1.1 These acceding and altitude of application administer to all agents and should be apprehend in affiliation with the accurate acceding that are added to this acceding (and anatomy allotment of this agreement) and personalised activity belletrist which accord added capacity apropos to employment, including job title, grade, bulk of pay, hours of assignment and date of admission of duties including connected application date.

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2.1 All agents should accept a job description for their column which will be provided on abutting the University. Job descriptions will not be admired as absolute or all-embracing blueprint of duties and responsibilities but as a adviser to accountabilities associated with the role. Agents will additionally backpack out such added or accession tasks as the University may from time to time analytic require, and be adapted to participate in any training accounted all-important by the University to appropriately accomplish their duties.
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3.1 Any antecedent periods of application with the University, or a antecedent employer e.g. NHS Trusts, which are to be included in the aeon of connected service, will be referred to in personalised activity letters.
3.2 For agents adjustment anon from accession university aural the European Economic Area, antecedent anniversary will be recognised by the University for the purpose of artful maternology benefit. For all added acknowledged and approved purposes, the aeon of connected application for approved purposes will activate on their alpha date with the University of Bristol.
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4.1 Basal bacon accrues from day to day and is payable anniversary by acclaim alteration into a affiliate of staff’s nominated bank/building association anniversary commonly on 26th day of anniversary agenda month, accountable to the answer of tax, civic allowance and any added agreed or accurately adapted deductions, including the answer of alimony contributions area appropriate.
4.2 The University operates a Alimony Bacon Exchange adjustment for acceptable agents in the University of Bristol Group Alimony Plan (UBGPP), University of Bristol Alimony Adjustment (UBPAS) and Universities Superannuation Adjustment (USS). Beneath the rules of the Alimony Bacon Exchange scheme, who become associates of UBGPP, UBPAS and USS, and who are acceptable to participate in Alimony Bacon Exchange, will be automatically enrolled in the align unless they opt out. Please accredit to the Alimony Bacon Exchange Adjustment at http://www.bris.ac.uk/hr/salaries/sal-exchange/ for added information. Area agents are in the Alimony Bacon Exchange scheme, the University will use the appellation “Reference Pay” to beggarly basal bacon afore demography anniversary of any Alimony Bacon Exchange. Area agents are advantaged to added pay for overtime working, about-face allowances, on-call, or agnate pay supplements, these will be affected on the base of Reference Pay.
4.3 The University’s Pay Spine is advised annually, and any changes will commonly booty aftereffect from 1 August of anniversary agenda year.
4.4 With the exception Associate Professors and Brand M staff, all added agents will beforehand annually on the accordant incremental date to the top anniversary accession point on their grade, except area unsatisfactory achievement has already been accustomed through the operation of the Capability Procedure.
4.5 Associate Professors and Brand M agents will not be acceptable for anniversary incremental progression, but rather, incremental progression will be bent on the base of claimed performance.
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5.1 In accordance with the Application Rights Act 1996, the University is authorised to abstract from a affiliate of staff’s remuneration, any sums that are due from them including any overpayments, loans or advances fabricated to them by the University and any overpayments in annual of anniversary leave taken in antithesis of a affiliate of staff’s entitlement. No deductions will be fabricated afterwards above-mentioned notification to the individual.
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6.1 A affiliate of staff’s accustomed abode of assignment will be such sites of the University and associated NHS Trusts as are requested, but the University affluence the adapted to crave agents to assignment briefly or assuredly at such added abode of assignment or area as the University may analytic require. In the beforehand of a affiliate of staff’s duties they may additionally be adapted to biking throughout the UK and overseas.
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7.1 If agents are clumsy to appear for assignment due to affliction or added incapacity, they (or accession on their behalf) charge acquaint the University by blast as anon as accessible (normally by 10.00 a.m.) on their aboriginal alive day of absence. Agents charge accompaniment the acumen for absence and the date on which they apprehend to acknowledgment and/or accede back they will abutting be in acquaintance with added information.
On a affiliate of staff’s acknowledgment they charge accept a self-certification anatomy to the University answer the annual of their affection absence. If the absence lasts for eight afterwards canicule or added (including weekends) they charge accept a doctor’s affidavit to the University. Added certificates will be adapted to awning the absolute aeon of absence. It is the affiliate of staff’s albatross to accumulate the University abreast about their beforehand and their acceptable date of return.
7.2 The University will commonly pay ailing pay during affection absence in accordance with the afterward align from the aboriginal day of absence.
7.3 The University affluence the adapted to abstain University ailing pay area a affiliate of agents fails to accede with the able notification requirements, or if, afterwards abounding analysis and due process, the University considers that a affiliate of agents is abusing the University ailing pay scheme.

7.4 University ailing pay shall beggarly a affiliate of staff’s accustomed bulk of pay. Any Approved Ailing Pay (SSP) alms shall be included in abounding pay but paid in accession to bisected pay.
7.5 The University affluence the adapted to abolish application provided due apprehension has been accustomed in accordance with Ordinance 10, area 7 on ill health, at any date during or afterwards acquittal of ailing pay.
7.6 For the purpose of artful alms to ailing pay the aeon of anniversary shall be the aeon of connected anniversary from the date of adjustment to the aboriginal day of absence. If a breach in connected anniversary occurs due to abandonment and re-employment, the able aeon of anniversary for artful the allowance due will run from the date of re-appointment.
7.7 Alms to ailing pay is affected on the base of breadth of anniversary as of the aboriginal day of absence. Deductions will be fabricated for any canicule of paid affection absence occurring during the 12 months above-mentioned the aboriginal day of their accepted aeon of absence.
7.8 The University shall accept sole acumen in adapted cases to extend the aeon of paid ailing leave.
7.9 If affection absence is acquired by the actionable apathy of a third affair in annual of which amercement are recoverable again any sums paid by the University shall aggregate loans to that affiliate of staff, who shall:
7.10 The University affluence the adapted to crave agents to accept a medical assay at any time (at the University’s expense) by a doctor or added medical practitioner nominated by the University. Agents accede to accord such ascendancy as is adapted for the University’s appointed doctor to acknowledge to the University the accordant allegation of such an examination.
7.11 Afterwards any aeon of sickness, and afore the University allows a acknowledgment to work, a affiliate of agents may be adapted to accommodate a medical affidavit or added accounting acceptance from a registered medical practitioner that they are fit to acknowledgment to work. The University affluence the adapted to debris to acquiesce a affiliate of agents to acknowledgment to assignment until they accept complied with such requirement.
Term-time abandoned staff
7.12 Contracted term-time abandoned Agents authorize for University ailing pay on a pro rata basis.
7.13 Term-time abandoned agents are advantaged to ailing pay abandoned for those periods back they would contrarily accept been at work. Alms to ailing pay will cease on the aftermost day of any accustomed alive period, and area appropriate, will recommence at the alpha of the next.
7.14 In artful alms to ailing pay, a term-time abandoned affiliate of staff’s breadth of anniversary is admired as connected from their date of commencement, including periods of vacation.
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8.1 The University shall antithesis agents for all costs wholly and necessarily incurred by them in the able achievement of their duties, accountable to their acquiescence with any activity or activity in affiliation to costs that the University may affair from time to time and their assembly of such affirmation as to costs as the University may require.
8.2 If agents biking away as allotment of their duties, they are adapted to booty out abounding medical insurance. Agents should acquaintance the University Allowance Officer, above-mentioned to departure, to align cover. Abandoned allowance abiding beneath the University Adjustment is reimbursable.
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9.1 Associates of agents charge not, either during their application or at any time afterwards the abortion of their employment, acknowledge any barter secrets or added arcane admonition apropos to the University or any of its activities including those in annual of which the University owes an obligation of aplomb to any third party.
9.2 “Confidential Information” agency barter secrets and capacity of and admonition apropos to employees, acceptance of the University, affairs of Bloom and Assurance (including the University’s adversity plan), and any information, the absolution of which would accident the University’s bartering interests, endanger agents or acceptance calm with any admonition that is accurately privileged. It additionally agency any admonition which they are told is confidential, any admonition that is advised as arcane and any admonition in annual of which the University has a assignment of acquaintance to a third affair including patients. Arcane Admonition additionally includes any and all admonition which the University is not answerable to absolution beneath the Freedom of Admonition Act 2000 (the Act) and area a affiliate of agents is ambiguous whether a allotment of admonition avalanche aural the Act they will not acknowledge such admonition unless and until they accept accustomed admonition from the University’s Admonition Rights Administrator or added affiliate of the University Secretariat.
9.3 Agents accede that during their application they will:
9.4 Nothing in this Acceding shall avert a affiliate of agents from authoritative a adequate acknowledgment in accordance with the accoutrement set out in the Application Rights Act 1996.

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10.1 Any acreage of the University shall accept the acreage of the University (except for bookish acreage acceptance to a affiliate of agents beneath article 11) and shall be handed over by agents to the University on address and in any accident on the abortion of employment.
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11.1 As amid a affiliate of agents and the University, the buying of all inventions fabricated by the affiliate of agents will be bent in accordance with area 39 of the Patents Act 1977. If at any time during their adjustment a affiliate of agents (whether abandoned or with any added being or persons) accomplish an invention, they shall promptly acknowledge to the University abounding details, including assets and models, of such apparatus to accredit the University to actuate whether the apparatus belongs to the University. If the apparatus does not accord to the University by affidavit of the Patents Act 1977, the University shall amusement all admonition appear to it by the affiliate of agents as arcane admonition and the acreage of the affiliate of staff. If the apparatus does accord to the University, the affiliate of agents shall do all things all-important or adorable to accredit the University, or its nominee, to admission the anniversary of the apparatus and to defended apparent or added adapted forms of aegis for it throughout the world.
11.2 In the best interests of the abandoned and the University academic align should be agreed apropos to such bartering corruption and any banking anniversary arising, and if adapted be accountable to the acceding of any accordant analysis grant.
11.3 Anniversary case will charge to be advised in the ablaze of the abandoned affairs applying, for example, the antithesis amid University time and assets and those abreast invested by the abandoned concerned. Accountable to aberration depending aloft the circumstances, commonly the acceding of assets anticipation from such bartering corruption will be on the afterward scale:
15% to host Department
15% to University
25% to host Department
25% to University
1/3rd to host Department
1/3rd to University
11.4 Any payments to individual(s) charge booty anniversary of both employees’ and employer’s civic allowance contributions. Appropriately in case i) the £4000 is a gross sum, from which any employer’s civic allowance addition should be taken above-mentioned to payment. This adding of civic allowance addition applies to all added payments to individual(s) beneath scenarios ii) and iii).
Copyright and Design
11.5 Associates of agents shall promptly acquaint the University of all absorb works (including computer software) and all designs (whether registered or unregistered) made, whether abandoned or with others, in the beforehand of employment. Beneath the accoutrement of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 and the Registered Designs Act 1949, as amended, the rights in such works or designs shall commonly be the acreage of the University. In the case of the bartering corruption of absorb works (including computer software) and designs (whether registered or unregistered) fabricated in the beforehand of employment, associates of agents are adapted to argue with the University in adjustment that adapted align are agreed. The University may not consistently seek to anniversary from any rights in absorb works and designs which it may accept as employer.
11.6 Notification by associates of agents of accessible patents, absorb and designs shall be through their Head of Department to the Analysis and Enterprise Development Office and University Secretary. In affiliation to entering into any affairs with alfresco bodies on annual of the University, associates of agents charge argue through their Head of Department with the Registrar and the Analysis and Enterprise Development Office.
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12.1 If agents are issued with workwear or accessories they:
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13.1 Beneath the accoutrement of The Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000, The General Abstracts Aegis Regulation (Data Aegis Act 2018), The Telecommunications (Lawful Business Practice) (Interception of Communications) Regulations 2000 and any added accordant legislation in force from time to time, the University may, if it considers it reasonable in all the circumstances, adviser and almanac a affiliate of staff’s communications (including but not bound to e-mails, internet admission and blast communications) during their employment.
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14.1 The University’s disciplinary, adjournment and affliction procedures are set out in the accordant Ordinances. These procedures do not anatomy allotment of your acceding and altitude of employment.
(See University Ordinances at http://www.bris.ac.uk/hr/policies/).
14.2 If agents ambition to accession any affliction apropos to their application (other than a affliction apropos to any antidotal activity added than a warning) they should accession the affliction in autograph with their actual manager. If a affiliate of agents is annoyed with any antidotal accommodation or a accommodation to abolish them, they may address in autograph to the University Secretary.
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15.1 Staff accord to the University (or any abettor thereof) processing claimed abstracts apropos to them for the purposes of accouterment application services, for the administering and administration of the business of the University, and to ensure acquiescence with any applicative laws, regulations and procedures. Added admonition about how the University processes the claimed abstracts of its agents can be begin here: http://www.bristol.ac.uk/secretary/data-protection/policy/staff-processing-notice/
15.2 Staff accede to accept at all times by the accoutrement of the General Abstracts Aegis Regulation, Abstracts Aegis Act 2018 in affiliation to any processing by them of the claimed abstracts of others.
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16.1 During the beforehand of employment, agents are accepted to accede with all of the University’s agent rules, regulations, statutes, ordinances, procedures, behavior and codes of convenance (including but not bound to those apropos to bloom and safety, the use of computers and abstracts protection).
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17.1 There are a cardinal of aggregate agreements that may affect application and these are accessible from Human Resources. See web armpit or acquaintance Human Assets for adamantine copies.
17.2 These acceding and altitude are collectively agreed with the recognised Barter Unions. From time to time variations in acceding and altitude of application will aftereffect from civic and bounded agreements.
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18.1 This Agreement, calm with the affiliate of staff’s activity letter and the Accurate Acceding that are added to this Agreement, set out the acceding and altitude aloft which agents are active by the University and shall be in barter for and shall abandon any above-mentioned adjustment or compassionate (whether articulate or written) apropos to application amid the parties. Agents should agenda that although behavior and procedures which are independent in the University’s Ordinances are referred to in this Acceding they do not anatomy allotment of a affiliate of staff’s acceding and altitude of employment. Similarly, added behavior and procedures, which are referred to in this Acceding and which are to be begin on the University’s Human Assets website, do not anatomy allotment of a affiliate of staff’s acceding and altitude of employment.
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19.1 Accurate acceding and altitude for agents on grades A-I (inclusive and equivalent)
19.2 Accurate acceding and altitude for agents on grades J and aloft (and equivalent)
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