Chinese war cine The Activity at Basin Changjin became a amusing media awareness this fall. Why did this accurate cine become so acknowledged in Chinese cinemas and on amusing media?

This is the “WE…WEI…WHAT?” cavalcade by Manya Koetse, aboriginal advertisement in German by Goethe Institut China, appointment Yi Magazin: WE…WEI…WHAT? Manya Koetse erklärt das chinesische Internet.
It’s the better Chinese cine of the moment: The Activity at Basin Changjin (长津湖). The war ballsy bedeviled all top trending lists on Chinese amusing media during the Golden Week ceremony this year, and it became an aberrant box appointment hit afterwards it premiered on September 30, aloof one day afore the ceremony of the Civic Day of the People’s Republic of China.
The blockbuster, absolutely blue-blooded ‘Changjin Lake’ in Chinese, alike became the highest-grossing blur anywhere in the apple during the aboriginal weekend of October, assault the much-anticipated James Bond cine No Time to Die.
Three weeks afterwards its premiere, the cine grossed over 5 billion yuan ($792 million) and burst 24 annal in Chinese blur history, including acceptable the aboriginal Chinese blur anytime to breach 400 amateur yuan at the circadian box appointment for six afterwards days. The Activity at Basin Changjin is set to become the nation’s highest-grossing blur ever.
Everything about Changjin Basin is big, from its unparalleled annual to all-star casting and assembly team. Accounting by Lan Xiaolong (兰晓龙) and Huang Jianxin (黄欣), the three-hour blur is directed by acclaimed blur admiral Chen Kaige (陈凯哥), Tsui Hark (徐克) and Dante Lam (林超贤), and appearance big names including Chinese actors Wu Jing (吴京) and Jackson Yee (易烊千玺). The assembly complex as abounding as 7000 aggregation associates and 70,000 annual over 200 canicule of filming.
The cine is by no agency China’s aboriginal big cine focused on the history of war. Why this cine has become such a above hit has to do with a aggregate of several factors. Here, we’ll analyze how the film’s specific affair and narrative, the timing of its premiere and online media dynamics contributed to Changjin Lake’s aberrant success and the amusing media chic surrounding it.
Three ablaze red characters are acutely featured on the cine affiche for The Activity at Basin Changjin: 长 津 湖 Chang Jin Hu (Changjin Lake), Chinese for what is additionally accepted as Chosin, the counterfeit basin amidst in the northeast of the Korean peninsula breadth one of the best important and agonizing battles of the Korean War (1950-1953) took place.
Below the title, the affiche shows six animated soldiers sitting on an American tank, in the background, the charcoal of activity are arresting in amidst the snow-covered mountains beneath white sky.
The official cine affiche for The Activity at Basin Changjin.
The cine tagline, additionally displayed on the affiche in red characters, says: “The citizenry will never forget” (“祖国不会忘义“). But what is it absolutely that China will “never forget”?
It was November 27 of 1950 aback the Activity of the Chosin Reservoir began. The Korean War had started aloof bristles months before, on June 25, aback North Korea invaded South Korea. The American-led U.N. forces, allowable by Douglas MacArthur, came to abutment South Korea. By aboriginal October, they had beyond over the 38th Parallel in an advance to absorb North Korea and anon neared the Chinese border.
The government of the newly-established People’s Republic of China, led by Mao Zedong, ordered the Chinese People’s Volunteers Force (CPVF) to accompany North Korea in the war, referred to as ‘the War to Resist America and Aid Korea’ (抗美援朝战争). For assorted reasons, the U.N. beforehand into North Korea airish a blackmail to the aboriginal antipathetic regime, and Mao eventually beatific about 260,000 “volunteers” to the Korean advanced in October of 1950.
The cine Changjin Basin provides a Chinese angle on the alpha of the Korean War and the lead-up and advance of the activity of Chosin Reservoir, a massive arena advance of the Chinese 9th Army Accumulation adjoin American forces, preventing them from alive Kim Il-Sung and his government out of North Korea.
The blur accurately follows the Wu brothers, aggregation administrator Wu Qianli (Wu Jing) and the adolescent advance soldier Wu Wanli (Jackson Yee), and their adolescent soldiers angry ancillary by ancillary in acute conditions.
Through busy and amazing activity scenes, Changjin Basin shows the agitated confrontations and barbarous sufferings during the battle, that went on for seventeen days. Some 150,000 Chinese soldiers belted and attacked the U.N. armament from the surrounding hills at the Chosin area.
Tens of bags of lives were absent on both the Chinese and American ancillary in the absinthian algid and angry fighting. From the alpha of the advance to December 14th, about 30,000 Chinese men died of algidity at the armpit of the activity and the surrounding aerial mountains, breadth temperatures would bead 20-30 degrees beneath zero.
The Chosin activity and the Korean War are about not as acclaimed in the U.S. and Europe as they are in China. In America, the Korean War is alike referred to as the “Forgotten War”, alike admitting it played a above role in the all-embracing association and shaped the apple as we apperceive it today.
The Changjin Basin cine is the alive affidavit of how the Korean War and the Chosin activity are annihilation but abandoned in China. The Chinese advance at Chosin is remembered as a august achievement and cardinal success for axis about the war bearings in Korea and arch to a abandonment of best of the UN armament by backward 1950. The activity set the date for the armistice that eventually concluded the war in 1953.
The coda of Changjin Basin additionally explains how the activity “completely angled the scales of the Korean War” and “set a absolute archetype for annihilating a U.S. able regime,” calling Chosin “the greatest setback in the history of the Marine Corps.”
The movie’s anecdotal and calligraphy recurringly accentuate why this accurate actual accident should not be abandoned by the Chinese people. In one of the film’s beforehand scenes, Mao Zedong (played by Tang Guoqiang, the amateur who has played Mao over a dozen times) talks to aggressive baton Peng Dehuai in the canicule arch up to China’s accommodation to accelerate out troops to North Korea:

“[Our] country is anew accustomed and bags of things are cat-and-mouse to be done. If it’s for our accepted situation, I absolutely don’t appetite to activity this war. But if it’s for the future, and the peaceful development of our country over a few decades or a century, we charge activity this war. The foreigners attending bottomward on us. Pride can abandoned be becoming on the battlefield.”
It is a arena that is cogent for the anecdotal the cine conveys about the Chosin activity and the war at large, during which the Chinese troops were acutely underestimated by the well-equipped U.N. forces.
After the ‘Century of Humiliation,’ the time from the mid-1800s to the mid-1900s during which China was attacked, weakened, and broken by adopted forces, the Korean War and Chosin activity showed that the aggressive backbone of the People’s Republic of China was a new force to be reckoned with. By assuming this strength, China did not aloof save the North Korean administration but additionally committed its own borders and the nation’s prestige.
The assurance and angry spirit of the Chinese soldiers at Chosin as depicted in the cine – one absorbing arena shows dozens of soldiers arctic into “ice sculptures” while still in activity aspect – strikes a ambit with Chinese audiences.
Promotional angel for Changjin Lake, assuming the two brothers Administrator Wu Qianli (right, played by Wu Jing) and Wu Wanli (played by Jackson Yee).
At one point in the cine afore the activity begins, a affiliate of the Chinese People’s Advance Army says: “If we don’t activity this battle, it will be our abutting bearing who will activity it.” It is a band that is brought up by abounding netizens on Chinese amusing media.
“I was actual confused afterwards I watched the film, and this byword aloof backward with me,” one Weibo commenter writes: “They sacrificed their claret to accompany us peace, and I address them.”
Another Weibo user shares the phrase, forth with a photo of cinema tickets for Changjin Lake, writing: “I am beholden for the claret that was afford by endless advocate martyrs for the abiding lives we now have. Civic accord and adherence are not accessible to gain. We should admire every day.”
When the anecdotal of the cine and China’s role in the Korean War was questioned by above announcer Luo Changpin (罗昌平) on his Weibo annual in October of this year, he was arrested for abasing civic heroes and martyrs. Luo allegedly mocked Chinese soldiers by adage they “never doubted the ‘wise decisions’ of their higher-ups.”
A hashtag accompanying to the annual of his arrest (#罗昌平被批捕#) garnered over 350 amateur angle on Weibo, with abounding netizens accusatory Luo’s criticism and applauding his detainment.
“I achievement they accord him arctic potatoes to eat,” one accepted animadversion said, apropos to the Chinese soldiers in North Korea who had annihilation abroad to eat. Abounding acquainted that there was aloof one abuse that would be adapted for him: “They should accelerate him to Chosin, the acclimate is algid up there.”
The specific timing for The Activity at Basin Changjin to premiere in Chinese theatres is noteworthy and has helped in advocacy its success.
Firstly, the cine was appear during the Civic Holiday, the seven-day ceremony aeon starting 1 October that has become the best important cine division in China and annually sees the barrage of the better domestically produced movies. Changjin Lake’s premiere coincided with China’s Martyr’s Day on September 30, which commemorates Chinese civic heroes who sacrificed activity to assure the motherland.
The Chinese ballsy was additionally launched as allotment of the 100th ceremony of the Antipathetic Party of China. This ceremony has played a above role in China’s accepted ability over the accomplished year, with assorted movies and TV alternation actuality launched committed to the hundred years of history aback the Antipathetic Party was founded in 1921.
Perhaps added importantly, the acceptance of The Activity at Basin Changjin comes at a time of ascent political tensions amidst the U.S. and China, accompanied by a acceleration of Chinese nationalism.
Chinese accompaniment aperture Global Times afresh emphasized how admission sales of the Changjin Basin cine were additional amidst China-US tensions, commendation Chinese blur analyzer Xiao Fuqiu, who said that the acceptance of Changjin Basin “fits the civic affect in the connected animosity amidst China and the US.”
Exploring how the barrage of the cine and its success relates to anti-American sentiments in China leads to somewhat of a craven and egg situation. Was the hit cine launched because of the accepted geopolitical climate, or are Chinese audiences added acceptant to the affair because of it? The acknowledgment is apparently about in the middle, and one cessation doesn’t exclude the other.
Chinese Korean War advertising poster, via
In 2019, during the antecedent phases of the US-China barter war, CCTV 6, the cine approach of China’s capital accompaniment television broadcaster, afraid Chinese audiences by alteration their agenda and arena ‘anti-American’ Korean War movies for three nights in a row. The move showed that there is an credible coercion for Chinese accepted films to draw absorption to contest that are accounted of celebrated accent in today’s political climate.
The day afore the barrage of Changjin Lake, assorted Chinese media included a adduce by one of the movie’s writers, Huang Jianxin, in adage that the blur is declared to aback that “the Chinese are not to be messed with.”
After it became bright aloof how abundant the cine had aloft at the box office, English-language Chinese accompaniment media Global Times seemed to celebrate about the success, autograph that “the cine pushed the affectionate affect of bodies beyond the country to a aiguille amidst the close China-US antagonism and China’s able ascendancy of the epidemic.”

Just twenty canicule afterwards the arch of Changjin Lake, a hashtag committed to the blur hit a amazing 2.2 billion angle on Weibo (#电影长津湖#). Besides this hashtag, there are endless added hashtags, online discussions, and fan groups committed to the cine on Chinese amusing platforms from Weibo and Zhihu to Bilibili, TikTok, and Douban.
The arch of Changjin comes at a time aback China’s bartering cinema is added thriving. Over the accomplished few years, several locally-made films accept become above hits in China – not aloof in the cinemas, but additionally on amusing media.
One of the highest-grossing films in acreage China of the accomplished years is the affectionate “Rambo-style” activity blockbuster Wolf Warrior II (战狼2, 2017), which additionally appearance Wu Jing as the hero star. The blur tells the chance of a appropriate armament soldier who battles adopted mercenaries and helps Chinese and African citizens during a bounded war in Africa. The blur became a amusing media awareness in 2017 and bankrupt box appointment records.
Movie affiche for Wolf Warrior II.
The Activity at Basin Changjin is agnate to Wolf Warrior II in assorted ways: they’re both Hollywood-style bartering ball blockbusters that are set overseas, absorb official narratives, and are badly patriotic, speaking to the growing nationalist sentiments amid Chinese admirers and netizens. Both movies were huge capacity on Chinese amusing media, with online fan groups and discussions accumulative their popularity.
In “The Era of Baokuan Films: How Chinese Amusing Media Creates Box Appointment Successes” (2021), columnist Xiao Yang argues that there is an actualization of a accumulation of movies in China that become above hits (‘baokuan’ 爆款) through the Internet and amusing media, relying on online business strategies and netizens’ captivation in the film’s promotion.
Rather than aloof acquiescent cine watchers, the amusing media era has fabricated Chinese audiences added alive in interacting with calm movies, bearing their own content, including opinions, feedback, and memes. The success of above Chinese movies such as The Wandering Earth (流浪地球2019), Ne Zha (哪吒之魔童降世 2019) or Dying to Survive (我不是药神2018) could partly be attributed to the coaction amidst amusing media and blur engagement.
One archetype of the new dynamics amidst Chinese movies and the online ambiance is the 2021 hit cine Hi, Mom (你好,李焕英), which appearance the chance of a babe who attack aback in time and meets her own mother as a adolescent woman and befriends her. The cine led to an online trend in China of netizens administration belief and photos of their mothers aback they were young, triggering online discussions on what they would acquaint their mums if they could go aback in time.
Although the cine and its online business action initially sparked the trend, the amusing media responses added added to the success of the film. In this way, blur audiences additionally become marketers of the movies they are interacting with.
In this amusing media age, Chinese movies additionally accept their own official accounts to advance their cine and ascertain their online presence. The Changjin Basin cine has its own annual on Weibo and on TikTok, and the blur started its online business attack as aboriginal as October of 2020, a year afore its premiere.
The official online attendance of Chinese movies additionally agency they can collaborate with admirers and added accounts. On October 20 of 2021, aloof aback it became accepted that Changjin Basin had grossed over 5 billion yuan, the annual of the super-popular Chinese fantasy chance blockbuster Ne Zha congratulated Changjin Basin via amusing media on its new baronial in the Chinese box appointment almanac charts, emphasizing that the movies were continuing “side by side” in the advance of Chinese cinema.
The hit cine Ne Zha congratulates Changjin Basin for its box-office success.
This alternation amidst two of the better Chinese movies of the accomplished years in China garnered a lot of absorption on Weibo, breadth bodies acclaimed both films. A hashtag committed to Na Zhe congratulating Changjin Basin (#哪吒给长津湖的贺图#) was beheld over 170 amateur times. “I adulation you both! Calm we will added advance Chinese cinema,” one accepted animadversion on Weibo said.
Over the accomplished weeks, netizens interacted with Changjin Basin in assorted ways, starting altercation groups, fan clubs, and administration adventures of activity to see the movie.
Considering that The Activity at Basin Changjin was fabricated with government abutment and guidance, it is conceivably unsurprising to see that Chinese accompaniment media accept additionally been actively announcement the cine on amusing media in assorted ways. Aback continued afore the premiere of Changjin Lake, accompaniment media outlets including People’s Circadian and Xinhua accept consistently been featuring annual apropos to the cine through their channels.
The official Study Xi, Strong Country app, a Chinese app breadth users can account credibility by acquirements Xi Jinping Thought, issued a account breadth credibility could be exchanged for Changjin Basin cine tickets.
Besides the absolute advance of the cine itself, Chinese media outlets accept additionally appear up with added initiatives accompanying to the movie. CCTV acquaint assorted videos on amusing media featuring Chinese adept advance soldiers. One video was committed to a 93-year-old Korean War adept Li Changyan, who is declared as “the absolute Wu Qianli,” ablution the Weibo hashtag “Wu Qianli from the Cine Absolutely Exists” (#电影中的伍千里真实存在#).
“Wu Qianli from the cine absolutely exists,” a abbreviate video assuming the 93-year-old Administrator Li Changyan.
These kinds of initiatives added adequate the online attendance and advertising of the Changjin Basin movie, agreeable added alternation amidst the movie, the media, and netizens.
Besides the online discussions and art works committed to the film, there were additionally amusing media users who, aggressive by the scenes of the soldiers on the battlefield, able arctic potatoes to try for themselves. Some bounded cinemas alike broadcast arctic potatoes to audiences afore the movie.

The trend was sparked by one adolescent woman from Yunnan, who absitively to blur herself while bistro arctic potatoes afterwards watching Changjin Lake. Acclaimed as a action of solidarity, the move went viral and saw over 590 amateur angle on Weibo abandoned (#女孩看完长津湖回家尝冻土豆#). Aback then, abounding bodies on Weibo and TikTok accept acquaint videos of themselves bistro arctic potatoes to account the Chinese soldiers.
Trends such as these helped body advertising about the movie, authoritative the cine alike added accepted for its popularity. Assuming claimed assurance with the film, endless amusing media users in China are announcement photos of their cine tickets.
See my ticket! Netizens assuming others on amusing media that they went to see the movie.
Others additionally allotment selfies at the cinema with official Changjin Basin merchandise, which includes memorabilia such as big bubbler cups, toy figures, or a aggressive agent that is absolutely a airheaded box.
Moviegoers administration photos of the official commodity they got aback watching Changjin Lake.
Whether it’s on amusing media, at the box office, or in Chinese official media, The Activity at Basin Changjin absolutely is the better cine of the year and has appear to represent abundant added than aloof the blur alone.
“The boss martyrs of the People’s Advance Army will never be forgotten,” is the aftermost book featured in Changjin Basin afore the cine ends. Several videos on amusing media appearance how some admirers in bounded theaters beyond China angle up and address the cinema awning afterwards the blur has concluded – 21st aeon Chinese admirers accept never been added committed to watching a film.
Various videos circulating on amusing media appearance Chinese admirers saluting afterwards the catastrophe of the Changjin Basin movie.
For some on amusing media, the advertising surrounding the ballsy war cine has led to a abhorrence of missing out. With so abounding internet users administration a photo of their cinema appointment on amusing media throughout October, one Weibo user acquaint an angel with her cine admission on October 23, writing: “I feel like I’m the aftermost being in China to go and see this movie.”
Watch the bivouac for The Activity at Basin Changjin here.
By Manya KoetseFollow @whatsonweibo
For added on this, see: Li, Xiaobing. 2020. Advance at Chosin: The Chinese Second Offensive in Korea. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, folio 29-31.Li, Advance at Chosin, folio 16, 32.Chinese: “如果这一仗我们不打,就会是我们的下一代打”“让大家看到:中国人是不好惹的”For added on this see: Berry, Chris. 2018. “Wolf Warrior 2 : Imagining the Chinese Century.” Blur Quarterly 72(2): 38-44.Xiao Yang. 2021. “The Era of Baokuan Films: How Chinese Amusing Media Creates Box Appointment Successes.” Journal of Chinese Cinemas 15(1), folio 108.Wang Jiequn, administrator of the Beijing Municipal Blur Administration and allotment of the Antipathetic Party’s advertising appointment in Beijing, reportedly said at a annual appointment in September of 2021 that the authorities had “organized and planned” the assembly calm with the film’s makers, Bona Blur Accumulation and Bayi Blur Studio (See: Myers, Steven Lee & Amy Chang Chien. 2021. “For China’s Holidays, a Big-Budget Blockbuster Relives an American Defeat.” The New York Times, October 8 [10.21.21] Yang (2021) refers to the “Matthew effect”: accepted articles get added accepted (116).
Featured angel by Ama for Yi Magazin.
This argument was accounting for Goethe-Institut China beneath a CC-BY-NC-ND-4.0-DE authorization (Creative Commons) as allotment of a account cavalcade in accord with What’s On Weibo.
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