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With a star-studded console of board that includes Boy George, Jedward, JLS’s Aston Merrygold, Deirdre O’Kane and Lyra, The Big Deal is set to be the better Irish ball appearance of the year. Here, we get the behind-the-scenes abhorrent on the series…

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In an era of added acquired aptitude shows, The Big Deal is able to agitate up the game. Described by its artistic administrator Sean O’Riordan as “Got Aptitude meets Deal or No Deal,” the alternation is the all-around admission of a cast new ball appearance architecture – which could accomplish a austere burst about the world, if the Irish version, landing on Virgin Media One this month, proves to be a hit.

Jointly produced by Fox Alternative Ball (the aggregation abaft the badly accepted The Masked Accompanist in the US) and Dublin-based aggregation BiggerStage, The Big Deal is filmed in Dublin’s 3Arena – with Vogue Williams dispatch into the spotlight as the show’s host, and a console of board that includes pop fable Boy George, actor Deirdre O’Kane, JLS accompanist Aston Merrygold, Jedward, and Cork ablaze Lyra.

“It’s a world-first architecture that we get the advantage to address the calligraphy for – and added than address the script, absolutely advance the appearance with Fox,” Sean O’Riordan remarks. “That is an absurd advantage as a producer, to acquire Fox allure us into that array of close circle, and to assurance us with a absolutely important appearance for them.

“We acquire absurd assembly aptitude in this country,” he continues. “One of the best moments from a assembly point of appearance was accepting emails from the chief admiral at Fox saying, ‘We are afraid at the assembly values. You guys acquire delivered aloft and beyond’. They’re captivated with the look, the calibration and the ambition. We’re all attractive for the aforementioned affair with this show, which is to actualize a all-around accident hit format, every bit as appropriate and big and blatant as The Masked Accompanist and all of those hit formats we acquire at the moment. We appetite The Big Deal to be the abutting one.”

Featuring musicians, magicians, comedians, dancers, acrobats and more, The Big Deal puts a altered circuit on the acceptable aptitude appearance format, by alms the performers a deal: they can either acquire a banknote buyout, and leave the antagonism with a sum of money – or they can adios the offer, and achievement they’ve afflicted the board abundant to advance through to the final, area they acquire the adventitious of acceptable the admirable award-winning of €50,000.

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“I’m so appreciative of the aptitude – because aback you anticipate of a aptitude show, you anticipate of all the funny antic acts and stuff,” says Vogue Williams. “And with this, you acquire 24 acutely accomplished bodies from Ireland. It’s aloof amazing to anticipate that such a baby country has such a huge bulk of talent.

“I’m affectionate of afraid activity aback to absolute life!” she adds. “I appetite to aloof do this every day. I’ve admired every minute of it.”

Vogue additionally assures us that the board acquire abhorred any above spats…

“Jedward acquire been incredible,” she enthuses. “They’re still Jedward, but they’ve become a little bit more… I was activity to say ‘muted’, but not really! Lyra is amazing. I’ve never formed with her before, and I anticipate that she has absolutely shone as a judge. Deirdre’s aloof a gas bitch! She’s so funny. And Aston’s admirable – he’s the added calm, aloof one. Afresh George… acutely he’s fucking Boy George! It’s affectionate of mad, isn’t it?

“I bethink walking onstage and actuality like ‘Oh, I achievement he’s not attractive at me!’” she laughs. “But he’s absolutely absolutely cool, and aloof affectionate of normal.”

Lyra additionally agrees that Jedward accompany affluence of action to the show.

“They’re hilarious,” she grins. “You don’t apperceive what they’re activity to appear out with. What bodies are activity to adulation about them is that they’re so positive. Sometimes, aback I’m hungover, I’m like, ‘Hi guys, can you aloof accelerate me a articulation agenda of positivity, adulation and joy, because I’m blind out of my arse! Help me!’ And they’ll actually be like, ‘Hi Lyra, acquire a abundant day, the sun is shining, you’re shining!’ They’re amazing.

“And acutely sitting abutting to Boy George has been iconic,” she adds. “I feel we’ve absolutely hit it off. We’re throwing anniversary added little bold smiles, like ‘God, who are you gonna vote for?’ So that’s amazing. Aston’s on the added ancillary of me, and he acutely has all the women amazement over him everytime he comes over. I’m like, ‘Your buttons are lower than my dress, pin them up! Stop burglary the limelight!’”

As Deirdre O’Kane notes, “You never apperceive how a console is activity to work.”

“You agglomeration bodies calm who don’t apperceive anniversary other, and you achievement that it’ll work,” she resumes. “There’s no argumentation to it, really. But this console are actual addicted of anniversary other. Unless the others acquire said article different, of course. Like, ‘O’Kane’s a affliction in the hole!’”

Like Boy George, Aston Merrygold additionally has his own Irish access – with his mother originally acclamation from Dunmurry.

“As anon as I heard the concept, I was like, ‘That’s so brilliant. I can’t accept I haven’t heard it before!’” Merrygold says of the show. “As you can see by the panel, there’s a abundance of acquaintance on there – from altered avenues as well, which is nice, so anybody can accord their altered feedback. It’s nice to be amid actual accomplished bodies abaft the desk.”

Jedward, meanwhile, acquire abutting the console as a team.

“It’s never been done before, area you’ve had twins on a panel, anticipation and giving one appraisal as a whole,” says one bisected of the duo, John. “But it’s good, because we’ve been on date for over ten years – so we apperceive what it’s like to be up there for the aboriginal time. We apperceive what we’re talking about. We’re activity for a altered angle. We’re not aloof cogent them actuality that bodies acquire heard all the time.”

“It’s absolutely weird, because we’re sitting in Simon Cowell’s abode on the anticipation console – so sometimes I feel like we’re accepting this activity of actuality bedevilled by him,” his brother Edward adds. “But no, we’re not! We’re activity to abide ourselves.”

In adverse to some of those aptitude shows of yore, The Big Deal is additionally demography a altered access to interacting with the contestants.

“This appearance is a absolute one,” Vogue insists. “We don’t appetite to beating bodies aback they’re down. That’s the new affectionate of age that we’re active in. You don’t acquire to be absolutely abhorrent and awful to bodies to get your point across. And it’s a fun, Saturday night ancestors appearance – it’s not about aggravating to accomplish bodies feel applesauce about themselves. It’s aggravating to big bodies up. But afresh again, you can’t absolutely say annihilation bad – because the aptitude is so good!”

• The Big Deal  is on Virgin Media One on Saturdays at 8pm.

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