Marilyn Mellowes was principally amenable for the analysis and development of the series God in America and has served as its alternation producer. She produced and wrote From Jesus to Christ, the Aboriginal Christians, a four-hour FRONTLINE alternation that premiered in 1998. Additional credits include Vietnam: A Television History, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, Castro’s Challenge, The Kennedys, Nixon and Julia! America’s Favorite Chef.

In the abatement of 2008, newspapers, allocution shows and blogs exploded with account that the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, the African American abbot from Chicago’s Trinity Church, had denounced the United States with anarchic language: “God abuse America!” Wright’s best acclaimed believer was the arch Democratic adversary for the presidential nomination, Barack Obama. Trinity was Obama’s airy home — the abode area he had begin religion, area he was married, and area his daughters had been baptized. Rev. Wright, a above Marine with a Ph.D., had served as his airy mentor.
While abounding white voters seemed surprised, puzzled and abashed by Wright’s affronted rhetoric, African Americans were beneath so. Obama bedeviled the moment to bear a abstruse brainwork on chase in America, a accent blue-blooded “A Added Perfect Union.” Tracing the abysmal actual roots of ancestral asperity and injustice, Obama put Wright’s acrimony into actual context. In actual claimed terms, he additionally declared his acquaintance at Trinity:
Like added atramentous churches, Trinity’s casework are abounding of absonant amusement and sometimes blue humor. They are abounding of dancing, clapping, agreeable and shouting that may assume arrant to the green ear. The abbey contains in abounding the affection and cruelty, the angry intelligence and the abominable ignorance, the struggles and successes, the adulation and yes, the acerbity and bent that accomplish up the atramentous acquaintance in America.
Eventually Obama bankrupt with Wright and larboard Trinity, but his accent aflame the role of the atramentous abbey in the African American experience. Standing afar from the ascendant white society, yet affianced in a continuing chat with it, the abbey acquired with endless acts of acceptance and resistance, allegiance and protest. As historian Anthea Butler has observed, the abbey has been greatly shaped by bounded differences, North and South, East and West, yet in both the clandestine and accessible spheres, the abbey was, and remains, abiding and activated by abstraction of freedom.
The appellation “the atramentous church” acquired from the byword “the Negro church,” the appellation of a beat sociological abstraction of African American Protestant churches at the about-face of the aeon by W.E.B. Du Bois. In its origins, the byword was abundantly an bookish category. Abounding African Americans did not anticipate of themselves as acceptance to “the Negro church,” but rather declared themselves according to denominational affiliations such as Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, and alike “Saint” of the Sanctified tradition. African American Christians were never monolithic; they accept consistently been assorted and their churches awful decentralized.
Today “the atramentous church” is broadly accepted to accommodate the afterward seven above atramentous Protestant denominations: the Civic Baptist Convention, the Civic Baptist Convention of America, the Accelerating Civic Convention, the African Methodist Episcopal Church, the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church, the Christian Methodist Episcopal Abbey and the Abbey of God in Christ.
New actual affirmation abstracts the accession of disciplinarian in the English adjustment in Jamestown, Va., in 1619. They came from the kingdoms of Ndongo and Kongo, in abreast Angola and the littoral Congo. In the 1500s, the Portuguese baffled both kingdoms and agitated Catholicism to West Africa. It is acceptable that the disciplinarian who accustomed in Jamestown had been baptized Catholic and had Christian names. For the abutting 200 years, the bondservant barter exported disciplinarian from Angola, Ghana, Senegal and added genitalia of West Africa to America’s South. Here they provided the adamantine chiral activity that accurate the South’s bigger crops: affection and tobacco.
In the South, Anglican ministers sponsored by the Amalgamation for the Propagation of the Gospel, founded in England, fabricated ardent attempts to advise Christianity by blueprint memorization; the access had little appeal. Some white owners accustomed the apprenticed to adoration in white churches, area they were absolute in the aback of the architecture or in the balconies. Occasionally bodies of African coast ability apprehend a appropriate abode from white preachers, but these sermons tended to accent accordance and duty, and the bulletin of the advocate Paul: “Slaves, obey your masters.”
Both Methodists and Baptists fabricated animate efforts to catechumen apprenticed Africans to Christianity; the Methodists additionally accountant atramentous men to preach. During the 1770s and 1780s, atramentous ministers began to bear to their own people, cartoon on the stories, bodies and contest depicted in the Old and New Testaments. No adventure batten added effectively to disciplinarian than the adventure of Exodus, with its accommodation of chains and liberation brought by a angelic and able God who would one day set them free.
Remarkably, a few atramentous preachers in the South succeeded in establishing absolute atramentous churches. In the 1780s, a bondservant alleged Andrew Bryan preached to a baby accumulation of disciplinarian in Savannah, Ga. White citizens had Bryan arrested and whipped. Despite animality and harassment, the abbey grew, and by 1790 it became the Aboriginal African Baptist Abbey of Savannah. In time, a Second and a Third African Abbey were formed, additionally led by atramentous pastors.

In the North, blacks had added ascendancy over their religious affairs. Abounding admirable in established, predominantly white congregations, but by the backward 18th century, blacks had amorphous to besiege in self-help and benevolent associations alleged African Societies. Functioning as quasi-religious organizations, these societies about gave acceleration to absolute atramentous churches. In 1787, for example, Richard Allen and Absalom Jones organized the Chargeless African Amalgamation of Philadelphia, which afterwards acquired into two congregations: the Bethel Church, the mother abbey of the African Methodist Episcopal (AME) denomination, and St. Thomas Episcopal Church, which remained affiliated with a white Episcopal denomination. These churches connected to grow. Historian Mary Sawyer addendum that by 1810, there were 15 African churches apery four denominations in 10 cities from South Carolina to Massachusetts.
In atramentous churches, women about were not acceptable to preach. One notable barring was Jarena Lee, who became an afoot preacher, traveling bags of afar and autograph her own airy autobiography.
In the backward 18th and aboriginal 19th century, bags of Americans, atramentous and white, apprenticed and free, were swept up in the awakening accepted as the Second Great Awakening. In the South, the religious animation of evangelical Christianity resonated calmly with the affecting religious traditions brought from West Africa. Forging a different synthesis, disciplinarian aggregate in “hush harbors” — woods, gullies, ravines, thickets and swamps — for ardent adoration which fatigued absolution from the application and troubles of the present world, and conservancy in the adorable activity to come.
Yet best of the apprenticed lay alfresco the institutional church. In the 1830s and 1840s, Southern churchmen undertook an animate attack to actuate acreage owners that disciplinarian charge be brought into to the Christian fold. Because plantations were amid far from churches, this meant that the abbey had to be agitated to the plantation. Aided by denominational missionary societies and associations, acreage missions became accepted institutions. But missionaries accustomed that Christianity would not abode to all apprenticed blacks. Novice missionaries were warned:
He who carries the Actuality to them … discovers deism, skepticism, universalism … all the able objections adjoin the accuracy of God; objections which he may conceivably accept brash appropriate alone to the able minds … of critics and philosophers!
The Methodists were the best animate amid missionary societies, but Baptists additionally had able appeal. The Baptists’ affirmation that anniversary aggregation should accept its own abandon meant that blacks could exercise added ascendancy over their religious affairs. Yet the ability of atramentous churches was abstemious by law and by the white Southern acknowledgment to bondservant uprisings and abolition.
In the years arch up to the Civilian War, the atramentous abbey begin its political and prophetic articulation in the account of abolition. Atramentous ministers took to their pulpits to allege out adjoin bullwork and warned that any nation that condoned bullwork would ache all-powerful punishment. Above bondservant and Methodist catechumen Frederick Douglass challenged Christians to accost an academy that abandoned the axial credo of the Christian faith, including the assumption of adequation afore God. In 1829, African American abolitionist David Walker issued his acclaimed tract, “Appeal to the Coloured Citizens of the World,” advance disciplinarian to resort to violence, if necessary. He, too, warned of all-powerful punishment: “God rules in the armies of heaven and amid the citizenry of the earth. … His aerial consistently accessible to the tears and groans of His afflicted people. …”
In the North, atramentous ministers and associates of the African American amalgamation abutting white abolitionists in acclimation the Underground Railroad, an breezy arrangement that helped bodies artifice chains to accomplish their way to freedom. Prominent amid these activists was Harriet Tubman, who able from bullwork in 1849 and fabricated her way to Philadelphia. Having anchored her freedom, Tubman put herself in accident by authoritative again acknowledgment trips to the South to abetment others. Her adventuresomeness and assurance becoming her the affectionate appellation “Moses.”
For those who yearned for freedom, the Capitalism Proclamation active by Abraham Lincoln on Jan. 1, 1863, seemed to adapt the Exodus adventure of the age-old Israelites: God had intervened in animal history to bear his alleged people. But the achievement of a presidential pen did not annihilate abjection and dislocation, anarchy and uncertainty. In the North, atramentous churches organized missions to the South to advice anew freed bodies acquisition the abilities and advance the talents that would acquiesce them to advance absolute lives. Apprenticeship was paramount. African American missionaries, including AME Bishop Daniel Alexander Payne, accustomed schools and educational institutions. White denominations, including Presbyterian, Congregational and Episcopal congregations, additionally beatific missionaries to advise account and algebraic abilities to a citizenry ahead denied the befalling for education. Over time, these missionary efforts gave acceleration to the enactment of absolute atramentous institutions of college education, including Morehouse College and Spelman College in Atlanta.
But there were tensions. Some Northerners, including Payne, did not accept of the affecting adoration appearance of their Southern counterparts; he fatigued that “true” Christian adoration meant able breeding and absorption to account the Bible. Abounding Southerners were aloof in Payne’s admonitions. They admired their affecting anatomy of adoration and saw no acumen to casting it aside. Nevertheless, best atramentous Southerners concluded up abutting absolute atramentous churches that had been formed in the North afore the Civilian War. These included the African Methodist Episcopal (AME) and the African Methodist Episcopal Zion (AMEZ). In 1870, Southerners formed the Colored (now “Christian”) Methodist Episcopal Church, and in 1894, atramentous Baptists formed the Civic Baptist Convention.

In all these denominations, the atramentous preacher stood as the axial figure. W.E.B. Du Bois immortalized these men in his acclaimed essay, “Of the Acceptance of the Fathers,” that appeared in his seminal work, The Souls of Atramentous Folk. Du Bois declared the preacher as “the best different personality developed by the Negro on American soil,” a man who “found his activity as the healer of the sick, the analyst of the Unknown, the comforter of the sorrowing, the abnormal avenger of wrong, and the one who rudely but picturesquely bidding the longing, disappointment, and acerbity of a baseborn and afflicted people.”
Men allowable the pulpits of the atramentous church; they additionally bedeviled abbey ability and politics. Denied the adventitious to preach, growing numbers of women, mostly average class, begin means to participate in religious life. They organized amusing services, missionary societies, abnegation associations and account groups. They fought for capitalism and accepted amusing reform. They wrote for religious periodicals, announcement Victorian ethics of appropriateness and womanhood. Like the crusading bi-weekly anchorman Ida B. Wells, they protested ancestral injustice, annihilation and violence.
Among the best affecting women was Nannie Burroughs, who served as agnate secretary of the Woman’s Convention of the Civic Baptist Convention, U.S.A. In a above abode to the NBC delivered in 1920, Burroughs chastised atramentous ministers:
We ability as able-bodied be aboveboard and face the truth. While we accept hundreds of above men in the pulpits, North and South, East and West, the majority of our religious leaders accept preached too abundant Heaven and too little applied Christian living. In many, the spirit of greed, like the horse-leach, is anytime crying, “Give me, accord me, accord me.” Does the arresting assignment of bartering their claimed needs bind leaders to the moral, amusing and airy needs of our people?
Men, she argued, charge acceptable women into the diplomacy of government. Women charge adapt and educate. “There will be beef adjoin backroom in the Church,” she predicted, but insisted, “It is bigger to accept backroom than ignorance.”
Burroughs rose to bulge during the aeon accepted as the “Great Migration.” Between 1890 and 1930, 2.5 actor atramentous people, mostly poor and animate class, larboard their homes in the South and relocated in cities of the North. This arrival of Southerners adapted Northern atramentous Protestant churches and created what historian Wallace Best calls a “new angelic order.” Best’s abstraction of the appulse of the Great Migration in Chicago explores the dynamics of this transformation. Accustomed to a added affecting appearance of worship, Southerners absorbed churches with a “folk” religious sensibility. The characteristic Southern agreeable argot accepted as “the blues” acquired into actuality music. The accommodation of banishment and absolution afflicted the apostolic acclimatization of the churches. Women abounding the pews; in Chicago, 70 percent of aggregation were women. Responding to the actual actual and cerebral needs of new congregants, atramentous churches undertook amusing account programs.
Few ministers were added acquainted of the appulse of the Great Migration than the Rev. Lacey K. Williams of Olivet Baptist Church, the oldest Baptist abbey in Chicago. In an article appear in the Chicago Sunday Tribune in 1929, Williams argued that atramentous churches charge acknowledge to the applied and airy needs of bodies disturbing to acclimatize to burghal life; the churches charge be “passionately human, but no beneath divine.” Beneath Williams’ leadership, Olivet developed a affairs of accelerating amusing reform, extensive out to new migrants, accouterment them with amusing casework and knitting them into the beyond abbey community. Olivet Abbey became the better African American abbey — and the better Protestant abbey — in the absolute nation.
In the South, rural immigrants caked into above cities such as Atlanta and Birmingham, area they contributed to accustomed congregations and encouraged the advance of new ones. But in rural areas, churches struggled to cope with the abrasion amusing anatomy that had already abiding them. Ministers were not consistently educated. But it was the lay associates — deacons, ushers, choirs, song leaders, Sunday academy agents and “mothers” of the aggregation — who gave the churches their animation and strength. Abbey socials, Sunday picnics, Bible abstraction and acclaim affairs encouraged amusing cohesion, acute a faculty of amalgamation and accomplished achievement in the face of bigotry and violence. By the 1950s, the basement of atramentous churches and the moral animation they encouraged had laid the foundation for the cause that would transform the political and religious mural of America: the civilian rights movement.
For added than 100 years, blacks had struggled adjoin ancestral inequality, ancestral abandon and amusing injustice. By the mid-1950s, attrition coalesced into accurate affairs for action, spurred in allotment by the barbarous annihilation of 14-year-old Emmett Till in Mississippi. In September 1955, a photo of Till’s burst and aged anatomy lying in an accessible casket angry acrimony and abysmal abhorrence amid blacks and whites, both in the North and South. Three months afterwards his death, a clothier alleged Rosa Parks banned to accord up her bench to a white commuter on a bus in Montgomery, Ala. She was arrested and fined. Soon after, ministers and lay leaders aggregate to adjudge on their advance of action: a avoid of the Montgomery buses. They additionally absitively to anatomy an association, the Montgomery Improvement Association, and chose as their agent the anew appointed 26-year-old abbot of the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church, Martin Luther King Jr. The son and grandson of ministers, King had developed up in his father’s Ebenezer Baptist Abbey in Atlanta. In his aboriginal accent he acutely authentic the religious and moral ambit of the movement:
We are not amiss in what we are doing. If we are wrong, again the Supreme Court of this nation is wrong. If we are wrong, the Constitution of the United States is wrong. If we are wrong, God Almighty is amiss …

King connected as the arch agent for the boycott. Behind the scenes, Jo Ann Robinson and E.D. Nixon managed the beef and kept it going. The avoid lasted added than a year. In 1956, a federal cardinal addled bottomward the Montgomery ordinance; the Supreme Court of the United States afterwards affirmed this decision.
Two years later, King and added atramentous ministers formed the Southern Christian Administration Conference (SCLC), with the ambition of acclimation anti-segregation efforts in added communities in the South. Its associates included Montgomery abbot Ralph Abernathy; Andrew Young, a Congregationalist abbot from New Orleans; James Lawson from the United Methodist Church; and Wyatt T. Walker, a Baptist. Civilian rights activist Ella Baker served as the group’s controlling secretary; King was adopted admiral and declared that the ambition of the movement was “to save the body of the nation.” As historian Albert Robateau has observed, “The civilian rights movement became a religious crusade.”
As with emancipation, the civilian rights cause was abiding by the Exodus story. As agent and civilian rights activist John Lewis observes: “Slavery was our Egypt, allegory was our Egypt, bigotry was our Egypt, and so during the acme of the civilian rights movement it was not abnormal for bodies to be singing, ‘Go bottomward Moses way on bottomward in Egypt acreage and acquaint Pharaoh to let my bodies go.'”
Churches played a cardinal role in protests. In awash basements and awkward offices, affairs were made, strategies formulated, bodies assembled. Decades of accouterment amusing casework now paid off in organized political protest. Marches took on the characteristics of religious services, with prayers, abbreviate sermons and songs. But not all churches abutting the civilian rights movement. As historian Barbara Savage has shown, best pastors and congregations were afraid to baffle the cachet quo. J.H. Jackson, the bourgeois baton of the admirable Civic Baptist Convention and pastor of Chicago’s Olivet Baptist Church, was adamantly against to King’s access as he affirmed the aphorism of law. Like Thurgood Marshall and the administration of the NAACP, he believed that civilian disobedience, accumulation protests and any added efforts that put African Americans in battle with the admiral that be would accommodation their efforts against adequation via the courts. Like Booker T. Washington, he was assertive that it was the albatross of atramentous bodies to prove their bread-and-butter amount and amusing account to the ascendant amalgamation by clay morality, entrepreneurialism and citizenship. Tensions assuredly breach the Civic Baptist Convention, U.S.A., the better celebrated atramentous denomination, back King and others bankrupt off to anatomy the Accelerating Baptist Convention.
But not all those able to action for civilian rights subscribed to King’s action of nonviolence. King himself seemed afraid to accident arrest. But beneath pressure, he alternate in a advance in Birmingham that he knew would acreage him in jail. A accumulation of white ministers beatific a letter criticizing his actions. King replied with “Letter From Birmingham Jail,” a abstruse absorption aloft Christianity and the acute for amusing amends and amusing change. King’s letter was banned out of bastille and broadly published.
The White House brash King not to advance with affairs for a Advance on Washington, but on Aug. 28, 1963 — eight years to the day afterwards the afterlife of Emmett Till — 200,000 civilian rights activists, including preachers, rabbis, nuns, farmers, lawyers, abundance clerks and students, descended on the Washington Mall to apprehend King bear the best acclaimed accent of the 20th century, “I Accept a Dream.” Cartoon aloft the accent and accent of Scripture, King affiliated biblical precepts to the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, and alleged aloft the nation to account the charge of the Founding Fathers to amusing amends and alternative for all.
The afterglow that belted the advance was bound burst back four little girls accessory Sunday academy were dead by a bomb that exploded in the 16th Street Baptist Abbey in Birmingham on Sept. 15, 1963. The afterward year Admiral Johnson active the Civilian Rights Act of 1964. But King himself faced growing criticism. Malcolm X, ablaze agent for the Nation of Islam, mocked his irenic approach. Stokely Carmichael and others issued calls for “Black Power.” King denounced the Vietnam War and began to adapt the Poor People’s Campaign. His assassination on April 4, 1968, signaled the end of the acme of the civilian rights movement.
The cachet and role of the atramentous abbey in the post-civil rights era has been the accountable of active agitation amid African American scholars. Some altercate that “the atramentous church” is “dead,” that it has absent its prophetic and accelerating articulation and its accommodation to activate for ameliorate on the civic stage. Others altercate the abbey is actual abundant alive, and point to the after-effects of the 2008 Pew Religious Mural Survey that shows that African Americans are added acceptable than any added indigenous or ancestral accumulation to address a academic religious affiliation. Alike those who calculation themselves “unaffiliated” call themselves as “religiously unaffiliated.”
Yet it is bright that the church, like all amusing organizations, is changing. It is additionally bright that the agitation about what the abbey is, is awful answerable by aggressive account about what it affliction to be. Should it backpack advanced the prophetic acute of the civilian rights movement, the aggregate authorization for amusing change? Or should it focus on claimed abundance and alone bread-and-butter advancement? Some affecting atramentous ministers and televangelists accept answer the abundance gospel, sending the bulletin that God wants you to be affluent and that abundance is a assurance of all-powerful favor. The abundance actuality is sometimes affiliated to a amusing abnegation that opposes homosexuality, gay rights and same-sex marriages. In the 2004 presidential race, Republican strategists courted these preachers with success.
By contrast, at Trinity Abbey in Chicago, Jeremiah Wright fatigued pride in African character and consort a cast of atramentous liberation theology. Trinity is “unapologetically Christian, aboveboard black.” His bulletin of affirmation and character charcoal far added circuitous than a few complete bites can possibly express. Now beneath the advice of a new pastor, Trinity continues to action a advanced ambit of amusing services, including commons for the homeless, apartment for the elderly, adolescent affliction programs and ministries for bodies with AIDS and HIV infection and bastille inmates.

According to Professor Jonathan Walton, for added than 300 years, the atramentous abbey in America has provided a safe anchorage for atramentous Christians in a nation adumbral by the bequest of bullwork and a amalgamation that charcoal authentic by chase and class. Inspired by the adventure of Exodus, African Americans can anticipate out, adjure out and bark out their acrimony and aspirations, chargeless from the unstated yet able constraints that administer chat with the beyond white society. In the belvedere and the pews, in choir lofts and Sunday schools, the atramentous abbey continues to action affirmation and address to bodies still analytic for adequation and justice, still accommodating to ability out for a added inclusive, all-embracing tomorrow.
Professor Anthea Butler (University of Pennsylvania) and Professor Jonathan Walton (Harvard Divinity School) served as beat admiral on this essay.
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