The bulk of media absorption Association Pharmacy’s Dr. Victoria Hennessey has accustomed aback January 2021 has bent her off guard.

“They don’t adapt you for that in pharmacy school,” she says with a laugh.
The absorption is due to Hennessey and her pharmacy staff’s active roles in acclimation all-embracing covid-19 anesthetic efforts aback the anesthetic became accessible in backward winter of 2021. While awards aren’t attenuate for Hennessey — aftermost year, she won the 2020 Distinguished Adolescent Pharmacist Award, accustomed by the Arkansas Pharmacists Association — it’s safe to say that the “Spirit of Springdale” accolade she accustomed from Mayor Doug Sprouse aftermost ages for her anesthetic efforts is one that resonates acutely with Hennessey, who has accustomed endless hours to the vaccine account this year.
“It became appealing ablaze appealing aboriginal on that the vaccine rollout was activity to be awful abased on pharmacies and pharmacists to do,” she says. “Most Americans alive aural bristles afar of a pharmacy, and the boilerplate Medicare accommodating sees his pharmacist, I think, 32 times a year, and their primary affliction doctor, I think, six was the average,” she says. “I anticipate that’s why pharmacists were the aboriginal choice. We accept a lot of absolute pharmacies in Arkansas, because there are a lot of rural pharmacies, and big box pharmacies don’t appetite to go into rural communities. And we can activate — we don’t accept a lot of accumulated red tape.”
Hennessey says the way the pharmacy association rallied about the account was adorning to her from the beginning.
“Back in Phase 1, breadth healthcare workers and Aboriginal Responders were the alone ones acceptable for the vaccine, these rural hospitals didn’t accept the adequacy or accommodation to abundance the vaccine in that ultra algid freezer,” she remembers. “So bristles absolute pharmacies saw this and stood up and said, ‘We’ll do it.’ And those pharmacists collection hundreds of afar above the accompaniment to accomplish abiding those healthcare workers in rural areas got their vaccines. I anticipate seeing that affection and that alertness to admonition and go aloft and above affectionate of spurred alike added pharmacies to get involved. Afore I knew it, we were active up.”
Hennessey and her aggregation accustomed their aboriginal accumulation of vaccine on Jan. 5. They didn’t accept the freezer appropriate for storage, either, but Collier Biologic helped them out by autumn their allotment of the vaccine.
“We were one of 12 locations,” she remembers. “And, oh my gosh, the phones never stopped. Attractive back, I anticipate that was breadth the bigger botheration was. Absolute pharmacies were accomplishing absolutely able-bodied to booty affliction of their patients. We had no abstraction of the flat beachcomber that was about to appear over us in agreement of this vaccine. It was aloof insane. We couldn’t accumulate up with the voicemails, Facebook messages, email. Our patients who were aggravating to get their anesthetic couldn’t get through to our buzz lines.”
Hennessey says she accustomed appropriate abroad that vaccinating at her own pharmacy wouldn’t be an option. They outgrew their aboriginal rental amplitude as anon as those age-old 16 and up became eligible. They were able to hook about 100 bodies a day at that space, but they were still axis association away.
“There were bags of bodies to vaccinate,” she says. “One hundred aloof wasn’t activity to do it.”
So Hennessey and her aggregation partnered with Pastor Andrew Thompson at the Aboriginal United Methodist Abbey in Springdale.
“He affably let us use their Ancestors Activity Center,” she says. “And not alone that, but additionally they provided volunteers. We were vaccinating 900 bodies a day through that clinic, from 9-4. There was no way we could do accept done that afterwards the abbey and their volunteers.”
While the blow of her agents backward at Association Pharmacy, breadth a skeleton aggregation managed to move fast abundant to accumulate up with their approved business, Hennessey and a baby anesthetic aggregation additionally had the admonition of Lori Mahler and her accumulation of advance medical professionals, Nurses Crushing Covid.
“I acquainted like she was aloof a godsend,” says Hennessey. “When we were hitting those absolutely aerial numbers [of vaccinations], I was disturbing to accept abundant pharmacists, pharmacy students, pharmacy technicians. But through the abbey volunteers, the College of Pharmacy, the UA College of Nursing, the Springdale Fire Department and Nurses Crushing Covid, we were able to hook over 10,000 people. “
“Ever aback the vaccine came out, she’s been alive nonstop, aggravating to get as abounding bodies vaccinated as she can,” says Hennessey’s mother, Teresa Logue, who works at Association Clinic. “I’m talking alive 16-hour days. The bodies who assignment for her are so good, too. They’ve absolutely stepped up, and they’ve been alive very, actual hard.”
Once they got in the groove, says Hennessey, the action confused like clockwork.

“We would hear, ‘Oh my gosh, this is aloof like Chick-fil-A,” she says, laughing. “As a pharmacy, you don’t absolutely appetite to be compared to fast food, but if there’s any fast aliment I appetite to be compared to, it’s Chick-fil-A.”
Family pharmacy
Organizing and alive these massive anesthetic contest while befitting her own pharmacy operating calmly was backbreaking — but animating at the aforementioned time. Hennessey admired actuality out and interacting with patients; that array of claimed blow and abutting affiliation with barter is what appealed to her back she aboriginal advised the profession as a abeyant career. During her aboriginal two years in pharmacy school, Hennessey formed at a civic alternation pharmacy, breadth pharmacists and their barter are afar by ambit and Plexiglas. She says so abounding barter appear and go every hour, claimed relationships amid pharmacy agents and patients are rare. Hennessey knew appropriate abroad that wouldn’t be the ideal alive ambiance for her. In her third year of pharmacy school, she set out to acquisition a position at a Northwest Arkansas absolute pharmacy that would accord her a altered experience. It was apathetic going. She had alone off resumes at every pharmacy she could acquisition in the buzz book back a acquaintance recommended she stop by The Jones Tower of the Northwest Medical Center, breadth Dr. David McKinney had a pharmacy.
“He said, ‘You’d never apperceive it was there, there are no advertisements,’ and I didn’t — he wasn’t on my list,” remembers Hennessey. “I was dressed business accidental and had my portfolio in my duke with my resume, and I was actual able-bodied put together. And I anticipate he anticipation I was a biologic rep — afterwards on I begin out that he didn’t absolutely adore biologic reps advancing by the abundance actual abundant so that was affectionate of funny. I told him I was attractive for an internship, and that I was a absolutely adamantine worker, and I accept acquaintance in retail pharmacy, and I handed him my resume. And he said, ‘I don’t anticipate we’re hiring.'”
Dejected, Hennessey collection home. The disappointment was abbreviate lived: A day or two later, David McKinney alleged her and told her he had afflicted his mind.
“He said, ‘Why don’t you appear in abutting week, and you can assignment the anniversary and I can see if I like you, and you can see if you like me, and we can see if we can assignment together,'” Hennessey says. “‘And, if not, I’ll pay you for the week, and I’ll address you a acceptable letter of recommendation.’ I said, ‘That all sounds good, but it’s Monday — what time do you accessible tomorrow?'”
“She could not be outworked,” says McKinney. “She would appear any time she was not in class, break backward and assignment weekends. She is determined, acute and big-hearted.”
“I fell in adulation with the way David and Michelle McKinney took affliction of their community,” says Hennessey. “Nobody anytime larboard that biologic abundance afterwards accepting what they needed. If they couldn’t allow it, I learned, you alarm the doctor’s appointment and say, ‘They can’t allow this, but if you change it to that, they can allow it.’ And if they couldn’t allow that, you aloof buy it for them. I got to sit bottomward with patients in the actual baby cat-and-mouse breadth and advise them how to use their glucometers and how to analysis their claret pressure. I got to absolutely admonition patients thoroughly on their medications. I got absolutely acceptable at counseling patients, aloof watching the way David was with his patients. It’s not consistently how abundant you know, it’s how adequate you accomplish the accommodating feel talking to you. He was aloof one of those guys.”
The affectionate of chain and adamant assurance Hennessey showed in ferreting out an absolute pharmacy position would not accept afraid anyone who knew her growing up in Heber Springs. A adamantine working, aerial assuming apprentice — her father, Lee Pruitt, calls her an “overachiever” — Hennessey additionally begin affluence of time for extracurriculars, including sports. Softball was apparently her favorite, she says, not alone because she admired the sport, but additionally because it was article that she and her ancestor could share; Pruitt had been a accessory alliance baseball amateur aural the Red Sox alignment and accomplished best of Hennessey’s teams.
“I was a catcher, but she didn’t bolt in fast angle softball back she started here,” says Pruitt. “But they didn’t accept a catcher. So she said, ‘I’ll catch,’ and I thought, ‘Oh my goodness.’ That fast angle softball can be affectionate of asperous on a catcher. But she dug appropriate on in there, I formed with her, and she did able-bodied at it.”
Hennessey was acceptable in all accountable areas, but she acquainted a accurate affection for algebraic and science, which fabricated her anticipate a career in anesthetic ability be a acceptable fit for her. That ambiguous ambition crystallized already she was abroad at the University of Central Arkansas; admitting she flirted with the abstraction of acceptable a dietitian, by her third year, her ambition was pharmacy school.
“My amoebic allure assistant — from the aboriginal day of his class, I said, ‘I am absolutely activity to like this class,’ and cipher says that,” she says, laughing. “He aloof fabricated me aflame to apprentice it. Amoebic allure was like a addle to me that I had to solve, and I adulation puzzles. But already I sit bottomward to do one, I cannot do annihilation abroad until it’s done. And amoebic allure was affectionate of that way for me — it was like a addle or botheration I bare to solve. I would absorb 10 beeline hours studying. That’s back I was alien to coffee. Back you absolutely adore article — it never seemed that long, but I bethink my acquaintance would say, ‘Have you alike gotten up from the table today?’ So [that professor] absolutely encouraged me to go the pharmacist route. The funny affair was that I had never gone abaft a pharmacy adverse afore that.”
Pharmacy academy accepted to be as difficult as she had heard it ability be.
“We had a address afore we started pharmacy school, in our aboriginal anniversary of acclimatization — they sat us bottomward and gave us the ‘suicide talk’, that’s what it acquainted like,” she says. “You know, ‘If you’re struggling, or if you feel overwhelmed, we accept a brainy bloom program.’ And I bethink actuality like, ‘Oh my God.'”

Hennessey, who had accustomed about all beeline As in academy above-mentioned to that, was activity that accent back she got her grades from her aboriginal division and saw a C for the aboriginal time in her life.
“Everybody would say, ‘C equals Pharm B!’ and I would think, well, that absolutely isn’t my motto,” she says, laughing.
The abstruse to success for Hennessey angry out to be community. She and her classmates formed a bound band and accurate anniversary added through the difficult and demanding program. In fact, she met her husband, Daniel, through one of those classmates, and she still feels a able acknowledgment for their abutment as she juggled her difficult classwork with the affliction of her grandmother, with whom she was actual close, who was angry blight in the hospital.
Perfect practice
Hennessey had begin her absolute fit with David McKinney and his pharmacy. She affiliated Daniel a ages afterwards graduation from pharmacy academy and was clearing into her new activity back the Association Clinic’s Kathy Grisham asked McKinney if he would accede affective to be afterpiece to the clinic, with which McKinney and his wife Michelle had a continued history.
“In the aboriginal 1990s, Joyce Brown began a account advance night berth at St. Francis House (Community Clinic),” says McKinney. “My wife and I would amount up our three adolescent accouchement and go advance at the clinic. It was afresh that we abstruse the accent of alive with the blow of the medical association to abate the accountability of the underserved. We relocated our abundance from burghal to the Jones Berth in 1994. We fabricated it our mission to chase the archetype the benefactors of Springdale Memorial Hospital had set for us. … We knew we would be able to serve their patients bigger by actuality on armpit aback busline is generally an affair for them. Victoria was the absolute best to accessible the new store, and she bound accepted herself.”
It was actual aboriginal in her career, and Hennessey was abashed at the anticipation of all of that albatross — but McKinney believed in her, and his acceptance was the ammunition she bare to jump in. She was anchored with Association Berth and had abutting acquaintance with the patients there — her ideal.
“What Victoria did was absolutely different, and was a absolutely new acquaintance for the clinic,” says Association Berth APN Randy Naeger. “She saw patients in berth on her own schedule, she counseled patients about their medications. She helped patients accept how medications affect their diseases and their bloom and the accent of demography their medication and actuality compliant, and if you don’t accept article about your medications, to amuse ask. It was an absurd advance in the affection of affliction that the Association Berth was able to give, and it was because of Victoria.”
“It’s not until you accept that accomplished account that you can accept how burst our healthcare arrangement is and the abridgement of admonition amid providers — specialty providers and primary affliction providers and altered affliction teams, but there’s the pharmacy, too,” Hennessey says. “For a continued time, everybody anticipation that the pharmacy is aloof a berth — about like a gumball machine. ‘I put in money, I get medicine.’ Patients don’t feel that way. They apperceive how important a pharmacist is to their healthcare team. They angular on us. Abounding times back they couldn’t get into the doctor, they’d appear to the pharmacist. But for bodies who may apprehend this and think, ‘Why would they accelerate a pharmacist to the clinic?’ — I anticipate that pharmacists are the best underutilized healthcare professions. We are acutely accomplished and accomplished far above what anyone thinks. We don’t accept a bench at the healthcare table yet, not in all healthcare realms — it’s accepting better. I would adulation to see a pharmacist anchored in every primary affliction clinic, because bodies that accept abiding diseases charge a pharmacist in there alive with their primary affliction provider to admonition them administer and boldness their biologic analysis problems.”
When the end of McKinney’s charter at the hospital coincided with outgrowing the 500-square-foot pharmacy abreast Association Clinic, the duo confused into the abundant beyond amplitude breadth they are now on Emma Avenue in Springdale. Three years later, article that had been talked about in the accomplished but never accustomed a timeline was put in motion: Hennessey purchased the McKinneys’ pharmacy convenance from them.
“She had alone been at our abundance for a few canicule back she told me, ‘Back off, old man! I got this,'” remembers McKinney. “And she did. She afresh herself aftermost year back the communicable hit. She had it again, so I absitively to retire, alike admitting it was a few months beforehand than I had planned.”
Retire as buyer alone — the business continues to advance with both Hennessey and McKinney, forth with the blow of their team, abaft the counter. And by all accounts, Hennessey continues the attitude of committed affliction giving McKinney and his ancestors set in the burghal of Springdale.
“She will do annihilation all-important to admonition that accommodating get the affliction that they need, to get the medication they need,” says Naeger. “Even if it agency giving a medication for free, abbreviate term. Telling them what their best advantage is, what’s the best price? What’s the alternative? She’s not aloof active a business. She absolutely cares about the bodies that she serves.”
Round II
In April, says Hennessey, the demands for the vaccine came to a arrest halt. Gone were the curve of hundreds of cars and the drove of bodies afraid for aegis from covid-19. But with the acceleration of the Delta variant, over the accomplished two months numbers accept added to about 40 vaccinations a day. It’s still not abundant to ensure complete aegis for the community, and it worries Hennessey. To assure her staff, the pharmacy antechamber charcoal bankrupt as they account their barter via the drive-through window.

“As a pharmacist, you affliction about bodies who you’re balked with, or aghast in, their accommodation to not hook — but you’re still compassionate, you still affliction for them,” she says. “I still accept affair that they’re activity to get infected, because they don’t accept that band of protection. Some of our patients, it’s not that they’re adjoin the vaccine, they aloof charge bigger admission to acceptable apprenticeship [about the vaccine], or they accept questions that still charge to be answered. Miscommunication and misinformation is everywhere on Facebook, and healthcare professions are too active demography affliction of patients to action that amusing media war.”
But Hennessey’s not too busy. Forth with the massive anesthetic clinics she’s helped organize, she’s acclimated her own claimed access on those about her to animate the vaccine — including those abutting to her.
“I’m 63 years old, and a year ago, February, I had, I think, covid-19 — I had all the symptoms, and I was the sickest I had anytime been in my life,” says Pruitt. “But they weren’t testing then. I was absolute afraid about accepting the vaccines, because I kept audition if you had already had it, you wouldn’t get it again. But about six weeks ago, she beatific me a continued text, allurement me to amuse get vaccinated. She said, ‘Trust what you invested in me and the medicine.’
“It absolutely affectionate of hit me hard. So I went and got both. I feel like she’s apparently accomplishing that for bags of others. I don’t aloof feel like it, I apperceive it. It’s all over Facebook, and bodies acquaint me about it. She’s alive to get bodies to booty the vaccine.
“I’m appealing athrill about her advance in life.”
Amy Lightfoot, a assistant at Westwood Elementary School, receives a covid-19 vaccine attempt Thursday, January 7, 2021 from Victoria Hennessey, pharmacist and accepted buyer of Association Pharmacy of Springdale, at Central Abutment Services in Springdale. The Springdale Public Academy District nurses are now accepting the vaccination. Added than 25 nurses accustomed shots Thursday. Analysis out and for a photo gallery. (NWA Democrat-Gazette/David Gottschalk)
Victoria Hennessey
• A archetypal Saturday night for me includes: A active allowance ball affair with my kids, Lynlee (6) and Matthew (2), and Daniel (usually to the “Trolls” soundtrack), followed by a movie.
• The aftermost appearance I binged on television was: “Virgin River” on Netflix. I’m currently watching “Friends.” I can’t accept I’ve never watched it afore now. It’s funny how a lot of the appearance is still accordant today, 20-plus years later. It’s blithe and makes me beam — a acceptable way to end the day.
• The adduce that resonates the best with me is: “It is not the analyzer who counts; not the man who credibility out how the able man stumbles, or breadth the abettor of accomplishments could accept done them better. The acclaim belongs to the man who is absolutely in the arena, whose face is bedridden by dust and diaphoresis and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes abbreviate afresh and again, because there is no accomplishment afterwards absurdity and shortcoming; but who does absolutely strive to do the deeds; who knows abundant enthusiasms, the abundant devotions; who spends himself in a aces cause; who at the best knows in the end the celebration of aerial achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at atomic fails while adventuresome greatly.” — Theodore Roosevelt
• My kryptonite is: Back my (almost 3 year old) son says “momma, please” while angry his head, animated and batting his ablaze dejected eyes. No amount what it is, it’s a yes.
• My fantasy vacation destination is: I accept two — Ireland and Italy. The movies “PS I Adulation You” and “Under the Tuscan Sun” closed those for me.
• The best admonition I’ve anytime received: Don’t let accomplishment get in the way of progress.
• My greatest accomplishment: Acceptable a mother to my two adored babies.

• My bigger abhorrence : Losing my bedmate and children. I can’t brainstorm that grief, and my affection aches for anyone who has absent a apron or a child.
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