afraid of her frankly.”
This sounds like a analogue of Ann’s blazon accustomed what she’s said about her admired Beebo Brinker appearance who was appealing boxy and ambitious too.
“It was blood-tingling and alarming and a accomplished lot of things at the aforementioned time. She was actual indulgent and took it accessible on me.”
— Ann Weldy
The blink aback reappears in Weldy’s eyes. She admits that she “hardly backward in the women’s hotel” that aboriginal anniversary in New York.
“Yes,” she assuredly admits. “We did get together.”
She says that Marijane accomplished her, “to get over my agitation about it all. But I still acquainted actual guilty.” She adds admitting that, “yes, it was blood-tingling and alarming and a accomplished lot of things at the aforementioned time. She was actual indulgent and took it accessible on me.”
Then she action and adds, “She accomplished me some nice things.”
Of advance I ask what these things were but Weldy replies, actual politely, that she has two accouchement and 6 grandchildren and some of them apprehend The Daily Beast. She does reveal, however, that it wasn’t until years afterwards that she begin out that Meaker had been, at the time, “in the bosom of the aboriginal canicule of a two-year accord with Patricia Highsmith. Now that’s competition!”
The abundant affair about the affair was that the Meaker’s editor at Gold Medal Books, Dick Carroll, accustomed Ann’s manuscript, afterwards cogent her to cut the heterosexual adventure and apply on the lesbian plot. Aback Marijane Meaker had appear Spring Blaze in 1952 the catastrophe had complex one of the heroines actuality accepted to a absurd asylum. This was because lurid books were transported by the column appointment and they had a appropriate at the time to act as chastity police.
But by 1957 aback Ann appear this aboriginal atypical which became Odd Babe Out (“A acknowledgment of adulation as honest and as abominable as Spring Fire”—pulp authors had no say over titles, covers, or awning lines), censorship rules had airy a little and she was able to accord her characters, and her readers, a atom of hope.
“I had to apprentice aggregate I bare in that tiny sliver of time.”
Back in the Palm Springs house, Weldy allotment to the affair of claimed guilt. Clearly she feels conflicted about the way she’s lived her life.
“I anticipate I wasn’t accessible to acquire that identity. How was I to go home and be the wife that Pete knew and buck his accouchement and acquire it both ways? Sneak admitting activity afterwards accepting damaged or abandoned or rejected—all those abhorrent things I saw accident to added adolescent women. I didn’t anticipate I could angle up to that.”
And yet Weldy was adventurous abundant to backpack on writing, in animosity of some austere ascendancy issues from her husband. For instance, he would abandoned accord her Philadelphia traveler’s checks—that banks in New York wouldn’t accept. He abandoned put her on his acclaim agenda already her ample checks started advancing in.
“We were impaired as bricks,” she says of her adolescent lesbian lurid writers such as Artemis Smith, Marion Zimmer Bradley, Valerie Taylor and Claire Morgan, the pen name of Patricia Highsmith who appear The Price of Salt in 1953 (republished in 1990 as Carol) in a 25 cent Bantam Books lesbian lurid edition. “We didn’t apperceive abundant added than our readers.”
Weldy afterwards admits that although she abandoned fabricated seven or eight “field trips” up to Greenwich Village amid 1956 and 1962, she fabricated herself into a fast learner. “I had to apprentice aggregate I bare in that tiny sliver of time. While I was there I gobbled it up.”
Weldy was additionally apprenticed on by the atrocious belletrist she accustomed from women. She was affected by “their ingenuousness, their yearning, their adroitness of exile” but additionally “their humor, their arduous guts.”
She admits that The Beebo Brinker Chronicles were a affectionate of DIY analysis for her. She spelled her activity out on the folio and some of it can’t acquire been easy. “Deny sex, abjure who you are!” abashed Laura’s gay macho acquaintance levels at her one night in I Am a Woman.
When she accomplished the final book of the series, Beebo Brinker, Weldy chock-full autograph and active herself in academia. She admits it was a case of “seeking refuge.” She says, “I had a helicopter bedmate befitting an eye on my every move. I additionally had two growing daughters.”
Yet little did she apperceive that the books were to “take on a activity of their own.” In 1975, The New York Times reprinted some of her fiction in an bookish alternation in its Arno Press publishing arm. Afresh in 1983 the women’s publishers Naiad Press did a re-print of the alternation complete with new covers, at which point Weldy admits she was “jet propelled out of the closet.”

Weldy feared it would account a huge fuss and end her bookish career but it angry out that, “they all knew, and cipher cared! We had absolutely a few gay men on the faculty, which apparently helped.”
After Weldy distant Pete in 1981, a abrupt aeon of beatitude ensued. Gay women’s ability was starting to advance and lesbians were no best so “strange.” A animation band by a then-unknown Alison Bechdel alleged Dykes to Watch Out For had started in 1983. There were women’s book stores, and “the accomplished boondocks was blossom in that regard. That allotment was lovely.”
And yes, she did accommodated someone. They were calm for two years but, “it didn’t work. we angry out to be oil and water. We couldn’t arch the gap.”
Ann Weldy in her appointment in 1990, as Associate Dean for Curriculum of the School of Arts and Sciences at Cal State University, Sacramento.
In 1981 Weldy assuredly accomplished she had to annulment Pete. “He was bereft. Suicidal. He took a gun and absolved to the river. We were all abashed for about two years.” In 1986, aloof as the annulment was finalized, she got ailing with abiding fatigue. “I was a bones for 10 years.”
Another aberrant aberration came aback one of the two accouchement she sacrificed abundant of her activity for adapted to Catholicism and became, well, a homophobe. “She does not accept of any of this at all,” Weldy says wryly. Actuality Weldy, she tempers this by adage that “We get forth beautifully,” but still. Her adolescent daughter, Inga, 62, is, in contrast, “open and affable and loving.” Inga, a lawyer, lives a division of a mile abroad from her mother’s abode in Sacramento and has banquet with her mom alert a week.
Inga accompanied her mom to the Palm Springs banquet party. Luc is a aide of Ann’s from Sacramento State. At one point Inga gets out her buzz and shows me the Beebo Brinker extra that her mother admired the best in a 2011 assembly of the comedy in Seattle. I see a sexy, adolescent being alleged Rhonda Soikowski. “This is the one, appropriate mumsie?” Inga says, casting the buzz agilely afore her mother. Weldy makes a apathetic smile.
Later that night, I ask Weldy who the adulation of her activity was.
“Somebody I could never be with, unfortunately. It was, shall we say, a accord from afar.”
She is currently single. “I acquire met several badly adorable women, and there were one or two area the absorption was mutual. But they were already partnered.” And while Weldy says that sex and admiration are still “right up there,” for her, the absoluteness is that “after a lifetime of caution, and aloof a few claimed contacts, they are still in the branch of fantasy.”
“I assumption I can’t attending aback and affliction the choices I fabricated because I don’t anticipate I had aural me the adequacy to alive a bolder life. And I’m apologetic about that.”
— Ann Weldy
She starts annoying afresh about not accepting been adventurous enough. “But I assumption I can’t attending aback and affliction the choices I fabricated because I don’t anticipate I had aural me the adequacy to alive a bolder life. And I’m apologetic about that. And yet I got things done that mattered a lot to me.”
This becomes bright the afterward night at the aperture of the comedy aback the admirers accord Weldy a tumultuous, heroine’s reception. What she got done that mattered were those eight weeks of “field trips” to New York which formed the base of a anatomy of assignment which would admission and advice women about the apple aback there was no admission to lesbian advice added than in the pages of “pulp fiction.”
When the comedy is over, women of all ages accumulate absurdly about Weldy, and I’m reminded of a adventure she told about a woman she already met who told her that she’d accomplished a point of “absolute despair” about her female and planned to bandy herself off a bridge.
But on the day she planned to do it, she anesthetized a book store, saw Odd Babe Out in the window, bought it, apprehend the accomplished thing—and afresh went home for dinner.
Ann with daughters Janie, left, and Inga, right, in 2003.
All the lesbians actuality tonight are captivated that the allegorical “Ann Bannon” is amid them. They apperceive she’s a massive allotment in the jigsaw addle that helped them get actuality today. “I assumption that while accent and accouterment and attitudes may change, animal affections are eternal,” Weldy tells one.
The adolescent women accurate their shock at all the restrictions women of Weldy’s era had to put up with. One woman in her fifties alleged Rose tells me she’s aloof confused from San Francisco to Palm Springs and she wishes it was a bit easier to accommodated people. “Where do we go to accommodated bodies now?” she says—a band that could acquire appear beeline out of the 1950s.
Luckily, “Ann Bannon” has become the angel saint of the abandoned lesbian about 70 years afterwards she aboriginal started writing. The abating basal bulletin of her assignment is “Don’t worry, you are not alone,” and it’s a bulletin that still needs to be disseminated.
“She became the clothing of courage, of a bigger approaching to come. She never gave up. She could consistently blanket her accoutrements about a admirable babe and clasp some adulation into her.”
— Ann Weldy
“Women were repressed in my day and it did booty some of the animation out of life,” Weldy confides as she hugs a huge boutonniere of flowers and prepares to leave the amphitheater with Inga. “But it’s OK. We all got through it. I am basically a airy person.”
I ask her, finally, what she believes her bequest to be.
“Beebo Brinker!” she says, afterwards missing a exhausted about the ultimate lesbian chandelier-swinger of the 1950s. “She became the clothing of courage, of a bigger approaching to come. She never gave up. She could consistently blanket her accoutrements about a admirable babe and clasp some adulation into her.”

Weldy becomes austere suddenly. “She adored lives afterwards all. There can be no added admirable accolade than that for cogent stories.”
The Beebo Brinker Chronicles is at the Desert Ensemble Amphitheater in Palm Springs, Dec 17-19.
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