The ABCD – Brazilian Archives of Digestive Surgery, as can be apparent in the “Presentation”11 Pinotti HW. Patient-surgeon relationship. ABCD Arq Bras Cir Dig. 1986; 1(1):1 in Figure 1, was conceived by Prof. Dr. Henrique Walter Pinotti, Professor of Digestive Anaplasty at the Faculty of Medicine, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brazil and had its aboriginal affair appear in 1986 final months. Therefore, in this year of 2021, with 35 years afterwards interruptions, was edited four times a year. Its cold from the alpha was – and still is – to advance the advances in gastrointestinal anaplasty in the country, as able-bodied as that of its accompanying areas – nutrition, digestive endoscopy, alpha surgery, surgical technique, accustomed anaplasty – and added aspects of gastroenterology in general.

FIGURE 1Original argument in the presentation of the aboriginal affair of ABCD to the Brazilian accurate scenery
In the aboriginal years it was edited by Prof. Pinotti, assisted by the accumulation of administration and advisers affiliated to him, amid which can be cited Profs. Drs. Bruno Zilberstein, Ivan Cecconello and Joaquim José Gama Rodrigues. At the end of the 90’s, Prof. Pinotti transferred the account to be edited by the Brazilian College of Digestive Anaplasty (CBCD) and, back then, it has become that way, acknowledgment to the efforts of Profs. Drs. Bruno Zilberstein, Osvaldo Malafaia and, from 2010, additionally by Prof. Dr. Nelson Adami Andreollo, proposing new admonition for the account (Figure 2).
FIGURE 2A) Allotment of the Beat Board back 2001; B) commodity with purposes for ABCD in 2001
The aboriginal abounding commodity appear in 1986 (Figure 3) was by the architect and coach of the ABCD, Prof. Dr. Henrique Walter Pinotti talking about the surgeon-patient relationship11 Pinotti HW. Patient-surgeon relationship. ABCD Arq Bras Cir Dig. 1986; 1(1):1. Although the argument was accounting 35 years ago, the concepts issued at the time are still actual current. And in the presentation of this new account he stated:
“…due to the actuality that best surgical patients are in the acreage of Gastrointestinal Surgery, there are few specialized sources to advertise adapted information. For some time now, we accept been because the advertisement of a Account committed to this specialty, with accessories by Brazilian and adopted authors, to be broadcast away as able-bodied as in Brazil. Back English is added frequently acclimated in medical and accurate specialties, it would be appear in both languages”…
FIGURE 3First ABCD accurate commodity and active by Prof. Dr. Henrique Walter Pinotti
Prof. Pinotti in his accent during the alpha of the activities of the Brazilian College of Digestive Anaplasty (CBCD) in 1988 emphasized that:

…”With education, not alone advice is provided, but high-level professionals are formed, who can advance their knowledge, who apperceive how to accurately administer their assets and appropriately able to account their patients… We charge in our College, in the breadth of education, to advance the spirit to anniversary actuality who wants to advise can acquisition abounding who appetite to learn”. And that the successes accomplished in the safe training aggregate stimuli for new doors of knowledge”.
During all these years, back the advertisement of the aboriginal issue, abounding changes and advances33 Andreollo NA, Malafaia O. Silver ceremony of the ABCD. ABCD Arq Bras Cir Dig. 2011;24(4):257-58. accept taken abode in anesthetic and in accustomed and digestive surgery; new exams emerged, advance in pre and postoperative affliction and additionally in the surgeon-patient relationship22 Andreollo NA, Cecconello I, Kruel CDP, Malafaia O. 25 years of ABCD – surgeon-patient accord in the accomplished and present. ABCD Arq Bras Cir Dig. 2011; 24(4): 259-261.. Thus, both the ABCD and the CBCD accept opened new doors for ability and accept contributed to medical apprenticeship in the country. Also, had its blueprint afflicted and modernized, authoritative it added adorable and agnate to the best all-embracing journals.
In 2009, ABCD was accustomed and included in the account of civic journals indexed in SciElo (Scientific Electronic Library Online) and started to be appear in Portuguese and English online in PDF and HTML, in accession to the printed copy in Portuguese, appropriately accepting added visibility, acknowledgment and apery addition bound in quality. In 2010, additionally through an acceding with added specialty societies, it became the official accurate agency of: Brazilian Affiliation of Gastric Cancer, Brazilian Chapter of the All-embracing Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association, Pancreatic Disease Study Group, until 2017 to the Brazilian Association of Bariatric and Metabolic Anaplasty and the Brazilian Association of Minimally Invasive and Robotic Anaplasty (2014-2017).
This intersociety affiliation was alive in me by Richard M. Satava, Professor in the Department of Anaplasty at the University of Washington, Seattle, USA, backer of abstruse anesthetic and NASA adviser for medical diplomacy in spacecraft, back speaking during a arresting appointment in Munich in 2000 – he declared that: … “Whoever wants to alive the aeon that is alpha will accept to be focused on the “Information Age” and “Integration” applying them in their actions, as they will adviser the winners of this century.” It was with this cerebration that the arctic of the ABCD was directed, not alone in computerization and the use of agenda technology, but additionally in the affiliation with agnate societies. With attention to its publications and, compassionate that affiliation is the chat of intelligence today, it approved to admission the above agnate associations and encouraged them to accompany armament instead of aggressive in abreast in the broadcasting of their researches, assuming signs that with accepting of this way of cerebration we can get the adept batten to ballista oneself into the future, with address and abundant success.
From 2012, it was with abundant pride that the editors announced to CBCD associates and all advisers in the abundant acreage of gastroenterology involving the above areas that the ABCD was included in the MEDLINE/PUBMED database, appropriately actuality placed amid the best in the world44 Kruel C, Malafaia O. ABCD included in Medline/Pubmed. ABCD Arq Bras Cir Dig. 2012(1):1. (Figure 4).
The alteration action of a accurate account in anesthetic – although actual little accepted by those who do not assignment in it – is acutely circuitous and laborious, and is assuredly audited by the indexing databases in adjustment to advance its all-embracing visibility.
ABCD has had a ablaze career until today, which started from accessories taken from the master’s/doctoral theses filed in the library of the Digestive Anaplasty Department of the University of São Paulo/Hospital de Clínicas, provided by Prof. Gama Rodrigues, and taken by me in accoutrements (yes suitcases!) to Curitiba in adjustment to be “photocopied” genitalia that, application them, were manually formatted for articles. At the time, there were not abundant accessories for the three-monthly editions. Today, we accept about 300 submissions annually! Starting with indexing in SciELO in 2010 – afterwards an absurd 11 years of balloon and error! – the account started to be not alone printed as it had been until then, but with three editions: printed in Portuguese, online in Portuguese and online in English. What would they serve? The printed would abide like this back the bearing of ABCD and would be broadcast to all CBCD associates in acknowledgment for their affiliation with the College and, also, beatific to university libraries. Online in Portuguese would serve to advance what we do in the country to Brazilians with agenda admission (let’s not anticipate that anybody reads English). Online in English would serve for the journal’s internationalization, which is all-important to advance the indexes we have, and which is the best important qualitative indicator for aliment in the indexing databases.

FIGURE 4Announcement from the Civic Library of Anesthetic of the admittance of the ABCD in the Medline/PubMed belvedere in 2012
In this way, and at this moment, it is easier to anticipate of commodity that will added advice the journal’s future. From this accomplished abounding acceptable things accept happened. Speaking not of difficulties, but of achievements, we are today with actual aerial bookish recognition, nationally and internationally.
The civic one is apparent by the acquiescence of actual acceptable akin works advancing mainly from stricto sensu alum programs in contempo years. Acclaimed Brazilian authors accept additionally frequently accustomed us, acceptable the arete of our journal, which is clearly accepted by its appulse bulk currently provided: 1.797 (Figure 5). Magnificent!
FIGURE 5ScimagoJR appulse agency and 76th abode in gastroenterology and 142th in surgery
Its all-embracing assimilation can be abstinent by the internationalization basis registered in SciElo, about 30%, that is, 1/3 of our publications accept absolute or fractional agent from abroad. Today we additionally accept all the best important indexes (Medline/Pubmed, PubMed Central, Scopus/Scimago, Web of Science – Emerging Sources Citation Basis (ESCI), SciELO, Google Scholar, LILACS e DOAJ) that assure us about the common afterimage of what we publish. It is consistently acceptable to bethink that the internationalization of any account is no best abstinent by the territoriality of a country, but by the basal afterimage that the journal’s agenda media offer, behindhand of its country of origin. Also, in affiliation to the all-embracing scenary, ABCD occupies 74th/144 and 142th/456 abode amid surgical journals worldwide, that is, of the 456 surgical journals indexed in Surgery/Scimago/Scopus, it is in the 2nd quartile worldwide, amid the best! Q2! (Figure 5). Of course, it will be actual difficult for us to go abundant college as we accept already entered the area active by the best acclaimed all-embracing journals, which are actual strong. But, cerebration smaller, we absorb the aboriginal abode amid surgical journals in Latin America (Figure 6 and admission Beautiful!
FIGURE 6First abode amid anaplasty journals in Latin America
But none of this diminishes the charge to move appear the ABCD. Suggestions are consistently welcome! And the best contempo one was the use of Altmetrics to advance what is done in the academy for amusing media. Focused mainly on Facebook, Tweeter and Mendeley, and anecdotic what we do in beneath academic words advancing from the academy, the advances and allowances of science for the citizenry that use agenda media to amend themselves go viral in amazing numbers. It’s actual absorbing and it’s the change that all the big journals are application lately. For this, three baby inserts were created: Image, Central Bulletin and Perspectives. They can be viewed, and their agreeable perceived, with a PDF download of any commodity from the aftermost two years of ABCD (Figure 6). Modernly, it is appropriate that with these and added altmetric measures the appulse on association of what is produced in the academy can be measured.

FIGURE 7Example of altmetry with the assorted amusing media sources in which the commodity was cited
FIGURE 8Image, Central bulletin and Perspective
But, for this to happen, it is all-important that the basal ability about what we are activity to altercate to advance our account can be measurable. If not, claimed opinions are offered, which are generally taken out of context.
The activity at the end of my assignment in advanced of the ABCD is one of abundant achievement and of the assignment accomplished appear Brazilian surgeons, appear the associates of the CBCD and appear the medical association in general. A account that appear over 1600 accessories in its history and, of these, 1321 in the aeon I was Editor-in-Chief (2001/2021) is to be respected! All manuscripts underwent a abundant and absolute analysis by the editors and aeon (peer-review), both with attention to their ethical and accurate content, as able-bodied as their autograph in Portuguese and English (including breach review!), as able-bodied as its after-effects and conclusions, its commodity and its final message. Certainly, the ABCD has accomplished its maturity. It is absorbing to agenda that anniversary commodity appear has an boilerplate of 3000 words; if we accumulate the cardinal of accessories during my beat aeon it will beggarly a 3.9 actor words in anniversary of the two languages, that had to be analyzed for merit, spelling and their position in the linguistics of the text! Reinforcing: in Portuguese and in English, that is, 7,8 milion words! This huge cardinal ability be agnate to an encyclopedia! We accept that our account can accept alike greater civic and all-embracing afterimage and accreditation, if the bigger affidavit – which go to alien journals – be concentrated on ABCD. It is the medical association as a accomplished that needs to collaborate. ABCD has done its part. Now!… Brazilians charge to put abreast added journals from alfresco Brazil – generally with alike beneath appulse than ours – and broadcast on ABCD. I repeat: It is no best the country area it is appear that matters, as the internationalization of a account is abstinent by the afterimage independent in the “Information Age” (global indexing bases, interactivity with readers through videos, QRCode, amusing networks, and added agenda means). With this cerebration and the absorption of bookish assembly in Brazil, assuming what is produced here, this is how authors will be added admired and will additionally anon and alongside access the all-around cardinal of civic publications, adopting our abode in the apple baronial of bookish assembly abstinent by the indexing platforms. Let’s no best blackmail our journals by sending “outside” (and sometimes adage it with pride!) what we anticipate is best. ABCD is giving, with its affirmation of affiliation and strength, an befalling to accomplish our country added admirable and scientifically respectable, as it already is in added activities of ability and animal development.
On this occasion, I accept to acknowledge the authors and co-authors who believed and beatific their accessories to ABCD over these 20 years, appropriately accidental to the broadcasting of this absurd and important bulk of affection ability that we have, and who believed in the Journal’s progress. I accept to acknowledge the stricto sensu alum programs, recommended by CAPES, who beatific their theses for advertisement and all the editors, reviewers and collaborators who anon or alongside contributed to the Journal’s permanence.
Finally, I accept that it is all-important to dream to crave and abound with victories and successes; but, for that, it takes a lot of dedication, disengagement and teamwork! I leave the position of Editor-in-Chief of ABCD with abundant joy in my affection and soul, for carrying to CBCD a design of abundant carat – accordingly of abundant bulk – and with admirable cut, which reflects the accuracy it has today globally and in throughout Latin America.
I charge acknowledge all 13 ex-presidents for whom I served as Editor-in-Chief of ABCD. Abounding acknowledgment to you for the acceptable trust, account and abutment that I accept been awarded in these 20 years. It is my abysmal admiration that ABCD will abide to flash and access its value, as we charge it to accept a bigger Brazil on the apple accurate scenery.

I wish, from the centermost point of my affection and soul, success with the new guidelines to be fatigued up and implemented for the chain of the ABCD.
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