
Details for anniversary of the appliance requirements are listed below. Note that all abstracts are due no afterwards than the appliance deadline, except aerial academy transcripts, which may be submitted up to two weeks afterwards the appliance borderline (see the articulation aloft for deadlines).
Although best abstracts should be submitted online, agenda that if you are commitment abstracts absolute FEDEX, Pratt is bankrupt for winter breach from December 24 through January 1. Amuse do not accelerate FEDEX bales to access during this aeon as no agents will be on campus to acquire them. You may, however, accelerate items by approved mail during this period.
Online Appliance , submitted appliance the Common App at for aerial academy applicants, with fee of $50; all-embracing appellant fee is $90. Transfers administer appliance Pratt’s online application. Fee waivers are available through the Common App for acceptance who qualify.
Official archetype from your aftermost aerial academy abounding (as continued as it includes any above-mentioned years at added aerial schools). If it does not, you charge abide official transcripts from any schools not included. If you took the GED, you charge abide official array in accession to transcripts. Transcripts should be beatific by your academy either through the Common App or by mail, or by appliance Naviance, Parchment, BridgeU, EScript, Scrib, National Student Clearing House, or CIALFO to abide electronically (preferred). The commitment abode is below. Transcripts should be submitted no afterwards than two weeks afterwards the declared appliance deadlines.
Test Scores: Pratt is test-optional for aerial academy applicants (US citizens and abiding association only) applying for the abatement 2022 semester, about all-embracing acceptance and those for whom English is a added accent charge see account #7 beneath as analysis array will be required, *except in assertive circumstances. Acceptance who acquire taken a analysis or tests and appetite to abide them should abide after-effects of the Scholastic Aptitude Analysis (SAT 1) or the American Academy Testing Program (ACT). The article allocation of the SAT is not required. The autograph analysis is alternative for ACT. Agenda that Pratt superscores the SAT/ACT and accepts the TOEFL My Best Score. Whether or not you abide an SAT or ACT will not affect your affairs for admission.
Optional letter of recommendation. See capacity below. Agenda that a letter of advocacy is not required. This should be submitted through the Common App for aerial academy applicants and through the Pratt appliance for alteration applicants.
Portfolio: A beheld or autograph portfolio is appropriate for all majors but architectonics management. Portfolios charge be submitted at through the Common App. Transfers should go anon to View Portfolio Requirements. Note that architectonics applicants with a aerial academy GPA of 3.7 or 90 or academy (weighted or unweighted) may abandon the portfolio claim as continued as they abide analysis array (SAT/ACT or an English accomplishment assay if international. If you intend to abandon your architectonics portfolio, email
Essay: See (6) beneath for topic. The article is allotment of the online appliance and is submitted online.
English Accomplishment Tests: All all-embracing applicants and acceptance for whom English is a added accent charge abide one of the afterward exams: TOEFL, TOEFL Home Edition, TOEFL ITP Plus, PTE, IELTS, IELTS Indicator, or Duolingo. The TOEFL (required account is 79 Internet based analysis or home copy ) for four-year programs and 71 for two-year programs); and 550 for TOEFL ITP Plus.The IELTS and IELTS Indicator required account is 6.5 for four-year programs and 6.0 for two-year programs; or the PTE required array is 53 for four-year programs and 48 for two-year programs; the Duolingo appropriate account is 105 for tests taken afterwards July 15, 2019 and beyond. Acceptance who acquire taken the SAT or ACT (no defined minimum) may abide those array instead of one of the accent exams listed aloft if they prefer. All-embracing acceptance whose aboriginal accent is English may abide the SAT or ACT, or the TOEFL, TOEFL Home Edition, TOEFL ITP Plus (Mainland China students) IELTS, Duolingo or PTE. Amuse acquire official array beatific by the testing company. Amuse analysis the all-embracing requirements. Note that we acclaim that all-embracing applicants abide the SAT in accession to one of the English accomplishment exams listed aloft if they acquire taken the SAT. Agenda that Pratt accepts the TOEFL My Best Score.
*Note: all-embracing applicants who acquire advised for at atomic three abounding years in a aerial academy in the U.S. or added nation area English is an official accent may abandon the analysis claim with official transcripts that authenticate at atomic three abounding years of bookish success at a aerial school in which English is the accent of instruction. Transcripts charge be accompanied by a letter from your academy ambassador acknowledging this. Agenda that Pratt does NOT abandon the analysis claim for acceptance who acquire abounding an English-speaking academy in a non-English speaking country unless the academy is US accustomed (e.g. American schools) or an English-speaking IB World school). Acceptance who acquire taken any English as a Added Accent (ESL) courses while in aerial school, behindhand of how continued they acquire been in aerial school, charge still abide a analysis score. If you intend to abandon your account requirement, amuse email Casey Inch at and let him know. Amuse agenda that although we may abandon the analysis account to apply, this does not necessarily abandon the Pratt English adjustment analysis requirement. You may still be appropriate to booty the English adjustment analysis if you acquire at Pratt. Depending on the after-effects of your exam, you may be appropriate to booty added courses in the Intensive English Program. Questions may be directed to Casey Inch at
Check the cachet of your appliance online. Agenda that you will not be able to analysis your cachet until your appliance has been completed and submitted.
Fall Entrance: All majors are accustomed for abatement for high academy applicants. A complete account of majors and concentrations is accessible online.

Spring entrance: The afterward majors alone accede aerial academy applicants for bounce entrance:
1. Appliance Anatomy with Fee: Online Application, submitted appliance the Common App for aerial academy applicants, with fee of $50; the all-embracing appellant fee is $90. Fee waivers are accessible through the Common App for acceptance who qualify.
Fee Waivers
Undergraduate aerial academy applicants may appeal a academy appliance fee abandonment through the Common App.
2. Official Aerial Academy Transcripts: A aerial academy authority or agnate is appropriate for acceptance to all of Pratt Institute’s undergraduate programs. Applicants should appeal official transcripts from all accessory schools abounding and acquire them beatific by the academy through the Common App. If your academy uses Naviance, your advice appointment may accelerate transcripts electronically. If they do not use Naviance or accession cyberbanking arrangement such as Parchment, BridgeU, EScript, Scrib, National Student Clearing House, or CIALFO, transcripts charge be mailed to the admissions appointment at the abode below. Applicants who acquire accustomed a aerial academy adequation authority are appropriate to acquire official Aerial Academy Adequation Examination (GED) array beatific to the admissions appointment in accession to official transcripts from all aerial schools attended. Acceptance who are demography college-level classes while in aerial academy charge acquire the academy accelerate an official archetype to Pratt in adjustment to acquire academy credit. Aerial academy transcripts should be beatific no afterwards than two weeks afterwards the declared appliance deadlines.
International Transcripts: All-embracing applicants charge abide official transcripts (academic records) of all accessory academy studies as able-bodied as any post-secondary studies. Applicants additionally charge abide official after-effects of all conflicting examinations. These include: General Certificate of Education, Hong Kong Academy Certificate of Education, Israeli class or Bagrut, Accessory Academy Certificates and Baccalaureate Allotment I and Allotment II. Transcripts charge be translated to English. If your academy cannot accommodate this, you charge acquire them translated by some added acclaimed account such as a affiliate of the National Association of Credential Appraisal Services ( A WES appraisal is not appropriate for accessory academy transcripts.
3. Pratt is test-optional for the abatement 2022 semester (Scholastic Aptitude Analysis (SAT 1) or American Academy Testing Program (ACT) Scores): Pratt is alms citizens or abiding association of the U.S. whose aboriginal accent is English the adeptness to be advised for acceptance for our four- or five-year programs afterwards appointment after-effects from the SAT or ACT. Acceptance for whom English is a added language must abide one of the following: TOEFL, TOEFL ITP Plus,(for acceptance from Mainland China), IELTS, Duolingo, or PTE . They may abide the ACT or SATin accession or instead of the tests above. See #7 below. To ensure that we acquire array by our acquaint deadlines, acceptance should booty the tests as aboriginal as accessible but no afterwards than one ages afore the appliance deadline. Amuse be abiding to acquire your array beatific anon to Pratt. The autograph area is alternative for the ACT. The SAT article is optional.
ACT and SAT analysis requirements will abide to be waived for any first-time apprentice applicants if they acquire accelerating from aerial academy bristles or added years above-mentioned to their application.
Students allotment to abide array must have your array beatific anon to Pratt. If you activated aboriginal activity and took the October SAT or ACT, the admissions appointment will accede your book back we acquire the score. Pratt superscores SAT/ACT.
Pratt Institutional Codes
SAT cipher is 2669CLEP cipher is 2669AP cipher is 2669ACT cipher is 2862TOEFL cipher is 2669
ACT and SAT analysis requirements may be waived for any aboriginal time aerial academy appellant who accelerating from aerial academy bristles or added years above-mentioned to applying.

4. Letter of Advocacy (optional): Letters of advocacy are not required, about if you intend to abide one, we adopt that you chase the instructions for appointment belletrist of advocacy included in the online appliance through Common App. Note, however, that we will acquire advocacy belletrist by mail, fax or through Naviance/Parchment as able-bodied if you do not intend to acquire them submitted through the online application. Transfers should abide belletrist through Pratt’s online appliance or by mail, fax or email.
Only applicants who acquire submitted recommendation letters through the online appliance will be able to clue and see if the belletrist acquire been received. Those who do not abide the letter through the appliance will not be able to analysis and see if belletrist acquire been received. Agenda that we do not accommodate cachet checks for belletrist of advocacy back they are not required.
If you are accepting belletrist submitted through the online application, you will charge the email addresses of your recommenders. A appeal will be beatific to them through the online application. We recommend emailing them aboriginal to let them apperceive they will acquire an email. You may abide up to three. If you acquire not abounding aerial academy for three or added years, you may acquire your present or above ambassador accommodate recommendations.
5. Portfolio Requirements: View Portfolio Requirements. Agenda that architectonics administration does not crave a portfolio submission. Note that architectonics applicants with a aerial academy GPA of 3.7 or 90 or academy (weighted or unweighted) may abandon the portfolio claim as continued as they abide analysis array (SAT/ACT or an English accomplishment assay if international). Portfolios should be submitted through Slideroom, through the Common App for first-years. Transfers should go anon to
6. Essay: The article catechism is included in the application. Describe back and how you became absorbed in art, design, writing, architecture, or the accurate above to which you are applying. Describe how this absorption has embodied itself in your circadian life. The article charge be 250–500 words.
7. All-embracing Applicants and Acceptance For Whom English is a Added Language: All applicants for whom English is a added accent charge abide the TOEFL (required account of 79 internet based analysis or Home Edition) for four-year programs, 71 for two-year programs, and a 550 for TOEFL ITP Plus; the IELTS (required account of 6.5 for four-year programs and 6.0 for two-year programs), Duolingo (required account of 105 for tests taken afterwards July 15, 2019 and beyond) or the PTE (53 for four-year programs and 48 for two-year programs) or the SAT or ACT (no defined minimum). If your aboriginal accent is English, you may abide the SAT or ACT, PTEor you may abide one of the ahead listed English exams. Please acquire official array beatific by the testing company. Agenda that we acclaim that all-embracing applicants abide both an English accomplishment assay and the SAT if they took it, about alone one is required.
Note: all-embracing applicants who acquire advised for at atomic three abounding years in a aerial academy in the U.S. or added nation area English is an official accent may abandon the analysis claim with official transcripts that authenticate at atomic three abounding years of bookish success at a aerial school in which English is the accent of apprenticeship as per the specific instructions already acclaimed beneath the “Checklist” at the top of the page.
Information about selecting a major, recommended aerial academy advance work, home-school applicants, AP and IB credits, and capacity about appropriate abstracts for abiding association are below.
Choosing a Major: Applicants absorbed in architecture, writing, analytical and beheld studies, history of art and architectonics or architectonics management must accept those majors at the time of appliance as they acquire altered aboriginal years. Acceptance who are ambiguous about which above to accept in the Schools of Art and Architectonics may accept ambivalent and again baddest their above in the bounce of their apprentice year. Assertive majors like autogenous design, agenda arts and animation, and automated architectonics may be bound by amplitude and charge ascendancy the numbers entering to assure abundant amplitude and accessories for all students. Best departments acceptable acceptance who ambition to access their departments, about we are clumsy to agreement space.
Undecided acceptance in art and architectonics or acceptance who initially chose accession above and appetite to about-face to accession above aural their academy afterwards they access charge appeal the Change of Above anatomy from the Appointment of Bookish Advisement and accommodated with the Chairperson of the administration in which they appetite to above in the bounce of the apprentice year. Be able to accompany a portfolio including assignment from the foundation year and a archetype with your grades from the abatement semester. The action for alteration above is declared absolutely in the Bookish Advisement area of the website. We animate all acceptance to apprehend about our majors afore they abide the appliance so they can accomplish an abreast choice. Acceptance who ambition to allocution with an admissions counselor about the assorted majors are encouraged to alarm or appear in with their assignment to discuss. Appointments may be appointed by emailing or calling 718.636.3779.
The afterward capacity are acerb recommended for acceptance to specific Pratt programs.
Architecture, Writing, and Analytical and Beheld Studies Programs:

English 4 unitsSocial Studies 1 unitCollege Prep Algebraic 3–4 units Science 2 units (d)Academic Electives 3 units (a)General Electives 2 units (b)
Construction Administration Program
English 4 unitsSocial Studies 1 unitCollege Prep Algebraic 4 units (c)Science 2 units (e) Electives 5 units
Art and Architectonics Programs
English 4 unitsSocial Studies 1 unitMathematics 1 unitScience 1 unitAcademic Electives 3 units
Notes (a) May accommodate added units in amusing studies, science, math, adopted accent or any aggregate of these(b) Should accommodate flat art(c) Should accommodate trigonometry and avant-garde algebra(d) Should accommodate chemistry, physics, or biology(e) One assemblage charge be in either allure or physics, finer physics.
Pratt Institute welcomes applications from home-schooled students. In the absence of accustomed aerial academy records, appointment the items beneath will advice us to appraise your address for the programs that we offer. Home academy archetype that includes: Advance titles; Advance grades; Units of acclaim for courses; Grading Scale (if added than A-F letter grades); and Signature of the home academy ambassador (the ancestor or added being who organized, taught, and evaluated your home academy coursework) In the absence of a acceptable transcript, you may present a portfolio of the assignment you accede best apocalyptic of your bookish achievements (This is in accession to the approved beheld portfolio requirement). This may accommodate annal such as grades from association academy or added post-secondary akin courses that you may acquire taken, array from AP tests (these are additionally administered apart of schools), recommendations from able advisers or teachers, examples of absolute research, or descriptions of books and added curricular abstracts acclimated in alertness for college-level work. Upon Deposit: Affidavit of aerial academy graduation charge be beatific to Pratt afore you arrive. This claim may be annoyed by bartering any of the following: 1. Official array from the official Aerial Academy Adequation Examination (GED). 2. A letter from your bounded administrator of schools as affidavit of your address to access academy and that your home ancestry was conducted in accordance with accompaniment laws. 3. Certificate of graduation from a diploma-granting alignment or non-traditional school. Failure to accommodate will aftereffect in a allotment hold.
See Pratt Institute’s AP policy.
Applicants appointment AP array charge acquire official account belletrist beatific by the Academy Board anon to Admissions. Accomplish abiding you appeal them in time to be beatific in July. Acceptance who abort to abide array afore they annals will not get acclaim for AP scores. Amuse acquaint the Alteration Admissions Appointment with any questions. Unofficial copies will not be accepted. Acceptance who acquire already registered will acquire their classes afflicted by their bookish adviser as anon as the AP credits are accustomed and entered.
International Baccalaureate (IB) Authority recipients alpha with Abatement 2018 applicants may acquire alteration credits for Higher-Level courses in which they acquire a account of bristles (5) or higher. Pratt Institute does not accolade alteration acclaim for IB Beheld Arts courses or exams.
Additional Appropriate Appliance Abstracts for Abiding Residents: Applicants who are Abiding Residents, refugees and added acceptable non-citizens charge accommodate a archetype of their abiding citizen conflicting allotment card.
Mailed abstracts (transcripts and alternative advocacy letters) should be beatific to:Pratt InstituteOffice of Undergraduate Admissions200 Willoughby AvenueBrooklyn, NY 11205

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