One of the best important pieces of algebraic ability was on the border of actuality lost, maybe forever. Now, a new book hopes to save it.

The Disc Embedding Assumption rewrites a affidavit completed in 1981 by Michael Freedman — about an absolute arrangement of discs — afterwards years of aloof application on the California coast. Freedman’s affidavit answered a catechism that at the time was one of the best important baffling questions in mathematics, and the defining botheration in Freedman’s field, topology.
Freedman’s affidavit acquainted miraculous. Nobody at the time believed it could possibly assignment — until Freedman alone abiding some of the best admired bodies in the field. But while he won over his contemporaries, the accounting affidavit is so abounding of gaps and omissions that its argumentation is absurd to chase unless you acquire Freedman, or addition who abstruse the affidavit from him, continuing over your acquire allegorical you.
“I apparently didn’t amusement the account of the accounting absolute as anxiously as I should have,” said Freedman, who today leads a Microsoft analysis accumulation at the University of California, Santa Barbara focused on architecture a breakthrough computer.
Consequently, the phenomenon of Freedman’s affidavit has achromatic into myth.
Today, few mathematicians acquire what he did, and those who do are crumbling out of the field. The aftereffect is that analysis involving his affidavit has withered. About no one gets the capital result, and some mathematicians acquire alike questioned whether it’s absolute at all.
In a 2012 column on MathOverflow, one commenter referred to the affidavit as a “monstrosity of a paper” and said he had “never met a mathematician who could argue me that he or she accustomed Freedman’s proof.”
The new book is the best accomplishment yet to fix the situation. It is a accord by bristles adolescent advisers who were captivated by the adorableness of Freedman’s affidavit and capital to accord it new life. Over about 500 pages, it spells out the accomplish of Freedman’s altercation in complete detail, application clear, constant terminology. The ambition was to about-face this important but aloof allotment of mathematics into commodity that a motivated undergraduate could apprentice in a semester.
“There is annihilation larboard to the acuteness anymore,” said Arunima Ray of the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in Bonn, co-editor of the book forth with Stefan Behrens of Bielefeld University, Boldizsár Kalmár of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Min Hoon Kim of Chonnam National University in South Korea, and Mark Powell of Durham University in the U.K. “It’s all nailed down.”
In 1974, Michael Freedman was 23 years old, and he had his eye on one of the better problems in topology, a acreage of algebraic which studies the basal characteristics of spaces, or manifolds, as mathematicians accredit to them.
It was alleged the Poincaré conjecture, afterwards the French mathematician Henri Poincaré, who’d airish it in 1904. Poincaré predicted that any shape, or manifold, with assertive all-encompassing characteristics charge be equivalent, or homeomorphic, to the sphere. (Two manifolds are homeomorphic aback you can booty all the credibility on one and map them over to credibility on the added while advancement about distances amid points, so that credibility that are abutting calm on the aboriginal assorted abide abutting calm on the second.)
Poincaré was accurately cerebration of three-dimensional manifolds, but mathematicians went on to accede manifolds of all dimensions. They additionally wondered if the assumption captivated for two types of manifolds. The aboriginal type, accustomed as a “smooth” manifold, doesn’t acquire any appearance like aciculate corners, acceptance you to accomplish calculus at every point. The second, accustomed as a “topological” manifold, can acquire corners breadth calculus is impossible.
By the time Freedman started assignment on the problem, mathematicians had fabricated a lot of advance on the conjecture, including analytic the topological adaptation of it in ambit 5 and higher.
Freedman focused on the four-dimensional topological conjecture. It declared that any topological assorted that’s a four-dimensional “homotopy” sphere, which is about agnate to a four-dimensional sphere, is in actuality homeomorphic (strongly equivalent) to the four-dimensional sphere.
“The catechism we’re allurement is, [for the four-sphere], is there a aberration amid these two notions of equivalence?” said Ray.
The four-dimensional adaptation was arguably the hardest adaptation of Poincaré’s problem. This is due in allotment to the actuality that the accoutrement mathematicians acclimated to break the assumption in college ambit don’t assignment in the added accountable ambience of four dimensions. (Another adversary for the hardest adaptation of the catechism is the three-dimensional Poincaré conjecture, which wasn’t credible until 2002, by Grigori Perelman.)
At the time Freedman set to work, no one had any absolutely developed abstraction for how to break it — acceptation that if he was activity to succeed, he was activity to acquire to ad-lib berserk new mathematics.
Before accepting into how he accustomed the Poincaré conjecture, it’s account digging a little added into what the catechism is absolutely asking.
A four-dimensional homotopy apple can be characterized by the way curves fatigued central it collaborate with anniversary other: The alternation tells you commodity capital about the beyond amplitude in which they’re interacting.
In the four-dimensional case, these curves will be two-dimensional planes (and in general, the curves will be at best bisected the ambit of the beyond amplitude they’re fatigued inside). To acquire the basal setup, it’s easier to accede a simpler archetype involving credible curves intersecting central two-dimensional space, like this:

These curves acquire commodity alleged an algebraic circle number. To account this number, assignment larboard to appropriate and accredit a −1 to every abode they bisect in which the arc is ascendance and a 1 to every abode they bisect breadth the arc is descending. In this example, the leftmost circle gets a −1 and the rightmost circle gets a 1. Add them calm and you get the algebraic circle cardinal for these two curves: 0.
A homotopy apple has the affection that any brace of half-dimensional curves fatigued central it has an algebraic circle cardinal of 0.
This is accurate for the approved sphere, too. But the approved apple additionally has a hardly altered acreage accompanying to intersections: You can consistently draw two curves so that they don’t bisect anniversary added at all. So while a homotopy apple has the acreage that a brace of curves consistently has an algebraic circle cardinal of 0, the approved apple has the acreage that any brace of curves can be afar from anniversary added so that they acquire a geometric circle cardinal of 0. That is, they absolutely don’t bisect at all.
For Freedman to prove the four-dimensional Poincaré conjecture, he bare to appearance that it’s consistently attainable to booty accurate pairs of curves with algebraic circle 0 and “push” them off anniversary added so that their geometric circle cardinal is still 0. If you acquire pairs of curves with algebraic circle 0, and you prove you can consistently advance them apart, you prove that the amplitude they’re anchored in charge be the approved sphere.
“It’s like amusing break for these half-dimensional submanifolds,” said Ray.
Previous assignment on higher-dimensional versions of the botheration had accustomed a adjustment for accomplishing this. It complex attractive for altar alleged Whitney discs, which are collapsed two-dimensional spaces belted by the curves you appetite to separate.
These discs become a affectionate of adviser for a algebraic action alleged isotopy in which you move two curves abroad from anniversary other. The attendance of these collapsed Whitney discs ensures that it’s attainable to gradually about-face the arcing ambit down. As you do so, the disc starts to vanish, like a ambience sun. Eventually, the disc disappears completely, and the curves acquire been separated.
“The Whitney disc is giving you the aisle of the isotopy. You’re continuously affective one ambit until the two curves are separate. The disc is like a alley map for this process,” said Ray.
Freedman’s capital task, as he confronted the four-dimensional Poincaré conjecture, was to prove that these collapsed Whitney discs were present whenever you had a brace of intersecting curves with algebraic circle 0. Establishing that it was accurate took Freedman to doubtful new heights of mathematics.
As Freedman worked, he confronted a accurate barrier block that comes up in four dimensions. He bare to prove that it’s consistently attainable to abstracted intersecting two-dimensional curves — to advance them off anniversary added — and to do that he had to authorize the attendance of Whitney discs, which ensure the break is possible.
The agitation is that in four dimensions, the two-dimensional Whitney discs can bisect themselves, rather than lying flat. The places that a disc intersects itself anatomy obstructions to the action of sliding one ambit off the other. You can anticipate of the self-intersection as a snag that catches one of your curves as you’re aggravating to cull it off the other.
“The disc was declared to advice me, but it turns out the disc additionally intersects itself,” said Ray.
So Freedman bare to prove that it’s consistently attainable to disengage the places the Whitney discs bisect themselves, lay them collapsed and again advance with the separation. Luckily for him, he wouldn’t be starting from scratch. In the 1970s, a mathematician alleged Andrew Casson came up with a action for removing the self-intersections from discs.
The point of the discs is to authorize that it’s attainable to abstracted curves so that they don’t intersect. If a disc itself contains an intersection, the adjustment for abating it is the same: Attending for a additional disc belted by the intersecting genitalia of the aboriginal disc. If you acquisition that additional disc, you apperceive you can adamant out the circle in the aboriginal disc.
OK, but what if the additional disc — which is allowance the aboriginal disc — additionally intersects itself? Again you attending for a third disc independent in the additional disc. However, that disc could bisect itself as well, so you attending for a fourth disc, and the action goes on, forever, bearing an absolute assemblage of discs central discs — all erected in the achievement of establishing that the aboriginal disc, all the way at the bottom, can be fabricated to not bisect itself.
Casson accustomed that these “Casson handles” are about agnate to absolute Whitney discs — homotopy equivalent, to put it added absolutely — and he acclimated this adequation to investigate abounding important questions in four-dimensional topology. But he could not prove that Casson handles are agnate to discs in an alike stronger faculty — that they’re homeomorphic to discs. This stronger adequation is what mathematicians bare in adjustment to use the handles to prove the better attainable catechism of all.
“If we appearance these are absolute 18-carat discs, we could prove the Poincaré assumption and a accomplished agglomeration of added things in ambit four,” said Ray. “But [Casson] couldn’t do it.”
It took Freedman seven years, from 1974 to 1981, but he managed it. Best of that time he about talked to anyone about what he was up to, save his beforehand aide Robert Edwards, who served as a affectionate of mentor.
“He bound himself up for seven years in [San Diego] to anticipate about this. He didn’t collaborate abundant with anybody abroad while he was addition it out,” said Peter Teichner of the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics.

Robion Kirby, now at the University of California, Berkeley, was one of the aboriginal mathematicians to apprentice about Freedman’s proof. To appraise the consequence of above algebraic results, Kirby tries to brainstorm how continued it would acquire taken afore addition abroad came up with it, and by this accustomed Freedman’s affidavit is the best amazing aftereffect Kirby has credible in his continued career.
“If he hadn’t done it, I can’t brainstorm who would acquire for I don’t apperceive how long,” said Kirby.
Freedman bare to prove that Casson handles were acerb agnate to collapsed Whitney discs: If you acquire a Casson handle, you acquire a Whitney disc, and if you acquire a Whitney disc, you can abstracted curves, and if you can abstracted curves, you’ve accustomed that the homotopy apple is homeomorphic to the absolute sphere.
His action was to appearance that you can body both altar — the Casson handle and the collapsed Whitney disc — out of the aforementioned set of pieces. The abstraction was that if you can body two things out of the aforementioned pieces, they charge be agnate in some sense. Freedman began the architecture action and got appealing far with it: He could body about all of the Casson handle and about all of the disc with the aforementioned components.
But there were places breadth he couldn’t absolutely complete the account — as if he were creating a account and there were some aspects of his subject’s face he couldn’t see. His aftermost move, then, was to prove that those gaps in his account — the places he couldn’t see — didn’t bulk from the standpoint of the blazon of adequation he was after. That is, the gaps in the account could not possibly anticipate the Casson handle from actuality homeomorphic to the disc, no bulk what they contained.
“I acquire two jigsaw puzzles and 99 out of 100 pieces match. Are these extra $.25 absolutely alteration my space? Freedman showed they’re not,” said Ray.
To accomplish this final move, Freedman drew on techniques from an breadth of algebraic alleged Bing topology, afterwards the mathematician R.H. Bing, who developed it in the 1940s and ’50s. But he activated them in a absolutely atypical ambience to accomplish a cessation that seemed about absurd — that in the end, the gaps didn’t matter.
“That’s what fabricated the affidavit so arresting and fabricated it so absurd that anybody abroad would acquire begin it,” said Kirby.
Freedman completed his outline of the affidavit in the summer of 1981. The factors that would ultimately abode it at accident of actuality absent to algebraic anamnesis became credible anon after.
Freedman appear his affidavit at a baby appointment at the University of California, San Diego, that August. About 10 of the best admired mathematicians, with the best adventitious of compassionate Freedman’s work, attended.
Ahead of the accident he beatific out copies of a 20-page handwritten arrangement analogue his proof. On the conference’s additional evening, Freedman began presenting his work. He couldn’t accomplishment in one sitting, so his allocution agitated over to the abutting night. Aback he finished, his baby admirers was addled — Freedman’s mentor, Edwards, amid them. In a 2019 account about the proceedings, Edwards recalled the faculty of shock — and skepticism — with which Freedman’s allocution was received.
“I anticipate it’s fair to say that anybody in the admirers begin his presentations to be both extraordinary and incomprehensible, cerebration that his account were absurd and crazy,” Edwards said.
Freedman’s affidavit seemed doubtful in ample allotment because it wasn’t absolutely fleshed out. He had an abstraction for how the affidavit should go and a strong, about aberrant intuition that the access would work. But he hadn’t absolutely agitated it out all the way.
“I couldn’t brainstorm how Mike had the assumption to advertise a affidavit aback he was so all-a-quiver on the details,” said Kirby, who additionally abounding the conference.
But afterward, several mathematicians backward to allocution with Freedman. The consequence of the abeyant aftereffect seemed to arete that, at least. Afterwards two added canicule of conversation, Edwards had abundant of a faculty of what Freedman was aggravating to do to appraise whether it absolutely worked. And on the aboriginal Saturday morning afterwards the conference, he accomplished that it did.
“[Edwards] said, ‘I’m the aboriginal being who absolutely knows this is true,’” said Kirby.
Once Edwards was convinced, he helped argue others. And in a way, that was enough. There is no aerial agency of mathematics that clearly certifies after-effects as correct. The absolute action by which a new account is accustomed is added informal, relying on the acceptance of the associates of the algebraic association who are declared to apperceive best.
“Truth in mathematics agency you argue the experts that your affidavit is correct. Again it becomes true,” said Teichner. “Freedman assertive all the experts that his affidavit is correct.”
But that by itself was not abundant to advertise the aftereffect through the field. To do that, Freedman bare a accounting account of the affidavit that bodies who had never met him could apprehend and apprentice on their own. And that is what he never produced.

Freedman submitted the outline of his affidavit — which was all he absolutely had — to the Account of Differential Geometry. The journal’s editor, Shing-Tung Yau, assigned it to an alfresco able for analysis afore chief whether to broadcast it — a accustomed aegis in all bookish publishing. But the being he assigned it to was hardly an cold expert: Robert Edwards.
The analysis still took time. The affidavit itself was 50 pages long, and Edwards begin he was autograph a folio of close algebraic addendum for anniversary folio of the proof. Weeks passed, and the editors of the account grew restless. Edwards accustomed approved calls from the journal’s secretary allurement if he had a adjudication on the angary of the proof. In that aforementioned 2019 account Edwards explained that finally, he told the account the affidavit was right, alike admitting he knew he hadn’t had time to absolutely analysis it out.
“The abutting time the secretary alleged I said ‘Yes, the cardboard is correct, I assure you. But I can’t accomplish a able referee’s abode any time soon.’ So they absitively to acquire and appear it as it was,” he said.
The cardboard appeared in 1982. It independent typos and misspellings and was still finer the aforementioned outline Freedman had broadcast appropriate afterwards he’d accomplished the work. Anyone aggravating to apprehend it would charge to ample in abounding accomplish of the wholly atypical altercation on their own.
The limitations of the appear commodity were axiomatic appropriate away, but no one stepped advanced to abode them. Freedman confused on to added assignment and chock-full lecturing on his Poincaré proof. About a decade later, in 1990, a book appeared that approved to present a added attainable adaptation of the proof. It was by Freedman and Frank Quinn, now at the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, admitting it was primarily accounting by Quinn.
The book adaptation was hardly added readable. It affected readers brought a assertive bulk of accomplishments ability to the book that about no one absolutely had. There was no way to apprehend it and apprentice the affidavit from the arena up.
“If you were advantageous abundant to be about those bodies who accustomed the proof, you could still apprentice it,” said Teichner. “But bodies who went aback to the [written] sources accomplished they couldn’t.”
And for decades, that is breadth things remained: One of the best amazing after-effects in the history of mathematics was accustomed by a few bodies and aloof to anybody else.
The blow of the algebraic apple ability acquire confused on as Freedman had, but his affidavit was too awe-inspiring to absolutely ignore. So the association acclimatized to the aberrant set of circumstances. Abounding advisers adopted Freedman’s affidavit as a atramentous box. If you acquire his affidavit is absolute you can prove lots of added theorems about four-dimensional manifolds, and affluence of mathematicians did.
“If you aloof acquire that it’s true, you can go and use it in abounding ways,” said Powell. “But that doesn’t beggarly you appetite to booty aggregate on faith.”
And over time, as adolescent advisers entered mathematics and could accept to assignment in any breadth they wanted, beneath chose to assignment with the affidavit at all.
Freedman understood. “It’s not so acceptable to assignment in an breadth breadth you don’t acquire the axiological theorem,” he said. “Basically, the bearings arose breadth no one beneath 40 years old knew the proof, and it was a little alarming that this bit of advice ability eventually be lost.”
It was at this point that Teichner — who’d abstruse the affidavit in the aboriginal 1990s from Freedman himself — absitively to barrage a accomplishment mission. He capital to actualize a argument that would acquiesce any able being to apprentice the affidavit on their own.
“I absitively it’s about time we address commodity you can understand,” he said.
Teichner began by activity beeline aback to the source. In 2013 he asked Freedman to accord a alternation of lectures over the advance of a division at the Max Planck Institute anecdotic the affidavit — a modern-day adaptation of the talks he’d delivered 30 years beforehand to advertise the result. Freedman agreed eagerly.
“He was absolutely afraid it would be lost. That’s why he was so supportive,” said Teichner.
Back in 1981, Freedman had lectured to a scattering of chief abstracts in the acreage — the experts he bare to win over. This time his admirers was a accumulation of 50 adolescent mathematicians Teichner had brought calm to accept the baton. The lectures, which Freedman delivered by video augment from his appointment in Santa Barbara, were an accident unto themselves in the cartography world.
“In my academy we acclimated to acquire Friday afternoon Freedman lectures, breadth we’d get a beer and watch him allocution about his proof,” said Ray, who was a alum apprentice at Rice University in Houston at the time.
After the lectures the mathematician Stefan Behrens led an accomplishment to about-face Freedman’s animadversion into added academic address notes. Several years later, in 2016, Powell and added mathematicians, including Behrens, delivered a new alternation of lectures based on those notes, continuing the action of transforming Freedman’s assignment into commodity added durable.

“Mark gave lectures and we started bushing in added and added capacity to those address addendum and again it array of went from there,” said Ray.
Over the abutting bristles years, Powell, Ray and their three co-editors organized a aggregation of mathematicians to about-face Freedman’s affidavit into a book. The final product, appear in July, is about 500 pages and includes contributions from 20 altered authors. Freedman hopes the book will abate analysis in the breadth of algebraic he revolutionized.
How To Write A Ray In Geometry – How To Write A Ray In Geometry
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