We and others accept provided affirmation that a complex, intelligent, axial afraid arrangement (CNS) apparatus is amenable for the acclimation of exercise achievement during ability exercise of acute effort.1,–,5 A cardinal of studies accept now accustomed that the amount at which perceived action increases is a key capricious acclimation achievement during abiding ability exercise.6,–,11 Accordingly, Tucker and Noakes accept proposed a archetypal in which the ratings of perceived action (RPE) are compared with the ‘template’ of a adapted or ideal RPE progression.12 13 This arrangement is based on acquaintance and planned in apprehension based on the accustomed exercise duration. We accept afresh avant-garde this abstraction by assuming that authoritativeness about the exercise continuance and absolute ability of the end point of exercise determines the characteristics of this response.5

Thus, the amount at which the RPE increases during exercise becomes added beeline with both acquaintance and greater authoritativeness about the end point. This award has been apart confirmed.14 The archetypal by Tucker and Noakes proposes that a conflict amid the accustomed and absolute RPE produces an about-face in the workload to actual this mismatch. However, their archetypal does not accommodate a apparatus to explain how the CNS corrects the workload to ensure that the RPE is maintained aural the constraints imposed by the agreed template. Specifically, the archetypal by Tucker and Noakes leaves changing the catechism of whether the accommodation to adapt the workload is bent carefully or subconsciously. This is accordant because the accustomed agitation of how the CNS regulates exercise achievement focuses on the allegory angle that this ambassador acts subconsciously15 or consciously,16 or as a aggregate of both.17 18 De Koning et al19 accept afresh proposed that an base of cursory RPE predicts the consecutive clip alleged and accept alleged this the ‘hazard score’. The end point of the accident is a key ballast adjoin which the base is measured. However, those authors do not brainstorm on how the hazard account is perceived aural those academician areas amenable for the pacing strategy.
In addition, the exact acceptation of the appellation ‘perceived exertion’ has afresh been questioned20 on the area that the appellation incorporates both the concrete sensations of exercise and the psychological/psychic accomplishment appropriate to accomplish the task. Borg21 accustomed this in his beforehand description of the RPE, “being an announcement of the individual’s absolute concrete and analytic acknowledgment to exertion.” Thus, it has afresh been proposed that the concrete affection induced by exercise are audible from the faculty of effort.17 20 We advance that the faculty of accomplishment is a abstract sensation, not based on any (known) concrete changes induced by exercise, but which is generated by the academician in acknowledgment to some as yet anonymous specific basic of the exercise bout.
We hypothesise that the mechanisms amenable for the faculty of accomplishment – in our terms, the acquainted brainy (psychic) accomplishment appropriate to sustain or access the accustomed exercise acuteness (work rate) – will be absent back the exercise does not affectation a blackmail to homeostatic ascendancy or if the blackmail is of so baby a aftereffect that the accountable becomes acquainted of a faculty of accomplishment alone back accurately questioned by another. Conversely, back the exercise acuteness threatens homeostatic control, either imminently or at some time in the future, afore the achievement of the task, this faculty of accomplishment will access in admeasurement to the aftereffect of the imposed threat. This would aftermath a progressively greater faculty of effort, the ambition of which is to force the exerciser to abate the accustomed exercise acuteness to ensure that a adverse biological abortion does not action during the exercise bout.22 23
To investigate the accessible absolute furnishings of the concrete (RPE) and analytic sensations generated during exercise, we developed a atypical perceptual calibration to quantify the (psychic) faculty of effort, including the individual’s acquainted acquaintance of that specific sensation. We accept termed this calibration the Assignment Accomplishment and Acquaintance (TEA) scale.
In addition, the acceptable Borg 15 point RPE calibration was adapted to accommodate alone the concrete sensations accomplished by the subject. We accept termed this the physical-RPE (P-RPE) scale. We hypothesised that the amount of progression of the P-RPE would be a key regulator of assignment accomplishment because, as ahead accustomed for the acceptable Borg RPE scale, the P-RPE should access as a about beeline action of exercise duration. Any aberration in the moment-to-moment P-RPE aloft the academician assigned RPE arrangement would accomplish an added faculty of accomplishment abstinent by an added TEA score. Ultimately, the accretion faculty of accomplishment would accomplish a acquainted arresting that would ultimately force the accountable to abate the exercise intensity. In contrast, a P-RPE that added at a amount slower than that assigned by the advanced RPE arrangement would accomplish a low TEA account or none at all.
This archetypal accordingly attempts to actuate why the acquainted acquaintance of the faculty of accomplishment occurs.24 We hypothesise that the faculty of accomplishment plays a role in modifying exercise behaviour accurately to ensure that the P-RPE follows the agreed arrangement extensive its best amount alone at the point of exercise termination. In particular, we hypothesised that the P-RPE would access as a beeline action of the exercise continuance but would not ability best ethics during bouts of alternate absolute exercise that were interspersed consistently during a added abiding exercise bout. In contrast, the faculty of accomplishment abstinent as the TEA account would ability best ethics during anniversary acute effort, advertence that the faculty of accomplishment impinges into the subject’s alertness whenever the P-RPE increases aloft the agreed advanced RPE arrangement for a specific exercise bout.
Before participation, capacity completed the Concrete Action Readiness Check and were abreast of the risks associated with the study. Abreast accord was acquired in autograph afore the admission of the study. All procedures accommodated to the acknowledgment of Helsinki.25 The abstraction was accustomed by the Research and Ethics Committee of the Faculty of Health Sciences of the University of Cape Town Medical School.
Seven accomplished aggressive macho cyclists were recruited for the study. Capacity appear to the class on four occasions. During the aboriginal visit, capacity underwent anthropometric appraisal and basic testing for altitude of aiguille oxygen burning (VO2peak).
Each cyclist afterwards completed three 100 km time trials (TTs) that congenital 5×1 km sprints at 11, 32, 52, 72 and 99 km. These trials were completed at account intervals. The aboriginal balloon acted as a familiarisation TT. Capacity again completed a self-paced acute 100 km academic TT followed by a submaximal 100 km TT (70% TT) trial, which was conducted at 70% of the boilerplate ability achievement accomplished during the TT. However, capacity were asked to aftermath a acute accomplishment during the 1 km sprints during both trials. Therefore, in the 70% TT, the baseline ability achievement was 70% of the boilerplate ability abiding during the TT, admitting the sprints were acute accomplishment in both trials. Anniversary balloon was conducted on a apish collapsed 100 km advance created on the Computrainer Ergometer (RacerMate, Seattle, USA). Capacity were addled to all acknowledgment except completed ambit during all trials.
During the trials, capacity captivated a commercially accessible sports alcohol (8% carbohydrate content) at a amount of 600 ml/h (150 ml every 15 min) because this assimilation amount prevents the development of hypoglycaemia during abiding exercise.26 Additional baptize was accessible ad libitum during the trials.
All capacity appear to the cycling laboratory, in which all testing was conducted beneath abiding acute altitude (21.4 ± 0.8°C, 46 ± 3% about humidity, 102.2 ± 0.6 kPa).
Measurement of anatomy composition, including height, anatomy accumulation and seven skinfolds (triceps, biceps, suprailiac, subscapular, calf, thigh and abdomen27), was performed afore the alpha of the antecedent assay (VO2peak). Anniversary subject’s acme (cm) and accumulation (kg) were abstinent application a attention stadiometer and antithesis (Model 770; Seca, Bonn, Germany), authentic to 1 mm and 100 g, respectively.

Body fat agreeable was abstinent as the sum of seven skinfolds and as a allotment of anatomy accumulation (ї).28 Anniversary accountable was asked to burden from arresting any caffeine or added stimulants on the day of anniversary achievement test. Afore anniversary testing session, capacity were questioned to affirm that they had adhered to these instructions.
All tests were performed on an electronically braked aeon ergometer (Computrainer Pro 3D; RacerMate, Seattle, Washington, USA), which allows capacity to use their own bicycles in the laboratory. The rear caster annoy of anniversary subject’s bike was aggrandized to 800 kPa, and the bike was army with a rear arbor quick absolution mechanism. Afore the alpha of the countdown protocol, the acquaintance burden of the amount architect adjoin the rear caster was calibrated to 0.88–0.93 kg. Afterwards a 15 min self-paced countdown protocol, the amount architect was recalibrated to 0.88-0.93 kg as recommended.29 30
To admeasurement alone the concrete sensations accomplished during exercise, the acceptable Borg 15 point RPE calibration was adapted to exclude any psychological/psychic accession to accomplishment perception. We accept termed this the physical-RPE (P-RPE) calibration because it includes alone the concrete sensations accomplished by the subject.
Before the accelerating exercise test, capacity were familiarised with the P-RPE calibration according to a accustomed set of instructions (Appendix B). As described, capacity were asked to accede alone the concrete sensations of accomplishment and to accurately exclude any psychological/psychic contributions to those sensations.
In addition, capacity were instructed according to a atypical scale, which was advised accurately to absorb two components: (1) the aftereffect of the psychological/psychic sensations of accomplishment and (2) the admeasurement to which the accountable was carefully acquainted of those sensations (TEA scale) (Appendix B). We hypothesised that this faculty of accomplishment would access linearly at a agnate amount as the P-RPE during absolute exercise and accordingly developed an agnate 15 point scale. The calibration includes abrogating ethics to announce the absence of any faculty of effort. The position of the exact anchors was based on pilot trials.
To affirm that capacity accustomed the aberration amid these two scales, anniversary accountable completed a 10 point check afterwards the antecedent familiarisation with both scales. Capacity were accustomed to abide with the balloon alone if they answered at atomic nine of the questions correctly.
During anniversary trial, capacity were asked to address their P-RPE and TEA array verbally and by pointing at a blueprint afterwards every 5 km breach and at the end of anniversary 1 km sprint. During the accelerating exercise test, capacity were asked to address their P-RPE and TEA array at 2 min intervals until exhaustion. Capacity were reminded again to accommodate alone concrete sensations for the P-RPE score, admitting for the TEA score, they were asked to accede alone the ratings of psychological/psychic effort.
Testing for VO2peak was performed at a starting assignment amount of 100 W. The amount was added incrementally at a amount of 20 W every 60 s until the accountable was clumsy to sustain a accent greater than 70 revolutions/min. During the accelerating exercise test, blast aggregate (VE), oxygen uptake (VO2) and CO2 assembly (VCO2) were averaged every 15 s application an online breath-by-breath gas analyser and pneumotach (Oxycon; Viasis, Hoechberg, Germany). Calibration of this accessory was performed afore testing according to the manufacturer’s instructions. VO2peak was recorded as the accomplished VO2 altitude recorded for any 30 s period. Aiguille ability achievement (PPO) was affected by averaging the ability achievement for the final minute of the VO2peak test.31 Capacity were not accustomed to angle on the pedals at any time during the test.
Power output, speed, accent and delayed time were abstinent during all trials and stored by the Computrainer software at a amount of 34 Hz. Affection amount abstracts were captured with Suunto T6 affection amount monitors (Suunto Oy, Vantaa, Finland) and stored every 2 s. Achievement and affection amount abstracts from the PPO assay and the 100 km TTs (TT and 70%TT) were analysed for the abounding aeon of the abstracts abduction and for anniversary 1 km sprint. Assay of achievement abstracts was performed application CyclingPeaks assay software (WKO edition, Adaptation 2.1, 2006; Lafayette, Colorado, USA). Affection amount abstracts were analysed with the Suunto Training Manager (Version; Suunto Oy, Vantaa, Finland).
Data were analysed for statistical acceptation application STATISTICA adaptation 8.0 (Stat-soft, Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA). A two-way assay of about-face with again measures was acclimated to appraise differences amid trials. Sphericity of the abstracts was activated application the Mauchley test.32 Back the sphericity action was violated, a Greenhouse-Geisser acclimation was fabricated to the degrees of abandon to adverse the added accident of a blazon I error. Where a cogent aberration was begin for either capital aftereffect (trial or time), a Tukey post-hoc assay was performed. Corruption analyses for the accord amid P-RPE and TEA array were performed for the accelerating exercise, both trials (baseline values) and the ethics recorded during sprints. Differences amid the TT and 70% TT for TEA array were bent application an unpaired t test.
Statistical acceptation was accustomed back p<0.05. All abstracts are bidding as agency ± SD (X ± s).
The anecdotic characteristics of the capacity and after-effects for the VO2peak testing are listed in table 1.

Subject characteristics (N=7)
Sustained and dart ability achievement are apparent in amount 1. A cogent time × balloon alternation was empiric for ability achievement (F9,108=3.76; p=0.0003). Abiding ability achievement during the 70% TT was decidedly lower than during the TT in accordance with the beginning architecture (main aftereffect of trial: F1,12=4.61; p=0.05). Ability achievement during the 1 km sprints was decidedly greater in the 70% TT than in the TT (main aftereffect of trial: F1,12=5.11; p=0.043).
Sustained and dart ability output. *Significant aberration amid trials for abiding ability achievement (p=0.05). #Significant aberration amid trials for dart ability achievement (p=0.043).
P-RPE array during the connected area of the trials added progressively with time in both TT and 70% TT (main aftereffect of time: F18,216=49.5; p<0.001) (figure 2A) and were decidedly greater in the TT (mean = 14.4 ± 0.7) than in the 70% TT (mean = 12.1 ± 1.2) (main aftereffect of trial: F1,12=18.6; p<0.001). Dart P-RPE array (figure 2B) additionally added progressively with time in both trials (main aftereffect of time: F4,48=33.8; p<0.001) and were decidedly greater in the TT (mean = 19.1 ± 0.5) than in the 70% TT (mean = 18.3 ± 0.7) (main aftereffect of trial: F1,12=5.7; p=0.03).
Perceptual scores. (A) RPE array during connected exercise. *Significant aberration amid trials (p=0.01). #Time capital effect, access over time in RPE in both trials (p<0.001). (B) Dart RPE scores. *Significant aberration amid trials (p=0.02). #Time capital effect, access over time in RPE in both trials (p<0.001). (C) TEA array during connected exercise. *Significant aberration amid trials (p<0.001). #Time capital effect, access over time in TEA in both trials (p<0.001). (D) Dart TEA scores. RPE, ratings of perceived exertion; TEA, Assignment Accomplishment and Awareness.
A cogent time × balloon alternation was empiric for non-sprint TEA array (F18,216=3.62; p<0.001). TEA array during the connected area of the trials added over time in both the TT and 70% TT (main aftereffect of time: F18,216=23.9; p<0.001) (figure 2C) and were decidedly greater in the TT (mean = 5.4 ± 1.4) than in the 70% TT (mean = 1.4 ± 1.1) (main aftereffect of trial: F1,12=35.2; p<0.001). However, TEA array during the dart basic of the trials were not adapted amid TT (mean = 9.6 ± 0.3) and 70% TT (mean = 9.7 ± 0.3), nor did they change over time in either accumulation (figure 2D). In both cases, ethics approached the best amount of 10.0 at the abortion of anniversary alone sprint.
During the accelerating exercise test, both P-RPE and TEA array added linearly (r=0.93 for both variables) over time (figure 3). The abruptness ethics for P-RPE (slope = 0.84) and TEA (slope = 0.81) did not alter significantly, admitting the Y-intercept ethics (P-RPE = 5.05 and TEA = −4.35) were agnate to the everyman ethics for both scales.
Perceptual array during a accelerating exercise test. Corruption curve for TEA and P-RPE do not alter significantly. RPE, ratings of perceived exertion; TEA, Assignment Accomplishment and Awareness.
The relationships amid P-RPE and TEA were agnate for both the accelerating exercise assay (slope = 0.94; Y-intercept = −8.8; r = 0.96) and the TT balloon (slope = 0.90; Y-intercept = −7.6; r = 0.80) (figure 4A,B). However, during the 70% TT, this accord afflicted with lower TEA array about to P-RPE (slope = 0.56; Y-intercept = −6.4; r=0.81) (figure 4C). This was decidedly adapted to the accelerating exercise assay and TT (p<0.001). The accord amid P-RPE and TEA array additionally afflicted during the 1 km sprints (slope= 0.11; Y-intercept = 6.5; r = 0.50) (figure 4D) and was decidedly adapted from the ethics abstinent during the connected exercise sections in the TT (p<0.001).
Regression analyses for TEA vs RPE. (A) The accelerating exercise test, (B) the time balloon (TT), (C) the 70% TT and (D) sprints from both trials. *Slope and intercepts decidedly adapted from both A and B (p<0.001). **Slope and intercepts decidedly adapted from A and B (p<0.001). RPE, ratings of perceived exertion; TEA, Assignment Accomplishment and Awareness.
Mean affection ante were decidedly greater during the TT (142 ± 7 BPM than during the 70% TT (130 ± 5 BPM) (p=0.004).
The aboriginal important award of this abstraction was that capacity were able to differentiate acutely amid the concrete sensations of exercise and psychological/psychic accomplishment appropriate to aftermath the appropriate workload, abstinent by the TEA score. This is acutely apparent by the break of these two ethics back capacity acclimatized at either a lower exercise acuteness in the 70% TT or during the absolute sprints in both trials.

During accelerating exercise to burnout for altitude of the VO2max, the TEA account added as a beeline action of both the exercise acuteness (figure 3) and the concrete sensations accomplished during exercise (P-RPE) (figure 4A). The corruption curve for these two scales were around superimposable. This indicates that the ambit of the TEA calibration is correct; that it has a beeline advance function; and that the exact anchors are accurately positioned.
In addition, we showed that the perceived action array (P-RPE), adapted to accommodate alone concrete sensations and accurately to exclude sensations apropos to psychological/psychic effort, access progressively and linearly with time during a acute accomplishment 100 km cycling TT (figure 2A). Furthermore, the P-RPE ethics accomplished abreast acute ethics at or abreast the end of the exercise bout. This award supports agnate allegation in a cardinal of added studies that acclimated the acceptable Borg RPE scale.6,–,10 33,–,35
This award supports the estimation that afferent acoustic acknowledgment is a key agency acclimation exercise achievement to ensure that exercise terminates afore a adverse homeostatic ataxia occurs22 as against to actuality based absolutely on augment advanced deviating command from the motor cortex, so alleged ‘efference copies’.16
To our knowledge, the third important award is absolutely novel. For we accept apparent that the psychological/psychic accomplishment of exercise, abstinent by the TEA score, can be dissociated from the concrete sensations induced by exercise and are abstinent by the P-RPE score. On the base of this finding, we adduce that the TEA account measures the analytic accomplishment of advancement the concrete accomplishment that is abstinent by the P-RPE score.
Thus, we begin that both the P-RPE and TEA array added over time during exercise of a acute accomplishment (figure 2A). However, back the exercise was performed at a lower intensity, the P-RPE increased, admitting added boring (figure 2A – basal line), admitting the TEA account remained low and aural the predominantly hidden ambit of the calibration (figure 2C – basal line). In addition, the TEA array were decidedly lower (p<0.001) than their corresponding P-RPE ethics in allegory to acute accomplishment exercise (figure 4C). This shows that the TEA account is not a regulator of exercise achievement back the workload is submaximal and that there is no blackmail to homeostatic control. Beneath these circumstances, the exercise workload can be maintained with little acquainted effort.
In contrast, although P-RPE array were submaximal (16.2–19.1) during the 1 km sprints of both trials (figure 2B), the TEA array accomplished abreast acute ethics for all sprints (9.1–9.9) (figure 2D). TEA array during sprints were accordingly decidedly amplified (p<0.01) in affiliation to their corresponding P-RPE ethics compared with the aforementioned RPE ethics recorded during the baseline aeon of the TT. This award is also, to our knowledge, absolutely novel. It appears to appearance that extensive a best faculty of accomplishment as abstinent with TEA scores, and not best P-RPE values, is the capricious that reflects the CNS action acclimation achievement during sprints of acute accomplishment interspersed aural a 100 km TT.
Interestingly, the ability outputs accomplished during the sprints in the 70% TT were decidedly greater than those accomplished during the TT; however, the aiguille TEA array were identical. This may announce that the lower ability outputs during the connected portions of the 70% TT were associated with a greater homeostatic reserve. As a result, decidedly greater ability outputs were appropriate during the 1 km sprints to arm-twist agnate homeostatic disturbances or ‘hazard19’ and appropriately agnate TEA array as those accomplished during the 1 km sprints during the TT.
These allegation are accordingly accordant with the afterward interpretation: the acquaintance of the faculty of accomplishment may accordingly represent an affect acquired from a audible cortical angel of homeostatic afferent action that reflects all aspects of the physiologic action of all tissues of the anatomy in the ambience of the actual assignment that is appropriate to complete the exercise task.36 37 Therefore, the acquainted accommodation of whether to maintain, access or abatement the accustomed workload or absolutely to abolish the exercise altogether may be the aftereffect of a antithesis amid action and affect and the acquaintance that is authentic as the faculty of effort.
We accept provided added affirmation that exercise is controlled in a feed-forward and adaptive teleoanticipatory manner. In addition, we accept apparent conceivably for the aboriginal time that the faculty of accomplishment and the concrete sensations of exercise are audible but accompanying perceptual cues that comedy a analytical role in the acclimation of exercise intensity. Thus, the faculty of accomplishment is low during low-intensity exercise, admitting progressively accretion concrete sensations (measured by P-RPE) as the exercise continues. In contrast, during abbreviate sprints of acute acuteness interspersed aural the abiding exercise bout, the faculty of accomplishment alcove acute values, admitting P-RPE ethics abide submaximal.
These abstracts accordingly abutment the estimation that exercise is adapted centrally in the brain.1 22 38 We adduce that this is accomplished by altering the amount of progression of perceived action via ability of the end point and the continuance of the exercise bout.5 8 11 13 39 This abstraction shows that if the exercise workload exceeds that appropriate to advance the agreed RPE template, a accretion acquainted faculty of accomplishment as abstinent by the TEA calibration is generated. This may be a acquainted representation of the ‘hazard score’ as hypothesised by de Koning et al.19 The absolute aftereffect of the accretion faculty of accomplishment will be an adapted behaviour, accurately a autonomous abridgement in the exercise intensity. Conversely, exercise intensities that do not affectation a blackmail to homeostatic ascendancy aftermath no or little faculty of effort.
This abstraction adds atypical compassionate of the pacing mechanisms which action in the axial afraid arrangement during acute exercise of abiding duration. A new calibration is presented that differentiates assignment accomplishment from perceived exertion.
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