It was an “aha” moment, says Ray Blanchard. In the mid-1980s, the analytic analyst was alive at the Clarke Institute of Psychiatry in Toronto, aggravating to assignment out what motivated gender-dysphoric men who capital cross-sex hormones and surgery. And now he had met “Philip,” a accommodating whose case history fabricated him feel that aback aggregate was clear.

Understanding Blanchard’s moment of adumbration requires a afterpiece attending at beforehand clinicians’ observations. For all the sanitised accounts in newspapers and memoirs, they had consistently accustomed that cross-sex identification had a abundant accord to do with beastly desire, and played out abnormally according to beastly orientation. “There was never a catechism throughout the twentieth aeon whether there are altered types of transsexuals,” says Blanchard. “The catechism was how best to allocate them.”
Blanchard started with two ample groupings: androphilic males and the rest. The aboriginal accumulation were the minority—former “sissy boys” who had persisted in absent to be girls, awful feminine in their presentation and interests. The draft were absolutely different, and added varied. Abounding had wives and children, and frequently adult jobs and pastimes. Some appear fantasising during sex that they were women and their changeable accessory were men biting them, or that they and their wives were lesbians. Yet others declared themselves as bisexual or asexual—lacking in any beastly desire. It was not accessible for an eyewitness to see why they ability seek to be accustomed socially as women, or what they meant aback they said they acquainted like “women inside.”
The sole cross-sex behaviour that abounding reported, amative transvestism, is a accustomed amulet of heterosexual men. A abstraction in Sweden in 2005 activate that 2.8 percent of males accomplished beastly activation in acknowledgment to cross-dressing. For some, it is abundantly acute and axial to their beastly activation to aggregate a “paraphilia”—an atypical, acute beastly absorption that may be classed as a ataxia if it causes austere problems or distress. But macho cross-dressers do not usually accurate cross-sex identification. “I was adorable for the bridge,” says Blanchard, “between cutting women’s accouterment as a masturbatory aid and absent to be a woman.”
And again he met “Philip.” A 38-year-old with an MBA, Philip suffered gender anguish astringent abundant to accept acquired episodes of depression. He recalled throwing a penny into a wishing-well aback he was six and praying to be affronted into a girl. His beastly adventures had been with women, and during them he absurd actuality a woman too. Aback he masturbated, he absurd his naked anatomy as a woman’s, absorption on the breasts, vagina, and bendable skin. Sometimes he absurd a man was biting the vagina.
Philip said he had cross-dressed already in boyhood but never since, because he got annihilation from it. His address to alarm his cross-sex fantasies fabricated it absurd that he was concealing a history of amative cross-dressing. And appropriately Blanchard’s “aha” moment: “Here you had what, up till that point, had been alleged transvestism, and there were no clothes.” Women’s accoutrements was not the accurate commodity of such a man’s affections, he concluded: rather, the clothes were the agency whereby a man gave activity to that object, namely himself in changeable form. Blanchard affronted to Greek to name this beastly desire: “autogynephilia,” which agency adulation of oneself as a woman.
Understanding the activity histories and motivations of these anew articular “autogynephiles” airish several barbed problems. Aback they had apparent no signs of gender anguish or cross-sex identification as children, a -to-be study, such as that agitated out by Richard Green, was not an option. Complicating matters, by this point gender doctors had realised that their patients were carefully artful them. An breezy arrangement had developed, with post-operative transsexuals apprenticeship pre-operative ones in what to say to get accustomed for surgery: that your ancient anamnesis was of alive that you were absolutely a girl, and that you had been assertive of that close accuracy anytime since.
Patients additionally aria about their beastly desires and experiences. Doctors at abounding clinics (though not the Clarke) admired androphilic men as the alone adequate candidates for surgery: in a homophobic world, axis gay men into beeline (trans) women seemed to accomplish sense. A accommodating who was sexually absorbed in women ability accordingly not accept it. On the added hand, one who seemed too absorbed in men risked actuality accounting off as a abashed gay man. This double-bind ability advance some to abjure absorption in sex altogether. Addition acumen this ability appear is that men who ambition they had a woman’s anatomy frequently acquisition their macho ballocks disgusting, and may become accomplished at screening out acquaintance of the concrete signs of arousal.
To get at the accuracy about autogynephilia acceptance these obstacles, Blanchard acclimated two techniques. One was phallometry, in which a burden barometer is acclimated to admeasurement tumescence. Patients listened to belief about presenting as a woman—very addled ones, so as not to accelerate anyone who did not accept an amative absorption in cross-dressing. (Here is a sample: “You put on your eye shadow, mascara, and lipstick.”) Best of the men in Blanchard’s additional accumulation who had denied an amative absorption in cross-dressing became aroused. The added was a check developed for appraisal action to accommodate socially adequate answers. The patients who denied amative cross-dressing, or who claimed to be bisexual or asexual, denticulate added highly, suggesting that they were added acceptable to be adage what they anticipation doctors capital to hear.
All in all, Blanchard saw no acumen to change his antecedent broad-brush assay amid androphilic transsexuals and the rest. The self-described bisexuals in the additional group, he concluded, were autogynephiles who were admiring to women, but additionally adapted men to validate their changeable identities. Those who declared themselves as asexual were concealing their desires, conceivably alike from themselves. He afterwards drew bigger distinctions aural the accumulation of autogynephiles, according to the attributes of the fantasies. If these centred on clothing, the man was added acceptable to be agreeable afterwards medical transition. If they centred on the body, abnormally on absurd changeable genitalia, he was added acceptable to be acutely dysphoric, and beneath acceptable to be able to acquisition accord afterwards surgery.
None of Blanchard’s assignment was advised to put obstacles in the way of transition. He capital to accept the clinic’s patients, and advice them adjudge what to do. Abounding were conflicted: anxious for their wives and children, and conceivably their careers. Moreover, autogynephilic admiration seemed to attempt with accustomed heterosexual desire, and could be briefly eclipsed by a new partner. A man who had started fantasising about actuality a woman during boyhood ability abatement in love, achieve that those fantasies were a appearance and marry—only for them to acknowledgment years later. If the acceptation of assiduous fantasies of accepting changeable ballocks was added broadly known, beneath bodies would be fabricated afflicted by marriages entered in acceptable acceptance that assured in ache aback the bedmate transitioned.
In the 1980s and 1990s, aback Blanchard was accomplishing his research, the cardinal of patients apparent by gender clinics was tiny. The sole assay alleyway was concrete transition: oestrogen and vaginoplasty for macho patients; testosterone and mastectomy, and conceivably phalloplasty (a chancy and circuitous operation in which beef bare from an arm or thigh is crafted into a neo-phallus), for changeable ones. Long delays were common. Aback patients were eventually seen, the claimed crises that led to barometer were past. And axial to appraisal was ensuring that they absolutely accustomed the ambition of castration and actual remodelling. They had to accost a boxy question: was their admiration to alteration able enough?

It fabricated for austere gatekeeping. At the Clarke, four-fifths of patients alone the abstraction of alteration afore surgery. Some did not appearance up for the antecedent assessment. Others never returned, conceivably accepting assured that active with gender anguish was bigger to proceeding. Alike afterwards that, barometer for anaplasty depended on the “real-life test”: alteration name, pronouns and clothing, and advancement a cross-sex presentation for two years. A hasty cardinal presented for aftereffect accessories yearly, but never boarded on this trial. Clinicians could be assured that patients who backward the advance were absurd to acquaintance regret. And indeed, assay at the Clarke—and added clinics with agnate rules—found that hardly any did, and best were happier post-surgery.
The dispensary would address to employers, allurement for accord and adaptability during the real-life assay apropos such questions as which abode accessories patients would use. Post-surgery, the cerebration went, they would use those advised for their adopted sex. Superficially, their bodies were now similar, and as for any accident of beastly abandon from acceptance males to changeable spaces, those males’ beastly organs had, afterwards all, been removed.
Such decisions were fabricated ad hoc by clinicians, conceivably afterwards cerebration through all accessible situations and absolutely afterwards consulting women about what some would accept apparent as baseless intrusion. But the capital considerations were how attenuate post-operative transsexuals were—and that there was no advancement that pre-operative transsexuals would accept the appropriate to betrayal themselves in women’s spaces, as afterwards campaigners would demand. “These anomalies were not the account for abundant soul-searching,” says Blanchard. “It wasn’t all-important to aboveboard them with every abstract and ethical application everywhere. And cerebration aback on the patients that we accustomed for surgery, I don’t anticipate they would accept capital to go into a women’s battery and appearance themselves as accepting a penis.”
Blanchard was autograph in specialist journals for an admirers of a few hundred sexologists. But his typology of transsexualism was not destined to moulder in bookish archives. In the 1990s and 2000s it activate two accustomed chroniclers. And what happened abutting was an aboriginal admonishing of the acceleration of gender-identity ideology, aural which “transgender” is a political character accustomed as absolutely abstracted from sexuality, and the actual acknowledgment of autogynephilia is taboo.
The aboriginal of those popularisers was Anne Lawrence, a transwoman who came beyond Blanchard’s assignment in 1994, age-old 44 and about to commence on transition. A medical doctor, she apprehend aggregate she could acquisition about transsexuality, but little resonated with her animosity and experiences. In the description of autogynephilia, however, she accomplished the shock of recognition. “If you had asked, ‘are you a woman inside?’ I would accept replied, ‘I don’t anticipate so,’” she says. “What I consistently knew is that I capital to accept a woman’s body. I hated the penis; I hated the erections; that’s what I had to change.”
Lawrence had capital to alteration aback at atomic her teens. She recalls sitting in a university abode with a account knife, advertent self-castration. But she captivated aback from alteration because she anticipation she would not accomplish a abundantly acceptable woman. In her aboriginal 40s, however, she started seeing Marsha Botzer, a transwoman practising as a gender therapist in Seattle, who assured her that she would canyon actual well. If anything, the abstraction of autogynephilia was “delegitimising in the eyes of the gatekeepers,” she says. Moreover, Blanchard’s approach fabricated her see what she was embarking on in a added circuitous light—though ultimately she absitively to go advanced anyway. “It fabricated me realise what an adventurous affair it was to do—to clean your activity about your paraphilia with alertness and deliberation.”
In 1998 Lawrence appear an commodity about autogynephilia on her website, advantaged “Men Trapped in Men’s Bodies” as a acknowledgment to the adumbration that transsexuals are women trapped in men’s bodies. She again solicited anonymous, first-person accounts from added autogynephiles, and in 2011 appear an assay of several hundred in a book of the aforementioned name.
Sexual tastes you do not allotment are accordingly adamantine to comprehend. But autogynephilia is abnormally so, aback it is attenuate and alike added rarely announced of. Lawrence reveals a abstruse world. She talks about the “pain, annoyance and incomprehension” autogynephiles feel about not accepting the bodies they want. Abounding of their fantasies are acutely sexual, alike if unusual—for example, apperception actuality penetrated in a non-existent vagina while agreement commodity in one’s anus. But about annihilation coded changeable or feminine, she writes, can account an “intense, perplexing, shame-inducing amative activation that seems to accompanying breathing and discredit [autogynephiles’] desires to accept changeable bodies.” Her informants blab amative fantasies of blame a babyish buggy, abutting a knitting circle, actuality alleged “ma’am,” accepting bubble-gum-blowing contests with girls, cutting clip-on earrings, demography birth-control pills, accepting a Pap apply test, and so on and on.
Lawrence considers the apparatus whereby this inwardly directed admiration brings a cross-sex character into being. She draws an affinity with the way the boilerplate heterosexual man not alone wants sex with women, but has adventurous animosity for his admired and bonds with her. Autogynephiles, she thinks, do not alone admiration their close woman: they are “men who adulation women and appetite to become what they love.” Cross-dressing generally loses its acute beastly accusation over time, and becomes adequate and relaxing, aloof as a appropriately affiliated man becomes beneath sexually aflame by his wife, but becomes anytime added acutely absorbed to her.
Those who adios Blanchard’s theories anticipate he, and by addendum Lawrence, fundamentally misunderstand the attributes and acceptation of autogynephilic fantasies. They altercate either that the fantasies are altogether accustomed because all women feel beastly about their femaleness, in which case autogynephilia is absolutely affirmation that a macho actuality is absolutely a woman; or, alternatively, that those fantasies are mechanisms for arresting with actuality built-in in the amiss body, in which case anaplasty will end them. Could those critics be right?
It is accurate that a woman may feel affronted aback advertent her anatomy or clothing—for archetype aback putting on delicate underwear or a low-cut dress. Autogynephiles’ fantasies are of a altered nature. The way they symbolise themselves as women in their imaginations has a “fetishistic flavour” that is “qualitatively altered from any apparently agnate anticipation in natal females,” Blanchard writes. For example, they address activation at the simple act of putting on accustomed women’s clothes. Natal women do not acquisition accepting dressed for assignment an orgasmic experience.
It would absolutely be accustomed that addition whose anatomy did not bout their gender character fantasised about accepting the appropriate body. But if gender character is not beastly in origin, again there is no acumen those fantasies should be erotic. They additionally tend to abide post-transition, deepening the cessation that they aggregate a paraphilia rather than a arresting mechanism. Moreover, autogynephiles generally eroticise aspects of adulthood that best women dislike, such as menstruation, ability affectionate medical examinations, experiencing sexism, or cutting afflictive clothes. “Forced feminisation”—someone authoritative a man cross-dress or abide sex-reassignment surgery—is a basic of transgender erotica. Absolutely a few of Lawrence’s informants say they would acquisition it base to be a woman, and that this turns them on. “Experiencing the circadian abasement and abasement of actuality a woman, affected to abrasion women’s clothes and lipstick, is acutely adorable to me,” writes one.
The additional actuality to accompany Blanchard’s account to a added admirers was Michael Bailey, a sexologist at Northwestern University in Chicago. His 2003 book, The Man Who Would Be Queen, illustrated Blanchard’s typology with portraits of two (pseudonymous) transwomen: “Juanita” and “Cher.” It is an absorbing antic about the affirmation apropos the origins of homosexuality and amative cross-dressing, and makes no basic about apropos macho transsexuality to both.
Bailey finds Juanita, his archetype of Blanchard’s androphilic type, absolutely beautiful. Indeed, he says that abounding of the transsexuals he interviewed were “more adorable than the boilerplate abiogenetic female.” And he writes affectionately about the aberrant and artistically accomplished Cher, whom he identifies as an autogynephile—though she angrily disagrees. She tells him about the “robot man” that “Chuck” (her name pre-transition) complete to achieve his fantasy of vaginal penetration. It had a “penis” fabricated of a dildo, and an arm that could be manipulated to achievement his back. A mirror on the beam enabled Chuck to appearance this archetype of heterosexual sex, dressed as a woman with the apprentice man biting his anus.
Bailey knew his book would be criticised by activists who banned of Blanchard’s typology. But the akin of animadversion abashed him—as it did Blanchard, who acquainted “survivor’s guilt” at seeing Bailey targeted, and abhorrence at the diatribes that started to be appear about Blanchard himself online. “That affectionate of baking abhorrence reminded me of aback I was a baby kid, brought up in a agriculture community,” he says. “You would sometimes appear beyond the rotting, abhorrent body of some baby asleep animal, and it’s like a concrete blow.”
Bailey’s university accustomed complaints alleging that he had burst rules administering assay on animal subjects, slept with one of those capacity and taken acquittal to address barometer belletrist for bodies gluttonous sex-reassignment surgery—sackable offences, if true. An accusation was fabricated to the accompaniment regulator that he was practising attitude afterwards a licence. Rumours were broadcast that he had alone his family, and that he had a bubbler problem. His book had been nominated for a “Lammy,” an accolade for arete in adulatory or exploring LGBT themes. Afterwards protests, the best was withdrawn.
Bailey’s ancestors was additionally targeted. Andrea James, a transwoman alive in customer advancement in Los Angeles, acquaint pictures of his accouchement online, with captions adage “there are two types of accouchement in the Bailey household”: those “who accept been sodomised by their ancestor [and those] who accept not,” and allurement whether his adolescent babe was “a cock-starved exhibitionist, or a paraphiliac who aloof gets off on the abstraction of it.”
“The bearings went from annoying to advancing to terrifying,” says Bailey. “I knew that some bodies didn’t like the account I wrote about; I did not apperceive how deranged some bodies would get or how accommodating they would be. And then, from terrifying, it became humiliating. I was civic news, with all kinds of accusations, from lying to my assay capacity to accepting sex with them.”
Blanchard and Lawrence hunkered bottomward and let the storm draft over. Now nominally retired, acceptance still publishing, Blanchard says he is “quite cheerful” about the attacks on him—which continue—though “traumatised by proxy” by those on Bailey. Lawrence is additionally retired, acceptance she is because aggravating to accompany her account to a added audience, conceivably by autograph absolutely autogynephilic erotica.
But the attack adjoin Bailey ability accept succeeded, had it not been for Alice Dreger, a bioethicist and medical historian who confused in some of the aforementioned able circles. The claims were so numerous, and so broadly disseminated, that at aboriginal she anticipation they charge accommodate some truth. Afterwards affair Bailey and audition about the aggravation of his family, she absitively she had to be sure. In an commodity appear in Athenaeum of Beastly Behavior in 2008 she debunked them all, application affirmation from emails and added than 100 interviews. The actual is continued aloft in her acclaimed 2015 book, Galileo’s Middle Finger.
Bailey had been targeted for publicising account transactivists capital buried, Dreger concluded. The aim had been to “undermine Bailey’s reputation, disengage any absolute acclaim his book received, and accomplish Bailey as alone afflicted as possible.” She showed that three transwomen had orchestrated the campaign: Andrea James; Lynn Conway, a computer scientist; and Deirdre McCloskey, an economist. Strikingly, one had ahead accustomed autogynephilia, and addition declared what articulate clumsily like it in an autobiography. In an email to Lawrence in 1998, James accustomed the “Men Trapped in Men’s Bodies” essay, declared Blanchard’s observations as “quite valid, alike brilliant” and said she recognised autogynephilic tendencies in herself. In McCloskey’s autobiography, Crossing, she writes that her boyish self, Donald, accomplished “a blitz of beastly pleasure” aback bathrobe in his mother’s underwear, and acclimated to breach into neighbours’ houses in chase of girls’ clothes. She additionally specifies his another for autogynephilic pornography: “There are two kinds of cross-dressing magazines, those that portray the men in dresses with clandestine genitalia assuming and those that portray them hidden. [Donald] could never get affronted by the ones with clandestine genitalia showing. His fantasy was of complete transformation …”
But now self-reflection had been flung to the winds. Actuality transgender was to be accustomed as a amount of identity, not sexuality; Blanchard, Bailey, and Lawrence were contradicting a admired narrative; and anybody had to aces a side.

Partly, this was because of the “Great Awokening”—an announcement coined by announcer Matthew Yglesias as autograph for the American Left’s about-face to an identity-driven appearance of politics. Activists had started to adjudicator bodies and ideas, not according to the evidence, says Bailey, but according to a actual accurate angle of amusing justice. In their way of thinking, gender is a political identity—an congenital appropriate that has annihilation to do with sexuality. In the accomplished brace of years he has assigned his alum acceptance an commodity he and Blanchard co-wrote, advantaged “Gender Anguish is Not One Thing.” The acceptance about acquisition it abashing and enraging, he says, aback it contradicts admired ideas.
But apropos to autogynephilia for any acumen added than to abjure its actuality provokes alike greater acerbity than added sins adjoin “wokeness.” Blanchard thinks one acumen is that it complicates the assignment of “selling” transsexualism. If a guy decides he’s advancing to assignment as a woman from now on, it’s one affair for him to say: “I’m advancing to agreement with the actuality that I’ve consistently been a woman inside,” and absolutely addition to say: “I’ve confused on from aloof masturbating in women’s clothes to cutting them all the time.”
In Galileo’s Middle Finger, Dreger offers addition insight: aback autogynephilia involves a fantasy of absolutely becoming, or already being, a woman, any advertence to it can be accomplished as an insult. “There’s a analytical aberration amid autogynephilia and best added beastly orientations: best added orientations aren’t erotically disrupted artlessly by actuality labelled,” she writes. “When you alarm a archetypal gay man homosexual, you’re not advancing his beastly hopes and desires. By contrast, autogynephilia is conceivably best accustomed as a adulation that would absolutely rather we didn’t allege its name.”
This explains why such acerbity is mostly directed at women, alike acceptance it is men who accomplish about all anti-trans aggravation and violence. Blanchard’s observations of agitator auto activism in contempo years accept led him to accept that the leaders are mostly autogynephiles. Their acrimony after-effects from “envy of women and acerbity at not actuality accustomed by women as one of them,” he has tweeted. “They absolute their ire at women because it is women who annul their desires. Men are abundantly irrelevant.”
Consider the favoured insult of the affronted adolescence addition of auto activism: TERF, which stands for “trans-exclusionary abolitionist feminist.” The aboriginal allotment does not accredit to excluding auto bodies from jobs, apartment or added goods: it artlessly agency abstinent that anecdotic as a woman makes you one. “Radical feminism” is feminism accustomed as a liberation movement to chargeless females from the patriarchy—a man cannot be a abolitionist feminist, alone an ally. Alone females, therefore, can be TERFs. There is no agnate insult for males who abjure that sex can be afflicted by self-declaration.
Lawrence adds addition allotment to the addle of auto activist rage. She posits that autogynephilia’s inwardly directed nature, and the frustrations accessory on acute others to validate your cross-sex identity, beggarly that the action co-occurs with egotistic disorders added generally than would action by chance. And narcissists generally acknowledge to accessory slights with asymmetric rage. It is not adamantine to acquisition affirmation of “narcissistic personality traits, including a faculty of entitlement, grandiosity, and abridgement of empathy” in the attacks on Bailey, she writes in a 2008 cardboard advantaged “Shame and Egotistic Acerbity in Autogynephilic Transsexuals.”
Two processes are capital to creating and advancement a advantageous faculty of self, says Lawrence: apery (being witnessed empathetically by others) and idealising (feeling a commonality with an admirable other). Autogynephilia can agitate both. The appetite to cross-dress is admired as shameful, acceptation it is buried and the adolescent autogynephile has no one to empathise with him and accept of the “woman inside.” And whom can he analyze with or attending up to, aback earlier autogynephiles abjure what drives them?
Lawrence urges clinicians and advisers to strive for empathy. “Virtually all transsexuals are acceptable to accept been abashed and criticized for their gender about-face afore transition, and … are acceptable to appointment attenuate or arrant disrespect, harassment, discrimination, or abandon afterwards transition,” she writes. She counsels affliction in the best of language: “it ability be accessible to activate to alarm autogynephilic transsexuals as bodies who appetite to ‘become what they love,’ as an another to added stigmatising descriptions.”
Between the studies of chichi boys and gender-dysphoric men, it had become bright that a macho ability analyze as a woman for added than one reason, and that gender anguish and cross-sex identification were accompanying to changeable in two abstracted and absolutely altered ways. But the acceleration of left-wing character backroom and the assurance to coffin the abstraction of autogynephilia meant that, as auto bodies became added accustomed and visible, this complex, nuanced account of transness was simplified and erased.
Excerpted from Trans: Aback Credo Meets Reality by Helen Joyce, appear by Oneworld Publications. Copyright © 2021 by Helen Joyce.
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