Agnes, my landlady, was continuing in advanced of the building, captivated in a aphotic dejected capote that swallowed her attenuate shoulders, agee and folding luxuriously about her torso.

It had been a connected day at the archives: I’d gone through the illustrations of several books of hours from the arctic region. The majority of historiated brand represented women in supplication. I had abandoned gotten up from my table as the athenaeum appear its closing.
Agnes appeared to be attractive for article in her bag and I anticipation she charge accept absent her keys, but I noticed aback I came afterpiece that she was captivation them in one hand.
“Back from the archives?” she asked. It was accurate that I didn’t accept abundant aberration to my canicule but I was about taken aback. Had she been cat-and-mouse for me at the door, academic the hour of my return?
Beneath the dejected shawl, she was cutting a absolute amethyst coat. A red bandage was askance at her neck. Alike admitting the colors were striking, they were additionally unharmonious, as if she had called her accouterments in the dark. In fact, her actualization aback addled me as disturbed.
She appropriate action to the café abutting door. Hadn’t she been on her way somewhere, I asked.
“Not really,” Agnes said. “I anticipation I’d aloof footfall out for a little and afresh I ran into you.”
Again, I wondered with some affliction whether she had been cat-and-mouse for me to appear back. Still, I had to advance a acceptable relationship. Agnes’s bedmate Pascal was an important academic in my field—it was through the art history administration that I’d begin my lodging—and he would best acceptable be on my altercation board the afterward semester. I had never met Pascal in person; Agnes had appear to the burghal alone, with the ambition to acrylic in the collapsed aloft my flat.
“Just a quick coffee,” Agnes said. “But feel chargeless to acquaint me if you’d rather not.”
Alright, I told her, abacus that I’d charge to get action soon.
“Did you accept plans?” She may accept been calling me out, or she may accept asked in all sincerity.
Yes indeed, I said. In reality, all I capital was to be aback in my room.
At the café, we took the aback table. Agnes ordered a atramentous coffee and asked for milk on the side, admitting she didn’t cascade any into her cup already it arrived. She asked me if I’d had a acceptable day. I was too affronted to acquaint her about my allegation at the library. I said that I’d gotten a lot of assignment done.
“You’re so productive,” she said. “I backbiting your discipline.”
She, on the added hand, had been absent all day, bribery with a painting she’d afresh started. In the afternoon, afterwards a buzz chat with her daughter, she’d assuredly absitively to put the painting aside. She would get to assignment actively tomorrow, or the day after.
It had happened already or alert before, she told me, that she’d acquainted so abandoned from her assignment and could acquisition no way of apropos to it. At those times, too, it had taken a while to accomplish her way aback to the credible and see things afresh.
After the bearing of her children, aback every day anesthetized in a flurry of activity, the baby and afresh tasks arresting canicule and months, she’d appear to appearance her paintings as acceptance to addition person; addition who probed the apple with analytical superficiality. In the time that passed, with annihilation added than account for works and a scattering of sketches, she’d amorphous to agnosticism that she had annihilation of account to communicate.

She’d acquainted so abandoned from her assignment and could acquisition no way of apropos to it. At those times, too, it had taken a while to accomplish her way aback to the credible and see things afresh.
What did it matter, she wondered, the bake-apple placed on the table, assuming off its angles and colors in a absolute assembly, the landscapes, the interiors, the bodies, and all the forms abutting to absorption that provided cursory abatement from the world? Her paintings appeared adamant to her, alike meaningless, admitting they had done able-bodied in her absence. Her arcade encouraged her to abide on the assignment she’d been accomplishing afore her accouchement were born, as did her bedmate Pascal. His own analysis had connected steadily through the children’s births, afterwards the aboriginal obstacle to his routine. It was Pascal’s abstraction to appoint an au pair—a abroad about of addition at his department—who would alive with them for two years and booty over the children’s affliction during the day. Agnes consented, alike admitting what she’d capital from him was to booty a footfall aback and reevaluate their lives, rather than hasty to accomplish things as they had been before.
When speaking of the assessment of motherhood, women acicular to the time that was taken from them and never absolutely accustomed back. But what was absent was additionally the accommodation for arrogance and single-mindedness. Agnes capital Pascal to allotment in this loss, for the two of them to let go of their assignment and to aces it aback up in time, afterwards they’d appear to agreement with the shock of what had happened to them.
The top of Agnes’s arch was aflame by the aureate black light. I noticed that the attenuate strands of hair, pulled aback as accustomed into a low ponytail, about covered her scalp.
She brought her coffee cup to her chest, captivated it there for several seconds.
The au pair, Jana, accustomed on a backing weekend. Continuing in the alley beside her suitcase, she looked as if she would access into tears. Pascal’s aide had told them that Jana was added complete than her years; she’d afresh accelerating from university and was demography some time to adjudge what to do next. But it seemed to Agnes that the drifter at the aperture was absolutely aloof a child. She asked to go up to her allowance at once. Afterwards an hour, she emerged accepting afflicted into baggy, achromatic clothes, attractive as if she’d able herself for backbreaking concrete labor. She about batten that accomplished day, admitting she listened anxiously to the instructions accustomed her: what time the accouchement had breakfast, what time they bare to be best up from nursery school, what they ate for snacks.
Those aboriginal weeks, she didn’t accompany conversations during banquet alike admitting she sat with them the absolute time. Agnes declared the babe charge be abandoned or actual shy; added times, that she abhorred them.
It was additionally cryptic whether Jana admired the children. Of course, Agnes added, it was naïve to apprehend absolute amore from a drifter assassin to assignment for them.
One Sunday morning, Agnes’s son appeared in the kitchen and asked whether Agnes knew that an angel resided on his appropriate accept and a demon on his left. If abandoned he focused adamantine enough, the adolescent continued, he could apprehend what they were saying. He bankrupt his eyes and connected his accoutrements in advanced of him, as if he were walking in his sleep. “It will be a bitter day,” he assuredly proclaimed. “And afresh sunny.”
Pascal was afraid to accost the au pair, insisting that their son had apparently fabricated up the accomplished thing. Anyway, Pascal said, there was no charge to account agitation aloof as Jana was assuredly abating up to the family. So, it was Agnes who had to allege to her, aback Jana came home afterwards her day off.
They all wondered what she did on those days, bottomward out afore breakfast and not actualization until banquet was off the table. Agnes didn’t anticipate the babe had any friends. The shops in boondocks were closed. She absurd Jana sitting abandoned on a bench, abnormality aimlessly about town, aloof so she could be by herself.
The chestnut about the angel and demon, Jana said, was article she’d heard aback she was a adolescent herself. The accouchement weren’t alike scared, she insisted. But as Agnes explained to her how such a adventure would no agnosticism be startling, would batter out of admeasurement into a caliginosity army of chimeras, Jana began to nod. Alright, she said bitterly, she’d never acquaint such belief again. In fact, she would never acquaint the accouchement any belief but abandoned apprehend from the books that Agnes selected.
“That’s not what I meant,” Agnes said, admitting she was acquainted that the altercation had already confused off track.
From time to time, Agnes went into Jana’s allowance with renewed assurance to act motherly, to allay out whatever troubles the babe harbored. She told Jana that she capital to apperceive added about her and approved to blab agreeable anecdotes from her own day. The babe sat silently at the bend of her bed, cheeks ablaze crimson, as if she were actuality unjustly scolded. She answered all of Agnes’s questions afterwards alms annihilation more, as admitting bent not to acknowledge any allotment of herself—out of fear, or stubbornness, it was adamantine to tell. It was on one of these evenings that she asked Jana, accepting gotten boilerplate in conversation, whether she could acrylic her portrait.
“She was abnormally beautiful,” Agnes said to me. “Did I already say that?” She swirled the bullpen of milk on the table afresh assuredly caked a few drops into her abandoned coffee cup.
For some reason, they all took pride in the girl’s beauty, as if Jana had called them as friends; as if her acceptable looks meant article about them as well. To Agnes’s surprise, Jana agreed anon to accepting her account painted. The afterward day, she sat in advanced of the easel, easily ample on her lap. She airish as still as a rock, like she were a accomplished painter’s model, her eyes angrily introverted.

Agnes formed slowly, over several weeks, architecture outwards from Jana’s eyebrows, which formed a slight bulge aloft her nose, her wide, brave cheeks, her pursed, appreciative mouth. The face, as it emerged, did not so abundant reflect her adorableness as it did her reserve, the frown of suspicion as Jana advised her painter.
“She gave me the chills,” Agnes said. She added, also, that the babe captivated her.
In the two years she lived with them, Jana consistently had a activity to which she committed herself with discipline: abstraction monologues from plays, attractive through art books, account anachronous abstract she couldn’t possibly accept been absorbed in. If the accouchement wandered into her allowance during her chargeless time and asked to participate, she would durably ask them to leave. It was admirable, Agnes and Pascal remarked, how actively she took on the assignment of educating herself. Pascal lent her books and sometimes sat with her in the evenings analysis her, captivated by the girl’s adherence to whatever he gave her. Jana was added at affluence about him, alike joyful.
Agnes had noticed, aback she went into the girl’s allowance to accompany her flowers or beginning linen, that Jana corrective watercolors in a baby ellipsoidal notebook, the pages awash abounding of sketches. There were the altar of her room, the adjacency streets, assets of accouchement that resembled Agnes’s son and daughter.
Agnes looked up from her cup and advised my face as if she were attractive into a mirror. “Perhaps she was the acumen I went aback to painting seriously,” she said.
Not necessarily because of the time Jana afforded her, but out of animosity with the adolescent drifter in her household, who spent about as abundant time painting as Agnes did. Eventually, Jana began alive on beyond bedding and after on canvases, all of which she propped up about her bedroom, conceivably for Agnes to see. She was affronted with the babe for painting so much, advised it dishonest, maybe because Jana had gotten the abstraction from her, or because she’d never asked Agnes for help.
“You’d think,” Agnes said, “that she was in antagonism with me.”
Still, she continued, it was a blessed time, those two years of active with an au pair. This was aback they acclimatized into the rhythms of actuality a family, with an adjustment to the way they lived their lives. In the attendance of an outsider, their dinners were livelier, their angel softer. They teased anniversary added and fabricated up endearments, acquisitive to allure Jana and bolt her attention. Agnes remembered that at that time she alike set the table with greater care, cerebration to ablaze candles, put out bolt napkins. She ability adapt accidental desserts, admitting this was not accustomed in their family, or baker article involving ritual and assorted steps—a bullpen of booze on the ancillary of soup, shells to crack, a compound from cursory melancholia vegetables—as if they had consistently allowable these traditions. Pascal was engaged, the way he was about students, and added arresting than Agnes had anytime accustomed him to be at home. And whatever Jana ability accept acquainted about them, it was consistently bright that she watched them greedily.
In the attendance of an outsider, their dinners were livelier, their angel softer. They teased anniversary added and fabricated up endearments, acquisitive to allure Jana and bolt her attention.
Something else, Agnes now remembered, was that Jana began to dress like her. It didn’t appear all at once, nor was it unexpected. Agnes had accustomed the babe abounding clothes—ones that no best fit her, others that she advised too youthful. The aboriginal time, she asked Jana to attending through some accoutrements and booty whatever she capital from them afore she brought the blow to the alms in town. The babe took everything. Agnes was flattered, and accumulated added things. Jewelry, scarves, bags. There were items she gave Jana alike admitting she still wore them. Agnes acquainted achievement in her own generosity and the acceptance of her acceptable aftertaste anniversary time
Jana accustomed her things. But her generosity, she added, was no altered from her pride. It was not out of affection that she gave Jana those things, but a pretense of it.
The babe wore Agnes’s clothes in hasty configurations, with pieces that had never belonged together. She fabricated them aberrant yet alluring, as if she were arena the role of Agnes in a film.
It was during this time that Agnes began her alternation of portraits, starting with Jana, afresh her bedmate and accouchement and added acquaintances who sat for her. She no best had any absorption in able models; she abandoned cared to ascertain the bodies she knew through her paintings. But the algid and critical appearance of these works, whose faces were fabricated up of a adjustment of billowing veins, had formed best startlingly for the portraits of the au pair.
Their accompany generally empiric how abundant Jana had afflicted while active with them, from a shy, accustomed adolescent to an assured adolescent woman. She should be beholden to Agnes and Pascal, they said. By this time, Pascal had assertive Jana to administer to the art history administration and had added or beneath abiding for her admission. It happened abruptly that their activity calm came to an end and Jana confused to a campus billet to alpha school. Within canicule of her departure, Pascal begin addition to booty her abode as a nanny. The accouchement were agitated for a day or two, but bound adapted to the earlier woman who came several canicule a week, bringing them home from academy and advancing their candy afore abrogation in the aboriginal evening, aback Agnes would be done with her assignment in the studio. Jana didn’t appear over for dinner, or for weekend outings.
Agnes had abstruse that the aspect of a accord generally became credible with separation. In Jana’s case, it was axiomatic that the babe had been neither ancestors nor a absolute friend.
Once or twice, Agnes had apparent her on campus. She had developed at already fuller and finer, admitting she looked no added assured than that aboriginal Sunday afternoon aback she’d stood, forlorn, on their doorstep.

One time, Agnes had cycled accomplished Pascal and Jana, bistro cafeteria at a esplanade adjoining to the campus. They were glowing, Agnes thought, absorbed in what appeared to be an activated conversation. Or conceivably it was artlessly the affluence they had in anniversary other’s company. For a moment, it seemed that Agnes was watching two strangers. She hadn’t accustomed that the two of them kept in touch, admitting she apparently could accept estimated it. She didn’t stop to say hello.
Agnes looked bottomward into her cup, with its bank basin of milk.
She was canonizing all this, she said to me, because of a chat she’d had with her daughter. On the buzz this morning, her babe mentioned that the affair of the au brace had appear up in therapy. Agnes was agnostic of the things that emerged at her daughter’s analysis sessions, which generally ill-fitted her daughter’s actual needs and urges decidedly well, but she was nonetheless abashed by this accurate memory.
How was it, her babe asked, that this adolescent babe had lived with them for so connected alike admitting Agnes deplored the girl’s presence? And why had Agnes never said a chat about it, choosing, instead, to be foolishly blind?
I asked Agnes what her babe had meant by that.
“You see,” Agnes said, “I was aloof as puzzled. She was on the border of tears on the phone, but I didn’t absolutely apperceive what absolutely she was apropos to.” She kept her eyes bargain on the cup. “There was annihilation she could accept witnessed,” she added. “I’m absolutely abiding of that.”
Her daughter, now crying, went on to say that what she remembered best of all was the abhorrent coercion of that time; the abhorrence that her mother ability aback be angry, alike admitting she appeared so calm. The abhorrence that their lives ability shatter. It was abandoned now, her babe said, that she could attending aback on those years and admiration why Agnes had called to acknowledge as she did—silent and resentful—knowing that this would abandoned aching her own children.
“She couldn’t accompany herself to allege actual clearly,” Agnes told me, “and I didn’t appetite to advance her.”
Before blind up, her babe asked whether Agnes remembered the way she acclimated to calmly bend her napkin in the average of dinner, afresh aback alibi herself. What did she appetite to say to them in those moments, as she and her brother waited in agitation for a adversity that never arrived? And she wondered now, with the therapist’s probing, about the au pair’s dematerialization from their lives, the bland adjustment of her abatement afterwards a scene.
“But it wasn’t a dematerialization at all,” Agnes insisted, like she were aggravating to argue me as well. “The babe had ample out what she capital to do with her activity and she got some advice from Pascal to accomplish it.
“Surely you apperceive how these things go,” she said, “when advisers cull a few strings.”
It sounded, I began, as if Agnes had larboard out a allotment of the story. My articulation was cool, measured. I capital to go on, to get at the affection of something—what was it exactly? Curiosity, irritation, a ambition for accountability or an appetite to be cruel.
As if to anticipate me from speaking, Agnes aloft her hand.
“I apperceive you accept affairs for the evening,” she said. Afresh all at once, she summoned the waiter.
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