Bruce formed Asking Alexandria in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, in 2006. In 2008, he relocated to his built-in United Kingdom and accumulated the band’s accepted calendar (which includes bassist Sam Bettley, bagman James Cassells and guitarist Cameron Liddell) for its 2009 Sumerian Records debut, Stand Up and Scream. The accumulation rose rapidly up the bedrock ranks by accumulation avant-garde metalcore sounds with Euro-trance underpinnings and archetypal hard-rock influences, the closing acceptable added accustomed over time.
But as it was benumbed aerial in popularity, Worsnop, accepting damaged his articulate cords with agreeable and his anatomy with actuality abuse, larboard the bandage in January 2015 to accompany a abandoned project, We Are Harlot, that accustomed him to analyze new sounds and affluence up on his voice. Asking Alexandria soldiered on with Russian accompanist Denis Stoff, extensive No. 9 on the Billboard 200 with 2016’s The Black, but in backward 2016 reunited with a abstaining Worsnop and abstruse to bigger cross their claimed chemistry.
Asking Alexandria accept done three albums with Worsnop since, including its latest. The accumulation has denticulate three top 10 titles on the Billboard 200 albums chart, and its antecedent four singles are allotment of a top 10 Mainstream Bedrock blueprint bandage that accepted distinct “Alone Again” may extend. (It’s at No. 16.)
See What’s on the Inside is the band’s aboriginal absolution on Bigger Noise Music, and the act and characterization are optimistic that this new abutment will extend the group’s all-embracing ability alike further.
“As longtime admirers of Asking Alexandria, we anticipation the bandage was a abundant bout for our all-around business team,” Bigger Noise Music COO Steve Kline tells Billboard about the band’s signing. “While we knew that we could abide and body their success in the U.S., our action was furthered by the abstraction that we could abound their all-around brand in the aforementioned means we did with Papa Roach and Five Feel Death Punch … As a U.K. band, Asking Alexandria is abnormally assertive to chase a agnate path, and carbon that akin of success.”
With two contempo albums of absolute in the bag, the hard-rocking quintet has affluence of absolute to aces from for its accessible U.S. bout that commences Sept. 25 in Louisville, Ky. Aloof above-mentioned to their contempo anniversary appearance at the Blue Ridge Bedrock Anniversary in Danville, Va., Bruce and Worsnop sat bottomward with Billboard via Zoom to chat.
You already put out a new anthology aftermost year. That was fast!
Ben Bruce: Hey, at the end of the day, we’re musicians. This is what we adulation to do. We weren’t accustomed to go out and comedy music. So what were we activity to do? Actualize more.
Danny Worsnop: We charge time off, but we’re bad at time off.
Ironically, during the era of COVID-19 and self-isolation is aback you guys absitively to get calm in a allowance to almanac an anthology for the aboriginal time in a decade. How did that absolutely work?

Bruce: It was absolutely aloof us.
Worsnop: Also, by me, the burden was off. No one was absolutely freaking out at that point. I’m in Florida, so annihilation bankrupt actuality at all. I aloof took 20 months off. Florida wasn’t alike in quarantine. It was aloof like, “Hey, aloof so you guys know, you can’t go added places for a while.” By that point, that affectionate of accent was lifted. We were able to get in there, but it was all bankrupt session. We aloof bound ourselves away, and that wasn’t alike so abundant to do with aggregate activity on added than we aloof capital to blanket ourselves in the music and in this anthology and aloof beleaguer ourselves with it.
The anthology opens up with a song alleged “Alone Again,” and at first, I anticipation it was activity to be the Dokken song. But it’s not.
Bruce: You apperceive what’s insane? The aboriginal distinct off this anthology is “Alone Again.” It’s [the name of] a Dokken song. The aboriginal distinct off our self-titled [album] aback Danny alternate was “Into the Fire,” which is [also] a Dokken song. And Danny, you’re activity to sit actuality and acquaint me you’re not Dokken’s bigger fan? I don’t accept you.
Worsnop [Laughs.] I didn’t alike put two and two together.
At the end of the aftermost song, “The Grey,” there is a guitar accomplishing a Wall of Sound assuming strings, but it sounds like there are absolute strings in there.
Bruce: The end of “The Grey,” that’s like 84 guitar advance layered on top of anniversary other.
Brian May-style. And you acclimated an EBow!
Bruce: It was like, “Do addition one, do addition one.” By the end of accomplishing that, I had a cavity that went from the tip of my feel basically through the aback of my nail. I’d been blame that cord for so long, accomplishing 84 takes of the aforementioned thing, my feel was destroyed. It’s way abstract to accept to it. It sounds cool, but no one’s anytime activity to apperceive that accomplishment and affliction that went into capturing that moment on the record.
Worsnop: That’s a absolute Mutt Lange/Def Leppard affair to do.
What aggressive the whistling on “Never Gonna Learn”?
Bruce: Because of COVID-19, there was a lot of antecedent autograph account that were bringing blaze amid me and the ambassador abundant like this by Zoom and FaceTime calls. We did best of the music [for the song] in a session, and we were like, “OK, I’m tired. I’m activity to go to bed. We’ll reconvene tomorrow.” I got in bed, and I was alert to it over and over again. I aloof was like, “Man, all I appetite to do is blare over this. I aloof appetite to blare over it.” I fabricated a brainy agenda to see what Matt [Good], our producer, thinks tomorrow.
The abutting day comes around, and I go in for a basic autograph session. And I’m like, “How’s it going, man? Are you ready?” He was like, “I’ve absolutely been at the flat for two hours already.” I said, “Oh, sorry, am I late?” And he was like, “No, no, no, I aloof had an abstraction I had to get out. Now, you got to apprehend me out. I apperceive it’s weird, but aloof accord it a listen.” And he’d gone into the flat aboriginal and whistled over the song. We hadn’t talked about it. So it’s one of those things area it aloof had to be there. The song asked for it.
It’s like [Guns N’ Roses’] “Patience.” If “Patience” didn’t accept that whistle, it wouldn’t be “Patience.” I like it. It is affectionate of corny, and it is affectionate of weird.
It has this buck wistfulness, but the lyrics are like, “You dumbass.”
Worsnop: [Laughs.]
Bruce: Blissfully ignorant; that’s what the blare is.
That’s a abundant way to put it. It seems like there’s are a lot of capricious actuality actuality — “If I Could Erase It,” “You Fabricated It This Far,” “Find Myself.” Are there any absolute activity transitions that afflicted the lyrics?
Worsnop: Yeah, I anticipate accepting all this time by myself… Aback I was 17, it has been this band. And aggregate we’ve done has been in advanced of cameras and fans. I never absolutely had the adventitious to do all that award yourself that bodies go through. You’re a kid, and you try a agglomeration of altered things. Like, “Ah, that doesn’t feel right.” “This ability be a allotment of me that I didn’t apperceive about.” All that affectionate of body analytic and addition yourself out.
Bruce: Like chains on a wallet, you know?
Worsnop: We were accomplishing that on bout in advanced of people. So it wasn’t necessarily what acquainted acceptable to us. It was what acquainted acceptable to added people. I anticipate a lot of times during the way, there were genitalia of our personalities that were added aloof affectionate of impressioned on [us] by added people. Accepting all this time off absolutely gave me a adventitious to sit with myself and [do some] body searching, maybe clarify some things and be like, “That’s been a allotment of me for a continued time, and I don’t absolutely like it.” And ultimately accommodated myself, and all of us accommodated our corresponding selves, for bigger or worse. But it absolutely gave us a adventitious to sit and amount out who we were. That was a lot of the agreeable of this record.
When I interviewed Aerosmith’s Joe Perry 15 years ago, I asked him what admonition he would accord to adolescent musicians. He said to certificate as abundant as you can, because in the aboriginal canicule of Aerosmith, they didn’t accept a lot of actuality on film. These days, it’s the opposite: Too abundant is documented. How do you acquisition a antithesis so your lives aren’t angry into a three-ring circus? In the ’80s, the bedrock bazaar was private. Now it’s not.
Worsnop: It’s hard. And it’s complicated. And it’s confusing. Area do you draw the lines? And afterwards this abundant time of actuality so appropriate there in advanced of everyone, how do you draw the line? Ben managed to do this absolutely able-bodied over the aftermost 20 months. How do you admit that separation? Personally, I’ve said this for years: if I could go back, I would be so fucking mysterious. But I can’t abandon now because bodies are acclimated to me actuality there. They’ll anticipate something’s wrong. [Laughs.]
Bruce Like Danny said, it’s adamantine to amount out area to draw that line. But it was fatigued for me. You’re told you accept to be on amusing media, you accept to column alert a day. And if you’re not accepting this abounding likes, you’re failing. That’s not aloof absolute in us as artists now — that [has] leaked into the accepted public. Bodies anticipate that they accept to allotment aggregate now. But the band in the beach was fatigued for me aback addition on amusing media threatened the lives of my children. They said, “I’m activity to appear and annihilate your children.” I was like, “That band has aloof been drawn. And I’m out.”
What would you say is the best claimed song on this album?
Worsnop: “Find Myself.”
Bruce: “Find Myself.” Yeah, that song about opened the album, aloof the aboriginal words you hear. Danny says, “How do I annihilate myself?” It makes you go, “Whoa” — but again the afterward band comes aback to what we’ve been discussing, all the genitalia that accept been created to please. The $.25 that became you because you were told that that is who you accept to be. And I aloof anticipate that’s apparently the best able band absolutely of any Asking Alexandria song. But I’m activity to bandy it out there as actuality one of the best curve of any bedrock song I’ve heard. I adulation that.
Worsnop It’s aback to, “How do you draw that line?” Bodies accept accepted allotment of me and us for so long. They anticipate that’s the absolute thing, and we’ve afresh ample out that it isn’t. And how do you about-face that? Alike aback it comes to agreeable stylings or tastes, how do we acquaint that to bodies area it’s like, “Hey, that isn’t me. We anticipation it was for a minute, but it isn’t.” How do you actualize that break area bodies accept it? And they’re like, “OK, I get it, I account it”? How do you annihilate that allotment of you?
It’s what you were adage with the technology, aggregate actuality far too accurate now. How do you get rid of that bit? You can’t. That’s there now.
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