A decade has anesthetized back Turkish Admiral Recep Tayyip Erdoğan landed in Mogadishu at the acme of one of Somalia’s affliction famines, announcement affected projects like the barrage of Turkish Airlines flights to the Somali capital, the adjustment of a hospital, and the aperture of the better admiral in Africa, all advised to appearance that Turkey’s mission goes able-bodied above aid and that Ankara is an another to Somalia’s acceptable donors. Erdoğan’s celebrated appointment becoming him aerial acclaim throughout Somalia. Although his cruise appeared to be a ardent altruistic mission, in absoluteness it was allotment of a long-term, strategically planned effort. Erdoğan had been aloof out Somalia as aboriginal as 2007, back he met the above Admiral of the Transitional Federal Government Abdullahi Yusuf and asked him to accommodate a account of what Somalia needs. His efforts were fruitless, however, until Admiral Sharif Sheikh Ahmed came to adeptness in 2008. Sharif visited Turkey three times amidst 2009 and 2011, cautiously signing a aggressive accord with Turkey, which asked to advice Somalia with security.

If Turkey had appear to Somalia afore 2011, it would acquire been apparent as a adopted application force, aloof like the African Abutment Mission in Somalia (AMISOM), but in 2011, amidst the confusion of one of the affliction famines in the country’s history, Turkey’s self-proclaimed altruistic mission was perceived differently. Erdoğan’s celebrated appointment to Somalia was well-orchestrated and well-timed: It came during the angelic ages of Ramadan, nine canicule afore the Eid festival, afterwards 250,000 Somalis had fatigued to death, and during an acclamation year, at a time back Somalia’s donors were scrambling to abode a above altruistic crisis.
Ever back Erdoğan declared 2005 “the Year of Africa,” he has pursued every Muslim-majority African country that is abandoned by conflict, bound out by the IMF, fatigued by counterfeit altitude change, and alone by the West; a brittle Somalia checks all the boxes.
A decade on, Somalis are starting to apprehend that Turkey has acquired from acquaintance to foe, barter accomplice to barter protectionist, accompaniment architect to absolute spoiler. Turkey is an charlatan aloof like any added country and has its own calendar focused on geoeconomics and geopolitics. Instead of facilitating Somalia’s development, Turkey has acclimated state-sponsored corporations to accomplishment its assets, all as allotment of a development allurement buried in the guise of religion.
The Turkish development trap
Post-2011, Turkey’s altruistic mission gradually confused from an accent on bendable adeptness to a added assertive, politicized state-building accomplishment involving de facto and de jure bribery of Somalia’s federal government development projects and monopolization of the abridgement in Mogadishu’s Benadir region. Turkish clandestine companies Albayrak Accumulation and Favori LLC were accustomed advantageous no-bid affairs to run Mogadishu’s anchorage and airport and adequate by Ankara. As was accurate in a 2016 U.N. ecology report, these companies acquire allegedly been affianced in bent practices alignment from bribery of government ministers to money laundering.
Predatory practices and barter barriers
In 2010, Somalia exported $1.36 amateur account of appurtenances to Turkey and alien $4.8 million, which was a acquiescent barter deficit. Afterwards Albayrak Accumulation took over the administration of Mogadishu Port, however, Turkish exports to Somalia added exponentially, growing to $37.5 amateur in 2011 and extensive $256 amateur in 2019, alike as Somalia’s exports to Turkey rose to aloof $6.7 amateur over the aforementioned period. By comparison, in 2019 Somalia exported $18 amateur and $195 amateur to China and the UAE respectively. Although Somalia has a anchorage revenue-sharing acceding with Albayrak, which receives 45%, this has resulted in biased amplification of trade, with Turkish traders importing about 50 times as much to Somalia as Somali traders exported to Turkey in 2020.
In 2015, Somalia’s Banking Government Board (FGC) appear a abundant address reviewing accessible accretion and concessions; amidst the concessions advised in the address were the affairs for Albayrak Accumulation and Favori LLC, which administer two of the better calm acquirement generators for the Somalia government. The board begin several flaws in the Albayrak acknowledgment that resulted in uncompetitive anchorage account costs, bargain revenues, activity disputes, and a abridgement of accuracy on acquirement administration admitting a accepted acceding laying out a 45-55% split. The FGC recommended that “the federal government seek an accordant renegotiation of the contract’s added adverse clauses.”
Albayrak Accumulation concession
Since Albayrak Accumulation was awarded a non-tendered, 20-year acknowledgment to administer Mogadishu Port, it has been affected in scandals over allegations of aggregate from bloodthirsty practices like allowance annexation from advisers and attempts to awning up abduction to bribery government ministers and artificially inflating anchorage administration and operating costs (thereby abbreviation government revenues while advocacy aggregation profits). Based on absolute abstracts afore Albayrak took over the port, the account acquirement was $6 million, and it after added to $10 amateur to $12 amateur per month; however, in 2014 Albayrak Accumulation alone appear $2.7 amateur per ages in revenue. This bargain the government’s acquirement allotment from 55% to 16% while accretion the company’s from 45% to 84%. Article agnate happened in Guinea back Alpha Condé, the now-deposed admiral and a acquaintance of Erdoğan, awarded Albayrak a 25-year charter for the anchorage of Conarky and 82% of duties in what was broadly perceived to be a sweetheart deal.
Favori LLC concession
As with Albayrak’s Mogadishu Anchorage contract, the FGC has additionally alleged for amendments to the acknowledgment of Favori LLC, a accessory of Turkey’s Kozuva Accumulation that manages Mogadishu airport beneath a 15-year accord active on June 30, 2013. According to an aerodynamics able who advised the concession, Favori abandoned its acknowledged obligations by accession actionable fees that should acquire been anesthetized on to the Somali Civil Aerodynamics and Meteorology Authority (SCAMA). Separate from the accepted acquirement sharing, these allegedly accommodate but are not bound to fees for landing, air navigation, parking, commuter safety, freight, and fuel.

According to interviews with bounded aerodynamics experts and above employees, Favori has additionally bootless to reconstruct the airport’s basic runway, bedfast development of bounded animal assets by allocating key positions to non-Somalis, and alone airport aliment and safety, as appropriate beneath its contract. Issues that should acquire been addressed in 2013 are alone now actuality discussed. In addition, the aggregation illegally congenital a auberge and arcade basic central the airport acreage in a abode that was declared to be a parking lot for airport customers. It’s not bright if the acquirement generated from the Decale Hotel, which is a Somalia government asset, is added acquirement for the government or for Favori LLC.
Furthermore, according to a 2016 U.N. report, Favori LLC has aggrandized its costs to aerate its profits, advertisement account acquirement of $1.16 amateur and costs of added than $500,000 in 2016, compared to acquirement of an estimated $8 amateur per ages afore it took over administration of the airport. This bargain the government’s allotment of acquirement from 45% to aloof 6%. Favori LLC alike went so far as to affirmation asset abrasion as an expense, admitting the actuality that the assets in catechism are the Somalia government’s and not allotment of the contract. Rather than abandoning the Favori LLC contract, the Somalia government re-negotiated agreement with the aggregation in May 2019, amidst secrecy.
Favori LLC has faced afresh allegations of activity and animal rights abuses adjoin its employees, but the government has not taken activity adjoin the company. Favori LLC has allegedly bribed Somalia government admiral with business chic air tickets and chargeless holidays stays in Turkey and seems to adore absolute impunity. The Federation of Somali Barter Unions (FESTU) has appear a damming address documenting Favori LLC’s austere activity abuses that it says breach both Somalia’s architecture and All-embracing Activity Organization articles. FESTU filed a specific instance with the Turkish Civic Contact Point (NCP) of the Organization for Bread-and-butter Co-operation and Development (OECD) adjoin Favori LLC in February 2021.
Turkish acknowledgment accident and liabilities
From a acknowledged perspective, both the Favori and Albayrak affairs were awarded beneath an blurred action and were not accustomed by the Somali parliament. As one administrator noted, “Any accord that is not accustomed by the assembly charcoal absent and void.” This puts the Somalia government at accident of accountability in both cases.
Though the government assuredly active a 14-year acknowledgment to accumulate acquirement administration and anchorage development with Albayrak Accumulation in October 2020, this abundantly able the company’s aboriginal acknowledgment obligations. In addition, the revised acknowledgment has so abounding ambiguities that it’s not bright if the new 14-year accord is an addendum of the antecedent 20-year lease, if it requires Albayrak Accumulation co-management as allotment of abstruse adeptness transfer, or if the Albayrak Group’s absolute anchorage costs rights accouterment prohibits application the anchorage of Mogadishu as accessory to admission all-embracing loans.
According to interviews with above employees, Favori LLC has allegedly repatriated its profits to Turkey in banknote after authoritative a alteration through the Somalia Central Bank, as appropriate by Somalia’s accounts laws, which would be a abuse of the anti-money laundering/combatting the costs of agitation act that was anesthetized in 2016. This would additionally breach the Somalia government’s acquiescence with its debt abatement obligations with the Apple Bank and IMF, including acquirement mobilization and accountability requirements to abate bribery and enhance bread-and-butter and banking area governance.
Qatar-Turkey arbor and geopolitical influence
Beyond the bread-and-butter issues, Turkey’s captivation in Somalia has additionally circuitous the African country in the broader bounded geopolitical altercation amidst Turkey and Qatar on the one duke and Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE on the added for admission in the Horn of Africa. While this animosity seems to be abatement at present, as Turkey and Qatar are authoritative efforts to mend relations with Gulf countries and their bounded allies, it may blaze up afresh in the future, with after-effects for Somalia.
Turkey and Qatar are brothers in accoutrements with collective ventures alignment from abutment for the Muslim Brotherhood to costs Islamists and proxy wars in brittle countries all over the Middle East. Their band grew stronger during the 2017 Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) crisis, which pushed them into a geopolitical and geoeconomic alliance. The GCC crisis additionally agitated over into Somalia, back the new government led by Mohammed Abdullahi (known as Farmaajo), whose acclamation was financed by Qatar, confiscated $9 amateur from an Emirati alike at Mogadishu airport. In retaliation, the UAE cut off abutment for the Somalia government, including aggressive training, a adverse draft for the anew adopted government and for a brittle accompaniment still convalescent from one of its affliction famines.
Though Turkey steered bright of the argument amidst the Gulf countries in Somalia at the time, it had beforehand pursued a buried plan with Qatar, in 2011 during the post-Arab Spring era, to amplitude Somalia’s adopted action away from the Intergovernmental Authority for Development (IGAD) and the African Abutment and adjust it with Egypt’s then-President Mohamed Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood. This accomplishment bootless as Morsi was baffled by the Egyptian aggressive in 2013.
Since 2009, Qatar and Turkey acquire pressured Somalia’s government to accommodate with al-Shabab, an al-Qaeda affiliated agitator accumulation based in Somalia. Turkey’s Civic Intelligence Organization (MIT) has been complex in negotiating the absolution of an Italian announcer kidnaped by al-Shabab in May 2020 in Somalia. The accord amidst Turkish intelligence and al-Shabab was appear by the Nordic Ecology Accumulation in 2021, which appear that MIT beatific $600,000 to the group. This prompted Turkey’s government to block the Nordic Ecology Accumulation and Somalia media outlets like Hiiraan Online from actuality accessed in Turkey. Both Qatar and Turkey acquire gone to abundant lengths to use their geopolitical admission to appearance Somalia’s adopted policy.

Turkey has additionally again approved to serve as an adjudicator in Somalia-Somaliland talks, sending its agent Elgon Beker from Mogadishu to Somaliland in 2019. The ambassador’s efforts were asleep on arrival. Somaliland does not see Turkey as an candid and fair arbiter, but rather as a backbiting agent back Ankara believes in the canning of Somalia’s territorial candor based on the actionable abutment of 1960 amidst the two. Moreover, Somaliland is acutely alert of Turkey’s aggressive abject in Mogadishu, as the Somaliland government believes Farmaajo, who aboveboard denied the Hargeisa genocide committed by above Somali absolutist Siad Barre in his post-graduate apriorism and has already waged an bread-and-butter war adjoin Somaliland, could use aggressive armament accomplished by Turkey to admission Somaliland in an accomplishment to accompany about bull reunification.
Turkey and militarization
To capitalize on Somalia’s geostrategic position in the Indian Ocean, Turkey active assorted aggressive pacts with Somalia’s Transitional Federal Government in 2009 and 2010 and connected to assurance new agreements with Somalia’s federal government in 2012 and 2015. These pacts covered areas alignment from aggressive training to aegis industry cooperation and are aimed at accepting a ballast in the Indian Ocean.
The Turkish government invested $50 amateur to body the better across Turkish aggressive abject with the appetite of training 10,000 associates of the Somali Civic Army (SNA), although Turkey clearly refers to it as the better admiral in the world. The Turkish “embassy” in Mogadishu, which is conceivably the alone adept admixture area aggressive training and contest are held, sits on a vast, 400-hectare swath of prime beach-front absolute acreage account an estimated $1.5 billion based on bounded acreage prices. It is about alert the admeasurement of the U.S. aggressive abject in Djibouti. But Turkey did not pay for the acreage and there is no assurance that the aggressive accord independent any agreement for charter acquittal to the Somali people. In comparison, France not alone provides aggressive aegis to Djibouti in barter for hosting its aggressive base, but it additionally pays anniversary hire of $70 amateur and offers bread-and-butter support.
Training and indoctrination
Since its opening, the Turkish admiral in Somalia has accelerating bristles battalions of SNA troops, 2,500 in total. As allotment of its training, the Somali troops are advised to a abundant dosage of Turkish conduct that includes singing the Turkish civic canticle with a accomplishments video assuming Turkish army advertising commemorating the Ottoman Empire.
The Somali Ministry of Aegis does not exercise any oversight, is not allotment of the training, and is absent to what the troops are learning. Worse still, it does not assume to acquire the challenges of amalgam the Turkish-trained units with the beyond SNA. There are added apropos over the role played by SADAT, a belled Turkish clandestine aggressive contractor, which has been accepted to be complex in training Somali troops. Founded by an Erdoğan ally, SADAT has been heavily complex in conflicts in Syria and Libya and has been accused of accouterment training and weapons to the al-Qaeda-linked al-Nusra Front.
(Dis)integration with the SNA
Turkey is accouterment the SNA units it trains with Turkish-made weapons such as the MPT-76 and added HK G3 variants fabricated by MKEK with 7.62×51 NATO ammunition. This creates a alarming abhorrence that prevents these units from actuality chip into the beyond SNA. In addition, there are additionally signs of a abstract from command and ascendancy that may axis from Turkish-provided communications equipment, according to associates of the SNA. By contrast, the U.S. and the U.K., which acquire accomplished and able able units, opt to retrofit Kalashnikovs and added weapons broadly accessible in Somalia to accouterments the units they train, instead of the M4s or Enfields acclimated by their armies. Turkey is thereby creating a bazaar for its weapons manufacturers such as MKEK at the amount of architecture a adamant army that is able of accustomed out collective operations amidst assorted branches and units.
Politicization of the SNA
On Feb. 19, 2021, the Turkish-trained Somali appropriate armament accepted as Gorgor (“Eagle”) acclimated alive armament on caught civilians affably agitation the addendum of Farmaajo’s appellation in appointment as president, which had asleep on Feb. 8 2021. On April 27, the Turkish-trained Haramcad (“Cheetah”) appropriate badge assemblage was active in the actionable arrest of journalists and an advance on a above Somali president. Admitting afresh pleas by the Somali Opposition Council to the Turkish government to abstain sending weapons and aggressive accouterments during Somalia’s acclamation dispute, Turkey connected to accumulation weapons to a admiral absorbed on blockage in adeptness at all costs.
This was a axis point that afflicted how abounding Somalis perceived Turkey, abnormally the association of Mogadishu. Having accustomed Turkey with accessible accoutrements in 2011 as a appeaser and accompaniment builder, they were now abashed by its alienation to their plight, as Turkey aboveboard took Farmaajo’s ancillary and the troops it accomplished angry their accoutrements on bounded association instead of angry al-Shabab. The U.N. Somalia and Eritrea Ecology Accumulation (SMEG) has again warned Turkey for actionable the U.N. accoutrements embargo by accouterment Somali badge armament after advice and accepting approval from SMEG.

Erdoğan’s “neo-Ottoman” blackmail to Somalia
Erdoğan’s appointment to Somalia in 2011 and the accouterment of abetment by assorted Turkish aid agencies at the acme of the dearth fabricated Turkey a advantage in the eyes of abounding Somalis, who were admiring for an another to the bootless Western-backed Somalia government. These overtures served as a litmus analysis of Erdoğan’s bendable power, putting Turkey on the map as a altruistic amateur and an arising donor.
In reality, however, the Turkish archetypal has been a anatomy of altruistic action address aimed at acceptable bankrupt Somali hearts and the abetment of abject political elites who account from aid annex on the West. However, the branding of Turkish aid has had a damaging appulse on accessible perception, creating aerial expectations that the Turkish government would advance in state-building and accommodate protection. This acumen is anticipated back political elites acquire oversold expectations of the Turkish government and its bread-and-butter strength. These elites are not blessed with the EU and U.S.; alike admitting they accommodate the majority of Somalia’s account abutment and adorning aid, this comes with rules, regulations, and authoritative accountability, while the Turkish government has a altered admission that meets their abiding arch appeal of “what’s in it for me.”
Erdoğan has said he believes Turkey’s captivation in Somalia was a acceptable augury for the African country, autograph in a allotment appear in Adopted Action in October 2011, “In Turkish culture, it is believed that article acceptable will appear out of all bad experiences.” A decade after the alone affair Somalia has acquired from the Turkish archetypal is cher bad acquaintance stemming from alien autocracy, autonomous backsliding, and a development trap.
Turkish state-sponsored clandestine companies Albayrak and Favori resemble the Italian colonial action Benadir Company, and over the accomplished 10 years they acquire benefitted from actionable abiding concessions and political dispensation that has amount Somalia’s government and investors as abundant as $5 billion in absent acquirement due to barter barriers and bribery of accompaniment resources, according to estimates from the columnist accepted by above government accounts officials. Turkey’s mutual barter accord with Somalia has put its abridgement in a stranglehold, axis Somalia’s assets into asleep basic that has attenuated the government and clandestine sector’s banking basement and adeptness to allure adopted absolute investment, attached its sovereignty, and creating an addiction to Turkey’s bogus aid and its development trap.
Turkey has acclimated Somalia to bear its clandestine area companies and body a portfolio and clue almanac it can angle to added African or low-income countries with the ambiguous business that “if it works in Somalia, it can assignment in your country too.” An African country that cannot admission acrimonious Apple Bank loans or Chinese bendable loans could calmly be tempted to acquire such an action and accident falling into a development trap. This is abnormally accurate for countries with absolute regimes, brittle states, and anemic government institutions, like Somalia, Afghanistan, and Libya.
Rather than reforming and deepening Somalia’s anemic government institutions to abate corruption, the Turkish government chose to abject Somalia government ministries to acquire the allowances of advantageous concessions in an accomplishment to advance its authority at home and brightness its accreditation as an all-embracing amateur abroad, all at the amount of Mogadishu’s taxpayers.
If approaching Somalia leaders do not barrier adjoin Erdoğan’s irredentism and neo-Ottoman expansionism by demography a folio from Tunisia, which imposed a 27% assessment on Turkish appurtenances to abate the barter deficit, in the abutting 10 years Turkey may aggrandize its authority on the abridgement and booty over Somalia’s agronomical area as well, aloof like the Italian colonialists did back they accomplished that the Benadir littoral ports and towns depend on a hinterland (Shabelle River belt) accumulation chain.
Turkey is application its aggressive abject in Somalia to aggrandize its admission and accretion a ballast in the Horn of Africa, all after advantageous a cent in rent, and it has become bright that the government’s appetite is not to assure Somalia from the affliction of al-Shabab or accommodate any allusive aegis assistance.
Perhaps Erdoğan has no absorption in seeing a defended and peaceful Somalia and the units that Turkey is training, whose almanac in action adjoin al-Shabab is afflictive compared to the added units like the Danab (“Lightning Brigade”), may instead be a backstop to ensure that any approaching addressee of Villa Somalia does not go adjoin Ankara’s interests. If so, Erdoğan could be accouterment the activation for approaching conflicts in Somalia.
Erdoğan has exploited Somalia’s airiness to accompany his appetite of authoritative Turkey an all-embracing adeptness and furthering his “neo-Ottoman” aspirations. Erdoğan’s new authority is a agilely buried feudal arrangement that depends on militarism and bread-and-butter bribery for its survival. It is a blackmail to Somalia’s adherence and prosperity, and if replicated elsewhere, it could destabilize added countries too.
Guled Ahmed is a non-resident academic at MEI, a renewable activity and baptize basement expert, and an entrepreneur. The angle bidding in this allotment are his own.

Photo by STUART PRICE/AU-UN IST PHOTO/AFP via Getty Images
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