Naiomi Metallic (BA’02, LLB’05) has been authoritative her mark at the Schulich Academy of Law back she entered the doors of the Weldon Law Building as a student.

After earning her LLB from Dal, she confused on to the University of Ottawa’s civilian law affairs the afterward year and after became the aboriginal Mi’kmaq actuality to agent at the Supreme Court of Canada. She additionally holds an LLM from Osgoode Hall Law Academy and is currently accomplishing her PhD at the University of Alberta.
Metallic spent about a decade practicing Aboriginal law as an accessory with Burchells LLP in Halifax afore abutting Schulich Law as a assistant in 2016.
Metallic, from the Listuguj Mi’gmaq Aboriginal Nation in Quebec, fabricated the accommodation to move to academia so she could abide her assignment for Aboriginal Nations through teaching, autograph and speaking about issues adverse Aboriginal peoples in Canada and how the law can be a apparatus for reconciliation.
In 2016, Metallic was appointed as Dalhousie’s countdown Chancellor’s Armchair in Aboriginal Law and Action — a armchair created to beforehand interdisciplinary partnerships and beforehand greater teaching and assay on Aboriginal law and action issues at the law school.
Now, she’s set to commence on her added five-year appellation in the role.
The Chancellor’s Armchair was created through the acceptable abutment of Anne McLellan (BA’71, LLB’74), above adjudicator of Dalhousie. McLellan, apparent left, capital to ensure the role was absolutely accurate and that Metallic had the assets and adaptability appropriate to beforehand the apprenticeship of Aboriginal Law.
“I could not brainstorm accomplishing the things I accept to date after the Chancellor’s Armchair fund,” says Metallic. “It has accustomed me cogent breadth to accompany assorted projects to enhance class and apprentice acquaintance at Schulich Law and advantage partnerships and added funding.”

Over the advance of Metallic’s aboriginal bristles years in the role, she has focused on deepening the foundation of Aboriginal and Indigenous Law at the law school. She has contributed to teaching and accretion the law school’s class while researching and mobilizing ability in Aboriginal Law. She has additionally collaborated on interdisciplinary courses, fostered relationships amid Dalhousie and Aboriginal communities in both the Maritimes and Atlantic Canada and has connected to body the contour of the law academy and Dalhousie in this area.
Metallic’s plan during her aboriginal appellation was to apparatus the Truth and Adaptation Commission (TRC) of Canada’s Call to Action 28, which alleged aloft law schools in Canada to crave all acceptance to booty a advance in Aboriginal bodies and the law, which includes the history and bequest of residential schools, the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Treaties and Aboriginal rights, Indigenous law, and Aboriginal–Crown relations.
In the abatement of 2016, Metallic aboriginal alien absolute contest (shown below), facilitated by the Mi’kmaw Native Friendship Centre. They are empiric contest area acceptance apprentice about Canada’s history of colonialism against Indigenous peoples. The contest became binding as allotment of the first-year program.
“Many acceptance bidding how abrupt and able the absolute exercise was,” says Metallic. “Some acceptance said they had little to no ability of Canada’s history and advancing role in colonization or the role the law and attorneys played in it. Even those with some ability bidding that accepting this adventure laid out as a abounding narrative, with them as participants in it, deepened their compassionate of Canada’s accurate history.”
In her aboriginal year, Metallic additionally alien the Indigenous Babyminding course, an upper-year cardboard course, which she co-developed and co-taught with her Dal aide Constance MacIntosh. In September of 2017, with her TRC Board members, she organized and delivered the Aboriginal and Indigenous Law in Context (AILC) course. This is a two-credit binding accelerated advance in the first-year curriculum, advised to lay the foundation on our aggregate obligation to amends and reconciliation, while acceptance for added acquirements in Aboriginal and Indigenous Law.
The TRC Committee, which Metallic serves as chair, additionally saw the charge to advance a database for the account of Schulich Law advisers to accommodate accessible assets that could be acclimated to absorb added Indigenous and Aboriginal law agreeable into their classes. In her third year, Metallic and her colleagues put advanced a angle to Adroitness Council to acquaint a new Aboriginal Peoples and Law assay advance to accompaniment the absolute cardboard courses in Aboriginal Law and Indigenous Governance.

This advance was accustomed and Metallic accomplished it for the aboriginal time in 2018-2019.
It was not continued afore she submitted accession angle for the Indigenous Law as Practice: Applying Mi’kmaq Acknowledged Traditions course. This two-credit advance focuses on assorted arising methods for abating the acknowledged orders of Indigenous peoples, with an accent on Mi’kmaq law.
In 2019, Metallic and her AILC teaching colleagues accustomed the Class of 1967 Teaching Excellence Award, as they were accustomed for their acknowledging projects accompanying to teaching and acquirements accommodation that are new and benign to students’ education.
Left to right: Colin Jackson, Alan Hayman, Diane Campbell, Naiomi Metallic, Constance MacIntosh and Art Miller mark the Class of 1967 Teaching Excellence Award with a photo.
With the accession of a cardinal of courses to the curriculum, alongside absolute courses, the TRC Board accustomed that it would now be accessible for acceptance to admission a specialization in Aboriginal and Indigenous Law. In Spring 2020, the TRC Board auspiciously confused a angle for the Affidavit in Aboriginal and Indigenous Law through Adroitness Council. The affidavit was accustomed and was offered to JD acceptance in the abatement of 2020. The cold of the affidavit is to ensure that approaching acknowledged professionals are accomplished on Aboriginal rights and how to abutment Indigenous communities on the amplification of administration and the awakening and accomplishing of their laws.
Metallic says accomplishing a mutually admiring accord amid Indigenous peoples and Canada and candid administration of jurisdiction, acreage and assets are key challenges adverse our country.
“The law plays a axiological role in these dynamics and can serve both as a apparatus for abuse as able-bodied as a apparatus for absolute change,” she says. “At this point in our nation’s history, approaching attorneys charge accept as able-bodied as apperceive their roles and responsibilities in acclamation these challenges.”

Metallic is acutely committed to acknowledging Indigenous acceptance in a array of means and strives to appoint them as her assay assistants. Throughout the years, Metallic has acclimated her armchair assets to abutment Indigenous acceptance accessory the Indigenous Bar Association (IBA) anniversary conference. When the IBA was actuality captivated in Halifax, Metallic — who was on the acclimation board — anchored chargeless acceptance for 18 students.
In 2018-2019, she assassin bristles summer students. That year she brought three acceptance with her to conferences.
“One apprentice co-presented with me,” says Metallic. “He was a first-year Mi’kmaq apprentice and I accept he acquired a lot of aplomb from that experience.” The abutting year, she assassin two assay administration in the abatement and winter. Given the appulse the communicable had on apprentice jobs, Metallic best afresh assassin seven assay assistants, three actuality Indigenous and one an African Nova Scotian.
“It is important for me to abutment Indigenous acceptance and I try to accomplish myself accessible and accessible to them,” says Metallic. “I assignment with my RAs to advice them in their acquirements and convenance of assay and assay skills. It gives me an befalling to get to apperceive them, animate them, and be a acceptable advertence for them. I additionally anticipate it is important to abutment non-Indigenous acceptance who accept an absorption in Aboriginal and Indigenous law and breeding their admiration to be allies.”
As Metallic embarks on her added appellation as Chancellor’s Armchair in Aboriginal Law and Policy, she still sees assignment to be done on accretion the class to accede to the TRC Calls to Action. Schulich Law now has two added Indigenous adroitness members, and they will be abutting her on the TRC Committee. Metallic will alpha by alert to what they anticipate for the abutting bristles years.
Metallic has a new activity on the border — developing and comestible an Indigenous law and babyminding abode at the law academy (an “Lnuwey Tpludaqann Wikuom”). The ambition of the Wikuom is to accomplish Dalhousie a hub for acknowledging Mi’kmaq and added Indigenous communities in the Atlantic arena in abating their own laws, while educating associates of the acknowledged communities about advancing developments in the areas of Indigenous laws and babyminding practices. This Wikuom will accommodate teaching, acquirements and abeyant career opportunities for students, acquiesce for greater access, inclusion, befalling and abutment for both adroitness and agents and facilitate greater assay and innovation.
“With the drive we accept from bringing a cogent cardinal of Mi’kmaq acceptance and alumni through the IB&M Initiative, to the amplification of curriculum and accommodation in teaching about alive with Indigenous laws and governance, to partnerships with added programs at the university acknowledging Indigenous communities, Dalhousie is able-bodied ill-fitted to position itself as a baton in the basic assignment of Indigenous law and babyminding revitalization,” says Metallic.

With Metallic demography on a added appellation as the Chancellor’s Chair, Schulich Law stands assertive to abide to accomplish important strides in abstraction approaching acknowledged minds to accept the role law has played as a apparatus for colonization and abuse in Canada’s history and present and how it now can be acclimated as a apparatus for decolonization and reconciliation.
“Professor Metallic has done an outstanding job as the Chancellor’s Armchair in Aboriginal Law and Policy. She has great activity and an communicable optimism,” says Richard Devlin, acting Dean of the Schulich Academy of Law. “She has approved if we anticipate critically, accede the realities of colonization and systemic racism and accomplish to structural change, again the Schulich Academy of Law can be a civic baton in the continued and difficult adventure appear reconciliation. We are actual advantageous that she has called Schulich Law and are attractive advanced to continuing to assignment with her in the abutting bristles years in her term.”
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