This is a blitz archetype of “Ingraham Angle” on November 8, 2021. This archetype may not be in its final anatomy and may be updated.

SEAN HANNITY, FOX NEWS HOST: All right. Unfortunately, that is all the time we accept larboard for tonight. As always, acknowledgment so abundant for actuality with us. Please set your DVR, so you never absence an episode. And remember, we will never be the media mob ever.
In the meantime, let not your hearts be troubled. Laura Ingraham is continuing by. Hi.
LAURA INGRAHAM, FOX NEWS HOST: How are you? Did you accept a restful weekend?
HANNITY: I did, I did. I’m still aggressive allergies and injuries and aggregate in between. But I – it was good.
INGRAHAM: You haven’t absent your voice, or do you apperceive charge to–
HANNITY: It’s still – the abhorrence allotment is ashore in my articulation and it won’t actually go away. But I’m actually not like Ray Arroyo.
INGRAHAM: You know, you – God will get you for that one, Hannity. OK. Aloof watch – aftereffect is a – you apperceive what. It’s coming. It is coming. That’s all I accept to say.
HANNITY: Oh, I know. Actuality it comes.
INGRAHAM: It is currently actuality planned. OK. So the aftereffect adjoin you is actuality planned. And it is abnormally abandoned and funny.
HANNITY: Aftermost ceremony I was nice to you. I congratulated on you – you on your fourth anniversary. I was so blessed for you, been a abundant archetype of Fox. I’m not accepting revenge.
INGRAHAM: I’m absolute afflictive with adulation from you. I charge to go aback to the affronted all the time. The adulation don’t do anything. All right, Hannity. I’ll see. I got to get to it.
I’m Laura Ingraham. This is INGRAHAM ANGLE from Washington tonight. We accept a lot to get to. So let’s dive appropriate in.
Housecleaning, that’s the focus of tonight’s ‘Angle’.
All right. With Joe Biden at 38 percent boilerplate approval rating, now 58 percent of the country says he has the amiss priorities. And that acclamation accident in Virginia, now one wouldn’t anticipate that the affection at the White Abode would be upbeat, you know, appealing giddy. But it was all smiles today afterwards the aboriginal Saturday access of that $1.2 abundance affected basement bill.
Now, remember, alone allotment of it is adamantine infrastructure. The blow is the archetypal careless Washington debris with a left-wing bent. For Biden’s boy admiration busline secretary though, it’s actually actually awesome.
PETE BUTTGIEG, SECRETARY OF TRANSPORTATION: Aback our communications aggregation presents me with a copy, I usually cantankerous out the chat aflame because I anticipate it’s overused. And I about rub out the assertion points, because it’s not consistently my style. But we are aflame with an assertion point about what we’re activity to be able to deliver.
INGRAHAM: Now, it sounds like Pete’s got his attack bartering activity for his 2024 presidential run. There it is. And let’s face it, the Democrats are activity to be wiped out in 2022, because we apperceive the all-encompassing acclamation now has Republicans at additional eight, if you can accept it.
Now, by absolute comparison, let me construe how animal this actually is. In 2010, Republicans won by 6.8 credibility and best up 63 seats in the House. Wow! So aloof aback Pelosi and Biden actually bare a win, well, it came, abode of the Republicans.
JOHN BERMAN, CNN HOST: This was a bipartisan action. 13 Abode Republicans broke ranks with affair leadership.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: A abode assuredly anesthetized the trillion-dollar bipartisan basement bill. Six Democrats voting adjoin it and 13 Republicans bucking their affair leadership.
INGRAHAM: It was 12 men and one woman, Nicole Malliotakis from bourgeois Staten Island, who pushed the bill over the top.
REP. NICOLE MALLIOTAKIS (R-NY): Anchorage and bridges and tunnels and ports. I’m blessed to accept abutting with my colleagues to abutment this for my district, in particular. I mean, the money in there can be acclimated for all sorts of projects. I attending advanced to alive with my bounded legislators to analyze what priorities we’re activity to affiliate on.
INGRAHAM: Aboriginal off, the congresswoman is not activity to accept abundant of a say in how any of this money is spent. Nice dreaming, though.
The Biden chiffonier is activity to be authoritative a lot of the big calls. And secondly, she calmly leaves out that the bill is burdened with accelerating pork. And it lays the background for all the altitude change applesauce to come.
$7.5 billion is activity to go to electric agent charging stations; 5 billion for electric academy buses; 1 billion for ripping up racist highways. And by the way, that’s aloof a bead in the bucket. It’s abundant added afterwards that.
Now, no admiration that addled anti-Trump annoyance Adam Kinzinger concluded up acknowledging it. Now, none of them apprehension for a additional about what it is they’re actually putting in motion. They aloof apprehension about bringing the bacon aback home.
The baton of the moderates, John Katko, is decidedly odious. But what can we apprehend from a blowhard blowhard who voted to accuse Trump over January 6.
REP. JOHN KATKO (R-NY): Now, aloof as the Capitol Badge adequate us, Congress charge bout that adventuresomeness and assure the Constitution, our Democratic processes and this nation. The attendance rolling this coup is undeniable.
INGRAHAM: Well, aback afresh Katko has been a asleep man walking in bourgeois politics. Months ago, the able Bourgeois Affair of Onondaga County said, it would not aback Katko’s reelection. And he already has his aboriginal primary challenger. I adulation that. Good.
Now, at atomic three out of the 13 accident GOP congressmen accept already appear their retirement. Get out the door. Well, good, because anniversary and every one of them either didn’t apprehend the complete bill, which is a contravention of duty, or they did apprehend it and aloof abandoned its best arrant provisions, which bluntly is worse than a contravention of duty.
A decidedly bruised Pelosi-inspired absolution for acknowledging it came from Congressman David McKinley from West Virginia. Remember, it’s for the children. He said, we’ve all heard belief of accouchement in West Virginia sitting in parking lots to do their schoolwork because their homes are not affiliated to reliable broadband internet. Tonight. I voted for those kids. Oh, really, David?
After watching the Democrats abort West Virginia’s atramentous industry as China’s roars ahead, he now trusts the Democrats to booty affliction of the accouchement in West Virginia? What planet is he alive on?
The actuality is these 13 Abode Republicans are dupe Biden’s chiffonier secretaries to absorb this gargantuan sum of money. Do it wisely, aback the acute move would accept been to delay to canyon a apple-pie basement bill until the Republicans booty aback the Abode abutting year. Unless, that is, you assurance Activity Secretary Granholm to focus on accepted faculty solutions to skyrocketing activity prices.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Is the Granholm plan to access oil assembly in America?
JENNIFER GRANHOLM, SECRETARY OF ENERGY: That is hilarious. Would that I had the abracadabra baton on this.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Should Americans in – well, acceptable be a algid winter, best of them are, apprehend to pay college prices for heating their homes?
GRANHOLM: Yes. This is activity to happen. Oil and gas companies are not flipping the about-face as bound as the appeal requires.
INGRAHAM: Oh, my God. Is there anymore asinine actuality has anytime been a chiffonier member? I anticipate – what we demand, amazon secretary, is an activity secretary assured abundant to acknowledgment basal questions. Not a 10-watt ball assuming to be a spotlight.
Again, this is the affair with aught solutions. They alone aggravate problems. And every GOP vote for this bill, which is the accompaniment bill to the abutting alike worse amusing spending bill ensures that accepted aggrandizement aftermost longer, and activity prices go alike higher. Now, currently, the White Abode has aught affairs to accumulate the closing from aerial out of control.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Could you aloof lay out what those added options are that he’s considering?
KARINE JEAN-PIERRE, WHITE HOUSE DEPUTY PRESS SECRETARY: So I don’t – again, I don’t – I don’t accept annihilation specific here. The Admiral batten to this recently. But he’s additionally asked FTC to able bottomward on actionable pricing. But also, we’re activity to abide to adviser the bearings and accept a cardinal of accoutrement in our arsenal, as I aloof mentioned. I don’t accept annihilation specific.
INGRAHAM: Monitoring the situation. That’s consistently my admired answer. Now, what you all accept to accept here, and the affected basement Republicans don’t assume to get, is that ascent activity costs are a key allotment of the Democrats’ agenda. They appetite amount to go up, because they appetite to anatomy aback greener, alike admitting it is activity to beggarly that abounding Republicans will be affected to accept what any – abounding Americans are activity to be affected to accept calefaction or aliment this winter.
Affordable activity agency that Americans charge beneath government and accept added freedom. They can accept added abandon and do what they want, to go breadth they want, wherever they want. But the pricier gasoline, airline and alternation tickets become, the beneath abandon you have. And they’re actually accomplished with that.
Now, somehow the president’s Chief of Staff Ron Klain, he believes that Tuesday’s acclamation losses authenticate that voters appetite added spending.

RON KLAIN, WHITE HOUSE CHIEF OF STAFF: I do anticipate the voters beatific a bulletin on Tuesday, they capital to see added activity in Washington. They capital to see things move added quickly. And three canicule later, Congress responded casual the President’s basement bill.
INGRAHAM: Well, a new analysis out by CNN shows, the capital affair for voters isn’t infrastructure. It’s not equity. It’s not ancestral amends issues either.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: What do Americans anticipate are the bigger issues that he should be focused on appropriate now?
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It is the economy. 36 percent of Americans say the economy’s the best important compared to 20 percent who say coronavirus. That’s now the additional issue.
INGRAHAM: While the abridgement is affiliated with the accumulation alternation problems, the aggrandizement and activity costs by alive our nation added into debt with spending, well, things are alone activity to get worse. Of course, affairs you out in the Abode wouldn’t accept been accessible admitting if 19 Republican senators didn’t advertise you out in the Senate first. From Mitch McConnell to Mitt Romney, the old enactment absitively to grab a allotment of the pie.
One abode addendum that Mitch’s accompaniment of Kentucky can apprehend to accept added than $5 billion from the federal package. Again, as continued as they get their piece, they’ll aloof avoid the actuality that it provides the drive for the Anatomy Aback Bigger bill, which will amount an estimated $4 trillion. No admiration the far larboard is athrill in anticipation.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It is a animal basement bill. It’s transformational. The Adolescent Tax Credit, aback we anticipate about $400 billion for that altitude change, $555 billion there, $150 billion in housing.
INGRAHAM: Now, the abstraction that Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema are activity to authority the band for sanity, because the GOP in the Senate and the Abode gave them a allotment of infrastructure, awful unlikely.
Every already in a while we get big anticipate pieces in the media about why populism continues to be so able in abundant of the country, and why GOP voters abide to columnist for aloft change. The complete disability of GOP administering to authority the line, to do what we’re – they were adopted to do, and block over a abundance dollars in careless spending that’s activity to advance to added inflation, is a archetypal archetype of why populism will abide to grow.
The enactment won this round. But their time is alive out. Americans are not activity to cede their alive standards to accumulate the Democrats and their GOP allies in power. We saw aftermost weekend, Virginia and New Jersey, that change is coming. And the added abuse the enactment does to the economy, the faster and stronger that change is activity to be. And that’s the ‘Angle’.
Joining me now is Texas Senator Ted Cruz. Senator, your acknowledgment to the White Abode achievement lap on basement and the Republicans that advice advance it over the line.
SEN. TED CRUZ (R-TX): Well, I anticipate it’s a bad bill. I anticipate it is actually adverse that we saw Abode Republicans abetment the White House, they were accepting their clocks cleaned. It’s addition $1.2 abundance in spending. It’s on top of the trillions in spending. We’ve already seen.
As you noted, that is already alive aggrandizement beyond the economy. The amount of aliment is activity up; the amount of milk is activity up; the amount of gasoline is activity up; the amount of hire and homes and lumbers, aggregate is activity up. And the Biden administering is causing it. Unfortunately, we saw a scattering of Abode Republicans adjudge to accomplishment Nancy Pelosi from the bill abolition on its own.
I anticipate that did two things that were actually problematic. Cardinal one, it did what the Biden White Abode capital to do, which is change the accountable from the beating they took in Virginia. Virginia was a agitating victory. I was there on acclamation night with Glenn Youngkin. It was a amazing archetype of the parents of Virginia adage hell no to this abolitionist left-wing access that said that parents accept no role in their kids’ education.
But the abode basement – the Abode Republicans or a scattering of them absitively to change the accountable from that. And I anticipate it additionally added drive for the actually abhorrent bill, which is the abutting one, the Bernie Sanders left-wing budget. I adjure to God, the Bernie Sanders left-wing annual doesn’t pass. But these Abode Republicans acutely fabricated it added likely.
INGRAHAM: Well, as I mentioned, your colleagues – I don’t appetite to put you in a boxy atom here, Senator, but your colleagues in the Senate affliction the way for this complete affair to happen. And I apperceive you are a athletic forth with so abounding of your colleagues and continuing adjoin this.
But Mitch McConnell is cool – he’s a cool acute tactician, I beggarly one of the smartest tacticians in the Senate we’ve anytime had. What’s activity on there? Is – did I get annihilation amiss in my description of the allotment of the pie attitude that a lot of Republicans assume to accept about this?
CRUZ: Look, it was crazy in the Senate for about two months. We had massive arguments over this bill. I mean, agreeable arguments at lunch. We accept cafeteria calm every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday together, all the Senate Republicans. And there were about a third of the Senate Republicans who concluded up voting for this. And they would angle up and they would angle all the agitating things that are in there. They angle anchorage and bridges.
And listen, Laura, anchorage and bridges are popular. 110 billion of this bill are anchorage and bridges. I appropriate fine, if you like anchorage and bridges, I like anchorage and bridges, let’s canyon a $110 billion in anchorage and bridges, and bandy away the added abundance that is in this bill. They didn’t appetite to do that. It’s like the old con man, who sells you the Brooklyn Arch over and over and over again. It’s consistently about the bridge.
And I stood up in these lunches repeatedly. And I said, Why are you authoritative it easier for Bernie Sanders to broke this country and jam his left-wing calendar bottomward the throats of the American people? And the Republicans who voted for this, they said, No, no, aback this passes, it will be harder for Bernie to do that.
And I remember, I responded to them, Laura. I said, able-bodied look, if you got this as a deal, we’ll do this instead of the Bernie Sanders budget. I could accept that reasoning. That actually – there would be some force to that. But you got nothing. They gave up nothing. They said, We’ll canyon this, and afresh we’ll canyon aggregate away on top of it. What the heck is that accord accepting you.
INGRAHAM: The complete affliction negotiators I’ve anytime – I can’t brainstorm you could get a worse acceding out. They absent all their leverage. And now they’re activity into the spendorama of the $4 trillion.
Now, Senator, I accept to move to this, because this – the Fifth Circuit, alike I apperceive well, blocked Biden’s vaccine mandate. But the White Abode is auspicious businesses to go advanced and apparatus it. Watch.
JEAN-PIERRE: This is about befitting bodies in a abode safe. We’re aggravating to get accomplished this pandemic. And we apperceive the way to do that is to get bodies vaccinated. So bodies should not wait. We should abide to go – move advanced and accomplish abiding that they’re accepting their abode vaccinated.
INGRAHAM: So, Senator, they’re now aloof acerb auspicious adjoin mandating to try to get about the court’s breach injunction?
CRUZ: Listen, this is abominably a actually anarchic administration. The Fifth Circuit actually accurately backward Biden’s actionable vaccine mandate. They issued an admonition adjoin administering it, and the White Abode is adage avoid the cloister injunction.
Look, the White Abode attorneys apperceive that the COVID mandate, abnormally to clandestine employers, it is actionable and it’s activity to be addled down. What they’re counting on, is a accomplished agglomeration of bodies will accede any way, while the activity is pending. And by the way, this is not the aboriginal time they’ve done this.
On the border, the Biden administering refuses to accomplish the border. We accept anarchy at our southern border. A federal cloister in Texas ordered the Biden administering to abide in and to apparatus the Abide in Mexico agreement. Again, the Biden administering is aloof defying that cloister order. They’re apathetic walking it. And this is an administering that is actually lawless. And unfortunately, the American bodies are advantageous the price.
INGRAHAM: Well, Senator, finally, Houston is aching the adverse and it looks like actually accidental deaths from that Travis Scott concert. Eight people, including two adolescence died. Hundreds were injured, hordes of bodies blitz the stage. I’m audition some adverse letters for sources in the Houston PD are cogent me all sorts of things about why this affair should accept been pulled back, should never accept been accepted a permit. How do we accomplish abiding this never happens again?
CRUZ: Well, Laura, you’re right. It’s alarming what happened at that concert. I grew up in Houston, I grew up activity to concerts at AstroWorld. So I’ve been – aback I was a teenager, I was in crowds at concerts there. Thankfully, we did not accept the array of anarchy and tragedy that abundant the added night in Houston.
And the burghal is aching that tragedy. And there needs to be a absolute serious, a absolute credible, a absolute cold analysis into what went wrong. All of the accomplish that could accept been taken to anticipate this tragedy as it was unfolding. And I’ve been annual the belief of concert goers who were there, who were trapped, who were paralyzed, who couldn’t breathe and the army kept acute and acute and pressing.
And apparently, they didn’t accept the army ascendancy mechanisms in place. They didn’t accept the adeptness to stop the concert. I got to say the video of the adolescent woman who climbs up to the camera belfry and is allurement them. Bodies are dying bottomward there, stop the concert. It was indefensible that they didn’t stop it. They didn’t arbitrate and accomplishment lives. And we charge to investigate it and accomplish abiding it never happens again.
INGRAHAM: Senator, abundant to see you tonight. Acknowledgment for captivation close on this spending issue.
And up next, Lord Obama is back. This time, demography his actually aerial abode to the altitude appointment in Scotland. In moments, I’m activity to construe what his words actually meant afore Victor Davis Hanson and Dinesh D’Souza react. Breach there.
INGRAHAM: Now, if you and your wife had already spent tens of millions of dollars on chichi beach backdrop in Hawaii and Martha’s Vineyard, could you actually be addition who’s actually afraid about manmade altitude change calamity those beachfront properties? Well, Barack Obama wants you to anticipate so.
BARACK OBAMA, 44TH PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: Parts of the apple are acceptable added alarming to alive in, triggering new clearing patterns and deepening battle about the globe. It’s one of the affidavit why the U.S. pentagon and added U.S. agencies accept said that altitude change poses a civic aegis blackmail for the U.S. and for anybody else.
INGRAHAM: Now, as the parents in Virginia couldn’t save the McAuliffe campaign, but now we’re declared to accept that Obama’s bent to save the planet. It’s all hot air and mirrors. And to actually accept what’s activity on, we’re activity to accommodate you our own INGRAHAM ANGLE adaptation service.
Now, remember, Obama is aggravating to breach relevant. And I’m sure, ad to his mega Netflix affluence by autograph this accomplished all-around greeniac wave, but to actually banknote in, his accompany accept to get the federal government to accumulate the gravy alternation going.
OBAMA: I am assertive that Admiral Biden’s Anatomy Aback Bigger bill will be historic, and a huge additional for U.S. activity on altitude change. Both of us accept been accountable in ample allotment by the actuality that one of our two aloft parties has absitively not alone to sit on the sidelines, but accurate alive abhorrence adjoin altitude science.
INGRAHAM: Now, translation. We’re done debating with any of the claim of our altitude policy. He is not activity to do it. And capitalism alone actually works aback you accede with us. And aback you don’t, we’re activity to abuse you as blah and anti-science.
Next up, it’s time to cede folks.
OBAMA: I can acquiesce to accord up a lot of my accepted affairs to annual the planet, because I’ll still accept a lot larboard over. A lot of association don’t accept that cushion. So that agency that any altitude plan annual itself has to booty these inequities into account. We accept to pay absorption to those anchored inequities and the backroom that surrounds them.

INGRAHAM: Now, translation. Get acclimated to advantageous added for less. Welcome to all-around alteration of your abundance to the blow of the planet. It’s time to lower your expectations for the all-around good, but hell, it’s not activity to affect his lifestyle.
And remember, it’s consistently about association organizing. The beforehand you start, the better.
OBAMA: You’ve developed up watching abounding of the adults who are in positions to do article about it, either act like the botheration doesn’t exist, or debris to accomplish the adamantine decisions all-important to address. So to all the adolescent bodies out there, I appetite you to breach angry. I appetite you to breach frustrated.
INGRAHAM: Translation. Your parents are idiots, so avoid them. And remember, accepting beneath abandon is acceptable if you’re activity green. And next, brainstorm there’s no country. I admiration if you.
OBAMA: I accept we’re alive in a moment aback all-embracing cooperation has waned. A moment of greater geopolitical astriction and stress, in allotment because of the pandemic, in allotment because of the acceleration of bellicism and affiliated impulses about the world.
INGRAHAM: Translation. I didn’t acknowledgment China, but don’t alike anticipate we’re activity to anguish about our civic interests actuality at home.
Now, abutting me now is Victor Davis Hanson, chief adolescent at Hoover; and Dinesh D’Souza, bourgeois commentator, host of the Dinesh D’Souza podcast. Dinesh, your acknowledgment to Obama reappearing on the all-around stage.
DINESH D’SOUZA, CONSERVATIVE AUTHOR & FILMMAKER: Unbelievable. Here’s the guy who, as you say, has been advance in beachfront property, while at the aforementioned time, aching about the ascent oceans. But it’s not aloof Obama. I mean, he knows that beach backdrop are accomplishing absolute able-bodied about the world. I mean, buyers apperceive that nothing’s happening, sellers apperceive it, absolute acreage agents apperceive it.
So clearly, this altitude change affair is a political abnormality afar from the absolute behavior of bodies who are who are affairs and affairs acreage on the coast. Now, with Obama, there’s consistently a affectionate of hidden calendar here. And aback he puts himself advanced and says article like, Well, you know, I can calmly pay more.
He doesn’t actually beggarly that he’s activity to pay more, because he could pay added appropriate now. But he’s not assuming any signs of advantageous added himself. What he actually agency is the United States should pay more. So here’s the anti- colonialism of Obama arena its hand. The abstraction actuality is that we shouldn’t ask the alleged developing countries.
And notice, by the way, that China is counted as a poor developing country, alike admitting China devotes a lot of its resources. They put it in the Military, they put it into abstruse advantages over America. They’re a poor, developing country. And we’re declared to alteration abundance and assets adjoin the developing world.
INGRAHAM: Victor, Obama had to booty a attempt at the United States, of course, while he was over there.
OBAMA: Perhaps, some of you accept a agnate activating in your own countries, although about speaking, the United States seems to accept a added active action to altitude than in abounding added places.
INGRAHAM: I hated his little abeyance there. Victor, your acknowledgment to that?
VICTOR DAVIS HANSON, HOOVER INSTITUTE SENIOR FELLOW: Yes, I anticipate he’s aback to the acknowledgment tour, he’s aback to you didn’t anatomy that. He’s alike back, I think, to his advocate fervor, get in their face, booty a gun to a knife fight. He’s a little appetent that his aloft accessory has a far added radical, advocate nine months afresh he did in eight months — eight years, and he thinks he’s irrelevant.
But what’s actually advancing about that, he has no abstraction that this absolute blazon of cant and messaging is what Jimmy Carter did to conductor in Ronald Reagan, because Reagan basically said decline, it’s a choice. It’s not our fate, and we adios your choice, and we’re activity to go advanced and prosper. And that’s what’s activity to appear to these people.
And Dinesh is right, why wait? He could say tomorrow I’m activity to alive in my Martha’s Vineyard abode and accord up my Washington mansion. Or Joe Biden and Bernie can say, two houses is fine, we don’t charge three. Or Al Gore and John Kerry can say no clandestine jets per year. But they’re not activity to do that.
And the American bodies accept already cut back. They are advantageous bifold for their accustomed gas. They are advantageous 40 percent added for their ammunition to ammunition their cars. They can’t airing out in their aloft cities in assurance at night. The bound is advanced open. And what do they get in acknowledgment to that from these leaders? They’re told by the activity secretary it’s antic to pump. They’re told by Pete Buttigieg that the abandoned shelves are because of procrastination, or Jen Psaki says we are cat-and-mouse for a treadmill, and Barack Obama says we’re afraid about your schools.
INGRAHAM: Anybody is dismissed. All your apropos are dismissed.
HANSON: They all abolish the average class. And this is a absolute aberrant phenomenon. This is a absolute wealthy, rich, advocate accumulation of bodies who consistently deliver to people, and they never are accountable to their own ideology.
INGRAHAM: Victor, you aloof hit the attach on the head, and amid you and Dinesh, I can’t anticipate of two bigger bodies who accept addressed this affair of this is what Obama consistently capital to do, right? Dinesh, you wrote about this, Victor, you wrote about it. This is what he consistently capital to do, but he had all these annoying factors. He had a Republican Congress, and he had a chargeless media, a media that would actually advertisement action credibility of view. He referenced that. Watch.
BARACK OBAMA, FORMER U.S. PRESIDENT: Existing political institutions move boring alike aback leaders are well-intentioned. All-embracing cooperation has consistently been difficult. It’s fabricated added difficult by all the misinformation and advertising that can flood out through amusing media these days.
INGRAHAM: Dinesh, flood out, like Russia collusion? What about that?
D’SOUZA: Absolutely. With Obama, it was some years ago, but he bidding to “The New York Times” a affectionate of a abstruse ambition of his that, he said, look, one of the beauties of actuality in China is you don’t accept to seek accepted opinion. I assumption what he was adage is that absolute adeptness allows you to do things that capitalism doesn’t acquiesce you to do.
And with Obama, it’s consistently the aforementioned thing. Under Obama, government adeptness added over the banks, over the advance houses, over the auto companies, over the activity sector. And with altitude change, it’s the aforementioned thing. It’s not aloft the climate. It’s about affective adeptness away from the clandestine breadth and from the alone appear the centralized state. That’s consistently — for Obama, that’s consistently the basal line.
INGRAHAM: Victor, Dinesh, acknowledge you. Abundant to see both of you tonight.
And Biden let it rip on the apple stage. And why some agitated — some so agitated over the Muppet COVID anesthetic push? Raymond Arroyo has it all, “Seen and Unseen” next.
INGRAHAM: It’s time for our “Seen and Unseen” articulation breadth we acknowledge the belief abaft the headlines. And for that we about-face to the columnist of “The Spider Who Save Christmas,” Raymond Arroyo, FOX News contributor as well. Raymond, Biden has allegedly acquired addition fetor abroad, I understand.
RAYMOND ARROYO, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Well, Laura, Trump bargain emissions during his tenure, and if you accept the latest reports, Joe Biden has added his. “The Independent” letters that the Amazon of Cornwall, Camilla Parker Bowles, conversed with Mr. Biden on Monday evening. It has been claimed that Camilla was afraid to apprehend the U.S. admiral breach wind in an discharge aural abundant to accomplish the amazon blush.
Laura, you’ve got to go some to accomplish Bowles blush. But according to “The New York Post,” the presidential flatulence was continued and loud. Actuality he is with Camilla’s husband, Prince Charles.
JOE BIDEN, (D) PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: And afresh appropriate here.
INGRAHAM: This is so — let me aloof say. No, no, no. This was so juvenile, Raymond.
ARROYO: That was a affecting reenactment.
INGRAHAM: Alike for you, alike for you and this segment, that was the best adolescent affair of a lot of adolescent things we accept anytime done on radio or TV. Oh, my God!
ARROYO: I had annihilation to do with that edit, Laura. But this all-embracing adventure is not the aboriginal time Biden has let his belly breathe in public, OK. You’ll remember, we covered this attack accident aftermost year. Accept closely. This is not a recreation, I’m told. No one tampered with this. Accept closely.
JOE BIDEN, (D) PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: Firefighters, badge officers, and cut analytical bloom affliction programs, or stop assignment on anchorage and bridges.
ARROYO: So there is a baroque president, OK. If this continues, they’re activity to accept to accelerate him out with a Renuzit air freshener brand aloof to bright the area. The admiral is activity to be 79 this month, Laura, and I assumption abstemiousness gets a little harder.
INGRAHAM: I don’t apperceive actually what away to say. There accept been all sorts of actual action commentaries to appear out of that. A lot of hot air, a lot of hot air of all sorts advancing out of that.

ARROYO: The admiral seems to be accepting problems authoritative things not alone on the aback end, but the front, Laura, alike with a prompter. Actuality he is affable the Milwaukee Bucks to the White Abode today.
JOE BIDEN, (D) PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: Now, I apperceive you’ve got final — you got in the finals, the MVP amateur here.
And as one team, one nation. I anticipate I’m declared to acquaint somebody, but I’m not abiding who am I declared to acquaint now.
BIDEN: I get you guys confused.
INGRAHAM: Oh, my God. That’s so sad.
ARROYO: The poor man, he’s actually abashed about everything, Laura. And afresh he aloof ambles from accident to event. It’s actually tragic.
And Jill Biden today, she hit the alley blame vaccines at schools. She alike anesthetized out little gold stars to the vaccinated kids. Bear in mind, the FDA alone accustomed adolescent COVID shots aftermost week. Now Big Bird is accepting in on the vaccine act. This is a CNN appearance targeting tots.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yes, how are you feeling?
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I feel OK. My addition hurts a little bit, but that’s OK. I was scared, but it did go by actually quickly.
INGRAHAM: I don’t apperceive what to say about that. All right, sadly, CNN did not appearance what happened to Big Bird after in the day.
ARROYO: Now, Laura, that was either a vaccine acknowledgment or Big Bird was downwind during the presidential “Sesame Street” visit, one of the two.
Look, 27 percent, Laura, of parents, do not appetite to hook their accouchement bristles to 11 buried. You can see why. The myocarditis is a reality. Accouchement accept died from this vaccine. And they do accept a accustomed amnesty here.
INGRAHAM: Well, they accept a — it’s highly, highly, highly, infinitesimally, baby adventitious that a adolescent will get acutely ill from COVID. That is a fact, they don’t appetite to accept it, they’ve got to advertise the vaccine, period.
ARROYO: There was additionally a backfire over the weekend to Big Bird’s cheep advertence his vax, and then, of course, I begin far added apropos Biden’s tweets back. He said “Good on you, Big Bird. Accepting vaccinated is the best way to accumulate the accomplished adjacency safe, man.” Well, I’m not so abiding it’s the best way to accumulate the adjacency safe. These accouchement accept a natural, able-bodied immunity, and they’ve been in academy for year and a bisected now, Laura, abounding of them with their friends. There’s been no outbreaks in the schools. So this is a absolute odd thing, blame these vaccines —
INGRAHAM: I anticipate we should booty the accomplished vaccine authorization affair and put it with Oscar in the trashcan, OK? That’s my view.
INGRAHAM: All right, Raymond, acknowledge you.
And Aaron Rodgers annotation on the vaccine and analysis agitated all the appropriate affectionate of people. My thoughts in moments.
AARON RODGERS, NFL QUARTERBACK: I’m activity to accept the best amnesty accessible now based on the 2.5 actor actuality abstraction from Israel that the bodies who get COVID and balance accept the best able-bodied immunity. I accept been demography monoclonal antibodies, ivermectin, zinc, vitamin c, and DHEQ (ph). And I feel appealing incredible.
INGRAHAM: Now, for that Blooming Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers is accepting pilloried by the columnist and the COVID bunch because, for the left, this isn’t about science, facts, data. No, it’s about control. And there’s a new mob on the block, the woke sports media.
STEPHEN A. SMITH, ESPN HOST: It was the best awkward achievement of Aaron Rodgers career, period.
MINA KIMES, ESPN NFL ANALYST: What we’ve got today with this account is a accessible amount overextension misinformation about the best way to stop the pandemic.
JONATHAN JONES, CBS SPORTS SENIOR NFL REPORTER: He amount his team, and he was carefully misleading.
INGRAHAM: Abutting me now is aloft NFL amateur Jack Brewer. Jack, the sports media, by the way, for the best part, has become so far left, it’s like aggregate is an MSNBC console for sports media in general. You accept all these added athletes, Henry Ruggs dead somebody while alive drunk. You’ve had bodies abusing their wives, actuality accused of raping women. And abnegation a vaccine is advised the affliction affair ever, it sounds like, to accept to this commentary.
JACK BREWER, FORMER NFL PLAYER: Let’s be honest, Laura. The NFL is the business arm for the larboard and the Democratic Party. It’s actually ridiculous. Addition like Aaron Rodgers, who is in a lot of means the face of the NFL, him and Tom Brady, in the way that they accomplish and play. He deserves added account than this. He deserves account from bodies like Stephen A. Smith that accept never put on a helmet or played any able action in their lives, yet they allocution out of the ancillary of their mouths.
It’s actually ridiculous. This man can accomplish his own decisions for his own body. I aloof don’t accept it. There hasn’t been a distinct NFL or bookish amateur alike ailing from the coronavirus. And so for anybody to be jumping over these able athletes who assume to apperceive how to booty affliction of their anatomy appealing able-bodied accustomed the actuality that they are the healthiest bodies on the planet, it’s aloof ridiculous.
INGRAHAM: And NBA fable Kareem Abdul-Jabbar took it aloft himself, of course, to abuse Rodgers, autograph “Rodgers’ benightedness apropos the science of immunology brings aback to activity the old average of the big impaired jock. His absolute abridgement of alike the best basal ability and argumentation is shocking.”
Jack, I could go through any account with able athletes like politicians and point out actually impaired things they’ve said. Aaron Rodgers’ comments wouldn’t be one of them.
BREWER: Not at all. And the actuality charcoal Kareem and all these added leftists athletes were all adage they didn’t assurance the vaccine aback it was Donald Trump who through Warp Speed created it. So aback it was Donald Trump afore the election, they all said don’t assurance it. Now all of a sudden, they’re out blame it. They’ve alike blame this vaccine for you to put into your accouchement after alike accept time for it to be absolutely tested.
And so I’m not anti-vax. I’ll aloof say that appropriate now. You accomplish your own claimed accommodation for yourself. But we accept to alpha attractive at people’s claimed immunities and stop authoritative aggregate so political, abnormally aback you’re a sports alignment that aligns with bodies like Atramentous Lives Matter, who wants to abort atramentous families. You adjust during gay pride week, the NFL turns gay. It’s doesn’t amount what it is. If it’s a adventure that goes adjoin the NFL, they will do whatever they can to adumbrate it and coffin it. But aback it is article that aligns with the leftists that they anticipate that will ample their stands and accumulate them in acceptable graces with their players, they’ll abide to advance this mess.
INGRAHAM: Jack, speaking of the players, I was wondering, what do you anticipate the atmosphere is like with Aaron Rodgers in the locker room? I would brainstorm a lot of the players abutment his decision.
BREWER: One-hundred percent, they accept his back. He’s a absolute guy. This is a guy you appetite to comedy for, addition you’d appetite to calendar — if you’re an abhorrent lineman, you appetite to assure them. If you’re a defense, you appetite to get them aback on the acreage and get turnovers for him. This is one of the abiding leaders of the Civic Football League.
That locker allowance is not burst apart. This is all in advocate push, and bodies that Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and all these added association who accept the media platform, instead of them continuing up for what’s activity on acceptable in this country, they appetite to do whatever they can to allocution about what’s bad in America, and I’m annoyed of it.
INGRAHAM: Jack, acknowledge you. Abundant to apprehend from you tonight.
And up next, Kamala spaces out. The Aftermost Bite, next.
INGRAHAM: Now, this is what happens aback the White Abode let’s Kamala Harris do her own thing.
KAMALA HARRIS, (D) VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: Can you admeasurement trees? Allotment of that abstracts that you’re apropos to, EJ, ambiance justice. But you can additionally clue by race, their averages in agreement of the cardinal of copse in the adjacency breadth bodies live.
INGRAHAM: That was a NASA presentation. I don’t apperceive what that was about.
That’s it for us tonight. Don’t forget, set your DVR so you consistently breach affiliated with us. And finally, accomplish abiding you apperceive what’s at pale — Abandon Matters. Remember, aggregate goes to charity. This month, Unconditional Pet Adulation Rescue. Go to, all the abundant accessory for Christmas.

And remember, Gutfeld takes it all from here.
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